Ethical clarity and the role of character

Ethics has to do with human relations and with how human beings cooperate harmoniously. It also is concerned with the good life for the good individual.

Let us reduce Ethics to its simplest elements: The most fundamental aspect of Ethics is caring. Before there is cooperating there is caring; one must care enough to engage in cooperation. The same applies to collaboration with others, to courtesy, and to compliance with moral principles. Compassion may be defined as intensive caring. Empathy is an intuitive form of caring. Kindness is caring in action. Self-interest is caring applied to the self. Love is a willingness to serve and care for another because one beholds countless possibilities and qualities for mutual enhancement.

The classroom or academic term for this is ‘Intrinsic valuation.’ It is a process of giving full attention, getting involved, identifying with, and eventually bonding. This is a technical way of speaking about maximum caring. To employ the term I-valuing is to refer to this process.

Self-interest is enlightened, or wise, when there is an awareness that what really helps you helps me, for we need each other. We are social animals. Cooperation enabled us to survive to this day as a species when so many other species have become extinct. We need more cooperation on goals that we share. We individually, and socially, attain a quality life by creating value. For further details see the writings to which links are offered below - safe to open, and cost-free.

In other places I have explained how having good character tends to result in good conduct; and acquiring character is a factor of either having a role model of good character, or learning early in life that treasuring a living person is worth more to you than treasuring a material thing (such as your new yacht); and that a material thing, something concrete and tangible, is worth more than the ideologies, systems and theories. One way of acquiring a good character is by making use of the self-chosen “obligatory norms” of which R. S. Hartman speaks. See the quick summary in the section on Norms, p.19, in BASIC ETHICS: A Systematic Approach (2014) -

True, we need all the dimensions of value, and a holistic viewpoint is healthy; and that is why the child – once Ethics is widely taught - would learn about the web of life and how it is connected to the web of the universe, how human nature is a subset of natural forces – and above all, if we get in harmony and alignment with those natural forces we will have a life full of joy and serenity, a life of fulfillment. We will flourish.

Furthermore, this new, yet old, paradigm for ethical theory in the manual - a link to which is offered here: … course.pdf - offers the reader value knowledge. …And what is the benefit of that?

Value knowledge is insurance against personal and social disorder.

Science presents us with empirical value. As we know from the history of science, Philosophy is prior to science both logically and time-wise. There was natural philosophy before there was physical science. Philosophy asks the right questions. It is indispensable.

Philosophy discovered that every value is fact-laden and that every fact is value-laden…i.e., persons select which facts to give attention to, and thus to value, selecting these out of the myriad of other facts available. This gives a new perspective to the distinctions made by Hume, in 1739, in his Treatise. Hume believed that there is a rigid gap between fact and value. Hartman, in 1967, taught us that value arises out of a novel recombination of facts. (Creativity is a rearrangement of existing properties.)

So let us be thankful for, and appreciative of, Philosophy.

Your views and comments?

I see that it is good yet, leaves out genetics. We are social creatures but, there is predator prey that guide behavior. A child will be one or the other, most fall between. A wolf pack will protect their herd of deer. Our species has wolf and deer within us. We cannot teach genes away so easily. I can see your theory being used by a pack of human wolves to control their human deer herd.
The sheer amount of our species and breeding causes great difficulties in mass education. A worldwide generational agreement would have to occur. The effort would take at the very least 5 generations to create any real change. And that is presuming all goes well. I see wolves dressing in deerskin.

There is much truth in what you say, Kriswest. Those of us who have been deceived by a con artist know well that there are ‘wolves’ out there. …or, is ‘jackals’ a better word for them- Many folks have been deceived by a misleading claim of a sales agent, or a lying advertisement.

We ourselves are capable of misbehavior and immorality; we are also capable of being sweet, dear and gentle. We are all hypocrites to the extent that we don’t live up to our personal high ideals. Much depends upon what moral norms we set for ourselves and whether we make an effort to develop the habits that make these norms a reality. Constant practice is necessary until being of good character becomes a subconscious habit, and even then it helps to be mindful.

Education efforts may indeed take generations until everyone is keenly aware of this conception of Ethics. So what? Is it not worth it to spread the word about it here and now? Let’s get started on the educating project!!!

The software of the correct values and concepts enable the hardware of effective technologies that will facilitate ethical living …the living of a quality life.

Actually, I see the change coming about merely by the educating of the creative ‘moral engineers’ to coin a term: they are the ones who devise what I speak of as ethical technologies. Here are some examples,

“Grads of Life” is such a technology. So also are the countless nonprofits devoted to doing good-cause work that you may learn about on the internet. See YES! magazine and The Rational Optimist magazine for more; they are both available online and are both free. …New ethical technologies are being developed every day. And that is why - if you give them your support and/or your volunteer effort - goodness can prevail over evil.

Most-relevant to Ethics, is this book, ANSWERING THE CENTRAL QUESTION. Read about it here: … l+question - Although written for a general audience, for students, parents, teachers, administrators, thinking people in all walks of life, I believe that if executives and managers at all levels were acquainted with the principles in these pages, they would build better work-teams and as a result have a harmonious culture in the workplace. The mission of the company would be ethics-compliant and the individuals in it would be more-deeply ethical.

Comments and reviews welcome!

When the topic of Ethics - Theoretical aspects - is raised, some of the major questions that philosophers ponder with regard to this topic are these:

Should you think about your duty, or about the consequences of your actions? Or should you concentrate on becoming a good person?

The best answer is that if you concentrate on being a good person you WILL think about the effects your actions will have, and you will think about, and actually do, your responsibilities.

It sounds like I am endorsing Virtue Ethics but that is not the case. The theory I offer for your consideration is what I have named the Unified Theory of Ethics. It is described in the first post above and in the selections in the signature below. Once there is agreement on the concepts proposed, then science will show how to achieve the policy measures implied by these concepts and values.

Some of the values that Ethics (the UTE) finds to be valid and applicable are these - all integrated together:
Personal choice
Opportunity (to express one’s talents and capacities and to climb the ladder of social mobility) It affirms equal opportunity for everyone, and thus special privilege for no one !
Responsibility - and this includes Civic Responsibility such as exercising your right to vote; voting for those who upon screening and interviewing, examining carefully their past record and experiences will uphold, and advocate, and work for Ethical policies that support a quality life for one and for all.

Hence those who know their Ethics would endorse and promote these values as practical and conducive to a Quality Life (one of well-being and flourishing.)

We all do better if we ALL do better.

So today Help someone. Do a random act of kindness. Make a difference.

Your comments?

What if you are born abnormal?

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Here is the correct link to open the manual ETHICS: A College Course

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Happy reading !!!

p.s. The audience for the first few chapters is comprised of professors of, and graduate students in, Philosophy. The rest of it may be suitable for a general audience of educated readers.