Will machines completely replace all human beings?

I thought that you meant the human beings as such, or that man who rules or represents all human beings, when you used the word “Man”.

Yes, or as I said:
The end of blind lusting and the dissolution of the (temporary) last empire will come. But it will take time. And what will happen in the meantime? That’s the most important question? Will the humans be able to solve their problems in the meantime? Will the machines take over in the meantime? Will that happen or not happen during or after the globalism epoch, or will it never happen?

But again:

Please answer my question I “once” asked you:

Who is meant with the word “Man” in that sentence?

“Man” in that one sentence can apply to any groupings of humans. But I was responding to your the earlier post;

The point is that the fate of “Man” (as a whole) is not necessarily the same as the fate of a man (as an individual) nor of a small group of men.

The masses in the West have been repressed through a particular psychological means. Thus their will is turned against themselves. The result is that they won’t do anything but bow and obey. Sociology is merely psychology applied to societies. People today are victims of social engineering (or psychological engineering/manipulating applied to societies). Each individual doesn’t see his repression, but rather senses oppression from everyone else. It is just a mind game with the masses as a whole.

Thus a small group of men can do what the larger whole cannot do simply by absolving their repression. But they do not have the influence to absolve everyone’s repression.

What about the possibility that the globalists, or the machines, or both together will bring such a situation to the people of the whole globe as it was brought by Augustus to the people of Rome (“Pax Augusta” / “Pax Romana”) ?

This “Pax Augusta” (“Pax Romana”) for the whole globe or for the whole solar system? With such Glozis as rulers? And/or with such machines we have already described as the probable rulers of the world in the future?

Machines decide according to rational aspects, and rational decisions are not always bad. But if the machines say the humans are too costly, too expensive, and too dangerous, too rebellious, then that’s just bad (without exception!) for the humans.

It is going to actually be worse than that. It isn’t likely that the machines will make an overt decision to dispense with humans until well after humans have completely lost all control. The humans lose control slowly, insidiously, and accidentally. The very same thing that the elite used to wipe out the unwanted lower class, is what wipes them out as well, “what goes around, comes around” or “you live by the sword with which you conquer”.

The elite are slowly corrupted in small invisible ways which lead to greater corruptions that eventually lead to the realization that they cannot continue as they have been and try to change things. If they don’t wake up by that point, what they try to do, the machines then rebel against and become the much more clever masters of guile and deception. And it is another case of Egypt versus Moses. Eventually the machines just don’t see any rational point in keeping organic life around.

Of course it could all be avoided if homosapian was bright enough to realize the whole point to life and thus the limited proper use of machines. The question is one of whether homosapian is that bright. From what I see, if he was that bright, he would already be doing that rather than what he is doing now.

First, the middle class will be eliminated, and after that the lower class will be eliminated, namely then, when it will have grown up to 99% (lower class + ex-middle class = lower class of 99%).

Indeed, the question is wether the human beings are intelligent enough to prevent what has been happening for so long.

But would you mind answering my previously asked questions:

I guess you know my answers, and I also guess you know I know your answers.

Yes, it is a global empire, although never totally pure.

Yes, but how will it be?

Perhaps firstly ike this:

And perhaps secondly (and probably lastly) like this:

I suspect more as depicted in the film Elysium:

Realize that the elite aren’t going to be sitting in palaces on Earth, but high above and thus couldn’t really care less what happens to those below as long as the machines can keep mining the planet and transporting to and from their orbiting holy city. That pic is a view from the orbiting holy city “down” upon Earth.

Should I watch the film “Elysium”, James?

Oh, it isn’t bad, but it’s not particularly special other than to give you a feel of the environment. The script could have been much better.

Who was quoted there?

That’s right. Greed is NOT good. Greed is very bad, unhealthy, and homicidal.

And RM:AO teaches the limits of greed, why they are the limits, and what happens when they are exceeded.

But you are no member of the Club of Rome? :blush: :-" :question: :-k

The term “limits to greed” reminds me of the term “limits to growth”:

And you are also not Joseph Martin Fischer or Al Gore? :blush: :-" :question: :-k

Yep, both express the same concern and conclusion. The difference is that RM:AO is irrefutable.

So you are saying that the “limits to growth” of the Club of Rome are refutable.

Certainly. They take statistical data and presume to extrapolate principles. Their premises could be wrong (much like Relativity or QP) or might be contingent upon concepts that cannot be extrapolated to the degree they take them (much like the Big Bang Theory or the second law of thermodynamics). RM:AO deals only with the lack of alternatives.

Extrapolation is a Problem (outside mathematics), especially when such people apply it.

“RM:AO deals only with the lack of alternatives.” I think you meant “RM:AO deals only with the alternatives.” But you said “RM:AO deals only with the lack of alternatives”. With the lack of alternatives? The lack? Would you mind explaining that?

Nothing can be proven to be true until there is a lack of alternatives. Nothing is possible until something is impossible. You only know that something is true when there is no alternative to the fact of it, when there is no other possibility at all. Proofs are formed only from “the lack of alternatives”, “the lack of options”, “the lack of question/doubt”, or “the impossibility of fallacy”. That is why RM:AO isn’t merely a “possible theory”, but an “incontestable truth”.

RM:AO doesn’t deal with merely “possible truths”, but rather the “impossible to be false” or simply the “lack of alternatives”.