the psychology of objectivism - one possible narrative

Dude, you have utterly destroyed every single one of KTS members, I admit it. And yes, I am emotional and hysterical precisely because I am totally incapable of dealing with what you’re saying . . . it’s way over of my head. And I simply have to respond to you with meaningless drivel because I am utterly weak . . .

And Apaosha is now going to shut down his forum and build a monument in your honor . . .

And this thread won’t be closed or moved to rant because it contains historically relevant information . . .

I’ve already explained this here and elsewhere, but I will try to explain it once again because trying to explain important things in as many different ways as possible is always fun.

We’re going to talk about cowardice.

Cowardice is the incapacity to accept what one is, what one truly wants, it is the incapacity to follow one’s instincts, to accept the consequences of one’s past decisions, including the decisions made by one’s ancestors.

Cowardice is the desire to reinvent oneself.

Instead of the real, the past, the instinctive preceding the ideal, the future, the reasonable, we now have the ideal, the future, the reasonable preceding the real, the past, the instinctive.

One desires to learn without making mistakes, to develop without making sacrifices.

Pretension: reason preceding instincts.

Hyper-rational folks such as iambiguous, phoneutria and Trixie do nothing other than this, the only difference lies in the way they do it.

Reason is no longer considered a process, no longer considered something that follows and works with instincts. Rather, reason is something one has to do before one acts.

No instinct is allowed expression because instincts reveal one’s reality, one’s inferiority.

When instincts become too overwhelming, too painful, too constipated, the brain either endures them through detachment or it fragments itself by attaching to a group of instincts it considers “good” in order to deny the remaining group of instincts it considers “evil”. The first endures chaos/pain, the second denies it through premature order/pleasure.

Bothered by its conflicting desires, the individual seeks a way to limit/deny some of its desires such that inner peace can be established.

This is repression, or desire not to desire. This is different from suppression in that suppression is a conflict between desires, not a desire not to desire. Repressing means creating peace, whereas suppressing means creating conflict.

Desires are limited/denied by something I call “artificial order”. Other names for it are “morality”, “thou shalt” and “memetic identity”. I prefer the former because it is more abstract (i.e. more general.) It is a set of “rights” that define what is allowed and what is not allowed. The opposite of artificial order is natural order which arises from one’s instincts.

Artificial order is always forceful because it is counter-instinctive, it denies instincts. But artificial order can be enforced by the other or self-enforced.

The easiest way to impose artificial order is physically, through simple reward and punishment system. In this way, the individual is distracted from his inner conflict, and for this reason, and no other reason, he is made content.

Women like to be treated like shit because it distracts them from their inner chaos. Though the experience is painful, they find it agreeable because it gives them the hope that their problem lies somewhere else. It allows them to get rid of responsibility by falsifying the reality of their need.

If a physical variant is not working, one can try a mental variant. One is no longer punished by the other, but by oneself. One simply has to learn what is good and what is bad and administrate punishment and reward accordingly. Christianity is a classic example.

Such an artificial order can be adopted from without or invented on our own. The more creative one is, the more appealing the second option is.

Drugs come in many forms, and one of these forms is the form which appears not to be a drug . . . this is the kind of drug iambiguous is addicted to.

It appears as if he has finally acquired the necessary courage to follow through his instincts. He rejects all authority on the so-called moral decisions and claims that such decisions are rooted in “dasein”. He can now do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, whichever way he wants, noone can stop him . . .

But is this so?

Has he freed himself from self-denial or did he simply move his “point of denial” from one place to another?

You see, social interaction provokes certain reactions in people. We don’t exactly know why, the reasons are too complex to be understood in entirety, and they vary from individual to individual, but it does and it makes people uncomfortable.

We are interested to know what other people think, we are interested to know what is and who is superior and inferior, but past a certain point, such genetically acquired interests become a burden and one is motivated to simply deny them . . .

One no longer desires to know what is superior and inferior . . . what other people think . . . these desires, very natural desires, become buried so that they no longer disturb us.

And then these retards proceed to call themselves independent and in tune with their instincts . . .

Yes, I am also Kovacs.


Perhaps my post has these as implication, but if so you are steps ahead of me, since I would not have said either of those things. I thought I made it pretty clear.

I was focused on this question, which I think I have seen you ask before and also frame more as a premise in other contexts. Does this eliminate the argument? Does this argument or position you have make everyone agree?

