Clockwork Blue


I prefer the ad, Jake. The other takes on a different connotation.
I am a skeptic now where before I was far less of one. I think that like everything else, it’s a process of active consciousness and realizations.
Much of what goes on in this forum is based on opinion. How could this thread be based on anything but that unless you give me evidence to the contrary.

Well, I can’t say that I am the quintessential skeptic and would I even want to be. Not sure what you mean by "doubted everything. That could also explain a highly scrupulous person. But since coming to ilp and even before that, I have come to question many things which others take for granted.

Well, not sure if one could call astrology a religion, but again, where is the proof of its validity?
Perhaps astrology is like prayer in some ways. The belief of how one is written in the stars is the momentum which someone needs to re-order their life to make something happen - just as prayer is the momentum which people sometimes need in order to make something happen. Just that little push of belief and faith in one’s self and in a god… Does that mean that god answered the prayers? I don’t think we could even show evidence of that.

When I was a practicing catholic, I would at times agonize over the divinity of Christ. I believed in god but i just couldn’t grasp how that could be - so I fluctuated from belief to questioning to disbelief and back again. lol It’s always a good thing to have proof of something - the bible isn’t it and others’ word of mouth isn’t it and simply believing it, letting it go and believing in something, isn’t it. Where is the integrity for truth there?

Which facts are you speaking about - how close you appeared to have come in evaluating what the stars have said about the posters or the facts of how astrology can really point to an individual’s fate or destiny?

No, you’re wrong. But I will re-think the later. I realize though that we all have biases and assumptions and I’m quite aware when I am making them - I begin to intuit when I am making them since i know from my past history how easy it is to believe something based on a desire to ble happy, to be safe and secure, based on lazy thinking, not wanting to question and muse about things. We are all in that place at times.
Answer a question for me - do you not think that it would serve me far better to simply assume without any doubts that astrology is based in fact and “reality” ? Just like it would serve me far better to “believe” in some god as people do, even if simply as a deist, rather than being an agnostic and withholding judgment?

How easy is it when we’ve read our horoscopes about who we are to be impressed and happy with the positive things which are said about us. But in a sense even the negative things can be used for the good, if we’re honest enough to see them in ourselves.
But really when you think about it, I can see parts of myself, both the positive and the negative, in all the signs. I’m a libra, yes, and librans search for seek balance in their lives which I do. But what came first, my reading that sign and becoming impressed by it and trying to transform my life around it? Librans also have a great sense of beauty but are librans the only ones who value beauty and couldn’t any other sign if they are capable of it, value the same art, poetry, landscapes in nature that I do? We have to be able to see just as much as we can - all we can before making a decision or not deciding at all.

The end. lol

I think astrology works because of the same reason people criticize it: that it “gives you (only) what you already expect and want”, as people say we just psychologically validate and confirmation bias our way to whatever outcomes we end up seeing as meaningful… Yes exactly. Astrology is a highly sophisticated system for allowing us to mirror ourselves and “see what we want to see”, which isn’t a weakness but is actually a strength.

What do we “want” and “expect” to see? What we already are. Desires form far beyond what we are possible to think about or assume; we always know far more that we know we know. Astrology is a way of waking us up to this fact.

Derivative linear causal reductive logic might be all fine and good for the science of how to build a space shuttle, but we see all around us the disastrous effects of that kind of logic being applied to human beings. We aren’t simply somewhat more complex space shuttles, we have entirely different logical rules, different realities entirely. The power of the mind and emotions to influence reality directly is beyond dispute.

As with self-valuing, one must have faith to make use of logic that deviates from the standard positivistic utilitarian scientific approach, whether as astrology or philosophy or meditation or some other kind of “direct reality contact”.

Excellent analysis.
The hypnotizer has no magical powers. He convinces the “victim” that he is magical, that he has powers he cannot comprehend.
The victim places himself under his spell.

