Clockwork Blue

What’s the point? Lets just pretend that there’s something in this rubbish and you could make an accurate analysis of me. You would only be telling me what I already know.

Either/both. I don’t think people know enough about what causes things like that for me to give a solid answer. There’s a lot of personality disorders that SEEM to manifest early enough that we could say a kid had them from birth. But how do you know when people don’t even have a personality for the first few years?

I don’t know much about astrology, but this sort of outlines my confusion with it. Based on what you’re saying here, it seems like there would be seasons/days in which retards wouldn’t be born, and seasons/days in which tons of retards would be born. Though I was more thinking narcissists, psychopaths, and stuff like that when I brought it up- stuff for which predictions about optimism and values and such would have radically different answers. I’m picturing a nurse in a maternity ward looking at a nursery full of this week’s or this evenings births, and thinking “There’s a whole lot of future assholes/empaths/go-getters/optimists.” It seems less plausible when you think of any given chart applying to a whole mess of people, instead of just the one you’re talking to. Or to put it another way; there are people out there with a clinical diagnosis of some mental issue that basically means that they will never be optimistic about anything, ever. They’re like Tony Soprano’s Mom or whatever. Does astrology entail that none of them have the same birthdate as me? That strains my credulity to the point of snapping.

This confuses me to. Let’s say a horrible thing happens to me when I’m 8, and turns me into a retard. You’re saying my chart would reflect that. You mean the chart of the day I was struck retarded, right? But doesn’t everybody alive have the same chart on a particular day? Or does the chart for that day when I was struck retarded interact with the chart of my birth, somehow?

Skilled astrologers are certainly good at convincing other people that it works; so good that otherwise rational people have been convinced of it for zillions of years. So there is something about it that keeps it going through multiple cultures and multiple epochs. I have some reservations that keep me from thinking more of it than that.

I wouldn’t know, you are way off. Have another guess.

The term New Age comes from astrology and the zodiac originated in ancient Babylon.

Occultist and author David Anrias says this in his book Through the Eyes of Masters:

When a transition takes place from one Age to another, and hence from one sign to another, certain Adepts who for centuries may have been preparing for their office by meditation and study, take over the work of inspiring the new cycle. For nearly two thousand years the earth has been under the watery sign Pisces ruled by Neptune, the main features of which have been the establishing of Christianity and the conquest of the ocean. Now the new cycle has begun, Aquarius, an airy sign, is influencing men’s minds along scientific lines in every direction, especially towards the conquest of the air.

The doctrines of the New Age imply that people are divine, that the spiritual element of humans is immortal and has existed with God since time began, and that the material element of each person has evolved over several lives.

Satan has been using those two very lies—that we are divine and that we are immortal—to deceive people since Adam and Eve.

Astrology doesnt make a difference between moral and immoral, and it is certain,y possible that a whole lot of you’d walk around with different jobs, different types of forms but in type of coherence and behavior patterns, endoctrine makeup, ‘fate-aesthetics’, you name whatever, have the same identify, more or less.

It’s that the chart with which you were born keeps developing. This is called the progressed chart(s).
Note that every degree that anything moves is significant - that aso goes for the ascendant. Naturally the thing is quite sensitive to detail, it’s cosmic, levels off at the level of electron spin.

Sure. It’s just a statement of observation, not meant as argument.
My readings are the best I can do to make arguments.
Of course to have true detail one needs precise time in minutes at least, and a lot of work has to be put into reading it. Im just giving a few snapshots of what it’s like to read a chart. The type of info that can come out of it.

Sure, that’s the running premise among those who don’t bother with it. I don’t, of course, consider these people astrologers. An astrologer is not bothered with convincing people except to show them look this is awesome, it works. An astrology wishes to read charts. It is like science, the power is hypnotic.
Honestly without meaning offense in this case, to me this is akin to saying scientists are evil magicians, as muslims are prone to say - it’s a matter of values, of what one wishes to allow as possible, as possibly true.