I think that is a strange implicit critique. People agreeing, in my experience, is not controlled by the validity, soundness, truth values, rhetorical ability, truth value (as far as I judge this). In fact an argument that eliminated argument might be incorrect - an idea I tried to get across by raising issues of power in my previous post.

Makes it go away. I think that is a very odd formulation. I have no idea if this is the case, but it sounds like your political hopes are being brought into a philosophical discussion. There is some kind of conflation: political or interpersonal effectiveness is being conflated with truth value.

If I say this, you will then, it seems, ask how do you know what you are saying is correct. Fine. That can lead to a good discussion. But asking for arguments that will make debates go away seems confused to me.

Let me know if you can see the two different discussions: in one objectivist A argues why X is moral. In the other discussion objectivist A argues that his or her position will eliminate argument.

To me these are completely different categories of discussion, the latter with some kind of incredilble utopian hopes and criteria for arguments.

The guys over at KTS know full well that their arguments are not going eliminate all disagreement. In fact they seem more dead certain than most people on the issue and I agree with them. I would see this idea that one’s argument will eliminate all other positions is more a liberal position, a faith in the potency of rationality and argument.

I am pretty sure this is not simply poor phrasing on your part, since you challenge other people’s arguments by presenting other people’s arguments that have not been made to go away.

Rather than simply contesting their argument with YOURS.

So it seems like a real criterion for you: what you just said does not eliminate debate (so therefore it is not objective, sound, true, useful seems implicit also). STrange.

I think you are adding a problem. There is the problem of coming to an objective or right answer. Then there is the goal of having this answer be compelling to eveyone. Hence you participate in discussions and frame them at an abstracted, distant from yourself level. Your feet are not on the ground.

This is important stuff - the issue of people not being convinced. I am not saying that is not important, but it is a different discussion.

As long as you do not come at life from your own position and have this criterion of ‘convince everyone or your position is not useful’ you are outside yourself and ntohing can be resolved. For you anyway.

It comes off like you think the only possible use of a discussion is universal (secular) salvation.


I suppose that that might be called enlightenment and/or moving away from our subjective truth to a more objective truth though still subjective.

Why do you think that is? I think that it may be because within our own minds we have everything figured out but when in relation to the outside world, which includes the environment and the minds of others, they fail because we see only with a limited perspective, our own, and the same goes for others.

Hopelessly entangled? But do you actually feel hopeless about it?
I still see no problem here. A person’s viewpoint changes if he’s a thinking person. I may be misunderstanding your words or maybe not, but I think that every situation is different and has to be judged accordingingly. Things are not set in stone I have found.

That just serves to teach us in the moment that we cannot hug our personal perspectives too closely to us. I’m not saying that we ought to let go of our own personal code of ethics or sense of morality, but I think that they evolve as we do. Anyway, it is part of life to be hopelessly entangled in things. We untangle that Gordian Knot and it tangles itself up again and again. We need to laugh at it so it doesn’t have so much power over us. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Transcending in such a way as Nietzsche meant - beyond good and evil. I think within a harmony of right reason and heart. Not necessary to bring a god into it.

And as always, if this is what you believe, then any time you imply or state that objectivists are bad or the problem or worse than those who are not objectivists, you are being a hypocrite, since these evaluations of yours would be based on moral leaps your epistemology would see as groping in total darkness.

And small essays with the structure
objectivists are bad/the problem (the bulk of the text)

would still imply strongly that the LIKELY conclusion one should draw is they are bad.

Positing likelihoods is also hypocrisy given your epistemology.

And note: this is not an argument that this or that objectitivist is right or even can be. I am focused on your situation, given your belief. You have, according to you beliefs, no ground at all to make value judgments of what objectivism causes.

They might be all utterly wrong and even bad, but you still have an epistemological block to implying and claiming what they do is bad or that they are a problem.

Magnus Anderson will be able to reply to any posts addressed to him in 24hrs, due to a one day ban.

It means that if you choose to interact with others in a particular human community, there must be rules of behavior [local, state, federal] pertaining to conflicts like abortion. As such, some will insist it is moral while others will insist it is not.

And I root this in dasein. What do you root it in? Philosophy? God?

Then what?

In other words, out in the real world the words that we exchange in places like this must somehow be translated into legal and political contraptions. Right?