The method is one manipulating needs/desires.
The magician/priest seduces the other. A form of madness, such is lust/love.
The magician triggers in the victim what is present.
Exploits its presence.
Then allows the victim to believe it was he who placed it there.

Magic refers to the usage of words to trigger/direct/exploit internal patterns.

Nervous system directs stimulations from external sources (exoteric) and internal ones (esoteric) towards the processing organ, the brain.
Magic, as it is practiced by most, overemphasizes the internal producing a psychosomatic effect.
The external is selectively samples, to add to the method validity.
The external is the redirection of the sleight of hand magician.
The mind focuses on this external as the internal is manipulated.
Manipulation using words.
Inserting words as suggestions, stimulates these internal sources based on cellular activity, metabolic systolic diastolic rates, but on a shallower level it manipulates memories, emotions, sensations, feelings.
The words trigger these, and they come bubbling up to consciousness in a confused mix.
Unable to make sense of them the magician gives them meaning.
The mind grabs onto this, to save itself from the stress these sensations are producing in him.

Usually what has been repressed is what the mind could not process, could not order.
It is a source of anxiety/fear needing to be dealt with, or pushed back inside, repressed, pushed under the level of consciousness.
This may come forth in sleep, as dream, or express itself in obsession, sexual fantasies.

Magician throws words around, metaphors, insinuations, and one will trigger an internal distress, releasing these repressed sensations and the imagery attached to them by the individual himself.

Barnum Effect


Tell you a curious story, and it is not made up or anything but there is something to magick.

I was despairing of relating, and after 3 breakups and 2 engagements, headed into the bosom of the Wild West, away away from the constrains of the vast Midwestern plains. Was transferred from the military was one excuse to one in LaLa land, and to skip foreward a bit, found myself in prison. There, writhing over lost love, between heaven and hell and life and death, I asked deliverance, and in 1 month, was engaged and married. My birthday is 8/4, hers : 4/8. If that is enough, my badge of courage also consisted of eights and fours, with an occasional two slipping in.

Now numerology and astrology are kissing cousins and various schools of thought attest to this phenomena.

The scenario of infinity in terms of a psychic consciousness evolving over infinite duration, unfo strained by perceived limitations placed on travel through space, increase the odds of a satori like imminence all around the place, with no sense of discontinuity in the space between birth and death.

Here the karmic laws pervade, in the degree of association, disassociation, consciousness. That these forces do not intervene in the appearent, phenomenal world become of no surprise, since,
appearance and reality became fused and conflated, simply as the outcome of the merging , the construction of effects.

The cosmic color shifts in the hands of master craftsmen, natural artists, are too grounded in the phenomenon of color shifts, as they are the only vehicles by which the shifting large scale entities of galaxies can be apprehended and measured. For the colors to shift from red/orange to blue, there develops a method in the madness of becoming cosmically aware of how the shifts manifest gradual and not sudden detachment. Our awareness, loaded with archetypical perception, could not validate shifts, before this, and the logic of-philosophy mind saw Parmenedies as the winner in the contest with Heraclitus. This went on, until the reversal of types of logic of which the famous Renee Descartes expressed, and the new quantum world us of.

Ummm…that’s peitho not pathos.
peitho is to convince, from the Greek goddess of persuasion.
Pathos is passion.

The mind is addicted to patterns.
It a forager of patterns, because it is a organ/tool evolved in an organism dependent on patterns.
Pattern being another word for order.
So obsessed with it that it seeks it everywhere, wanting to absorb what is occurring as it absorbs food, which is also pattern.

Body consumes genetic patterns, mind consumes memetic patterns.
To give its life meaning, and to establish predictability, offering the illusion of control, the mind connects unrelated patterns, finding commonality, as if it hints at design - fate.
From this the presupposition that all in cosmos is a pattern, discounts chaos, or randomness, to feel like control over one’s destiny is possible.
Man as God.
This relates to astrology.