It is very obvious that if/since astrology is real, the consequences are monstrous.

You wouldn’t know, or I’m way off?
Do you know what you have in cancer?

Do you mean the astrological sign of Cancer?

What are you talking about.

You are practising witchcraft now are you.

“I’ll put a spell on you”. HA!

Yes, the astrological sign.
It’s not my fault that they named a disease after it.

I am satisfied that I scared some people a bit, it is after all ridiculous that it should work.

This gives you a notion of the universe I inhabit, I know full well things aren’t supposed to work in magical ways but in mundane ways, that follow from casual down to earth common sense logic.

In my experience some events are regulated by simple, obvious laws. But these tend to be trivial things. A phenomenon so complex as the human being, which makeup in electrochemical terms is virtually indistinguishable from the pressures that are upon him from the outside, save for this unfathomable principle called perspective, or self-valuing as I have termed it, is however governed by endlessly complex laws.

Astrology can by no means make statements about every aspect of life. But it can identify specific patterns that have been working on man and beast and plant and mineral before him since the earth was formed.

Astrology is the science of subtlety. An astrologer has to be more humble than a scientist; he can not comprehend the entirety of a chart, at least not usually. He can not see all the laws that govern a behavior. But that is what makes it all the more valuable; within the vast whole that a human is, there are so many ‘souls’, spirits, behaviors.

Polytheism and astrology were originally the same. Freud and Jung tried to bring it back, but they were still too conservative to account for the vast absurdity of the degree of coherence that makes this all such a mystery, this life.

Why do you torture yourself so, it weakens the mind.

Shieldmaiden, you crack me up.
Seldom I saw such a helpless creature.

I did not entirely expect this thread to be concluded in the favor of astrology this violently. Expected a bit more snags and resistance.

Well fuck.


I would be much more impressed if Jacob had gotten the personality right of someone who just flew into ilp and gave his birth date…not someone whose personality and character might be easily intuited and gleaned as a result of so many posts.

Sorry, Jake, I’m a skeptic.

I’ve also had Chinese fortune cookies, which when opened, seemed to be on point for me.

Am I an arcturian, Jake? :mrgreen:

The thing is that we are all a process and we grow and transform into who we are - for a time anyway until that time comes when we shed our skin and transform again…an allegorical continuum as it were.

So Jake, at one time and who are we as we are written in the stars. (I don’t think I expressed that well) lol.
Do the stars know our individual personal history, all the decisions which we will make and all the thoughts which we shall have because of that personal history, all the patterns which are a part of us which will change and those which will remain the same?
One size seems to fit many when it comes to astrology. The stars do not seem to make many distinctions, do they, individually speaking.
I’m a libra by the way…Oct. 8th what does that say about me? Egypt and israel signed a “paper” under the stars.

rc, there is a common misunderstanding about what a skeptic is, vs an idealist believer. The former wishes to put things to the test. The latter just states opinions and think they carry weight.

I am the quintessential skeptic. I have doubted everything, have investigated all that made questions arise. Conformist religion that endures no burden of proof is what I am used to encountering precisely as a skeptic.

Look without expectations. Investigate what I did. Make judgments based on all the facts, not only the convenient ones.

Oh Value Ontology. How will you fare among nature, which after all likes to hide.

On your criteria, I did get the personality of the newbie MM right, it seems - as well seemingly as accurately reading the chart Magnus gave of this unknown person. These were the only offers I got to read people unknown to me. By your own criteria you ought to be impressed. But like most you are only skeptic where it does not concern your assumptions!
Very human.