So, how then do we go about making a determination as to what that legal and political agenda ought to be? Can we go to the philosophers/ethicists to pin this down? Can we know what to do such that it can be said to be a moral obligation to behave in such and such a way?

What does this have to do with the point I just made? We simply do not know what our fate will be when we die. But if someone tells me that they do in fact know this, I am going to ask them what it is. And then once they tell me, I am going ask them to demonstrate why I should believe it too. I simply make the distinction here between someone demonstrating to me that Mary had an abortion – she either did or she did not – and demonstrating to me that the abortion either is or is not moral.

And this means either God or some philosophical argument that establishes an objective moral font when mere mortals disagree. You seem to to be inclined to go in both directions. But I’ll be damned if I can get you to explain how the two are linked. Even just in your head. Indeed, in this respect, you are basically as unintelligible as James. At least to me.

Okay, what is that argument? What are those words? Basically all you do is insist that abortions are moral if they occur before a certain week in the pregnancy because the science you link us to says so. End of discussion.

Yeah, we can say or believe anything. But others will say and believe the opposite. Then it comes down to either might makes right or moderation, negotiation and compromise. Or some consensus in a particular community whereby the majority come to agree that one philosophical/scientific argument is the optimal, most rational one.

As though that makes the argurments of those who don’t agree just go away.

Back again to “What God?” The one that you say that you believe in?

Come on, if God makes a distinction between right and wrong behavior He must be right. Why? Because God [most of them] is said to be omniscient. And once you know everything that pretty much gives you an advantage over folks like us that don’t. And with God there is never any question of not being judged, right?

And since God is omnipotent, there is never any question of not being punished, is there? So, sure, you can think God is a fascist asshole if you wish. All the way to Hell as it were.

On the other hand, if God is omniscient how in the world can any of us have free will anyway? We think He is a fascist asshole but He knew all along that we were going to think it.

What the hell is goig on.

What are you even babbling about? A human is only the sum of it’s parts. A god is only the sum of it’s parts. You seem to be babbling about past-lives things that no man is capable of remembering.

Humans don’t learn from the mistakes, humans rarely can predict the future. I see a trend of stupid people reproducing, I see a way to fix this by fixing the human DNA. It’s really that simple. Its really as simple as, I don’t like the current brand of homo sapiens, and I don’t want them overrunning the planet. I don’t see how any amount of psychobabble and personal evaluation is all that relevant. It all boils down to, do you like the society and culture of the world? Do you have faith in these idiots? Then you probably have faith in them. I however would not wish for such a culture to expand any further than it already has. I mean, it’s as simple as saying, do you like them putting toxins in your food and water? Y or N? If N, change their DNA. If y, do nothing and enjoy your silly life. No jungian psychoanalysis required.

You make up some imaginary line between instinct and rationality and me I’m not in the mood for psychobabble nonsense. It is as simple as Y or N. Do you have faith in the current population of DNA Y or N?

Clear to me [re the OP] is the extent to which the objectivists are able to translate their didactic intellectual contraptions into an argument that integrates their words and the world that we live in. At least as it relates to conflicting behaviors derived from conflicting value judgments.

Again: What in the world does this have to do with the point I just made?

There are things that we can all agree on with respect to conflciting value judgments because they revolve around actual empirical facts, or logical truths, or demonstratable propositions.

It’s when we shift gears from either/or to is/ought that the arguments become more problematic.

Bring it down to earth and [in my view] it becomes considerably less confusing.

Some argue that abortion is immoral. The reason? We should not kill the unborn.
Some argue that abortion is moral. The reason? Women should not be forced to give birth.
But we can’t live in a world where both points of view prevail.
So, Mr. Philosopher, what is to be done?

How does one side here make the point that the other side raises go away?

The same with all other moral conflagrations. Each side has points that are still out there even though legally/politically the other side prevails.

The debate around abortion will go on and on precisely because each side insists that their set of premises must prevail. And they must prevail they further insist because they encompass/embody the most reasonable and just and ethical set of assumptions. Go ahead, ask them

Now, my dilemma revolves around the assumption that this is true. In other words, that I derived my own point of view about abortion based on a particular accumulation of existential variables in my own particular life in my own particular world that predisposed me to go in one direction rather than another. And, in turn, based on the assumption that whatever side any particular individual lands on does not render the premises of the other side moot. Not necessarily. Not as a result of an argument that resolves the conflict objectively.