Some patterns are, indeed, related, others are connected using symbols like dates and numbers, which are human constructs.
The division of the earth year is a human technology/technique, as are numbers and the binary 1/0 they are based on.
There is no such thing as a one…anywhere outside human brains.
One is a metaphor, applicable to all unities unified within the human mind as abstraction.

1/0 is based on the on/off cellular activity.
On = neural pulse going through neural cluster (1)
Off = no pulse going through neural cluster (0)
Human metabolic rates, and cellular activities.
No magic.
Metabolic rates are the basis for our experience of time/space.

All technologies and techniques are extensions of organic processes. Man translates genetic code (pattern) into numerical code and then builds versions of his physical processes externally, or applies organic processes externally.
Genetic code = memory, nature/past sum of all past nurturing
Memetic code = memory/knowledge, cultural traditions, morals, rituals, behaviors passed on as linguistic code, and numerical code.

Man sees himself everywhere.
And so we have the Christian One-God.
Pagan gods represented the multiplicity of natural processes, anthropomorphized.
Pagan man made sense of world by translating it into symbols he could identify with, feel intimate with, giving him a sense of meaning, that also explained catastrophes, and the unforeseen.
A sense that he could do something about them, deciding his own fate before the incomprehensible and unforeseeable.

Words/Numbers are such representations.
Misunderstood by moderns when they are taken literally, and not as artistic, not figuratively.
Words/Numbers are approximations…and lines are not things existing outside the human brain.
There is no line, or point in time/space.

The world is dynamic.
It is interactive.
Meaning all is in constant movement.
Man feels this all around him and inside him.
He senses it intuitively.
He seeks patterns in this interactivity to make sense of it all.
At times he connects what is coincidental, drawing from it desirable meanings, as if his life is directed by some higher power, or some unseen force - predestination.
This is comforting.

Detaching words/numbers from phenomena, the apparent, liberates them from the limitations imposed upon representations by the world itself. Moderns love this, because it gives them the sense of liberty, as if they can determine their own fate simply by reinterpreting existence (changing your perspective suffices to change world), or by naming themselves this or that (declaring themselves whatever they wish).
This is how charlatans can place words in whatever sequence they prefer, to make them seductive to those they wish to manipulate and exploit.

This dis-ease is called nihilism, and you can see it in economics and how money was detached form the Gold Standard, leading to the recent collapse, because con-artst could sell total noetic fabrications referring to nothing…hot air, to gullible materialists, desperate to become rich and escape their genetics.
We can see this in how moderns use words to redefine themselves, free from past/nature, or to fabricate their identity using symbols - not only words but surgery, clothing, social titles, cars etc.
Philosophy in the service of weakness, seeking a quick and easy solution to its predicament…desiring power.

Case in point…
Look at how Christianity placed “love” the word, now void of its natural connections, before existence.
God = love
Love creates (creator) man.

Using a more idiotic, local approach, value as creating self = value selfing.
The order can be anything, the words anything positive.
The justification is how it makes us feel.
How it makes the many feel determines its value, its “truth”.
Measured in quantities - popularity.

We can see the same thing in art, where painters, for one, can splash paint on canvas, or draw a line, and then sell it as “genius” to gullible idiots, desperate to appear sophisticated.
The real is insignificant, because the observer projects his own private psychosis in the art, as if the artist intended it to be there.
Then, if enough are sold on the lie, the artists is established as trendy, as talented.
Manipulating and exploiting human vanity, anxiety, emotions.
Unfortunately this has trickled into philosophy
No longer about world, but more about politics, or psychology - offering to the many a feel-good explanation.
The idea judged not by how it refers to the apparent, the observable, but by how it relates and feeds into the desirable, the emotional.
Throw words around is any sequence, where it triggers an emotional positive reaction in the listener, and you can call yourself a philosopher.

When I was young I too had similar experiences.
One was that despite not being married in my thirties I, somehow, felt I would, and that I would have a son.
And I did.
The psychosomatic effect, or placebo effect.
You will yourself towards the desirable goal, with many subtle, unconscious, adjustments.
You place yourself open to the possibility, and opportunity may come knocking.
You affect other minds with your stance.
You recall success, forget failure, disappointment, because memory recalls the past selectively.

