Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

I veto this request! I have no veto power, but hear me out:

I’m still not used to mr reasonable. Everyone here (and I don’t think I speak only for myself) knows this man as “smears”–I just can’t get that name out of my head–and now he wants to change it to “sandwich”? I mean, I get that it matches the avatar and all, but “smears” sticks for some reason and I wish he’d just revert it back.

Post 1000. Congratulations!

And who is that nice man?

That’s me of course. The masked avenger. :laughing: :sunglasses: :evilfun:

I see. :laughing:

That’s you of course, Laughing Man. Laughing behind a mask.

Great! :laughing:

Just wait until you see what I am going to do for Halloween. :evilfun:

I went to mexico for halloween last year.

Okay, so I’ll see you in Wien. “Hallo Wien” means “hello Vienna”. :laughing:

Back at Mum’s. Packing shit and waiting til Wednesday for removalist. I love it here - I feel great! :smiley:


…so Fuse gets flowers and I get an award :open_mouth:

I never get flowers :crying-blue:

Thanks though :slight_smile:

He-lloooooooo sexy :wink:

:laughing: Well, as they say, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. You’ve just affirmed that, Magsjy.
i kind of think that bats are cute, when they’re not smiling.

look at this little guy!.jpg


You seen the ‘If you flip a photo of bats hanging upside down, they look like they’re having an amazing dance-off.’ photo? :laughing:

That image that you put in, MagsJ, of the dancing bats was soooooooooooooo cool. I wonder who choreographed it?

Excuse me, but the first award must be different from the second award, and Fuse has got the first award, and you have got the second award.

I had expected you to win the 1st prize and the flowers already in my left hand size=150[/size], but then Fuse came and won quickly [size=150]([/size] :astonished: [size=90]but also [/size] =D> [size=150])[/size].

Good luck for the next contest, Mags! :slight_smile:

This is the only snake I find aesthetically appealing, Atheris hispida. I’m even thinking of changing my name to Atheris, but it kind of sounds too serious for somebody like me. Then again, my current one is unfit too now that I have come to terms with my sexuality.

…you mean your asexualness? Must have been all those threesomes you partook in… most probably wore the novelty of sex right off.

Are you the little boy in the picture Eric?