Sure, maybe somewhere in my argument, I have made one of those dreaded “category mistakes” that epistemologists [serious philosophers] love to thump you with. But what on earth does any of that have to do with my point about dasein, conflicting goods and political economy as they pertain to the morality of abortion?

Poor phrasing?!!

Yes, but you forgot to mention that if you don’t come to share their own didactic/scholastic point of view about all of this you are [axiomatically?] one of the sheep, a retard, an imbecile, a cunt. Or, in my case, a tyrannical turkey and/or a moronic chimpanzee.

Here is my problem:

If I am always of the opinion that 1] my own values are rooted in dasein and 2] that there are no objective values “I” can reach, then every time I make one particular moral/political leap, I am admitting that I might have gone in the other direction…or that I might just as well have gone in the other direction. Then “I” begins to fracture and fragment to the point there is nothing able to actually keep it all together. At least not with respect to choosing sides morally and politically.

Now, is this a problem for you too? If not, let’s choose a moral/political issue of note and we can exchange points of view regarding how, in fact, we incorporate the arguments that we make here such that others can more clearly see how they impact on our actual behaviors around others. After all, it is through our behaivors that consequences unfold. Right?

Discussions are useful [in a world sans God] because mere mortals have no choice but to pursue them. At least if they choose in to interact socially, politically and economically around others.

My point revolves instead around the extent to which, using the tools of philosophy, we can bring the discussions to an end by demonstrating why all men and women who wish to be thought of as rational and moral and just, must subscribe to one particular argument as reflective of the whole objective truth.

Now, these arguments may well in fact exist. But, sans God, with respect to an issue like abortion, let’s hear one.

Listen transsexual, you are boring, and the reason you are boring is because you are anhedonic, and the reason you are anhedonic is because you are hyper-rational, and the reason you are hyper-rational is because you have no courage for your instincts.

Your brain is not strong enough to sense its need so it is forced to falsify it.

Destroying the universe without any desire to build is STUPID, it is COUNTER-INSTINCTIVE, it is ANTI-LIFE. Our ancestors lived in order to BUILD, they wanted to build ENTIRE EMPIRES, and you are coming here to tell me that we should simply destroy EVERYTHING? Don’t you see the self-denial in all of this business? Don’t you see how you betray your ancestors when you say non-sense like that? You are a traitor, transsexual, you are a traitor and nothing besides . . . A man, or a male woman, who betrays his ancestors is a man, or a male woman, who betrays everyone else . . .

Hating the retards is one thing (what I am doing as I am writing this), denying yourself is another . . .

Why am I responding to you after all?

Because you are a stupid hyper-rational transsexual tomboy who thinks that denying hysteria is superior to being hysterical . . .

Because you are enslaving yourself through your hyper-rationality . . .

Consequently, because you are valuing everything in terms of this hyper-rationality . . .

You consider yourself different from other retards, but this difference is merely superficial. Fundamentally, you are the same, since all of you are denying yourselves, the only difference being the kind of drug you’re using.

The female women you hate deal with reality by exaggerating their emotions, by being hysterical, and the male women such as yourself deal with reality by exaggerating their reason, by being hyper-rational.

No instincts, no emotions, no feelings, no passion, pure anhedonic emptiness against exaggerated instincts, excessive emotions, overwhelming feelings, self-numbing passions, pure hedonistic excess.

So you come here


deal with me


a way






You are valuing me not in terms of my truthfulness, but in terms of how emotional I am.

Calm and peace at the top, truth . . . down there.

You hate emotions, do you know why you hate them? Do you want me to tell you why? Did I not already tell you why?

. . . because you are incapable of enduring them.

Alas, if only Satyr were allowed back in here to confirm this.

Have I mention that you keep me young? :smiley:

Yes, you also mentioned that you love bananas. Quite chimp-like.

The brain is either at the top of the hierarchy of organs or it is at the bottom.

The brain either leads, guides, commands or it obeys, rationalizes, justifies.

In order to remain at the top of the hierarchy, the brain must be indifferent towards everything that is below it.

This means that the brain must be able to let the body “have its opinion”, even if this means to let it rot, to let it die, to let it suffer . . .

The brain must detach from the body, distance from it, in order to get an overview of the situation and use creativity to plan and make new approaches.

Failure to do this leads to the brain subordinating itself to a part of the body, leading to some sort of fatalism.

It attaches to something, clings onto something, in order to avoid pain.

