Chicken or egg? What came first?

The ichthus w/ feet is for me a symbol of theistic evolution. See My last post stands regardless.

Theism is a medieval myth. It contradict evolution, obviously.

Define what you mean by “passing the time”.
You must be a real pain on road trips. :mrgreen:

Me too.


Why they are for walking on land, Lev. Didn’t you kow that? You can’t see it, but this fish also has a “bottomless” air tank for when he becomes the fish out of water. His feet are also for walking on the ocean floor when he gets tired of swimming. He’s an awesome mutation.
We call him Mutie.

Anything that can keep me meaningfully occupied is passing the time. I do not do road trips for I avoid human beings
as much as possible. I am as free as I can be while still being alive but death is my destination. And all life is is just a
short journey along the way before the inevitable. And if death is eternal and painless it must not be feared. Though
tell this to most human beings and they start going into denial mode. Yet no one who is dead has ever been observed
to be unhappy so there is zero reason to be afraid of it and every reason to welcome it with open arms. Indeed I now
accept it so much that I do not really worry about anything. Since I know that my life shall end one day and all of the
worrying will have been in vain. You cannot be any more free now than to live a life with as little worry as is possible
Now some here have no time for nihilists but I am more free than they are so I must be doing something right I reckon
Although I did not choose to become nihilist for instead it just became the most ideal position for me to actually be in
And it was a slow transitional process that I now fully accept and I now see the bigger picture too so it all makes sense
I cannot recommend it because even though it works for me it may not do so for anyone else. So you have to find what
works for you. I cannot tell you what that is as that is only something that you can know. And so then each to their own

Life is learning not passing time. Existence here is about learning life and death not passing time. Energy given and wasted does not give what is needed after. Passing time leaves you utterly ignorant for the next phase.

Each year adds value to life, unless you stand still.
Standing still is just death. Life is about change and learning and growing. More knowledge, more experience, more of everything.
THe paradox is health which inevitably declines. Thus when you are at your greatest you are closest to death.

Not for me it doesn’t. The number of half truths on this forum are astounding.

Please do not make a meaning making response where you tell about the metaphors of “standing still”.

What were you expecting? Full truths?

You’ve many problems as you have admitted.
You need a goal or two, and stop the self pity, then you can can grow. But being fucked up and not at peace with yourself will mean you are standing still; churned up, confused, angry. But there is still time. You are very , very young and might yet learn.

And…he gives the meaning making response, right on schedule.

So I guess the goal of life is to become a hazy liberal Levi who has the blinds on to reality, that is moving forward, alright. Opening your eyes to reality, and realising the world isn’t so peaches and roses, causing you to enjoy life less…that’s standing still.

I am not convinced of this in spite of its zen like focus. As one can pass time by learning and part of that is in realising that your
existence is only finite. Energy would only be wasted if after learning this absolute truth one then chose to deny it for whatever
reason. And I also make a point at my age in life to avoid a fixed world view simply because that might turn out to be false. So I
accept what I know to be objectively true and for everything else I keep an open mind. I have probably relatively little time left
here and I think it would be better spent learning why human beings think the way they do. Rather than listening to the voice in
my head. Though it is not as loud as it used to be. I wish it were silent but since it is a work in progress then I have to be patient

No, my goal in life is to enjoy it before I die and not swallow any shit along the way.

So, hedonist with no goals. Lol.

And how’s that working out for you considering shit is all there is to eat?

Where’s this been hiding? Ichthus where you been breh? ILP misses ya!



More to the point [perhaps] how did chickens themselves come into existence?

And that seems to be all entangled up biologically in the evolution of life itself.

Which then takes us back to how and why biological life itself came to be.

Which then takes some back to God.

And then that explains everything, doesn’t it?

And, then, sure, how comforting that must be.