Daemonic ☯

Lol, I’ll be honest, I haven’t been too many places where people openly philosophize and this is one of the few places that still tolerates me after seeing the worst of how I argue with some of the worst offenders to intellectual pursuits. There should be more people and there would be more people if not for the way society is. A good amount of people see philosophy as a waste of time, downgrading my arguments to third-year-philosophy-student status and then I thank them for presuming that I actually went or am going to college when I’m just another high school drop-out. You get the trolls, flamers, etc. that try to ruin it, and amongst all the people out there I’ve ran into, it’s the rare individual that has become a friend of mine through our conversations; the very rare person who steps up to the plate and says ‘yeah, man, I’ve been thinking about this shit, too.’

In truth, so many people think about these things and the sad part is that many of them don’t even try to give their thoughts word to describe and explain them, thinking it unimportant or already summed up. Consider the fact that tens of thousands of years ago, perhaps longer, people were thinking these same thoughts in different fashions due to the technologies and knowledges of the time. I consider that every religion and spirituality and group stemmed from those thoughts in their differences and that the differences in thought processes were merely perspectives and perceptions that failed to coincide in the minds and eyes of those bringing them forward. I mean, you have to figure that it is animal nature to group together with like animals and all animals; to this end and to their varying personalities; accept this without question. But, these are old thoughts and for them to remain so pertinent for so long as philosophical ideas, trumping even science, religion, etc., is phenomenal to me. The fact that the last well-known philosophers were truly Plato, Socrates and Aristotle; not forgetting modern day philosophers like trotsky and Nietzche, but it becomes so many variations and additions to what already exists.

I think that’s what pisses people off so much… they just can’t escape the necessity and importance of philosophical precedents and ideologies. And yet, for want of power or control of others they find it meaningless. Personally, I don’t care how people choose to live their lives, but there comes a point when things get a bit out of hand, such as in the modern age when and where everyone seems to be at each others throats and yet it is the first world-wide societal similarity and is what ties and connects everyone together into a similar struggle just to survive. The musings of Plato and Aristotle and Socrates mean absolutely nothing in light of these events for even their knowledge was stinted by having not seen what we are privileged to see around the world and it should definitely interest people, in my opinion.

I mean, realistically, in a better state of the world, more people would find philosophical ideas interesting and they’d be more open to share their imaginings and creativities and to share their different stories without ridicule, and there would be more people sharing those pursuits instead of the pursuits that tears apart the very societies we create. In a world that is swiftly changing, ego tends to go the four winds; it’s just not important and there really isn’t enough time in our lives to allow ego to run our lives. If you compliment your self or say something flattering about your self, it’s said to be egotistic and arrogant regardless of how you pitch it and yet there is a difference to be noticed even to those who faultily diagnose a situation. The question of ultimate truth has been asked by countless people trying to skate free with treating others any way they want to to compensate for whatever darkness rests inside of them and they don’t much care for return of favor in such a manner.

And, when I begin to wonder what peoples fucking problems are, I look back through history; look through the looking glass within my mind to see the darkness and insanity rampant in mankind and understanding begins to settle deeper in for the long haul and so the fight I’ve been fighting across the internet, wherever I go and throughout my life; why I don’t regret a single thing, not even the things that I did that I consider to be dead wrong to do and why I will learn to be happy even while being homeless and having close family turn on me for lack of proper communication in learning more about my fight online or getting to know what I was doing when I tried to talk about it with everyone I know and they turned a blind eye and decided they didn’t want to talk about philosophy or anything at all with me because I just kept coming up with great ideas and talking about things that weren’t considered real because it happened on the internet; this fight keeps me going with its importance. It’s the simple fact that a fight is undergoing and a war is occurring through the minds and bodies of everyone and even those caught unawares by events around them due to their own willful ignorance and that I’m too deep into it already.