There is no such thing as excessive detachment, there is only partial (i.e. not total) detachment, which is detachment by attachment.

It is over-attachment that is the problem.

And yet, the hyper-rational folks are said to be detaching their brains from their bodies . . . that they are too much in the head, that they are too indifferent, too detached . . .

This is correct, but this is no detachment, but attachment.

In all attachment, one always detaches from something else.

In the case of hyper-rational folks, they detach from their bodies and attach to their brains (more precisely, to specific parts of their brains.)

What begins as proper, total detachment can quickly grow into over-attachment . . .

When we are 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 years old etc., we think about moral issues like abortion in particular ways. And, for some, it’s the same way. But, for many of us, our point of view will evolve. At times into its opposite. Why? Because [again, for most of us] we come upon new experiences and/or new relationships and/or new ideas that prompt us to change our minds. And in a world [especially the modern world] bursting at the seams with contingency and chance and change, this becomes more and more common.

Then it comes down to rationalizing our new point of view. Again, most of us will tell ourselves that even though we did change our minds [meaning that we might well change our minds again], that’s okay because we have simply become more sophisticated [or progressive] in our capactity to think things like this through. But we are still convinced that what we do think [here and now] corresponds to the most rational and ethical manner in which to think about it.

Well, that doesn’t work for me. Why? Because contingency, chance and change are at the very heart and the very soul of dasein. And because my new point of view is no less entangled in the manner in which I construe conflicting goods.

Yes. I am not able to imagine an argument [here and now] that would allow me to extricate myself from either dasein or conflicting goods. Such an argument may in fact exist. But that is for all practical purposes irrelevant if I am not able to come across it.

If this frame of mind works for you, I’m glad that it does. If you are able to convince yourself that objective moral values are within your reach, okay. But it does not work that way for me. And that is because it changes nothing about the dilemma as I perceive it to be.

And we do not really have personal values that are “thoroughly subjective”. Rather, in living in a particular community [rooted in historical and cultural parameters], our values are always intersubjective. After all, who really has the capacity wholly extricate “I” from “we”?

But, given the manner in which I construe our value judgments as being profoundly and problematically intertwined in dasein and conflicting goods, this too can only be particular point of view – one ever subject to change in a world of contingency chance and change.

I just think about these relationships in a considerably more precarious manner than most others seem to.

With Nietzsche [who views these things in a world where “God is dead”], one can embrace the brute facticity of might makes right or [as many of his champions/sycophants seem inclined] concoct an elaborate philosophical matrix for behaving in a manner which, through one or another rendition of “will to power”, the strong are able to devise arguments that are said to be rooted in Reason and Virtue and Nobility. Call it the Know Thyself Syndrome.

Thus you rise above the herd not only because you are stronger, but because your behaviors are Just and Righteous. By definition as it were.

On the other hand, to what extent did Nietzsche himself embody the “will to power”. He spent much of his life stumbling into one or another psycho-somatic abyss…and he died insane.

In the universe of flux, nothing is position-less, nothing is neutral, nothing is standing still, everything is moving, everything is continually interacting with everything else.

You may choose not to have any values, you may freeze parts of your brain that deal with values, but since you cannot freeze yourself in entirety, since you will be acting and interacting no matter how much you resist activity, you will always be attempting to impose your own values onto the world around you in one way or another.

Do you understand that?

Your brain may be saying “I have no values” but since you are acting, and can do no other than act and interact, and since activity is a manifestation of value, an attempt to impose one’s values onto the world around you, that does not mean you have no values, it simply means you are delusional and hypocritical.

You do have values, as all people do. You may not be conscious of them, or you may choose to refuse your body, your unconscious activity, as valuing, but that does not make them go away.

Besides that, activity is change. To act is to change. To change is to say “this shouldn’t be like it is, it should be like this, because it is better to be like that”. Change implies rank.

When you come here, you imbecile, and tell ME that I should not impose my values onto the world around me, what you’re doing is trying to impose your own values onto the world around you, in this case, that would be me.

Can you see the hypocrisy in the whole business, you cretin?

Successful imposition of values, pure might, does not make things right, which is to say, does not make the imposed values the superior ones. And it certainly does not render all values equal before they are successfully imposed.

Democratic values have been successfully imposed, you retard, does that make them superior to my values? Does that make them equal to my values? And if someone developed a technology to implant democratic values into people like me, that won’t make them superior either.

Now let’s see what you value and let’s compare it to what I value.

