Theater Of The Absurd

Is that so? Was is it then? Keep in mind that the majority of data I post derives from the government’s own figures and major financial institutions. What I post is merely analyzed interpretations of these various published forms of data.

Poor Mr. Reasonable, he’ll do whatever it takes to retain his faith in the current system since he is so increasingly invested in it.

I think you’re the one who will trick yourself into thinking that the sky is falling when it’s really not. I mean that’s kind of your whole theme. What would you do if you couldn’t find some chart on a political website to confirm your bias?

I think you’re the one who will trick themselves into thinking everything is awesome and rosie when it’s really not. I mean that’s kind of your whole theme. What would you do if you couldn’t find some chart on a government website to confirm your bias?

Cherish the bumps. They sometimes strenghten the relationship and can remind us how important the other is to us.
But don’t deliberately create more…though they can at times make life/the relationship interesting.

Are you really using the “i’m rubber and you’re glue” strategy?


The last couple of days have been exhausting. I am being pushed to my physical limit.

This construction job is only temporary and ends on Saturday. I have another job interview tomorrow for a full-time salesman position in retail so that I have work all year long after this construction one.

Tuesday I spent all morning unloading semi trucks of construction equipment and spent most of the day driving around with the site manager at lumber yards procuring supplies.

Yesterday I spent most of the day cutting and installing insulation. I got thirty two rooms done at this hotel construction site.

I still have two more floors of this hotel that I still got to do. Second floor has thirty one rooms and the first floor has twenty one.

It’s looking like thirty one floors today and twenty one rooms tomorrow.

I’m working about ten hours a day and making a hundred dollars a day where as exhausted that I am can’t complain too much. I am looking forward to the end of this job however.

Good luck!

There’s a fucking snow blizzard outside…Day five at the construction site.

Are you in the Plains or is all Wyoming Plains?

Northern portion.

It’s a snow day and I have the entire fucking day off! Yippee! :laughing:

Yippee has two “ps”. :wink:

So, are you going to waste your day today or are you going to spend it wisely?

Remember to go outside and make an angel in the snow. Then just lie there for a few minutes enjoying the experience.

snow angel.jpg

I’m going to vegetate on the internet and then catch up on some much needed sleep tonight. :wink:

Snow angels? I get enough of that slipping on ice walking everywhere. :laughing:


United States

What vegetable would you compare the internet to? The internet must be pretty tasteless - at least at times it is.
That would make you a figure skater, not a snow angel.

Look up the word and its meaning. Hint: Has nothing to do with vegetables.

Yes, a figure skater.

United States
