Theater Of The Absurd

You say that now…

Didn’t you say the government was going to collapse and all that years ago?

What if they don’t? What if they retain power throughout the course of your lifetime and dictate what you can and can’t do the entire time, based on crazy right wing views like Turd’s?

I’ve never pinned point an exact date. It will happen soon enough that much I do know. I’m a very cold methodical patient man…

We shall see. I highly doubt it. Cross that bridge when it arrives.

I got a feeling they’re pretty strong, I mean, look at what they’re capable of now and imagine how it’s growing. You might be in the middle of nowhere, but the govt still knows exactly where you are if they start looking. There’s no such thing as truly off the grid.

Your going to be 80 in a wheelchair in some home holding out for this shit. Creditors will come into your room, shake down your hospital bad, look through your draws, and pinch off your catheter cause you have no money to give them that visit.

Pinkerton’s used to operate where no government was, for the banks. I’m afraid you haven’t factored in American capitalism survives even under absolute anarchy, and banks hire their own armed men to do police work when there is no government. I’m afraid… there is no escaping debt, save through death.

Sorry dude, too bad you don’t live in The Philippines like I do, we have laws to protect us, and strict Morales.

I fully know what they’re capable of also. I wouldn’t be so confident if I didn’t.

We’re talking about a modern military machine that struggles to put down a rash tag group of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Taliban militants. The same military that got its ass handed to itself with Vietnamese farmers in rice fields with AK’s.

Only because they aren’t willing to drop the Bomb.

So you think. I would say you’re incorrect but you’ll keep believing what you want anyways.

I am very familiar with their continuance of government plans in the advent of such a calamity. Rex 84 and such.

I would tell you that as impressive such plans are they’re doomed entirely from the start.

Also, you think you’re safe in the Phillipines? Laughs

This event will be global extending well outside the United States.

Have fun learning Mandarin when the Chinese invades the Phillipines by the way. Better start learning now.

It would be funny if the species of enlightenment, rationality, prosperity, and peace destroyed the whole planet in a barage of nuclear weapons, don’t you agree?

It would be the biggest and most epic joke of humanity ever. The only problem would be that nobody is going to be left standing to laugh or appreciate the fact. The universe is such a funny place full of its gross and sadistic ironies.

I would survive.

Who’s wishfully thinking now?

Bomb only hurts debters. The strip in money, that detects hundred dollar bills in machines… it is a force field against neutron bombs. You gotta carry twenty of them to be effective.


So I should be good then?

Is that how you see it?

Until the day the money becomes worthless that is…

Note to self: Need to purchase 19th season of SouthPark. Watching episodes on the internet is funny as hell.

Fifteen years and still going strong for a television series.
