The Absolute Impossibility of Nothingness - Ever

James… if you have an infinite number of zeroes before a 1, the 1 never gets expressed, if you have an infinite number of zeroes after a 1, the last zero never gets expressed.

That’s basic logic.

You’re trying to sound like some monster of a mind that expresses that one or zero, and I’m just the feeble minded one who can’t comprehend a bound infinity. INFINITY IS UNBOUND… if you put something UNBOUND before something that is bound… you NEVER get to the bound thing, EVER, NEVER, EVER.

You might as well call yourself God, James… and try to pull that trick on us too. How feeble minded I am… seriously James.

I ask you a question Ecmandu. Can you answer it or not?

Adding is a process of before and after… you CAN’T add them. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it ACTUALLY works. You’re the one who’s always going on about people and their proagandic bullshit… and you can’t even see the basic error of logic here. Infinity is a process not a thing!!! To add two infinities together, means that one has to precede the additive process… which means you never get to the second one. We can only add finites!!!

And no. Infinity is NOT a “process” (an error you keep making). Infinity is a quality. And it is a quality that can become greater than before, twice as great as it was.

Let me put it to you this way James…

0.3… + 0.6… = 0.9… right?


0.3… NEVER ENDS… you can’t even get to the plus sign to add it.

what you have is:


and 0.6…

and 0.9…

but NO 0.3… + 0.6… = 0.9…

That’s nonsense. Use your logical brain. I know you’ve been brainwashed by mathematics to this regard, I’m trying to un-brainwash you… it’s psychosis to believe you can add infinities.

You are still thinking of infinity of a PROCESS such that it has a beginning and an end. It doesn’t “end” because it never began because it is NOT a process occurring through time. It is the quality of a situation.

And yes,
0.3… + 0.6… = 0.9…, because the entire infinite series is added simultaneously, because it is only two numbers, not an infinite series of numbers to be added sequentially.

You very seriously need to reconsider ever trying to “un-brainwash” me or anyone.

Let me go a little further to explain how arbitrary mathematics is James…

1/2 = .5 right?

NO !!! actually it still equals 1!!! The other half is STILL THERE!!!

But lets dig a bit deeper here… since you’re such the math expert and I’m the fool…

1/2 equal 1 right? NO!!!

actually it equals 3 or 4!!!

when you divide one thing 2 times you end up with either 3 or 4 objects.

It’s in determinant.

But that’s right, I’m a moron and you’re the omniscient math wizard.

Okay, that’s enough of that.

Infinity is an object? Honestly James. You think 0.3… is actually an object that exists as bound? Do you really think you’re saying 0.3… when you say 0.3… ?

I know when I say Hello… I’m saying hello…

But when I say 0.3… I know I’m not really saying an infinite string… I’m using 6 points to describe something that goes on forever… apparently that makes sense to your huge brain!!

You can’t comprehend the difference between an object and a quality of an object/situation?

You had expressed two objects (numbers), both of which had an infinite quality. When you add the objects, you double the quality = 2*infA.

Ok, let’s work with the word quality for a bit then… infinity has the QUALITY of being unbound… so how do you propose to add one to the other?

Try to say the QUALITY of 0.3… before you get to the plus sign.

Try as hard as you can James.

Yup, that’s right, even the great unbrainwashable James, has been brainwashed.


Infinity IS the quality of being unbound.

The two objects were two numbers that cannot be expressed in decimal form without inferring an infinite series of decimals to represent EACH SINGLE NUMBER.

You are conflating the representation of an object with the object. The numbers were not at all infinite, merely the mono-decimal representation itself. The two numbers merely represented two unbound objects.

There is no “before”. There is no process other than conceiving of double the quality that you originally had.

For one… under your theory 1 followed by an infinite number of zeroes and 0 followed by an infinite number of ones equals 2

I understand that the referent is not the object… LOL you just called infinity an object!!! James, you really don’t know what you’re getting into here. Wake up man!!

You did exactly what you said you weren’t going to do. I know your whole philosophy of ethics revolves around infinitesimals as well… so this is basically your whole life here, but man, you don’t know as much about math as you think you do… you can parrot, but you can’t question with authority, you’re even afraid of it.

Let’s anticipate your reply…

“No, the symbol of infinity is the object and infinity is the referent.” How do you abstract the symbol without being the referent in the case of infinity? It would take you an infinite amount of time to process the symbol… this is the only symbol for which this is true. So you call yourself a bound infinity, which means you’re calling yourself omniscient… oh this gets funnier and funnier.

There is just SO much dumb in those posts. I am not going to explain it all over to you again and again. I pointed out your errors, in several ways. You ignore them in an effort to save your stance (as I already explained that you were going to do … because you have a specific learning issue). You hardly ever say anything that is actually true. Your statements just get dumber and dumber.
“1.000… = 2”
“1 = infinity”


Your theory holds that 1.000…1!!! equals 2.

I never said 1 = infinity… you assume that I said 1 = 1.0…

Sure call me stupid James.

Yes. People love letting out that third option.
Compare Mutcer who seems to know merely two categories:

  1. “theists”,
  2. “atheists”.
    That there are also people who are neither theists nor atheists is not imaginable - not to mention thinkable - for him.

People love two opponents, especially then, if they can prefer one of them. All other options seem to be too elaborated, too complicated for them.

As demonstrated in all of the politics and religion sites, people always much prefer the simple minded, “black or white” mentality and defend it relentlessly, regardless of all reason. They love to be on a supportive side. It makes them feel much more secure and have the courage to struggle through their imaginary life.

Even nothing exists, in your imagination like all things.

How could you talk about it otherwise?

Your imagination exists. What it is that you imagine is a totally different story.
Your dreams exist. What it is that you dream to be real, is merely a dream/fantasy.