To Hell with being perceived to be self-flattering… there is not a single motherfucker that has been able to step to me in a proper debate nor have there been too many interested in the long-term continuance of such conversations; I think just a few. I’m a talented asshole and intelligent as Hell and after years of struggling with insecurity, depression and everything else, I’m damned proud of my accomplishments. I think everyone should be. I’ve had some damned good friends, though, that love to talk about this stuff and when they bring new ideas to me that I haven’t encountered, I love the shit out of that. I will live and die as a homeless bum if that’s the final stroke of my life in a world rife with strife due to how deep into these thoughts I’ve gone, how far into my own fate I’ve dipped into. I should have died years ago, but here I am. I see you as a strong personality with good command of language and ideas and I don’t even care about our differences. That’s what a lot of people don’t understand about me, if they care to question it at all. So many people getting caught up looking at and judging everyone else and all I’ve ever tried to do is look out for other people and try to warn them of long term cause and effect to their actions.

In the long term of anything, a lot of the things in the world today become pointless and yet they’re there anyway as creature comforts to an addicted multitude who are to afraid to face their fears and move on for the fears put into them and the lack of proper teaching of strength and wisdom, etc. I honestly think that some people consider it self-flattering just to open your mouth and prove your own intelligence and talents to people through what you say; or through your hands in your creations with what you do with your life. It’s a fair assumption to make that some people look upon it with contempt and wonder where you get the right to expose your self in such a manner, so heavily guarded is their own minds and yet if you leave it open, you’ll find that it clothes itself with its own protections much like the Christians believe of God if you trust in God which lends me more belief that their concept of God is our subconscious and that still coincides with the idea of yin and yang and balance and discipline; meditation. These thoughts come from somewhere and to think that there is a common consciousness in us all that can be considered a God conscious and is conscious on its own without a body is interesting; along with how it might interact with reality.

How can anyone judge people who bring so many ideas that can’t be brought down? You really can’t argue with these thoughts and processes because it becomes an impossibility to do so just the same as it becomes impossible to argue with someone who refuses to listen to reason. Even cults of satan can’t be argued with and have their own jewels of knowledge. Perhaps the state of the world should be one of constant war or subjugation they could argue and you could argue against them and for what? The fact is that the world will change on its own regardless of peoples arguments since their arguments don’t always coincide with their actions and the sad fact is that our better nature, no matter how hidden in some, still prevents people from being as bad as they could be; no matter all of those who rose above those restraints… they still can’t get very far for the delicate balance inherent in politics and governments; the system of checks and balances around the world that is out of everybodies control and prevents anyone from getting too far out of hand. Again, something that makes the modern age far more interesting when you look at all the news around the world and realize the mounting tension they try to shove under the rug and out of view; the momentum of events from the past that carries us into the future.

Here’s the question, though: how to truly understand any tragedy of the world without suffering? Can’t be done and so we can’t heal the world until all have suffered equally together and that is the worst part of it and is luckily out of the control of others. You are just as much a tool of fate as I am or anyone else, even those you may not understand too well or have trouble seeing as equal. Each of these groups wants to push their ideologies across the world so that they can control it and have peace in their own fashion and I say let the stupid fuckers; all they’re going to succeed in doing is mixing and matching cultural ideologies across the board and creating a combined might that has never been seen before, for the planet and for philosophy and for the greater motherfucking good; a rainbow army of multi-cultural diversity, brought together to fight a common evil and the trick is that whether it was intentional or not; it will happen anyway and I think it was both partially intentional and not because nobody could plan for it and if nobody had tried to plan for it, it would never have happened at all either way and yet happened all the same; all of it. 'It; being the long lead-up of society to the current age and all of everything that has happened that we play the blame game over. There will be a natural conclusion in the midst of everyone trying to force one to happen and I just laugh like an asshole through thoughts like that because all people ever had to do was just live life, let it be and let it settle itself and yet they couldn’t do it and that becomes the horrible beauty of self-fulfilling prophecies; even the ones on a global scale such as the second coming of jesus christ, etc.

Second coming my ass. At that point, they concede the matter of reincarnation saying that this spirit will return and other religions are going, ‘lmfao, dumbasses, that spirit has returned countless times already,’ and yet each time it has a different name, doesn’t it. Here we are talking about all of this and the simple fact of the matter is that we will still live our lives as they play out anyway based on our choices; best choose your own adventure ever and most people can’t even properly appreciate it.

