Haiku Tag

Never the Less
Is it more than twas before?
Maybe tis the same?

Maybe tis the same?

always - so fleeting is fame

Little in a name.

Little in a name

numbers concern more, to end -


A symbiosis
Aery gold and melted clouds
stamped on Grecian urns

stamped on Grecian urns
the price: whats a Grecian Earn?
nil: austerity

Nil: austerity
to complain about nothing
an Achilles’ heel?

an Achilles’ heel?
his loss caused the fall of troy
tamer of horses

tamer of horses
times, whips in a square,and yet
Brother, where You go?

Brother, quo vadis?
Inside, outside , both paths
In search of the Self?

In Search of the self
me, me, me, me, me me me
In search of your Elf.

In search of your Elf
Pray not real battle resemble
Mid summer’s night’s dream

Mid summer’s night’s dream

Chiron and I fire gaze

fate - among the stars.


fate - among the stars.
aesthete blowup, Her clue, less
Pro me, the us freed.

Pro me the us freed.
what complete show stopper.
It don’t mean a thing

Why interesting?
Chiron is my ideal man.
Would it be possible to pull him down from the stars?

It don’t mean a thing

when sitting before a tree…

nihilist’s heaven

Nihilist’s heaven
Walking down the Place Vendôme
Wearing Sartre’s hat

Too bland…

Lol. You must’ve wanted some kind of primal,
apocalyptic, rage-filled annihilation, eh…

Can you do that wearing Sartre’s hat? :wink: