Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

Oh my god - he’s the cutest. Aside from being a “beast”, is he a beast? I love animals.

Those lounge pants look rather comfy.

The dog isn’t wearing lounge pants, it is merely lounging. You shouldn’t look at a hairy mutt dog on a couch, and take fashion inspiration from it. It’s unbecoming of a woman.

I’m coming to your house, he looks like wants to play catch.

Hey, don’t insult the beautiful beast. I think it’s fur is gorgeous and a nice bronze color (I think).
Look at the likes of you - always walking around with a cat on your head. :stuck_out_tongue:

The first one does. He’s expecting something.
The second image looks like he’s already played too much catch. He’s pleasantly exhausted and asleep.

:laughing: :laughing:

Cheesy, I love it.

Well, I can get down and dirty with the rest of them. :banana-rock: :banana-jumprope: :banana-explosion: :banana-guitar:
Carpe Diem, Blurry

Tell that to this woman.

I live in a shady neighborhood, and everyone’s afraid of him. He looks adorable, but he’s very territorial and his bark is incredibly deep.

The weather’s crappy in FL, but he wouldn’t mind.

:laughing: He does.

Atheris hispida sounds like a queen with a lisp. I wouldn’t do it if I were… (oops, too late)

My handsome brother -


Get any consideration with this guy around?


A very self conscious young chap, recovering from Anorexia

My First Post

Is that you or your brother in the last pic? if so, you look alike :slight_smile:

I won’t post a picture, but you can take it from me, I’m big, black, and beautiful.

I also lie.

So you’re not beautiful?

I’m hideous.


How does it figure? From my loving personality, from my remarkable wits?