Anarchist Nihilism

Human beings live within the parameters of nature like all other biological species and organisms or maladapts to the world where humanity destroys itself. [Possibly the world along with it.]

To be an anarchist is not enough for the anarchistic nihilist. Anarchist nihilism is also a mindset.

It is the utter realization that civilization is irreversibly doomed beyond reformation on a path to total self destruction or that the last 2800 years of civilization has been nothing but a giant sham, deception, facade, twisted experiment, and grand delusion built upon various historical hysterics.

It is the desire to see civilization destroyed and that fabricated fictitious delusion of social order ripped to shreds.

It is to value oneself, survival, and nature above all else.

They say anarchism is without direction or leadership but this is not true. There is a difference between leadership and authoritarian bosses. In anarchism the world is full of leaders effectively leading tribes or communities of people versus the state and government that is controlled by authoritarian bosses that treats people as disposable utilities .

Chaos is merely entropy and natural equilibrium in direct conflict with human civilization’s maladaptive practices or existence. Chaos essentially has a negative reputation because it is sporadic and random in illustrating the lack of control human beings have over nature itself. It is a stark reminder to the so called rational gaze of human civilization that human beings in all reality exist in natural insecurity where control is merely an illusion.

When a forest becomes too large and expansive it eventually catches fire as a part of the natural equilibrium with its environment. From this fire out of the ashes of the old forest a new one is born. New life emerges in renewal after destruction. It’s a part of a much larger cycle of things. Creation, destruction, creation, destruction…

Why don’t you just find and move to a community like Twin Oaks? … ,_Virginia

Join a semi Marxist and feminist utopian community making tofu all day? :laughing:

It may not be a perfect example, but least it’s a simpler lifestyle that is closer to your ideals.
It beats sitting and waiting for everything to fall into your lap (i.e. daydreaming about it) - and that’s the point.
If you don’t like the complexity of civilization and all that it brings, there are still communities around the world that are cut off from civilization.
You can join one of them - I’m sure they won’t mind an extra helping hand-and you get to live the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.

I do not think that it is possible to be completely cut off from a globalized civilization. It is only possible to be relatively cut off from a globalized civilization.

There is always someone who is near and wants to globalize.

I know. And…?

What exactly is your point here?

I just want to point the problem out that people can easily get, if they are not ready for the change from high(est) civilization to low(est) civilization.

Daydreaming? Considering you don’t know dick about current events anything you say I can’t take seriously.

You also don’t know much about anarchism either which is typical of boot licking government supporters.

You even show your ignorance grouping me together with Marxists and communists.

Yeah, but what happens when the global supply chains break down completely? Globalization isn’t monolithic you know and neither is government.

Yes, that is true, but it is a question of time, and that does not necessarily mean a short time, so it can also mean a long time. It is difficult to exactly predict such a break down - not only because the globalists have many scenarios of break downs in their calculations too.

You’re just seeing what you’re looking for, and what you’re really looking for is utopia, where man will live once more in harmony with nature, one that will come… inevitably…some day.

And how long do you think anarchy will last? What has history shown?

I think, in spirit, you’re closer to them.

What do you think about the Twin Oaks community?

HaHaHa is too good for it. He’s like a picky woman at the clothing store: I don’t like this, I don’t like that; it’s the wrong color, it’s not perfect like I want it, etc., etc.
He keeps complaining about the capitalist money system, but when offered one way to live without worrying about the money, he turns his nose up. Not good enough.

If he were really serious he would be grabbing at any opportunity, however remote, that might have a chance to bring him closer to his ideals. Timothy Treadwell and Christopher McCandles may not have had the brains, but at least they had the brawn to put their cherished ideals to the test in the world. They actually walked outside and put themselves at risk for what they believed in. Here, you don’t even have that going on. Just hoping and waiting. And complaining.

Then I would hope you’re smart enough to pay attention to global international events currently.

I’m the complete opposite of utopia. I’m just a guy that wants to see the current global dystopia burn.

Harmony with nature? Yes, but my idea of harmony differs from most classifications of the word.

Civilization and government has only existed for 2800 years. Before civilization and government human beings experienced 10,000 plus years of anarchy.

Closer to them in spirit? You’re a crackpot.

What part of I hating feminists, Marxists, and communists, did you not understand?