Purpose of philosophy in the coming war

James, you are a man of many assumptions.

Not nearly as much as I was. I learned that the assumptions of the superficial were very seriously unfounded. So I sought a means to know without assuming. Now I assume very little and only when I really have to. But along the way, I found a great many things to no longer assume were there and/or not there.

You were born into a war (medical and psychological). And keeping you blind is a major strategy in that war, pretty much from all sides. And taking advantage of your desire to believe that you can see clear enough, is a big part of that strategy.

As I said, I know which war I am fighting and which war I am not fighting.


It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles;
if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one;
if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

Sun Tzu -Chap 3.

I note the majority do not know their enemies and themselves in this ‘war’ against Islamism and Islamist terrorism.

The majority 99% of Muslims are good ordinary people, albeit many are vulnerable to be influenced to commit and support a small minority of Islamists’ and their evils.

The critical elements of the ‘enemies’ are very malignant.

Know Your Enemies
The enemies are the following;

  1. A natural small percentile (say 1%) of evil prone people in any group, thus Muslims.
  2. A small percentile of evil laden verses (say 5%) within the holy texts of Islam.
  3. Some elements of evil within the ethos of Islam.

Know Yourself
Know Thyself -Socrates
This is a very complex issue which need to be understood and mastered.
The important point here is not to be too apologetic but be a very critical thinker and educate oneself with philosophy-proper.

The purpose of philosophy is to educate and train the individuals to deal with the above critical elements within a systematic and very interrelated framework.

That is a great summary.

Do you think Islam can be replaced with any ideology (communism, capitalism, atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, marketing, advertising, cinematography, etc)? Even within ILP many think that the moderation rules are evil, unfair, and unjust. Even within philosophy there are what many would consider evil discourses.

What is your measure of what is evil and what is good?

To Know Thyself is not a measure; it is a commandment.

I don’t support any religion, they’re all squeamish fools that like have cock wars and pissing contests.

Oh, it would also be wise to keep in mind.

Here’s all the verses of violence in the Quaran for the precious Islam if you so choose to defend them. Coercion, violence, obligation.

If I wanted to support murderers and violent psychopaths I would have supported Christianity converting and killing pagans back in Rome or Charles Manson and his psychopathic murdering from manipulating. No thanks.

Also, I don’t believe there is a such thing as “evil” or “good” outside of being just labels. I don’t think they are literal.

Is anyone asking you to support religion?
If they are, then tell them to move along.
It is not that difficult.

Islam is, or supposed death. Due to and judging from their texts.

I wonder why other muslim’s don’t try to stop the terrorism… Probably because they believe this garbage too, as if they have a duty to force their belief over everyone else. Or at the very least, let it happen.

This may sound a bit ruthless, but I say just drop a nuke on them and be done with it. I’d of said the same thing in the time and era of the crusades in Rome as well, but that technology was not available to stop their merciless slaughtering of innocence.

And no one give me the guilty bs of “What about the children?”, what about them? You want them growing up being influenced by this trash as well? To believe this absolute violent garbage that they have to assert their dominance over anyone who doesn’t share their belief? To support such conformity and slaughter of difference. This is the absolute slaughter of natural advancement, and natural advancement is what I stand for. It’s either the race moves forward or backwards, and I do not support it going backwards any further.

They have a right to believe, but they don’t have a right to force it over anyone. That is what they teach in their religious scriptures and that is what they have showed in action. Sorry, but this isn’t the caveman era anymore, time to grow up or get out.

It doesn’t sound ruthless… just fanatical and fundamentalist.
You would have been Hitler’s right hand man if you were there at the time.
Kicking those Jews into the gas chambers for the good of all man kind.

Except Jew’s don’t have violent texts that say “Slaughter all non believers in the name of our god”, so no I actually wouldn’t of been Hitlers right hand man. Nice try though and I knew you would use that as an argument. It’s nature at it’s extremist for you. Either kill or be killed, if they want to live in peace they shouldn’t be hypocritical/contradictory and go around the world taunting nations x10 stronger than them and pressing their beliefs of violence where they don’t belong.

Wow! What can I say!

James, where are you when I need you… lol

The Jews were innocent people. These people aren’t innocent, just look at what they are supporting and teaching and even if they say “Oh I don’t support that” then why do they let it all happen without trying to do a single thing about it? Obeying or letting something happen is about the same as doing it yourself. It’s like when someone gets mugged you have the choice to help the person being mugged or stand there and watch. Standing there watching makes you just as bad as the person doing the mugging.

At the very least the children/non believers of violent texts could be escorted away. But who knows if that is even safe either.

So A. They either don’t support the violent texts which is their religion and by not supporting such are not truly Muslim.
B. Support it or allow it to happen because they believe it.
C. Are an actual peaceful religion that has been corrupted. (But I doubt it)
D. Say it is a peaceful religion in order to deceive and not get wiped off of the map.

I so dislike this narrative that portrays current events as battles in some sort of culture war. Apart from being a deeply toxic point of view, it is so incredibly stale and boring: it is always the same story, over and over again. The only difference seems to be that Anti-semitism is just not fashionable anymore, so in stead of scheming rabbis and the protocols of Zion we now have some sort of diabolical world-wide conspiracy of Muslims.

But the funny thing is - when it comes to being afraid of terrorists, we seem to be afraid of the wrong people, if we should be afraid at all. Since 9/11, 60% of terrorist attacks in the USA have actually been perpetrated by extreme right wing terrorists. Political groups with supremacist, authoritarian or ultra-nationalist beliefs in their creeds are growing all over Europe. We could just as easily create a narrative around the creeping advance of far-right groups, and talk about how we are going to defend ourselves against the “fascistimization” as opposed to “Islamification” of western Europe.

It seems that Islamic peoples have been cast as the scary “other” for us to collectively worry about.

Conspiracy? read the texts, does that look like conspiracy huh? Sure as hell doesn’t look like conspiracy to me, considering the proof is right there in their own Quaran.

You have a whole lot to learn about Judaism.

Even cities very far away, slaughter the males and take the women and other property for your own use, if they resist serving you (after you lied to them).

There is no peace in the Middle East for a reason.

There’s isn’t as violent or continuous like the Quaran though.

Look at that… Since you provided something I did not know I will agree that they are indeed a bit violent as well. I never read up on Judaism before, I might just so I can know now though. They all seem to be violent.

Have Jews did anything in history like the Islamic are doing today??

I am not comparing them. But yes the Hebrews and Judists are the top contender for the most murderous people to ever be on Earth. You are not aware of it because their method involves secretly “turning nation against nation”, as they boast of doing and which they have been recently caught doing (the USS Liberty incident, attempting to murder the entire crew in 1967 in order to start a war between the USA and Egypt), not to mention a great, great many other such incidences.

Sneaky about it huh, that’s interesting. They paid US for the family losses, damage and wounded… Do you really think they did that on purpose? I don’t get why someone would want to go to war with the US… That’s like suicide imo.