Does "unfree will" exist?

Thought is directly correlated to processes within our brain.

Thought is a product of the brain.

As smell is to one’s nose, as sound is to one’s ears, as taste is to one’s tongue, as sight is to one’s eyes.

Thought is not some mystical thing detached from reality. It’s the product of a chemical process within our brain.

The certain factors aren’t specified.

I believe a certain factor that restricts one’s will is the past, which one had no control over.

As you say further in your post, the past determines the present, thus, the past completely restricts the present.

This is sufficient reason to reject the idea that our will has any degree of freedom.

Our will is completely constrained, but we’ll still call it ‘free will’?

That doesn’t make sense.

We’ll hold people accountable for a will that is completely determined by factors beyond their control?

Are you listening to yourself?

A determined universe is different than God.

A determined universe isn’t said to love man, isn’t said to have any interest in man, isn’t said to have any intent, isn’t said to be sentient, isn’t said to be benevolent, isn’t said to be watching everything we do, isn’t said to be judging us.

A determined universe doesn’t command that we do not murder, that we do not steal, that we’re not allowed to believe in anything else.

You’re the one saying it’s God, but that’s your mistake.

The situation, as you describe it, is responsible.

The composition of all factors that contributed to an outcome, is responsible.

An individual isn’t the composition of all factors that contribute to any result, thus, the individual should never be held solely responsible.

Even within the system that is the individual’s body, there are many different factors that compose the reason for any act. Yet, not all elements that compose the individual contribute equally to any given result. Thus, to retaliate against the entirety of an individual, is a crude means of resolution.

A man has a tumor in his brain. The tumor led the man to commit a crime. The tumor is the main culprit, not the the man in his entirety. Respond to the tumor.

A man is raised to be racist. Racism led a man to enslave another man. The racism is the culprit, not the man in his entirety. Respond the the racism.

These are very simplified scenarios, but I’m trying to make a point. That is, respond directly to the source, whilst doing as little harm as possible.

To villainize, to accuse of being ‘evil’. That isn’t a real solution. That’s ignorance.

Why do you want to perpetuate ignorance?


You imply that determinism is a crutch, just people who don’t want to accept responsibility.

This is bullshit.

I’ve done more things in my life that I have to be proud of, than I have of things that ever caused me shame. My existence has been a net positive, I’m well in the green. Beyond that, I face all my mistakes, learn from them, and set them right.

I believe free will to be false and determinism to be the truth, and if those beliefs are true, there are serious implications that ought be considered and responded to.

Determinism humbles me. Anything positive I have done, is simply a product of the past, which I did not cause.

Well… You do. That isn’t what I call it.

So why keep doing it?

Do you seriously think that I am ever not?

I will ignore your misinterpretations and bow to your vastly superior wisdom.

I prefer to see everything in here-and-now. With that in mind, it is not desirable to attribute restraint to the past, but rather, to the forces in our brain that were shaped by the past events.

I’ve been claiming free will doesn’t exist from the moment I entered this thread and a long time before that.

I say we have a will, but it isn’t free. I do not claim we have free will.

You’re the one misrepresenting me.

You did, and I quote:

James: ‘Those are two different types of “free-will”. The first specifies that something is free from “certain factors” (not free from all). […] The first type always exists.’

You just claimed free will exists, and now you’re denying it.

You’re purposefully trying to confuse the situation. You’re perpetuating ignorance.

You’re blatantly misrepresenting the situation.

You claimed free will exists.

I did not.

Cut the bullshit.

You keep implying that a deterministic universe is synonymous with God.

It isn’t.

I pointed it out, and now you’re going into the refuge of sarcasm.

Typical bullshit from James, ladies and gentlemen.


And as I want people to see my post, not your shitty half arsed misrepresentation of it, I’ll quote it below.

Notice how much James completely skewed what I said?

And if your preferences of perception and desires for attribution are the source of problems in the here-and-now, what then?

The effects of the past are in the here-and-now. Determinism doesn’t only relate to the past, it informs the present. It does not restrict one from focusing on the present, as I focus on the present. I just don’t falsely attribute the present as a product of the present detached from the past, and I do not ignore the past.

I’m going to sleep now, but I think your reasoning is flawed.

I am not saying you’re wrong. There is indeed no “free will”. “Free will” implies that some things are not connected to each other, which is logically impossible (things that are not connected cannot co-exist.)

Our willing is a product of certain system of forces located inside our brains (which we are unaware of, for it is impossible for an observer to observe itself) in relation to some other system (or systems) of forces (which can be located outside of the brain as well as inside the brain.)