You value peace, you value comfort, you value pleasure, you value friendship, you value fame, in one word, you value weakness.

Truth, honesty, excellence, self-assertion, honor and freedom – all the things I value – are of lesser value to you, they are to be sacrificed for peace/comfort/pleasure/friendship/fame.

That is the inverse of my attitude. I would gladly sacrify peace, comfort, pleasure, friendship and fame for truth, honesty, excellence, self-assertion, honor and freedom, in one word, for power. My real name might be a combination of words peace and fame, but these are not my values.

You love communes, don’t you? You are the kind of guys who considers friendships to be natural and enmities to be unnatural, aren’t you?

Humans are naturally friends, brothers, everything else is unnatural, wrong, evil.

Now, there are two theories attempting to explain the origins of evil.

These are objectivism and daseinism.

According to objectivism, the source of all evil is difference. People are different because they are not objective, because they are uneducated about the divine law. The solution to the evil is to educate people about the divine law. This will lead to an increase in overall happiness of the population. Of course, since education is imperfect, and since evil can never be completely eradicted, this is an ongoing process.

According to daseinism, the source of all evil is objectivism. It is not the difference which is the evil – people are naturally peaceful, friendly and altruistic – it is the objectivists who try to change people and make them all the same that are the evil. The solution to the evil is to educate people how to tolerate difference. This will lead to an increase in overall happiness of the population. Of course, since education is imperfect, and since evil can never be completely eradicated, this is an ongoing process.

The daseinist way of thinking, taken to the logical extreme, is an impossibility, since the universe is continual interactivity of distinct values, each value trying to impose itself on all other values at every single point in time. The daseinist himself, then, is forced to impose his values on the world around him, no matter what he thinks or desires.

No such thing as total, unlimited, tolerance. Tolerance is always selective, limited.

Nonetheless, the daseinist can still distinguish himself from non-daseinists, in that, the daseinist is attempting to tolerate as many things as possible, whereas the non-daseinist, the selfrespectfulist, is not bothering with stupid shit like that.

The daseinist’s distinction lies in the fact that he prioritizes tolerance. He is a hyper-omnivorous creature who eats pretty much everything . . . He knows very well that he will never reach total tolerance, so he is not bothered by counter-arguments reminding him of this impossibility.

Logically, you cannot prove him wrong. He is logically safe.

His problem is physiological, not logical.

His problem is psychological.

He is denying himself, and self-denial has some pretty interesting long-term consequences, among them, for example, mental illness . . . he may not feel the consequences, but that does not save his descendents from not feeling them either . . .

Your point is confusing universal with objective. A practical issue with an epistemological one. They may be relations between the practical/universal issue and the epistemological/objective one, but you are confusing them. To react to my point that this means you are not being a serious philosopher turns it into an ad hom issue. Was Moreno insulting or condescending to Iamb or using a fallacy? One could translate any criticism of confused thinking as this, or take it in the spirit it is meant: I think your thinking here is confused. I might be right, I might be wrong, but I am doing exactly what you do when you see other people, objectivists, responsing to you with confused thinking.

But we do not all agree even in those cases. I stated this clearly and it is the case. This is not only in philosophical discussions.

Iamb, I don’t know how I could possibly be more clear in the two posts I wrote about this. Yes, you are making a category error. You’ve heard of solipsism, idealism, Zeno and Parmenidies thought motion was not real, some physicists think there is no universe but rather a hologram on the outside of an empty sphere, Feyarabend and others are very critical of scientific empiricism, some people think they are Jesus or inanimate objects and so on. GEtting arguments to go away is a practical interpersonal perhaps rhetoric/power focused issue. And a radically utopian one, though it is the category issue I am focused on.

Love to thump you with. Unlike most serious philosophers or even serious amateurs - which is generally about the most serious category we have here - is that I focus on what people are doing. This should be clear in our exchanges. How does the what of Iamb is doing relate to his position? Does what he is doing make sense and does it fit with the proposed goals. You have stated that you want to know, objectively, if that were possible (and you doubt it is), how to act morally in the world.

Asking for arguments that eliminate other arguments is not going to arrive at that goal because it is a different issue.

I didn’t forget to mention it, what you are saying here is not relevent to my point.

Discussions like this, especially in the way they are prioritized by most modern educated people are not a good way to arrive at new positions. One can see this in the repetition of statements over what I would guess is approaching a decade of online stating. I have made suggestions for how one might approach learning in other ways.

