Philosophy For Us Dummies

dummies-----I don’t think we’ve figured out what it’s all about…what’s it about, for us dummies?

IDK but us dummies are not inferior to the great ilp philosophers…

He was a Christian. So no, or we are dealing with a dissociative personality disorder.

well us dummies…what do we have here on ilp…tyrannus is on a roll…jay and kat are figuring out death…
what are we dummies to do…

most of my free time is spent thinking about baseball… it keeps this dummy occupied…

river------I am glad to hear about the vr dummy…

I am thinking about that death thing…I am thinking too much…on to something with less stress…

turtle-----have you ever tried carpentry? …nothing major, just a little wood working, to make a small thing or other.

a box, a picture frame, a nicely sanded block…anything really.

it works for me…

von Rivers

I tried drawing one time. I do not think that i can draw - except perhaps with words. I sat down one pleasant evening and began to draw my snake plant. Do you know what a snake plant looks like? :laughing: It took me three solid hours to draw that thing. Where did the time ever go? It did look like a snake plant and that is all i can say…except that i so enjoyed the experience. I was totally in the zone for three hours…time either moved on or stood still for that time. I was so content with my achievent - such that it was.

I think that it was a moment of ineffable contemplation. One may communicate most intimately with a snake plant than with another human. I must have made that snake plant’s day.

And what is the philosophical lesson to be learned here? :-k

oh my god-----what is the philosophical lesson???

turtle raises a good question.

arc, i’m not familiar with snake plants… but i get what you’re saying. it’s a good example of what i was saying.

i think creatures such as us are naturally creative, and that an economy centered around specialization, small tasks, repetition, often does us a disservice. it’s good to broaden horizons… to drawing, or elsewhere.

you were in the zone, dialed in, locked on, in tune, bending space and time by being absorbed in something.

I really like what arc and river are saying…they are talking positive stuff…

ilp has become very negative…the focus is on all the shit in the world…we have persons on ilp who tear down anything good and focus on the bad…you know who they are…

hello us dummies…I continue to be amazed at how intelligent life on earth developed from carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen…

I still think an intelligent God brought these things together; but that’s a minority opinion.

how did an intelligent god do it…

By being a part of it.

how did an intelligent god do it…
By being a part of it.
what part exactly…

By being a part of it.
what part exactly…
I am a part of all that is. I am a part of you and both are part of all that is.

what part exactly…
I am a part of all that is. I am a part of you and both are part of all that is.
I don’t believe you are a part of me…

It’s interesting to note that a-part of it literally and figuratively deconstructs the concept apart. Apart implies little or no referentiality,whereas the former imples very direct relationship.

Yes. My beliefs are panentheistic.