Hi Jerkey, yes your story resonates with me, I have had too many similar type experiences as yours to reasonably discount such things as entirely due to things like confirmation bias and the law of large numbers. These things definitely play a role, but one flirts with a special kind of insanity and irrationality and denial trying to stretch these to incorporate everything that takes place.

Astrology probably operates to an extent as I described above, but the key here is also in how as I mentioned “we always know more than we know we know”, combined with how what we desire, expect, feel, think and perceive are reflections of what we already are. Phenomenology is a method of evolving metaphysics toward more appropriate and deep union with reality as it is below the surfaces of our salient awareness and habitual ideas of it. Astrology could only work as I described, as a kind of method of self-reflection and projection of what one already is and expects, if that method were already tied into the deeper subtler stuff of existence. Because astrology doesn’t just give us information about ourselves in isolation from things, it gives us information about the world and about other people too.

It is not too difficult to conceive a basic theoretical framework for how astrology could function physically, chemically, astronomically. The real issue with skeptics is that they do not want to give to their faith the kind of direct self-valuing trust and risk which would be required for them to entertain the kinds of posited conditions and structures (physically and logically) needed to see how astrology could represent something real. The fact that astrology has been so often bastardized and turned into stupid shit like daily horoscopes and fortune cookies is only a sign of how falsehoods use truths to climb into existence; as too with what we see in philosophy, bad/false philosophy makes (improper and misleading) use of good/true philosophy and so succeeds at muddying the waters.

Muddying the waters in this way gives perfect regimes of excuses, denial and cynicism for people who are subject to more “emotional entropy” and are more reactive and thus unable to entertain complex hypothetical thought-structures. Also this explains why these same kinds of people try to turn philosophy into a merely empirical exercise of positivism, utilitarianism, denial, instrumental capitalism.

That was quite good.

My reading was spot on. Knowing about my posts did not have to align with any astrological descriptions of my personality, but it did.

Slur, slurp slurpy
old baby got a tummy ache
it hurty
mommy need come
ol’ wrinkled baby him burpy

Daddy in the living room
his name Bill
he on,
the blue-pill
not like momma
she knocked-up

such a thrill
nothing left to spill
baby have a sister
name her jerky

Swallowed it all
and the two balls

“Man as God”


All over the place Satyr
My reading of you was immaculate. Now youre hooked on my threads like Lyssa was.

It is funny how now that i read you, you attribute it to correct observation of your psyche. Before I read you, when I just observed, you merely dismissed it.

I see you, cavedweller.

You should write a volume of poetry about me. It will make you some money. I gave you a style.

Coward wants to drive Igor home
wanting the den of dimwits as his own
kingdom for a weak king
mind trapped in a symbiotic sling

kicking dead horses, was a sport
practiced when there were no snitches to report
the puppet-master fails to see
how the puppet is pulling at his fingers
and delivers the declaration of

Wooden boy wanted to be a man
on a demand

So obsessed all are
with a clown
dancing and begging for eyes around
desperate to be seen by those he does despise
a compro-mise
such need is not easy to ignore, by Igor
when the world has become populated by languor

Every town needs a fool
thinking himself cool
the opposite of love is not hate
what could be more disastrous to a
weakling than indifference

The king of kings offers his borrowed treasures
even what does not belong to him
A miser-rable pretending not to be
fleeing in the van headed to a warm salty sea

Maybe he just wanted to cut to the chase…though the username is peitho.
Pathos is also used to convince and to persuade.
It isnt so much a part of passion but is “used” to induce others to passion.

Pathos is often used in writings deliberately to convince/induce others to their side or to change thier mind about something.
I used it once in a letter from an unborn child to its mother.
But I would suppose that if one is passionate about something, they would use pathos as a writing or speaking tool.

Enough begging now, Slurpie. No more biscuits for you today.

