Will machines completely replace all human beings?

I see. So tell me, what cure do did they have for the radiation poring out of Japan, Chernobyl, and Iraq that they aren’t telling anyone about?

You seem to have been infected with the hubris notion conflating Man with the all knowing and all wise God of legend… ?

A “team”? Emmm… so there are no competing enemies? No egos within the “team”? A choir of saints? They are just good-ole-boys very altruistically and carefully ensuring the love and harmony of humanity? I didn’t know you were another deranged, delusional liberal socialist.

Except that the first “team” knows that the second team knows and thus plays it differently than that obvious trap. And the second team knows that the first team knows that the second team knows and thus attempts to figure out the alternate trap. It gets really, really complicated, doesn’t it. In fact, it would take a really sophisticated computer to figure out how to play such a game. But then, of course, both “teams” know that and are thus busily making sure that their computers are smarter than the other team’s.

It all kind of makes you wonder what those truly, extremely intelligent computers will decide what to do with such a silly creature as man.

Cherynboyl was a weapon???

Chernobyl was one example of the very nature of Man, assuming that he has control of the powers he unleashes on the Earth, “we can always just turn it off”. Did he learn? Nope. Fukushima came next and is still grandly destroying life. Has he learned yet? Nope. Recently many attempts have been made to form a black-hole based on the THEORY that it won’t get out of control.

Science wants to excuse itself constantly on the basis of everything being merely a theory and possibly incorrect. And yet science always wants to “play with” the most enormously devastating powers ever conceived, such as black-holes and androids that are not merely alive, but 100 times smarter than any human could ever hope to be.

I am still not convinced that black-holes in space are not merely the remnants of prior “evolved” haphazard life forms (similar to homosapian), playing with their version of “Science”.


Actually there is an element that cures and or stops radiation poisoning but, damned if I can remember what. It is a pretty common thing if I remember right.
Buuuut, I was talking about the deliberate release of automated weapons not general dumbassedry, which obviously has no cultural boundary, .
There is truth in what you say about the teams but, to a point. The teams wpuld keep going that way but, you forget the military impatient leaders. They will say: fuck it send it out now.
So there will be limits on protective programs , not so on the “cure”.

I do agree with much of what you say though.

Realize that their “protective program” IS their idea of a “cure”. Do doctors provide cures for an infection of doctors? If something isn’t working on schedule, send in more of the same.

Look again where I said that you don’t release a virus or killing machine without the ability to stop it. Those are the cures I speak of.
You do not want your killer turning on you. You must be able to protect yourself from your creation.

YOU don’t. But THEY do, and have been doing such things for literally thousands of years. The Bible is filled with just those stories of people doing things regardless of their inability to stop the consequences. The story of Lot is a prime example, but it actually begins with the story of Adham and Eve. Literally every time a war has begun, one of the two participants (at least) is ignoring the actual consequences and unleashing an army. You can’t simply turn off a war once it has begun.

And yet it happens all the time, far more often than not. I am not saying that your theory of how one should behave isn’t the better way. I am saying that Man doesn’t do that. History has proven thousands of times, that Man must always do things wrongly first in order to know that it was actually wrong. There is a reason for that involving how he learns. Many doctors have for centuries unleashed their idea of a treatment only to find later that their idea was responsible for the deaths of many people.

If you are one who hates religion, realize that religion is another example of someone unleashing something that they can’t cure. And as far as radiation, they can’t actually cure the radiation poisoning throughout the world. All they have is treatments that if applied soon enough, will reduce the symptoms sufficiently to prolong death.

Man is not, and has never been sane. What makes you think that he has suddenly, in the midst of all you see going on around you, has become sane?

Man simply isn’t that bright. And for continuing substantial reasons.

Man isn’t that bright YET, but he is on the way. Once the snake swallows it’s tail. actually, and not only symbolically, his inventions will foreclose on their destructive effects.

A closure is coming between unilateral and multilateral effect. This calculus was/is, basically an enlightened effort to make any distinction infinitesimal and unperceivable . .

NO!! He isn’t becoming brighter. He is making machines to do his thinking for him. He is making the MACHINES brighter in place of himself = “insanity”.

Except that this particular “snake” has spawned offspring that is brighter than the snake was.

It is simply Man lustfully trying to be God, and he just isn’t that bright. His machines will be much closer.

