What are you doing? (Part 1)


Get him a pacifier. lol

Just got laid on a balcony overlooking daytona beach while drinking a bucket of some kinda rum drink.

Now im smoking a joint on the balcony overlooking the ocean. Life is good.

I just hosed chicken feces off my shoes… life is good or shitty, not sure… :slight_smile:

Gnawing on a lamb bone before a late night weights session, and now drinking home-made red wine whilst watching BET channel.

Gotta pack to catch a train up North tomorrow afternoon, but I’ll leave it till the morning as flaking out :neutral_face:

You can never ever train that reflex out of a cat. Best you can do is try to find a blanky that he’ll like and suck on that instead of you. See if you can find a plushy one with long fibers.

[size=150]Da Catsifier[/size] I guess it beats the bullet proof vest option :confusion-shrug:

I have had three cats do this only the female grew out of it, the males have not. They do get less aggressive as they get older. Its a security issue. All three were separated from their mother too early.
You are momma. He will ease up eventually. Increase his feelings of being secure and safe, it will help.

Yeah, I thought of some kind of a cover too for him to suckle on instead of my clothes, seems to work. He’s my second cat, the first was a male too and also liked to suckle, except that he preferred suckling on blankets only. He was more of an outdoors cat and too often he came home bruised, diseased or smelling like piss and eventually he just disappeared :frowning: . Stubbornly, I insisted neutering and keeping pets indoors is wrong and let my second cat out too. He came back bruised, barely able to walk and refused to eat, so we had to force feed him. I thought he is going to die. Luckily, after some treatment, he made a full recovery. Will never be let outside again [-(

mr reasonable, do you consider yourself a hedonist?

I dont subscribe to ideologies.

Watching the news while trying to nap before returning to work and a word used is sticking in my head as wrong
beheading, beheaded. Why is it not deheading and deheaded?

Heh, I thought you were going to say something along the lines of philosophical positions being beneath you since I read your thread in rant.

Nevertheless, if your words here are an accurate representation of your life, you’re the epitome of hedonism.

Holy shit LOL that is awesome.

Watching this…

youtube.com/watch?v=3wxxRnaH … Mii08oAeAQ

Theres 10 sides to every story.

Oh, so you’re not using Eclipse… Dude, get Eclipse. Either Juno or Indigo should suit you.

That’s one of the things I LOVE about Python. That proper indentation and formatting are actually part of the code and it fails without it. It forces people to write properly readable code.
The shit I have to go through with other people’s code… you have no idea. Sometimes it’s easier to just rewrite stuff than to try to understand what they did.

Java is great, it’s hugely resourceful. Also because it’s so widely acceptable it’s a must learn language. Tons of technology built on top of it too. If you can code in java, you can for example write for android, any of the google stuff like gwt, even apple stuff.

Current client is a really old company that has massive amounts of code written in acucubol. So they want to rewrite everything in something modern. So why not make a nice little web app with jQuery/AJAX and PHP or python on server side… no we want ruby! :hanged:

See, that’s the thing. All you’ve got is my words here. But…why would I talk about the mundane parts of my day here? Why would I talk about the workings of what I do, in a dry, boring way here in this thread? It’s more fun to just post the fun stuff, but the result is that you end up seeing me as a care free, or careless person who just lives for pleasure.

Now, I do enjoy a great deal of pleasure in my life. But, I also sleep no more than 4 or 5 hours a day, I take about 50-100 calls a day, I function with brutal efficiency in real life and I command just about everything in my life like an iron fisted general. I’m a very, very serious person when it comes to things besides getting laid on balconies and being a bit drunk. But what fun is it to describe those kinds of things? Who wants to hear that stuff? You know I’ve studied like…every kind of philosophy there is? Do you know that I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was a teenager? Did you know that there is a group of people who wake up and go to bed every day making sure that my standards are met for the endeavors that we combine our efforts toward? Or that I’m so charitable that I can’t even calculate how much I’ve given away and done for others?

I mean, just this weekend, I went to see a friend in FL, and we wanted to go to a beach. She’s just moved there and only knows this couple, a pair of schoolteachers. So they don’t have a lot of money. So instead of me and her taking off to the beach and staying in this bomb resort and leaving her friends at home. I just booked another room for this couple to have a nice weekend away, and I bought everyone’s shit the whole time. King crab legs, steaks, calamari, wine, the whole shit. They’ve never even met me. I just know that they work hard, and that they don’t have shit, and that a couple hundred bucks to them…is huge.

There’s a guy I know who has cancer, and for all intents and purposes is unemployable, (for a variety of reasons), over the last 2 years, I’ve made it the case that he can afford his treatments. He’s my neighbor. I used to work with him at a restaurant years ago. He’s had 25 surgeries to remove melanomas and on top of that, I’ve got him kayaking and getting out and enjoying himself. He feels like there’s hope in his life because of me.

There’s a couple that I know who I also used to work with. They’ve been together since they were teenagers and are now mid to late 20s. They’ve wanted a baby for a long time, but they kept having miscarriages. Through a complex sequence of events, which happened because I willed it to be, they were able to get fertility treatments and now have a beautiful 6 month old daughter.

I had another friend who’s husband took off last year and when he did, she lost her job at his parent’s real estate firm. So she’s struggling to take care of her daughter and has to work way too much. So twice in 12 months, I’ve funded vacations for her. In December we went snowmobiling and partied all over Denver. I flew her up and paid for everything. 2 weeks from now we’re going to Cozumel.

I could go on and on, but this is the story of my life. Everyone who’s ever met me in person has benefitted from doing so. I’ve always been much better at making money than most people, even when I was a kid. And at a certain point, you’ve just spoiled yourself to pieces and you don’t give much of a shit about buying anymore stuff. I mean. I could get online and try and shop right now and there’s literally nothing that I need. All my stuff in my house is the bomb. From the pots and pans to the wool rugs, to the extra thick sheets and towels, to the organic fruit to the grass fed steaks to the 14 pair of shoes to the 60 inch tv to the surround sound to the king sized 14 inch thick mattress. I could go on and on. I live really well. So at a certain point, you’ve got all this cash and nothing to do with it, so you can get pleasure out of doing nice things for others. And I don’t mean like buying dinner, but like something that can really change their lives.

I haven’t been drunk in a really long time. I got into brewing beer and there’s so much of it just sitting around here. The last 2 batches I made, I didn’t even drink a single one. I tried em, but didn’t finish em. I just give em all away because people think it’s cool to drink beer that someone made.

That being said…I’m far from an idealist, and I don’t subscribe to any isms or ists. When you know as much about the world, and people, and philosophy as I do, you just kind of sit back and observe, and you try and get yourself a real comfy seat.

I mean people think I’m bragging about money and weed and sex, but I’m not. I’m just telling people what I’m doing. If I were to start bragging, everyone would feel like assholes. I’m probably one of the nicest and most generous people you’d ever meet, and I’m loved by a whole lot of people because of it. I mean…just the people I’ve bailed out of jail alone. I bought a guy tires the other day. He’d been doing me a favor here and there and came in bitching about money, and I was like, “dude I can’t have you trying to help me out and you be riding around in need of a tire”. This fool was about to go and get 1 used tire and I just sent him to get new ones.

I could be wrong though. There’s haters of all kinds. I’m sure there’s people out there who would still think I was an asshole no matter what I did. That’s just how some people like to think. I can’t change em.

In the last 3 months, I took a guy that was living in a weekly motel, and by helping him in unspecifiable ways, he now lives in a house of his own. It’s a rental, but he lives there and doesn’t worry about money anymore.