The full moon on the cusp of sagittarius reminds me, happy birthday Vigor.

It occurs to me that the wave of musician deaths occurs under the mutable cross around Neptune in Pisces.
As soon as Neptune entered this sign given to its rulership since its discovery, spring 2010, a radical change in music followed. Every single song that came out was sounding melodic.

Now, Jupiter has been hovering against it in Virgo, at the same time as Saturn is in mid-Sagittarius.

I was just wondering just now, thinking about the drummer of Megadeath, what could be the astrological cause, as there should be one, I think as an astrologer. So there it was, staring in my face.

Offer to Neptune ye music lovers.
Or Saturn will reap.

Perhaps it is simply out of abundance that so many stars fall from the sky. Or a divine censorship that controls the star-ladenness of this earthly pit… of all traits jealousy is the most perniciously ‘divine’…

Arg Fixed Cross man. Can I first get breakfast?

He syas this, let me play the tape.


What bothers me most about non-astrologers, especially when they are astrophysicists, is that they refuse astrology purely on the ground of not wanting the world to be as badass as it is. They dont want their mind to be as puny as it stands in relation to the magnitude of order that is implied by astrology.

If one does not observe the geocentric relations of the orbits, then one misses vast geometrical clues as to the way the solar system came about. But through the primacy of valuing over mass, it has been made abundantly clear that relations between plants in orbit around a star can not be anything but entirely interrelated on all significant levels. Not just on a magnetic level but rather on the level of Quality itself.

The world is simply far too good for what goes for “life” or “consciousness” these days.


Some election facts:

Jupiter on Trumps Jupiter
Trumps progressed moon exactrly on midheaven
Trumps progressed mars conjunct progressed Jupiter

Kentucky was the first state to be called, it went for Trump obviously -
I figured - it must have some Jupiter link to Trump.
turns out, its natal sun is Gemini like Pence and Trumps sun
and it s Jupiter is indeed in Libra, where it is now, and where it is in Trumps chart.
Trump and Kentucky further also both have Neptune in Libra.
Neptune Libra, I call it the French aspect.

Odds of all this adding up without false notes are virtually zero. The progressed moon alone, it is in the essential place for career triumph, the Midheaven, the beginning of the Xth house of career. The progressed moon makes its way through this every 30 years. It passed Trumps Midheaven the past week. That is a one out of 1500 chance. It was the first thing I looked at.

Clintons progressed chart is equally accurate, but the progressed mopon has just passed her progressed Neptune, meaning deception and illusion, and her progressed Sun is conjunct progressed Lilith and Mercury - the powers of self, feminine secrets and the quick mind/theft/opinion/magic (Mercury) all conjunct. All personal. “She deserved it” said those close to her. She simply radiated a commanding entitlement. Nothing pointing to a lofty purpose, everything to a singular concentration of power focused in a veritable portal.

Prince died during a comparable once a lifetime triple conjunction of the progressed chart. In his case Sun Pallas Uranus, where Pallas and Uranus both count as lenses amounting in genius. Pallas especially lofty. Perhaps the loftiest of all bodies. Size doesnt seem to matter in the least. It is primarily a clockwork, an arrangement, something that fell into place as the ultimate consequence of possibility itself.


Some Trumps natal chart observations

Mars 28 Leo, ascendant 1 Virgo, in between them by an orb of 1 degree, Regulus. Since time immemorial up until Bill Gates natal chart this has been evident as a kingmaker star. Because the tropical zodiac shifts respectively to the sidereal one the star has moved into 1 Virgo recently, onto Trumps ascendant.

A Trump presidency is a culmination of potential stretching out across the prosperous 10th and 1tth houses, whereas a Clinton presidency would instantly have evaporated as a power. There was nothing for her behind the door of the election - apparently the fact that this meant nothing for us as well, did play a part. Democracy has finally been witnessed in action, suddenly unblinded by the approaching light of its own death.


