Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

The dog isn’t wearing lounge pants, it is merely lounging. You shouldn’t look at a hairy mutt dog on a couch, and take fashion inspiration from it. It’s unbecoming of a woman.

I’m coming to your house, he looks like wants to play catch.

Hey, don’t insult the beautiful beast. I think it’s fur is gorgeous and a nice bronze color (I think).
Look at the likes of you - always walking around with a cat on your head. :stuck_out_tongue:

The first one does. He’s expecting something.
The second image looks like he’s already played too much catch. He’s pleasantly exhausted and asleep.

:laughing: :laughing:

Cheesy, I love it.

Well, I can get down and dirty with the rest of them. :banana-rock: :banana-jumprope: :banana-explosion: :banana-guitar:
Carpe Diem, Blurry

Tell that to this woman.

I live in a shady neighborhood, and everyone’s afraid of him. He looks adorable, but he’s very territorial and his bark is incredibly deep.

The weather’s crappy in FL, but he wouldn’t mind.

:laughing: He does.

Atheris hispida sounds like a queen with a lisp. I wouldn’t do it if I were… (oops, too late)

My handsome brother -


Get any consideration with this guy around?


A very self conscious young chap, recovering from Anorexia

My First Post

Is that you or your brother in the last pic? if so, you look alike :slight_smile:

I won’t post a picture, but you can take it from me, I’m big, black, and beautiful.

I also lie.

So you’re not beautiful?

I’m hideous.


How does it figure? From my loving personality, from my remarkable wits?

I gave my brother my savings so he could go to Japan after his divorce.

The picture with snow, is him in Japan.

His smile fills me with joy.

The last picture was me roughly 4 years ago.

Below is a picture of me roughly 2 years ago - When I joined this forum.


But I was always deprived.

My brother told my girlfriend I didn’t care for her, and that I used her for fun.

I was too insecure to defend myself, so she took his word over mine.

I learnt that pain came to all I touched.

So, I chose a life of isolation.

Where I can’t hurt anyone, but myself.

Later in my short life, I spent time showing her that she was beautiful, and that it was my shortcomings, that caused the separation.

She got married recently.

I’m happy for her.

I’ve had similar things happen to me. I refuse to remain isolated, though. I don’t think I’m really any happier for that choice, to be honest; it brings about its own set of problems and bullshit. Even in isolation, you bring pain to things you touch, but I don’t say that meanly. It’s just to say that I sympathize with you and wish I could take some of your pain, which I guess I just did. Still, though, I wouldn’t trade where I am now for any of where I’ve been and I wouldn’t trade it for isolation. I have thought about it, though. I’d like to take a couple years away from this purpose that drives me to try to live simply and without worrying about the world; just focus on myself, but I couldn’t even really do that when I needed to sit back and do that. I’m sorry for the way the world is. I know it’s not my fault, but I’m still sorry.

I know some would question how your brothers’ smile could fill you with joy after he did what he did to you, but I can understand. I’ve only ever wished the best for every person who has fucked me over. Sure, there’s been some anger involved and I’ve often ranted and raved in private where no one could really see; took some of that rage out on internet trolls and flamers that deserved it. But, at the end of it, I only ever hoped that some day they would ‘get it’ and their life would be better for it.

I was actually in the process of opening up a bit here, but just deleted everything I typed. I don’t want to make this seem like a pissing match and you don’t need the weight of my problems or what I’ve been through. Something tells me you’ve been through enough on your own that you’re not mentioning. Some times I doubt what I do and if it’s even worth it and then I’m reminded of people like you; people like how I used to be. You give me hope for the future even though you don’t know it. You give me incentive to keep trying and to keep pushing forward even when all seems against me and I thank you for that. People like you are exactly what I’m fighting for.