Theater Of The Absurd

It would be funny if the species of enlightenment, rationality, prosperity, and peace destroyed the whole planet in a barage of nuclear weapons, don’t you agree?

It would be the biggest and most epic joke of humanity ever. The only problem would be that nobody is going to be left standing to laugh or appreciate the fact. The universe is such a funny place full of its gross and sadistic ironies.

I would survive.

Who’s wishfully thinking now?

Bomb only hurts debters. The strip in money, that detects hundred dollar bills in machines… it is a force field against neutron bombs. You gotta carry twenty of them to be effective.


So I should be good then?

Is that how you see it?

Until the day the money becomes worthless that is…

Note to self: Need to purchase 19th season of SouthPark. Watching episodes on the internet is funny as hell.

Fifteen years and still going strong for a television series.










