Universe and Time

Really what? Well known? Or that it has to do with mathematics for a 14 to 16 year old pupil?

And besides all mathematics: Do you have an answer to the question why the universe must be an eternal one? (Remember: besides mathematics; so please don’t say that it has to be because of mathematics!).

Can you provide a link where my explanation is obviously “well known” by anyone, young or old?

Mathematics is merely logic applied to quantities. To dismiss mathematics is to dismiss logic. Without logic, all you have to go on is sensed impressions, rumors, and faith that someone else magically knew void of reasoning. But then how do you know who to listen to other than those same gut feelings?

The question is one of Logic. Logic is the only way to actually answer the question and that includes Mathematics.

What you explained has to do with your “RM:AO”. It is derived mathematically, but not merely a mathematical theme. I meant the mathematics behind your “RM:AO”, not the “RM:AO” itself, when I said “well known”.

Mathematics and logic are not always congruent, else they could be synonyms, but they are not synonyms.

Math is constructed almost entirely of logic applied strictly to quantities only. Logic is a broader category. There are a few rare cases where math forgoes logic. As far as I know those are only concerning issues involving infinity and zero. So in my explanation, I fill in that disconnection as per Edwin Hewitt and Hyperreals. Standard mathematics doesn’t deal with powers of infinity, nor powers of infinitesimals. But to see the logic of why anything exists at all, one must look into those relationships. So I explain them as part of the whole explanation concerning why there can never be a state of nothingness.

In short, whatever math was lacking, I filled in with logic. And the math is pretty trivial.

But without the logic/math concerning powers of infinity, “Hyperreals”, any explanation is going to be incomplete.

That’s what I meant, but I used some other words.

But would the actualization of affect also take place then, if the potential to affect were identical?

Why randomly? Probably because of the different adjacent potentials, directions, and magnitudes, right?

It’s like speed everywhere - except speed of light. But does your RM:AO accept the “law” that the speed of light is the limit of speed in the universe?

Nothing can affect anything if it is being equally affected in return by that same thing. So if the potential to affect is exactly similar (“identical”) everywhere, then there is no potential to affect anywhere. The affecting would be absolutely zero = nothingness (which is why it is important to treat everyone exactly the same, so that society (or at least the lower class of it) will become nothing = nihilation).

Right, until there is something to establish a pattern or order, there is only disorder or randomness, “Nothing is possible until something is impossible”.

The speed of Affect, is a logical derivation lacking any alternative regardless of what anyone measures and in Science is called “the speed of light in a (total) vacuum”, even though a truly total vacuum can’t really exist. The actual maximum speed of light in a total vacuum can never be measured, only derived. But there is a different kind of speed involving the mind that can be faster than light.

The mind defines objects and can do so such as to conclude that the object in question is actually moving faster than light. I ran across that problem when I emulated RM:AO, as my PC kept detecting particles moving faster than affect/light. I eventually discovered that it was reporting particles as a clump of noise, just as I had told it to do. But the center of the clump was moving faster than any of the affects that made it up. This turned out to be interesting, but not really of much value. What it amounted to was the speed of something depends on how you define that something.

The speed of simple affect is a similar derivation to that involving why the universe exists in the first place. It involves the powers of infinity and infinitesimals and is as follows:

The Speed of Affect/Light
The smallest distance possible is 1/(the Largest distance possible, or “Largest number possible”) ≡ “Smallest”.
The shortest time possible is also 1/(the greatest change rate possible, or “Largest number possible”) ≡ “Smallest”.
The largest distance possible is simply the Largest number possible ≡ "Largest.

The fastest speed is the Largest Distance / Smallest Time, which is not possible because that is a number larger than the largest possible number.

So the fastest speed possible can only be expressed as either;
1/Smallest = Largest, or
Largest/1 = Largest.

Affect propagates by affecting the next closest point (Smallest distance) in the shortest possible time (Smallest). Or the velocity (v) going from point A to the next point B is;
v = d/t, or
v = Smallest / Smallest = 1, because they are the exact same power and magnitude of infinitesimal. And that is a finite number even though derived by infinite numbers. The finite is derived by the infinite.

And 1 infinitesimal, I refer to as “0+”, is
0+ = Smallest * (Largest / infinity) = (Smallest*Largest) / infinity = 1/infinity

Which is to say that in order for an affect to propagate even one infinitesimal (0+) distance, it must affect the “Largest/infinity” number of points in the Smallest amount of time each, which takes 0+ time. And to reach a distance of 1, it must do that an infinite number of times (0+ * infinity = 1, again because they are the same power and magnitude of infinity).