You are a postmodernist - as far as epistemology. You are using a modernist, logocentric approach in the use of language and learning. You state that this way of learning is inevitable. This idea that the process you are engaging in is a useful one or the only potential useful one is a product of your dasein. I have tried to give you an experience, via my posts, of another way of looking at learning and interacting - likely too much on my side in a modernist format - and you keep presenting your process as, essentially, the closest to objective we have. I disagree. You are not will to focus your postmodern nihilism at the processes you use to learn. You take this as given, just as much as other people take their modes of learning and interacting as given. There is no scientific consensus to support your position on the best way to learn/interact with others, and in fact most cognitive science related to learning speaks against the way you approach learning. That we must have new experiences to change our minds and this must prioritize new experiences beyond new words and new orders of words. (not that there has been much change in the order of words you use and given that most of the minds you will encounter (and the format of an online forum) will be modernist, logocentric, beliefs are changed via rational argument types you are not even getting new logocentric experiences.

Get the irony. I keep trying to get you to look at the possible assumptions coming from your dasein as it relates to the way you approach things here and you come back as if it is the only way to do things.

I understand that your health makes it more of a challenge to try anything else. But it does not preclude it. And some of it can be done online even in discussions.

I understand that you cannot imagine how some other process might resolve an issue, including moral ones, but isn’t that the case with any culturally embedded belief, that it seems inevitable and all others a waste of time or worse. I am focused on process. You want me to give you an answer and then prove it regarding specific content (and choose a worst case example, abortionists, as if a worst case example disproves the objectivists). If I do that it would affirm your choice around process and all the assumptions there.

When I do this you turn my post into an ad hom insult, that I am merely making some technical philosophical point rather than taking your own goals seriously. I take you seriously also because I have in me both modernism and postmodernism and even your particular form of postmodernism. So running up against it outside me helps me understand my own issues. And in fact I could see ways I may have been getting stuck by a reliance on modernist ideas of learning/interacting, the contradictions in myself when I allow postmodern insights to eliminate some things, but not my dependence on modernist approaches (a contradiction in you also). So this last interaction has even helped me, though it did not reach you in the slightest, since you took what is different from me from other posters here as merely condescension and not a useful point at all and you will clearly not evaluate the process of your thinking and acting and continue stay, it seems to me, in a deadlock focused on content as if this was the only way to reach your purported goals. I may be wrong in this assessment, but it would have been better, it seems to me, if you could have responded to what I wrote, instead of classifying it as insult and not responding to it. Showing me you understood, but disagreed because of X. A process that fits your modernist approach. Instead you actually fell back on the Traditionalist response to modernists. You reacted to the enemy by pejoratively calling me intellectual - the serious philosopher attack. Which is also ironic. The postmodernist overvaluing modernist rational approaches defending this muddle by attacking someone who points out the dasein in all this by implying they are a (godless) intellectual. Just like a conservative fundamentalist, supposedly the opposite of you, would do. You do not recognize your own objectivism, nor the contradictions in your approach and your postmodernism. Read some of the postmodernists and see what their texts are like. They are not like yours. They challenge modernist approaches to learning.

So I’ll take a break. But I do want to emphasize that this has been useful for me and while you likely don’t give a shit, however much I can find this process irritating at times, I like you and respect you and my frustration comes, likely because in the complicated mish mash of epistemologies and positions inside me (no one else seems to admit this since they are all monads) I have these patterns myself. I saw how some of the people over at KTS reacted to you. And they have no idea what you have lived and how stupid some of their assumptions about you are, I might add, the pussies, little armchair ubermenshen.

And I suppose I gotta say, I do not consider myself serious philosopher. I have not read too many of the core texts and lack the expertise on all sorts of process levels. My strengths, whatever I might have, come from other areas of expertise that I bring into amateur philosophical discussion. I do make an occasional technical point when it seems important to me and I have learned some over the years in these discussions. The universal/objective confusion is one such. Amazingly, though, I have found that many of these technical points actually are important. The incredible long term focus on thinking has actually accomplished some insights into problematic thinking.

