Will heathendom (pagandom) bring freedom back to us?

By loving the words of their fathers.

That is probably the reason why they can not be as successful as the former missionaries were. Maybe that is also the reason why some heathens of this forum (I don’t mean you and some others) don’t answer my questions, because they are no real but marketed, merchandised heathens. Nonetheless I appreciate their reservation, but with a mere reservation they can not so easiliy become more as they would, if they were less reserved, less distant. But probably there is no other way, if an honest religion is exercised. However: a marketed heathen seems to be similar to - for example -a marketed hippie, or a marketed punk, or a marketed rapper.

My questions can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here.

Moreno, you are the only one who has answered one of those questions, namely this one: You are no heathen, aren’t you? Your indirect answer “As a heathen, I think …”. Thank you.

I think any modern human coming out of the mish mosh of paradigms they are bathed in by family school friends and media is going to have to be rather dedicated to get into any ideology or world view. That said, I see no problem with such a person finding a book about some specific form of paganism and, say, realizing, this is it. I knew it. That is what i feel. And using this experience and book to connect to others, develop practices, values and deepen the outlook. Just because the author went through a publishing house and the book was marketed does not mean it is more tainted than coming from some priest who is sent out by the marketers in the Vatican. The modern convert, however, I think, has a different challenge than the earlier ones since he or she must actually figure out what ideas are being left behind. At least a tribal member in AFrica or a Celt or a native american could probably lay out fairly quickly the general outline of his or her beliefs AND actually be correct. Modern people shift through 10 paradigms in half an hour. What rituals will they have to give up? What beliefs will no longer be considered true? What is their sense of self? All this is so muddled and cluttered and contradictory. I’ll bet it creeps in all the time unnoticed, and even the missionaries have a hard time picking it up.

My version of heathenism is put off by the current physicalist paradigm where everything, including life forms, including humans, are seen as modular chemical machines that we have the intelligence and wisdom to manipulate. My heathenism does not experience a dead universe with life and sentience as radical exceptions, especially the latter. I find the hypocritical application of scientific methodology to all matters (except when it suits ‘them’) incredibly damaging and pretty stupid, actually. Many people are pretty limited, but this is no reason for me to assume that I cannot understand things via other processes. For me it first important to extricate the mind and emotions from the grip of limiting hateful memes. Tied to this is noticing what is actually happening out there and in me.

That’s a start, I think at answering your questions, not in terms of should, but more what I connect with my heathenism.

Do you know any native american?

I have known some, but not in a Close friend sort of way.

The set of things not heathen, I Think, lacks the solution. So if freedom comes back it will be via non-Abrahamic routes. Or freedom increases might be a better way to put it. There is some swingroom or there would be no hope. (I suppose I am also a heathen in relation to monoepistemologies like scientism.)

Or it will be without history as it was more than 6000 years ago.

Perhaps it will be the history of creative acts, trends and discoveries and not the crap we had to memorize in high school. Crap in the sense of not useful in the form given and crap in the sense that it was generally a history of wars and ‘great men’, those parts that were true that is.

My tentative answer was blocked by moderation and then buried in the thread. I’m quoting it:

I posted Polonius as an example of advice from a loving father, not as intended to be THE way to live.

So,like,not your words.

Polonius was well-intentioned, but pretty muddleheaded and couldn’t follow his own advice.

Like many parents :slight_smile:

A “heathen” may draw his motivation for a good conduct in honoring his ancestry…
To not engage in actions that would shame his name.
To love his parents and grandparents and those that came before so that he wishes to make them proud.
To have self pride and self love from belonging to this lineage/culture, and to wish to preserve it.

What if a serious break from that lineage needs to be made?

And I said, So,like,not your words.
Since I got the impression you are a woman.

The only situation in which such a break would occur would be in the case in which the parents failed to… indoctrinate the child with their values, or that the child has broken from his indoctrination, such that his values differ from those of his ancestry.
In this case, one may embrace the values of a different culture and begin a new tradition by passing it along to his children.

If you can’t draw motivation from your ancestry, you can draw it from becoming ancestry… for your descendants.

If you don’t want to have children, then who cares? Piss on your food and shit on your bed and hope to die soon :slight_smile:

From my use of “fathers”?
It is meant as ancestry, think nothing of it.
And from what do you gather I am female? By the “a” at the end of the name, the female form of the word?

That is what a heathen should do, yes.

Actually it is what all human beings should do, but nihilistic human beings are not able to do.

So the question is not only heathendom versus monotheism, but also heathendom versus nihilism.

Another name for that is “Blind Faith”.

Would you care to elaborate, dear?

Your proposal was that a “proper heathen” would always simply have pride in his ancestors and/or culture. But inevitably, one discovers that their ancestors weren’t quite right about a lot of things. Your suggestion is that they continue to follow the ways of the ancestors regardless of what they learn. That is what we call “Blind Faith”. That is what “Christians”, Jews, and Muslims are already doing.

Should we say “heathendom / monotheism / nihilism versus … (put in the right word) …”?

Probably we can’t overcome monotheism because it exists and -especially - because we know that it exists. So we can’t forget it or it will take a very long time to forget it. A very Long time, although not als long as it takes to forget nihilism and especially the meaning of nihilism.

What brings the greatest freedom ever achieved is, in effect, going through monotheism, beyond it. If you were to totally destroy it, it would merely come back again, and probably with a vengeance.

The actual problem with monotheism that inhibits freedom is the presumption of socialism = reaching for too much control over too much and too many. What yields more power, leads to too much power. That is the state that Man finds himself in over and over.

By “working through monotheism”, one discovers cooperative distribution of wealth of power. At that point, there is never too much power because the wealth is never concentrated. The concentration of the wealth is the foundation of “too much”.

Heathenism merely breaks up power into chaos, reducing the total power and thus allowing for certain freedoms if there had been too much, but also taking away productive power and thus reducing opportunities and thus reducing freedoms. So yes, certain freedoms would return through heathenism. But certain freedoms would also be removed.

Much like Science, the real answers are beyond the current mindset. Merely removing the current accomplishes nothing but temporary chaos while a different regime takes over and reestablishes the same ole story but with new weapons added to ensure that it cannot be defeated again.

Thus in the long run, heathenism brings less freedom, not more because what didn’t completely kill it, made it stronger.