So even though Affect is affecting at the Largest possible infinite rate, it still takes a finite amount of time to gain a distance of merely 1. And in RM:AO, I refer to that distance as “1 toe”. And the time it takes for the fastest possible affect to travel one toe distance is, “1 tic” (both by definition).

So the maximum speed of affect is 1 toe/tic, a finite number, which concurrent physics defines (very relevant) as 299,792,458 m/s. So,
1 toe/tic = 299,792,458 m/s by definition.

And if physics would more exactly define its sizes of particles, mass, energy, or other relevant elements in their ontology and I could get the more sophisticated mathematics worked out involving affectance particle sizes, amount of affectance, or notable speeds, I could tell them the perfectly exact length required of one meter and one second according their their own definitions. Or if they define other elements exactly, I could tell them if their speed of light was actually perfectly accurate (or anyone else could for that matter).

The bottom line is that Definitional Logic dictates truth. Scientific observation can merely confirm it.

And btw, when it comes to affects crossing each other’s path, I mentioned that they slow each other. It should be obvious now that the reason they must slow is that their intersection point is already changing at the Largest possible rate merely by one of them. When there are two, that point must either change at twice the Largest possible rate, or the affecting must divide its propagation speed. Since there can be no “twice the Largest possible”, the only logical alternative is that the propagation rate of the two affects is slowed.

And that is occurring at every point throughout the entire universe. Because that is occurring literally everywhere, the actual speed of affect or of light can never be the ideal maximum. All of space is filled with conflict and thus all things are delayed from the ideal. And when too much gets into conflict, a stable “traffic jam” occurs. A “Particle of Matter” forms out of the Logic of simply the necessary existence of Affect upon Affect, “Affectance”.

Why do you refer to “1 toe” and “1 tic”? In order to be in compliance with a condition named “speed of light” (299 792 458 m / s) ?

I derived a unit of measure from pure logic (the speed of affect). I don’t know that anyone has ever done that before. And I had to name it something.

In common science, units of measure have always been based on observables, how long it takes the pendulum to swing, how long a chosen rod is, how flat something is, and so on. But RM:AO is different;

RM:AO starts from the most humble position of knowing nothing at all, “the nothingness”. And builds on only what can be 100% certain so as to reach up to what is “somethingness”. Whereas physics starts with what it presumptuously thinks it can see, despite how many times it has discovered the flaws in its perception.

My “speed of affect” is pure logic that is related to an observable, the observable speed of light. But their units of measure are all about perceptions, not realities. But when they defined their speed of light, they stepped into my realm of certainties and spoke of an item with which I could relate. Their units of “meters and seconds” are meaningless to me, but velocity isn’t.

And even though I can now say that my 1 toe per tic is exactly equal to their 299,792,458 meters per second, I still can’t tell you how long a toe or tic is in physics terms. So I still build certainty in the logical paradigm of AO, but I have to use only terms of certainty in doing so, “toes” and “tics”, not questionable units such as “meters” or “seconds”.

According to RM:AO: 1 “toe” <=> 299 792 458 Meters and 1 “tic” <=> 1 second, because you are saying “1 toe/tic = 299,792,458 m/s by definition”.

No, no.

In RM:AO 1 toe/tic is equal to 299,792,458 m/s.
That is not the same as saying that 1 toe = 299,792,458 m.

The ratio of toe to tic is the same as the ratio of meter to seconds times 299,792,458.
But 1 toe might be 10^-6 meters making 1 tic equal to 3.33*10^-15 seconds.

The ratio is all I know for certain and only because they made it a definition.

If one says “the distance between A and B is 60 km” and one needs “one hour to get from A to B”, than the speed is 60 km/h, but one one could also say the speed is “A to B / h”.

If one says “ten minutes are one x” and “the distance between A and B is 60 km” and “the speed is 60 km/h”, then one one could also say the speed is “360/x” or “6 (A to B) / x”.

Yeah, they could say that.

And one could say that if I had 2 apples in one hand and 2 oranges in the other, I would have 4 fruits divided by two hands = 2.

What’s your point?

You mean: 1 toe / 1 tic = (299,792,458) 1 m / 1 s. Right?

Right, but only as a whole ratio.
That doesn’t mean that I know anything concerning the ratio of meters to toes or seconds to tics. Although if I found either of those, I could then deduce the other.

As it is, I have to find out by what they are determining how long a second or a meter is, and then determine for myself how many tics or toes that same thing must be. Then I would have a “Rosetta stone” with which to translate my units to theirs.