Maybe they’re acting snobbish because they want you to go away, being that you’re the type who thinks you’re above others and can just go around deflating egos and knocking people off high horses. People don’t like that kind of shit. I mean, there’s some aspects of your character that seem obvious to everyone but you. Maybe you should know thyself better or something. I took 69 hours of philosophy at university, and worked in the department for 5 years, and still have lunch with, and hang out with professors on a regular basis. And I can tell you that knowing both sides of every ancient argument doth not an intellectual make. It’s easy for someone to fool themselves into thinking they’re really smart because they memorized a lot of things, or because they can construct proper rhetorical arguments. But there are shit loads of people in the world like that who are actually dumb as fuck and just don’t realize it. I see them everywhere.

Phred, you’ve got a lot better chance of getting your points across if you make your posts a but less wall-of-texty and try and narrow down your points into something more digestible be the average forum user. I keep thinking that you’re saying something that might be interesting, but no matter what…I’m not reading 1000 word posts.

Oh. My bad. I must have mistaken you for someone who had a brain and wanted to use it. I keep forgetting that your name is meant to be ironic. Lol, I am so red in the face right now. I keep forgetting to cater to the children that visit this website and instead hold nothing back from what I put forth. You know, if you don’t like reading my mountains of text, you could always just… not. I don’t write it for people who don’t enjoy it, I do it because 1. I have something to say and 2. because some people might enjoy reading it. Personally, I think you read it and just don’t like some of what I say and instead of addressing it directly, turn to pulling out something like that instead of the trite tl;dr of your average troll and yet your delivery still smacks of the same sentiment. Wahhhhh.

Hey man, the first thing they taught my english 101 class was the importance of being concise. Another thing that my professor hated was what he called, “folksy diction”. I’m just trying to help you reach a broader audience. If you have something to say, and you can be a bit more concise, and use a bit less of that folksy diction, then more people will probably read it. I know you’re a really angry and aggressive dude, and that you feel like you have to use force with everything you say, but and that’s ok, but you’d still accomplish more if you toned down your wall of text style.

Oh dear, I forgot to care about the taught lessons of some school I never went to and a class structure different than the english classes I attended. I don’t give much thought to the people who don’t want to read. They’re kind of in the wrong place at the point of stepping into a philosophical messageboard on the internet. My audience is limited as it is and even if it weren’t, why should I hold my self back because of their fallibilities in patience? I find that even a dyslexic person will read a lot if they find it interesting, even if it takes them days to do so. An interested person will read something multiple times to get a better idea of what is being said. So, at the point of hitting that wall, at what point should I choose to cater to people who may or may not be interested and if they’re truly interested in what is being said, then shouldn’t it show in their responses or lack of responses and therein lays a large portion of my problem with humanity, because it’s just not as straightforward as that for lack of communication on the parts of others and yet the amount of views these topics get, alone, proves to me peoples interest in the matter.

Maybe I’m not trying to sell myself out to be found interesting by people who buy too much the wrong things in life. Maybe my goal is to actually teach people appropriate lessons and since you’re interested in what I say, such a broad statement of tl;dr didn’t fly and got called out upon. I do appreciate your constructive criticism, though. It is pitched in a better air than others I’ve seen, it’s just that I am who I am and I have my own style that I choose not to change overly much just to please others. My aim isn’t to please others but to actually do and say something worth doing/saying. And frankly, on that matter, my opinion matters more than others, because if I’m going to please anyone, it might as well be my self so long as I’m not adamantly and purposefully displeasing others. Should just be honest and say, I would be a lot more interested in what you say if you didn’t repeat your self so many times and yet I do so for a reason; you could say you would like it more if it weren’t so long-winded and I say it’s long-winded for a reason and how do you truncate something rife with meaning without losing that meaning? Impossible; they’ve done it and it doesn’t work. If you have time to whine about living, you have time to live and if you have time before you’re dead, then you have time to follow your interests. It’s just a matter of priority and what you’re saying to me is that your priority isn’t to read these long posts of mine even for the interesting parts that may be there and to that end, I just say, so be it.

Eric, the high horses may be like Trojans inversely attacking the computer like systems, when all they are doing is, trying to deflate something that has invaded them, viruses from way past, way way past, almost it coud be said deamonically, where; a newly emerging superman, invaded man, and from which understandibly the resolution was found the only way left appearently: by trickery. That failing, minions were called upon to overcome these defenses, in the manner of nullyfing the 200 ships meant to rescue? her.