If I my digress, and confess that this is turning out to be hilarious.
A magic user, with tricks, redirecting, telling the audience what it wishes to believe,
no more than the obvious
The best lie is not a fabrication but an exaggeration, hyperbole, inflating the minuscule into a monstrosity

Does not psychosomatic get inflated by a Christian into a miracle
so typical
The charlatan means to impress,
Flattering and remaining civil, telling them what applies to all, to some degree, only insulting when they reject his messiah complexity
Do not Christians condemn when a skeptics rejects their childish antics?
Useless they are to those who wish to evade detection and enjoy the fruits of their insanity

Revealed, and reveled, the nurturing effect inflated to overcome the dreaded naturally inherited
So desperate to accept the escape, that the slightest similarity is evidence enough to accept
A choir awaiting a maestro to sing his praise and to amaze

What is truly being said?
Still entertaining to observe crazy dealing with craziness in the asylum of Modernity
and those who crave power, cannot help but discover themselves through otherness
Idol-breaker made into idol, like Saul did to his own Christened one
He too, it is said, walked on water, and fed with bread the myriads
resurrecting their brain-deadness with a jolt of positive reinforcement

Little boys regressing to this… … stigiacomo

Full of the bravado of adolescent energies, and minds of old ladies of a bygone era, wanting to be Napoleon, hand tucked comfortably in the breast concealed
out of sight
but only managing to rise to the level of Merlin the magician

All for fame and fortune…a king of men, and nothing more
How bold to have such low ambitions
same as all
Behold the coming of the Last Man
Fully adorned with regal investments and shiny ploys, pulling rabbits out of hats and other orifices
Impressing girls and little boys
desperate for fantastic toys

Mix up the cards, and pick one
Words applied with the careless ease of a charlatan
here in the loony bin
some of which with straight face have declared themselves deserving sex,
or knowing the answer to all, seeing into the mind of god in numbers
and all sorts of wonderful insane encounters
with profound detachments from reality
and what of the ones though MENSA
behave as no more than mediocrity?

What stars configurations must I need to see this right in front of me?

let him be king over this mess.

But oh, not of this world,
Did he reject both the most tempting offer of Rule,
And that he may keep out of the asylum.

Did he not declare lately,
The best minds of our generation
Go mad ,

So that all can be ‘sane’?

But they are not born mad
as their inheritance

they become so when dealing with insane maidens like those
who are taken by these games of the mind,
and verbal acrobatics with no frontiers to leave them behind to their deserved fate

No way out, means sanity must pretend to be crazy
suffering the price
for madness deserves sex, and love and yes, a VOTE!!!
madness deserves is fate
but protected it is from itself,
and this is too much to take

These minds determining the fate of mankind?
now that is so sad,
it is likely to make a man mad

Yes yes, such as those more than deserve it,
The world owes them encounters, even if clockwork be mere metaphors, a pan autofocus of an shift from blue to orange, under and through a lens of ultra violet and red, night vision in absurdly cast theatres of simulation, xxx rated and in the dark,
Where their fear of last call is negatived by this last
Stage of illusive sensation,

Don’t worry if you can change reality by the compensating ethos of preception’s obscurity,
Where you are able to change reality by simply telephoto tricks, and after all did not they say of the impression,
Esse est percipii?

Nothing is deserving hack
all is determined by the outcome

Boring you’ve become
the same bullshit
to grow new flowers
with powers you do not have
but dream of

You take yourself as example
and think the other
is flattering self
when he speaks
and this is where you expose
and I see
you already told me this is what you do
and I simply read you
exposing yourself
to me
It’s damn easy

as if to speak of beauty one must be a model
and to speak of strength one must be Hercules
poor hag
with a magic bag, of words
words like the liars she falls for
hook-line and sinker
poor thinker
works she cannot define, but only wine
insinuating using them, as if it were enough
except for a simple duff

Simple yet profound through experience says Marcus Aurelius: an untested wisdom is nought.

Tested it is

And continues to be.
I’ve met all my major goals
Dear spinster dame

Everyday I watch and test…and this is why ILP is the best
A den of crazies all in one asylum
Openly displaying their insanity

a perfect place to observe and test