Yes. Nothing is free in this world, nor could it be. Moreover; nor should it be.

The idea of free will is completely absurd. How could any act of will be free? To be worthwhile is has to be motivated by ourselves, or intentions and limited by our capabilities, all of which are determined at any given moment by the lives we has led, starting with a act which was beyond our power to intend - that act of sex by our parents.

I think those that believe in free will lack imagination.

Ben, prove that there is or isn’t something restraining my will by showing that you can predict my behavior by reference to whatever proof you have.

I’ll let you guess which hand I’m about to hold up. Right or left. If you can guess right every time, then you’ve got proof. If you can’t, then there’s some percentage of the time at least where you don’t have proof, and thus any hard stance on way or the other would be one that doesn’t factor for every instance of behavior.

These are old, settled debates. There’s nothing new under the sun when it comes to where all the arguments fall when you’re talking about shit like free will.

By definition, unfree will cannot exist. The definition of the will entails freedom. Will means freewill.
If it is not free, it cannot be considered will, in the first place, but merely thoughts.

Willing means taking decisions by the conscious mind over the its own and subconscious mind’s thoughts.

with love,

In case you had any doubt, at least now you know for certain what the mainstream wants everyone to believe.

As usual you have an empty apothem that is not relevant or useful.

Will - Diligent purposefulness; determination + A desire, purpose, or determination + Deliberate intention or wish

None of these definitions rely on freedom in order to exist.

Will = will. Free will = free will.

What would a will need to be free of?
The inherent contradiction of free will, is that those that promote the idea insist that the will has to be free of the self which generated it, which is absurd.


I think that you are not paying the full attention to what i am saying. It seems to me that you are confusing will with willful action. It is not necessary that every will/free will would result to action also. That may or may not happen. Will is purely an mental construct.

You just cannot will if you are not free, in the first place.
There cannot be any situation when you can will without being free

Think again.

with love,

I’d pretty much agree with this since one is free to will whatever he wants. A person can have a purpose, desire or determination about anything under the sun that he wants. But, much of what one wants is what he has been told, or taught, or has been indoctrinated into (society) and has been therefore conditioned to. If one goes against this ‘reality’ of state of affairs, his functioning will be taken away and he will be detached and his freedom controlled.( Not that his thoughts and knowledge are not already controlled by the present society.)

It is obvious that you do not appreciate what is being asked here. Ben is more than aware of your difficulty.

Whether you act on an idea or not; you will is not immune the cause and effect. So all wilful thoughts to not emerge from nowhere but are part of a long chain of events, from which they are not free.

May I suggest you start here.

As each action is the result of an antecedent reality, no act, be it imposed, or given by open choice, is free of the motivation of that moment in time, which in tern is determined by the moment before that to the ends of time.

That is true. I said that already.

with love,

I do not know what you are reffering to.

You did not pay enough attention to what exactly i said.

All past events absorbed by the subconscious mind. Conscious mind forget about those but unconscious not. Slowly, over the time, those imbued thoughts tend to overflow from the subconscious mind and reach in the realm of the conscious zone and we assume that we are thinking.

You are right up to here. But, you are considering these overflowing thoughts as a will but they are not. The story does not end here but continues.

Now, as the conscious mind becomes aware of these owerflows and start evaluating those in the present context. Then, it makes a decision whether it should go with those previous inflows or not. This decision making is freewill. It is not necessarily dependent on previuos inputs, though it may be. But, in either way, it is a conscious decidion, not unconscious one. and, that is what makes it freewill.

What out mind thinks is not freewill, but what it thinks about its thinking. It is a second step.

Secondly, if that was true that each and everthing that we ever think and decide, is because of our past inputs, then we humans would not be able to evolve in such a way as we are now. This decision making evolves and changes with time.


I do not think that it can help in anyway. Nevertheless, i will certainly look into it. There is no harm in it.

with love,

When you look at “everything that we ever think,” what there is is only whatever knowledge you have accumulated up to that point in your life. Even when you want to look at thought itself, what is there is only whatever you know about thought. Otherwise you can’t look. There is no thought other than what there is in what you know.

What there is is only what you know, the explanations and classifications given by others. And out of those, if you are very intelligent and clever enough, you create your own. This is a result of connecting up events for certain purposes: a cause and effect relationship. It is only when there is no linking up of events that each is an independent event. And an independent event has no past experience or future concoction attached to it.