No , it isn’t that easy to get out from under that loop,
the not yet recovered original.

That’s a plausible theory, Orb. But I think the following is even more so: Perhaps the diabolical clockwork elves managed to finally escape from the subterranean penitentiary in the 8th dimension of the nether. If so, they excogitated brilliantly, no? And to think that the free-will vs determinism debate didn’t come to a consummation - ha! Those lil-bastards, I tell ya. This explains the impetus behind the industrial revolution and the bay of pigs.

Actually, the viruses invading Sonny have actually shown how the internet is crying out for censorship. It is quite possible, that the U.S. created this fiasco, so as to give energy and creedence to move along the lines of cyber control, and security. That Obama blamed Sony for buckling under he ‘threat’, by equivicating national security with cyber security, way raise the bar thereby elimintatin the difference. To underline the difference, one needs to look at differences between the idea of human rights, and the more ambigous notion of freedom of the press. The former encompasses the later, and how this derivation works upon the mechanisms of believability is such that the derivative becomes one of a contrivance, into more general principles, which can not be authenticated. The effect stregthens the media as the message, but only if, a certain level of belief is suspended. Whether this effort is building into the ‘i told you so, another claim for a smart conspiracy theorist’s excuse to such effort’ so as to build a foundation of the reality of what really is going on in cyberspace. That it has gone virtually bananas, is a good excuse to stat putting in the necessary filters. The next stage, probably mean deprogramming certain mistakenly induced facts. You may like this version better.

LOL I was pushing your buttons, Orby.

I haven’t been following that N.Korea/Sony thing; I rarely watch tv…

Kind of random, but what are you reading currently?

I wasn’t reading it, i listened to NPR while driving, and the latest is North Korea’s disclaimer to the charge of cyber espionage. It just occured to me at that time, that it may, yet be true, that they had little if any to do with it. The latest is that North Korea has suffered in ind a cyber attack, and most of their internet is down.

I know, but I mean are you reading any philosophy books currently? If so, which one(s)?

Usually what old(er)?guys read, in this case would like to get into the stuff You recommended, and am reading Goethe’s poems. But alas, whenever i read them,the thought overwhelms me, that i was born entirely in the wrong century.

Yeah dude, it’s all bullshit. They are conditioned to specialize. A means to an end. Hands.

However, understanding and acceptance are beautiful things. It allows you to grow personally, to mature and to move on. Yeah even if that does imply a life of solitude and being alone. Is it really that bad?..it isn’t really, is it? It allows you to really appreciate life.

You can always return occasionally to have fun with people :wink:

I think I might just…drag some along, to join me in the solitude of the forest.
We can have all sorts of fun…just think about it! Hey, do you know where I can get some sturdy chains?

Lock em up.png

An old friend of mine was beaten to death for less than 20 bucks the other night. 63 year old man. Found in the breezeway of an apartment building where he was delivering a pizza. Immigrated here from Jordan in the late 90s. 3 kids, a wife who was disabled 2 years ago in a car accident. No life insurance. Blunt force to the head and left for dead.

A friend of mine was stabbed and beaten to death for stealing a garage door opener after who he stole from had been robbed. Another really good friend of mine died from having his liver dissolve on him from drinking too much. My deepest condolences and I hope they find whoever did it.

Posted that one in the wrong thread. My bad.

(((((((((((((((((((((mannequin: this sounds so goooooooooooooooooood on paper, but soooooooooooooooooooo difficult in practice–its a state of mind, where you dont have to go to the ‘real mountin’ in the first place…

I remember going to a house-party, not too long ago. There were lots of people I went to high school with there, all of them drunk and high. I was drunk myself, not sloshed, but slightly past the point of being capernoited. What stuck out to me was how sociable everyone was, how uninhibited people were. People came up to me, who were kind of reticent before ( In school ), but this time, they were very loquacious. Conversations flowed smoothly, no awkwardness or discomfiture. Obviously, alcohol reduces inhibitions, but still, I find it interesting how normally, or soberly, we have so many defensive barriers and inhibitions that prohibit us from expressing ourselves, from being more spontaneous and smooth.