Thinking about the END OF HISTORY.

I’ll define what the scientific method means to me.

Not only am I talking about the whole hypothesis → specific prediction → test/experiement → analysis deal, but also, importantly, about how to choose between competing theories.

I do think wisdom is beyond science in the sense that science aims to refine the data you have and wisdom requires putting meaning to the data and having the experience to know where x leads. I find it hard to imagine wisdom without some form of science as a part of what led to it.

According to Ernst Nolte science is a historical existential. So, if there will be no history, than there will be also no more science, but that does not mean, that there will also be no more wisdom, but that means, that there will be “merely” less wisdom. Less wisdom! Bad times. :frowning:

Is the end of history where humanity destroys itself? Curious people want to know.

If humans destroy themselves, then it means the end of human evolution:
If humans destroy history or historical existentials / historical cultures, then it means the end of history.

Perhaps the humans only start to destroy and the machines will bring it to the end and destroy all humans: the end of human evolution.
Perhaps the humans only start to destroy and the machines will fail, so that some humans will survive without any history: the end of history.

All examples you used being very probable.

Modern technological industrial society worldwide will eventually collapse. Things in motion now are speeding up that process. It’s an inevitability.

However, out of the ashes of this collapsed civilization globally lies opportunities for the creation of entirely new cultures, societies, and civilizations.

A new history can emerge even upon the destruction of the older variation.

Yes, of course.

Yes, that is right and what I have been saying for a long time.


Probably - it will be where we had gradually but surely destroyed the Earth - if we don’t wake up! Then, poof, we will go the way of Venus. :cry:

[size=150]No.[/size] End of history does absolutely [size=150]not[/size] mean end of planet Earth. End of history does also [size=150]not[/size] mean end of evolution. End of history means merely end of history.

The end of history means the end of historical existentials.

The end of history means the end of historical existenctials. This historical existenctials are about 6000 years old. So, human history ([size=150]not[/size] human evolution) is also about 6000 years old.

This film does not refer to the end of history. :cry: :blush:

Well, I agree that the end of history doesn’t necessitate the end of Man, but I don’t see how the end of Man couldn’t also mean the end of history.

I haven’t read Herr Nolte’s book but from what I’ve gleaned from the included quotes, haven’t these ideas, though more contemporary, already been expounded in principal by both Nietzsche and Spengler? The term “End of History” somewhat misleadingly is often used as defining the end of an epoch and not something relating to an actual end as in the Martian Chronicles where Earthlings redefine themselves as Martians because the earth no longer exists as habitable after a nuclear war.

Also, I appreciate the inclusion of the original German. The source is always best!

The end of development at all includes necessarily both the end of evolution and the end of history; the end of evolution includes necessarily the end of history; but the end of history does [size=120]not[/size] include the end of development or the end of evolution.

So your “end of man” includes the end of history, because the end of man means the end of the human evolution (which includes - of course - the end of history). History, as far as we know, is merely a human history or just a history of those humans who make and/or are involved in human history.

Examples of historical existentials again:

[size=120]• Religion (God/Gods, a.s.o);
• Rule (leadership, a.s.o.);
• Nobleness (nobility, a.s.o.);
• Classes;
• State;
• Great War;
• City and country as contrast;
• Education, especially in schools and universities;
• Science;
• Order of sexulality / demographics, economics;
• Historiography / awareness of history![/size]

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Yes, the source is always the best.

In my OP is said that Hegel was the first with the idea of the end of history:

And the universe won’t even blink an eye if it had any.

I think Oswald Spengler did a brilliant job articulating the end of Western civilization.

Arminius if you haven’t yet read his book Man And Technics. Brilliant articulations to be found there.

that will be very sad

Inevitable. All annihilation is.