I won’t claim it is always in this spirit but it is a part of my motivation: you seem to be hitting your head against a wall and react to suggestions there might be a problem in your approach by saying there is no other possible way to reach your goal, even if you consider reaching your goal unlikely, so I feel the urge to say that this process and your sense of its inevitability is a dasein contruction and you don’t need to bang your head against a wall. And mulling on this has helped me bang my head on the same wall in the same way less.

as far as this

then you should shift away from abortion or at least mix it up with other issues. Why? Well, it functions as a kind of cherry picking. I believe Von River went down this line with you, so I am not optimistic, but the basic point is you are generalizing that we cannot reach such conclusions because we have not reached it around abortion. Foot binding however seems to be a cultural pattern that has moved from being moral to immoral, and I while certain groups have moved from thinking it was OK to not, none have moved in the other direction. WE can see similar process with cliterodectomies. The arguments against are winning against those for and people from traditional religions, modern scientific perspectives and from other paradigms are more and more coming out against it. We see groups moving away and likely cultures doing that, and I think it is pretty unlikely that any modern society will move back to cliterodectomies and other FGM. IOW it will meet you criteria.

Understand, even if some issues are resistant (potentially merely so far) to meeting the criteria you put forward, there are many that are not resistant.

If some morals do meet your criteria, then there is a weakness in your dasein based position, even if some do not (yet).

I feel I have to repeat that this does not mean that the conclusion that footbinding is wrong is objectively correct, but as an example it meets your criteria.

I think Von River used the example of forks in the eye of children, but I am trying to pick issues more parallel to abortion and more common.

It should also be pointed out that the word ‘rational’ is stacking the deck, since this is not an empirically testable adjective.

I also think it is a healthier issue to see if you can be convinced rather than if anyone who MIGHT be considered rational is convinced, unless you do not want to have a position on something.

Chattel slavery like that in the US -and certainly where there is not extreme scarcity so that what the chattel slavery is doing is moving people from being haves to having even more, rather than somehow merely helping them get by - is another example where societies are not moving backwards towards, but are moving away and it could be argued meets your criteria.

Adults having sex with children is another one. Certainly coerced sex with children.

Human sacrifice and torture as entertainment.

Some things die out and consensus is reached even cross culturally.

All of my examples happen, still, but the moral authority and legal support is disappearing or gone.

And really, because it is rather important, this does not mean that we or Iam know objectively how to live morally even around these issues, but since your definition of objective seems to be more consensus, it should work for you.

Magnus, I can’t tell if you’re trolling or serious.

When did I say I hated emotions? Like as in, never. I was trying to help Matt gain his emotions back, not continue along his anhedonia?

Creativity is a misnomer, it’s just regurgitated lego bricks regurgitating lego bricks. Also liking bananas does not make you a chimpanzee, am I supposed to take you seriously? Humans are a primate, some act like chimps, some act like monkeys, some act like apes, and some act like bonobos, which have distinct personalities.

Lolworthy post. You don’t seem to understand the path of natural selection, which is simply those who reproduce, carry on their genes. There is no moral high ground, people who carry on their genes are not moral, they have usually violent rape mentalities actually, which is why they survive and carry on their genes. There are no “teams” and “agendas”, no 'traitors" to the cause, because there is no cause. You sound silly and deluded my friend. Destroying the universe is only a last resort also, if human life gets too miserable. No plans or means of doing it in this century anyway.

I am trolling want you to be lolling don’t be upset a man who does not desire to make you wet thinking you are a degenerate hyper-rational brunette does not exist that is what is correct.

When did you say you are a transsexual? When did you say you are a tomboy? When did you say you are a braindead imbecile?

When did you, can you please remind me, will you?

Are you so stupid that you think that the only way one can reveal one’s nature is through self-report, through conscious effort, and that nothing automatic, nothing unconscious, can possibly reveal who you are and contradict what you think and report you are?

Are you that stupid, is your intelligence still undisputed?

Who gives a fuck what you think you are when it’s plain obvious what you really are?

Who gives a fuck, you degenerate, it is obvious, you are desperate, you hate emotions and you love them motions, hate them cause you cannot have them and love them cause you do not own them.

It’s not misnomer, you cretin, it is what creativity is, you shithead.

You are abusing theory of evolution in order to deny your feelings, not a rare thing today.

Who will want to marry you, transsexual?

Survival, you pussy-powered imbecile, does not mean superiority.

Flux, chaos, utter randomness that the universe is, does not mean there are no values either, you stupid fuck.

Sure, you can act any way you want . . . still, does not mean there are no values.

Nice way to get rid of responsibility for your own desires, though.