Sanity, James will be totally transfigured, as far as how that applies to the concept of the question, of why, from the beginning Man has sought to acquire knowledge through learning. The tree of knowledge began as both a warning of forbidden fruit, and the beginning of the ontological difficulty of God, with Himself. God had a bad conscience in creating Man, therefore, and if one is a Pantheist,one is tempted to ascribe this to the spirit working through men, in order for redemption to become possible. To make the distinction between Man and God, and ask the question who redeems whom, is as irrelevant as it is an unjustified concern over the motives of a God, who probably creates as a necessary part of Himself.

Shakespeare’s most famous line ‘To Be, or Not to Be’ is par excellence the pathetic realization of the dubious nature of the argument. Shakespeare could not possibly have implied a real concern with the question, and one gets the impression of his attempt at closure , through a de-differentiation between the two states. (Being and not Being)

Bit this was the Elizabethan age, where such quizzical pathos had to be reduced, and unilaterilized. The whole idea and success of science, has changed this format and knowledge proceeds the opposite course, by re-differentiating by a calculus, the likelihood of not if, but when, enlightenment will finally open up and challenge the motives, hidden so far, of the aims and goals of Project Mankind.

Learning by consequence, trial and error (aka Science), of the most insidious form of self-extinction produces only one result. “Learning” is not that result. One cannot say that an extinct species learned a lesson. But the machines can surmise from Mankind’s mistake and consequence. So all won’t be lost. The universe will do what it does with the result.

James, Doctors are the most arrogant humans, they don’t think they make mistakes. I have met plenty and am friends with none.
Scientists are arrogant but, not the same degree or way. Show a scientist their mistake and they learn, show a Doctor their mistake and they deny it while calling their lawyer.
Scientists make weapons, biological and tech.
They work for soldiers who while arrogant understand FUBAR.
When Doctors come up with a cure they see a few cured or apparently cured patients then sell the cure.
Scientists are pedantic, meticulous and irritatingly patient. For them the process is important, for doctors its the result seen immediately.

And scientists don’t decide when to use what they make. Doctors, politicians, business men, bankers, and military minds do that. #-o

But then scientists want to make a “black-hole” based on the THEORY that it will dissipate and not consume the whole Earth.

And don’t forget the people of the judiciary, the media, and the education system.

[size=150]And moreover, don’t forget the machines! [/size]

Your implications are horrific at worst, and misguided at best. There are no altruistic people existing on the face of the earth? I find this an unbelievable and jaded supposition? Just by the very minimum, most of these ‘professionals’ have families of their own. Are they not aware

of the fact, that the wider social spectrum have to have benign intentions to afford the possibility of their own progenitors’ survival? I hope, so.

There is a wide gap between a pessimist, and even a Nietzsche went beyond a Schopenhauer, by an act of will, although he had no offspring.

It isn’t a question of there being zero people of one type or another. It is a question of which direction gets the upper hand and when. When men are blinded by lust, greed, obfuscation, or suffering, it doesn’t matter what their intentions are. They screw up. And in the case that we are talking about, a “screw up” is likely to be catastrophically fatal ending in total extension.

a screw up is likely, but not necessary, with even 99% of the population screwing up, a 1% derivation can make a(The) difference. ((or, conversely, in with any other probability mix))

I remember a time when the the doomsday clock was set two minutes before 12, during the Cuban missile crisis. Doomsday may have happened back then, and this was 50 years ago, we are still here. I think survival value trumps even the most dire of possibilities, and it is the act of human renewal, that does not exist in machines.

Among machines of the most sophisticated sort, there does not to my knowledge, exist the sense of awe , of wonder, that human beings nurture, every time a new generation occurs, machines do not have feelings, souls, ; they do not and can not aspire, to dream and to plan from almost a limitless array of possibilities. This distinguishing feature is missing in machines, and i doubt very much, that a degree of simulation can even approach the human potentials for love, caring, nurturing, compassion. These are qualities very much incomparable.


My vote is with you.

with love,

Obe, the Cuban missile crisis is not so long ago. The crisis that we are talking about in this thread has been increasing exponentially since the beginning of the modern times of the Western culture, thus for the most part it will be a problem of the near future. If we didn’t talk about this problem, nobody would talk about it. The most people don’t notice or don’t want to notice this problem. This fact belongs to this problem too. Thus: it is important to talk about it.

This is a philosophy forum, isn’t it?

Or is it true that the title of this forum - “I love Philosophy” - means “I hate philosophy”? If it is so, then I have to ask the members of this forum again: Do you really love philosophy?