Oh yeah all this testing of backbone happened, as astrologers predicted 30 years ago, as Pluto came opposed to the US birth sun for the first time in the nations history.

As it entered the sign of that opposition, Capricorn, Obama was elected and the financial crisis broke out. Capricorn is the sign pertaininhg to corporate business, Cancer, its opposite, to Home. VO and Before the Light came to be as Pluto crossed my own midheaven at 7 Capricorn.


Gravity is subtle local derivative of the sort of value transaction constants offered as the motions of the planets with respect to one another with respect to their star with respect to its galactic center, with respect to what lies beyond into the vast ordering fractal Omega.

Yes, she’s a writer.
You’re probably right on politics too.

Anything else?

We’ve been living in the year where Jupiter ives in Libra. Trump has Jupiter in Libra. It is his Jupiter year. He also has Neptune there, if I am not mistaken.

The next exact Sun-Jupiter conjunction is at the time below. It happens on 03’31 degrees Scorpio.

Thursday, October 26 2017, 01:58:41 PM ET

There is this method where you measure periods of development in the stretches between two Jupiter-Sun conjunction, roughly, but really quite exactly actually, 13 months of a solar year. So thats nice, you get a progression of one sign each “year”.

Ive tis thing n my signature but whatever - I wish to recommend y’all participate in this, its pretty powerful. And you know how Jupiter rattles the bones of Saturn, Its exciting. (Uranus is happy to see change in orders - Saturns own existential order no less - time, Kronos, itself.)

So yes, I am Aquarius, I invent things. Jupiter is my friend, he’s in my first house, with Lilith and Chiron. I feel great gratitude to be able to honour Jupiter with a new invention of time-mapping.

  • I started living by it in 2015, at the Virgo conjunction. It was a true autumn spring.

The Festivities:

October 11

October 23

October 26 [/b]

this October, join the storm
lavish offerings welcome

Just formulate your goals in that moment, and thank Jupiter for listening.
If you can say it directly to him/her (Jupiter has a feminine aspect, its well hidden, I believe it relates to Vesta)

I am very sure he will listen.
Jupiter is the boss of all the gods always.
His calendar must have been known to the Assyrians. All this is is the unearthing of an available resource of value-bestowing.

[i]It is your thirst to become sacrifices and gifts yourselves: and therefore have ye the thirst to accumulate all riches in your soul.

Insatiably striveth your soul for treasures and jewels, because your virtue is insatiable in desiring to bestow.
Ye constrain all things to flow towards you and into you, so that they shall flow back again out of your fountain as the gifts of your love.[/i] - Friedrich Nietzsche, thus spoke Zarathustra, theBestowing Virtue

Now cometh the Scorpio-Year.

We can easily overcome sadness and overbearing powers if we man up and overcome the passivity in ourselves before our gods.
Jim asked where are the feasts we were promised?
You gave em to us friend.
Beyond that?
Is it just me, myself I and the shadow of the dragonfly?
Or is it more, and are we gaining ground?

As chaos in politics prevails, the order in the stars becomes… crystal clear.

If you are not, you should be preparing for Uranus into Taurus, mid 2018. That is one head from 1933, the invention of the atomic bomb and a rather unfortunate political transition. This can not apply to Trump, as he is firmly rooted in the Aries-Uranus spirit of anarchy. Uranus in Taurus is the invention and discoveries of new forms of order and dominion. And on a higher arc, of the power to create higher values. After all, what came out of WWII was a time of great prosperity. But are we going down that path?

Jupiter can tell, can direct, can even dictate if he wishes to. And believe or not, but Jupiter is that od that cares for prayer. Though prayer comes in many forms.

“Truth be told, my heart has gotten cold
for the suffering of those that tried to fit me in the mold”

“I’ve restored Apollo to his former glory by associating the “God of Day”, who drove the chariot of Sol through the “Gates of Dawn”, as the God of the Ascendant–“Apollo’s Ascendant”, and the Midheaven and Descendant complete “Apollo’s Triangle”.” - David Starling

I am copying this.