The Event Set

The Event Set

In the beginning there was solid entities, no movements, only blocks of solid state or void or atoms fixed in stable positions, etc. No movements, no events (although there are always some events occuring since absolute zero can never be achieved and photons constantly interact with atoms and virtual particles of the quantum void constantly pop up out of nowhere, etc.). But the random events of particles colliding, of atoms colliding of different temperature ranges creating all kinds of aggregations, sets and delimitations of Matter in the universe from hot stellar plasmas at the center of stars to completely still - static and frozen planets far from stars create an Event and eventually Event Sets, repetitive events occuring creating repetitive patterns, formatting of reality, the frequency modulation of matter upon itself and the frequency modulation of a frequency modulation creating ever more repetitive structures creating all kinds of Event Sets defined by the point like events occuring within a cube of Matter and how they self organize themselves etc.

And within this delimited area of any size, the events create regularity, create molecules, temporary machine like entities (like biological machines and molecules and reactions within cells, etc.): but any Event Set may be imposed, invented, evolved or whatever upon any delimited cube of Matter and hence, when any kind of Observer - Processor entity emerges from a given Event Set, that Observer may experience and “live within” any kind of possible universe (from the observer’s point of view, since there is in fact no universe at all, only the Event Set a Processor is trapped within and interacting within) having any kinds of regularities, interaction sets, information relationship sets, etc.

So Events create reality, only things happening, only recording of the history of things occuring and repeating create reality, and in fact we are all based on time slots, frequencies, the Human Machine is based on the frequency of heart beats, computers have a clock cycle, something must be constantly interacting, colliding, measuring, something must be constantly happening to be “alive” so to say, there is no reality outside events, only a skeleton of modes of interactions that will be generated as with molecules in living items, the reactions all occuring in parallel and synchronized and the information flows amongst these molecules and electrical signals in Man Brains decoding the world according to the arbitrary Event Set this brain is trapped within, etc.

But since we can design any kinds of events and Event Set, any kind of Processor can be trapped within it and live any kind of life, experience and universe. The Event Set defines both the Universe and the Processor observing that universe.

The Processor can create any elaborate and complex circuit defining the meaning of events, how they relate to its rules and memories and feelings and sense organs, how the interfaced machine to said processor interacts with the outside reality through other events, hence a set of events etc.

We can also invert it all, all upside down, the event sets can become solids and the atoms all events, for example, just like music can define a solid reality and the brain become a sound wave and so forth : interesting how music explicitly makes us aware of the events occuring, how real it seems, since it is all frequencies and things constantly changing, all modulations and interlocking and snychronized frquencies, relationships, just like computers executing programs are all interlocking and frequencies of bits flowing in a repetitive pattern with decision points, etc.

The events create the world, Matter, Reality, the Universe: create a new set of events, interlocking and synchronized events occuring in the most variable way, in the most random point in time and space and with repetitive patterns and regularities of all kinds and you can create the Universe with the most incredible possible experiences and lives occuring…wildy new Laws of Physics, etc.


Therein lay the fantasy.

It is all a question of static and moving, what is the fixed skeleton upon which the events express themselves, the circuits are the static fixed plan, project within which the signals will cross, the signals are the events but without a fixed static substrate you couldn’t express the events and signals as they vary compared to the fixed substrate.

So you need an arbitrary fixed chunk of Matter compared to an arbitrary varying frequency upon it, hence these are all variables and can be designed as any at all. The spectrum going from static - solid - frozen to high frequency and trillions of events occuring in parallel like in the center of Star plasmas is analog, can vary linearly, you can have any amount of the Event Set and Experience Space and Information Realtionship Sets divided into any amount of fixed and varying, static and moving, any precentage of fixed compared to varying, etc.

Sound and Music express this well, you see that the essence of the information and perception is frequency, is a waveform, etc. and indeed even images and sights are something that can be perceived only through circuits that are active, alive, that have constant frequencies occuring amongst themselves, constant events and signals that make the eye brain machine work, since that is how the brain perceives images and all else, through signals and frequencies and moving against static, although I suspect that images and pictures are being perceived through circuits having much higher frequency signals and events flowing through them compared to sound wave circuits.

But consider: if 0 is static and 10 is moving what is 4, 456, -4.56 ? and I don’t mean amount of moving or static but completely new properties that are related (as in free physics) with these entities, as place holders, etc.

And consider if 0 is sound and 100 is image, what is 34 or 3566 or -7.5678 ? and I don’t mean amount of sound or image but completely new properties that are related (as in free physics) with these entities, as place holders, etc. But you can also INVENT (as all that counts is inventing and playing around and playing “make believe”) that this can mean mixed properties or even morphed properties (music morphing into images, or a track of music morphing into another track), but also completely new properties unrelated or related that signal new wicked possibilities, etc.

also check out:


and for music we can imagine tracks of music morphing into other tracks linearly…