As a whole ratio, yes.

Do you think that you will be successful?

So until now “toes” and “tics” are still your “auxiliary constructs”?

Yes. For example, in the following, each frame in the anime is one “tic”.

And each pixel of the wave is independently calculated as to how far it will go across the screen within that one tic. Common physics uses the whole wave as an object and tries to calculate how the shape of the wave might vary (when they bother to try) and then also how far the whole wave will advance “per second”.

When I made that, I wasn’t absolutely certain that the wave was even going to remain a wave as it traveled, but it turned out to behave exactly as you see it there, showing how much PtA gets compressed into a “magnetic wave” due to the Affectance wave (“electric potential wave”) entering and leaving a high affectance density field (“mass field”).

The definition of the “speed of light” provided by physics is how fast that wave begins and ends. But in the center region, they have to use their General relativity to figure out about how much compression takes place. And they don’t seem to even know that their magnetic field is merely a compressed electric field, because in their ontology, they treat it as though it was a separate field.

So “each frame is … one tic”? Do you mean the frames between the “metaspace” and the “physical space”? And “each pixel of the wave is independently calculated as to how far it will go across the screen within that one tic”? With reference to that the words “frame”, “tic”, “pixel” get a partly uncertain meaning to me. Is it just because of the various meanings of the words and their translation from your into my first language or because of the animation?

James, would you please explicitly explain your animation?

I’m sorry. Such animations are made by a sequence of picture frames from beginning to end and then looped back. When I said “each frame”, I was referring to each picture frame in the sequence. And a “pixel” refers to the smallest digital dot in a digital picture or one smallest dot on a video screen. And that anime is showing an affectance pulse (blue) traveling into and out of a gradually varying affectance field. Or in common physics, “a pulse of light traveling into and out of a mass/gravity field”.

So in making that anime, I had each picture frame show one moment in time and the picture frame represents an update for each tic of time. I think there were about 500 tics (picture frames) in that anime.

That blue affectance pulse is actually an infinite number of pulses (every tiny pulse in RM:AO is made of tinier pulses). So I could not honestly treat the entire wave as a single object without proof that it would remain a single wave and not breakup. So I had the computer calculate the distance of propagation for each tiny “pixel worth” of the pulse independently (perhaps 30-40 pixels for the blue wave). What you see as the wave moves across the screen is not a single object as far as the computer was concerned, but rather many points (pixels) of affectance traveling at their own speed.

The result was that the wave did stay as a wave, but it compressed as it traveled into the higher density affectance field (the same as a pulse of light traveling into a gravity field). The pink color wave represents how much each pixel-worth of the affectance wave was being compressed, “PtA Compression”. That wave in common physics is known as the “magnetic wave” associated with electromagnetic waves or light as depicted below;

Note that there is a slight variation between what is shown by physics and what I have shown. The wave that physicists presume, is a wave that is already compressed such as to have a magnetic field associated (which they show at right angles to indicate polarity).

My anime is showing how the compression of the electric field occurs and what causes the magnetic wave to exist in the first place. It shows that the amount of compression or “strength of magnetic wave” will increase as a pulse of light enters a gravity field, such as from space down to Earth’s surface or light enters a material such as glass (affecting light reflection and diffraction characteristics). And also if a pulse of light is sent into space, the associated magnetic field will grow weaker.

Also as the pulse is compressed, the electric and magnetic fields are not exactly in phase with each other. That fact becomes relevant when trying to deal with particle physics. The magnetic wave goes in and out of phase as an EM pulse goes in or out of a mass gradient, such as near a nucleus or proton. And although not shown here, the phase of the magnetic to electric field is affected merely by going in or out of a strong electric field, not merely a mass field.

The point is that without the use of a “tic” and a “toe”, calculated from pure logic, I could not know that a magnetic field would behave that way. Science couldn’t have told me either. If particle physicist would adjust their calculations accordingly, their measurements would be more accurate.

Realize that physics is discovering things from “top-down” as time goes on. In a sense, I am (mentally) traveling backwards in time as I discover where physicists are currently at by deriving things from “bottom-up”, from perfect nothingness to actual physical existence. And as they discover their most insidious technology and destructive weapons, they are actually just getting closer to me. When we merge, the game is over.

I thought so, but I wasn’t quite sure. Thank you.

Thank you, James.

Why didn’t you write a book about your RM:AO?

I am as we “speak”. :sunglasses:

…just keep asking questions. :wink: