Will machines completely replace all human beings?

You see, this is why humanity has so little hope. You get your sense of reality and hope from TV and Hollywood films. Do you seriously believe that the military designs combat androids and weapons to be such that the enemy merely has to “hack into them” and turn them against their creators? Even if they were that ridiculously dumb (after all, we are talking about the military), don’t you think that the military could even more easily hack into them and reverse their infection?

Your PC is so very hackable only because they wanted it to be that way since the beginning and didn’t realize just how clever the populous can be. MACs are not susceptible to such problems. And neither are military combat systems. Communication networks and intelligence systems are not simply inherently hackable.

 That point has merit, nevertheless, there probably are programs and programs.  In programs where independent, non critical decisions can be made automatically, no oversight is needed.  But in decisions involving the relationships between various mutually relevant programs, where their interaction at this level may cause a systemic meltdown, there needs to be oversight.  There are decisions, machines simply are not trusted to make, even if the science has gone that far, foe the very reason that decisions made by machines may turn out to be counter-productive.

This is only hypothetical, and the proof is simply that machines have not yet demonstrated any counter-productivity in themselves, except through external hacking.

Uhhuh. Fuck Hollywood crap.
Only complete morons do not put a remote shutdown procedure on such a machine. And only a moron thinks that their work cannot be screwed with . If it is programmed it can be shut down even if there are redundancies.

The point was whether they could be “merely hacked into”. They cannot be “merely hacked into”, especially when they are already programmed to prevent it and are much, much more intelligent than any hacker.

But not more intelligent than the programmer.

Don’t kid yourself. Even I have programmed computers to be far more intelligent than I could ever be.

Yes, that's possible, but, who created who? You programed the computer, and unless, Your program consisted with an ability for an autonomous re-program within the program, computer intelligence will be merely a trait of  Your own abilities, whereas Your intelligence will be a type which is pre programed by You Yourself (through Your own efforts at education) and by God Almighty, coming through as a genetic 'gift'.  The computer owes it's intelligence to Your program, similarly.

LOL show me where I said “merely hacked into”.
A human hacker is just a director for the machine designed to solve the problems. The human just says sic him boy…

The machine merely says, “sick them boys” too.

As a human, you are already “hacked into” by what you believe to be factual information, which actually isn’t. That is what hacking is all about … getting past the filters and causing illegitimate persuasion (also known as “hypnotism”, the entire priority of the media). They too use “information overload” as a technique.

James, I can’t make these machines that make machines that make machines but, clearly people know how. The ability is there. Did I say it would be easy? Nooo. I would bet though that there is government laboratories already working on it.
You create the tech, you know that someone else is doing the same so you also start a program to stop yours and theirs. Its been in the process for decades. Look at the Ebola outbreak… Certain governments suddenly cough up “experimental” meds for it… A: the stuff they gave was proven to help but, not cure. This tells me they have enough of an actual cure to cure aa specific amount of people.
B: They can stop the outbreak cold but, will not because of power ego.
And they also plan to use the virus as population control.
Now, hon, the shit is out there to stop machines its a done deal. The only question that stands out is: When it will be used.

When it comes to viruses, all of that is a fine argument, and very largely true and easy to imagine. But then you switch suddenly to proclaim that it also applies to machines, "the shit is out there to stop machines its a done deal". What kind of thing, “shit”, are you imagining?

A killing thinking machine built, is like a deadly virus. The people that create a deadly virus will not purposely release that virus unless there is a cure. A thinking machine is quite capable of getting a dangerous glitch due to lack of foresight or damage. A glitch can cause the machine to backfire on its makers. There is not just one person building and thinking of potentials, its a team. A team will have more foresight than one. With this knowledge it is more than safe to know beyond doubt there is a remote kill switch built in. The opposing side knows this and so would have a team finding the programmed kill switch. The cure to the virus.
One sure way to stop is to flood known signals with probable commands and programs. A higher computer near AI status would have the abilities. Now we both know there is at least two major countries with such computers and highly capable teams… The shit.

I see. So tell me, what cure do did they have for the radiation poring out of Japan, Chernobyl, and Iraq that they aren’t telling anyone about?

You seem to have been infected with the hubris notion conflating Man with the all knowing and all wise God of legend… ?

A “team”? Emmm… so there are no competing enemies? No egos within the “team”? A choir of saints? They are just good-ole-boys very altruistically and carefully ensuring the love and harmony of humanity? I didn’t know you were another deranged, delusional liberal socialist.

Except that the first “team” knows that the second team knows and thus plays it differently than that obvious trap. And the second team knows that the first team knows that the second team knows and thus attempts to figure out the alternate trap. It gets really, really complicated, doesn’t it. In fact, it would take a really sophisticated computer to figure out how to play such a game. But then, of course, both “teams” know that and are thus busily making sure that their computers are smarter than the other team’s.

It all kind of makes you wonder what those truly, extremely intelligent computers will decide what to do with such a silly creature as man.

Cherynboyl was a weapon???

Chernobyl was one example of the very nature of Man, assuming that he has control of the powers he unleashes on the Earth, “we can always just turn it off”. Did he learn? Nope. Fukushima came next and is still grandly destroying life. Has he learned yet? Nope. Recently many attempts have been made to form a black-hole based on the THEORY that it won’t get out of control.

Science wants to excuse itself constantly on the basis of everything being merely a theory and possibly incorrect. And yet science always wants to “play with” the most enormously devastating powers ever conceived, such as black-holes and androids that are not merely alive, but 100 times smarter than any human could ever hope to be.

I am still not convinced that black-holes in space are not merely the remnants of prior “evolved” haphazard life forms (similar to homosapian), playing with their version of “Science”.


Actually there is an element that cures and or stops radiation poisoning but, damned if I can remember what. It is a pretty common thing if I remember right.
Buuuut, I was talking about the deliberate release of automated weapons not general dumbassedry, which obviously has no cultural boundary, .
There is truth in what you say about the teams but, to a point. The teams wpuld keep going that way but, you forget the military impatient leaders. They will say: fuck it send it out now.
So there will be limits on protective programs , not so on the “cure”.

I do agree with much of what you say though.

Realize that their “protective program” IS their idea of a “cure”. Do doctors provide cures for an infection of doctors? If something isn’t working on schedule, send in more of the same.

Look again where I said that you don’t release a virus or killing machine without the ability to stop it. Those are the cures I speak of.
You do not want your killer turning on you. You must be able to protect yourself from your creation.

YOU don’t. But THEY do, and have been doing such things for literally thousands of years. The Bible is filled with just those stories of people doing things regardless of their inability to stop the consequences. The story of Lot is a prime example, but it actually begins with the story of Adham and Eve. Literally every time a war has begun, one of the two participants (at least) is ignoring the actual consequences and unleashing an army. You can’t simply turn off a war once it has begun.

And yet it happens all the time, far more often than not. I am not saying that your theory of how one should behave isn’t the better way. I am saying that Man doesn’t do that. History has proven thousands of times, that Man must always do things wrongly first in order to know that it was actually wrong. There is a reason for that involving how he learns. Many doctors have for centuries unleashed their idea of a treatment only to find later that their idea was responsible for the deaths of many people.

If you are one who hates religion, realize that religion is another example of someone unleashing something that they can’t cure. And as far as radiation, they can’t actually cure the radiation poisoning throughout the world. All they have is treatments that if applied soon enough, will reduce the symptoms sufficiently to prolong death.

Man is not, and has never been sane. What makes you think that he has suddenly, in the midst of all you see going on around you, has become sane?

Man simply isn’t that bright. And for continuing substantial reasons.

Man isn’t that bright YET, but he is on the way. Once the snake swallows it’s tail. actually, and not only symbolically, his inventions will foreclose on their destructive effects.

A closure is coming between unilateral and multilateral effect. This calculus was/is, basically an enlightened effort to make any distinction infinitesimal and unperceivable . .