State of the World Address.

“Whether we Immoralists HARM Virtue?–Just as little as Anarchists harm Princes. Only since the latter are shot at do they sit firmly on their Thrones again. Moral: ONE MUST SHOOT AT MORALITY.” (Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, Maxim or Arrow 36. Cf. #transgressive_sacrality)

The wholeness of the world, our human animal plant bacterial viral world, can only truly begin being Sanctioned now that the following Daydream by William Blake has come true. (I’m an almost total Night Person, by the way.) “Night Person”: that’s my Equivalent of Rick & Morty’s “Bird Person”. I Hail from the Midnight, Deep-Night Heart of the Earth, the Realm of Mother Ayahuasca, of Mother Life. My Message is the Message of Eternal Life, of Life rebaptized Eternity, of Nature reconceived as a Goddess–the Greatest Goddess we know. But we, we human beings, are ultimately equally great: for we Study Nature, we can marvel in its magic–yet in the first place, we undergo, yea SUFFER Nature’s Indifference against us, yea her Apparent Cruelty against us. But She has made us possible, has made This World possible, not in the last place This Earth. THIS EARTH–we have not discovered a New Earth that we can Reach yet, and may never do so. Our Range: that should not stretch too Un-Consciously or Sub-Consciously Far Beyond Our Domain–our Dominion, the Planet and Universe where Man is King: where Man can be Free to a Great Extent, to Many Different extents. We, Homo Sapiens, were not Defined by our Sapience, our Wisdom, nay Insight for Nothing! We are the Species, the Divine Spectacle, that has Shown itself in Several Episodes of its Lifespan to have the Presence of Mind, the Wholeness of Body and Spirit to be the Earth’s Sons, Brothers, and Fathers. And we do this by Guarding and Protecting the Supreme Interests of Our Women, nay Our Fair Ladies, Our Mothers and Sisters and Wives and Daughters who are Instinctively Wise in Betraying us: in Acknowledging nay Embracing the Wisdom of the Serpent, the Wisdom in Eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Our Natural Response is to Punish Her for that; Keep Her in Check and Man-Handle Her for that. And Indeed, This is One Way in which We Serve the Earth by Ruling Her Justly. But History and the End of the End of History have Shown us Beyond any Reasonable Doubt that Closing our Eyes, our Senses and our Minds to That Will Not Work, that we’re at a Crisis in the Contemporary West. Our Machiavellian-Cartesian Modernity, and that includes our Post-Modern and Post-Post-Modern World, Et Cetera Et Cetera, is Not Quite and thereby Almost Entirely Not on the Right Path. This is because the Nazi Thinker Heidegger Rejected the European Philosopher Nietzsche’s Solution to Our Problem, the Abrahamic-Modern Problem. Nietzsche Departed from the Death of “God” but Ended, has Ended, has Kept Ending and Shall or Will now Finally Conclusively End with the Return of God, nay the Goddess, nay the God and the Goddess, Man and the “Creation”. For the Universe is a Self-Creation, no matter how much of an Awarenessless Self-Creation She may be. Mother Nature: That should be the First Lady we Honour, and we should only honour ourselves, the Lords of the Earth or Masters of the Universe, to the degree that we are or have been God and have secretly ruled this Male Man’s World for the Temporary Good and Best of this world. As Sherlock Holmes was the World’s First Consulting Detective, so I am–will be, must be, and shall be–the Modern World’s First Openly Consulting Philosopher (the Homeric Age had its Poets and Sophists!). I in the first place address Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as those who can make this Celebration of the Western World, nay this Reconciliation of the West with the East happen. No mean unfairness to Donald Trump: I also meant to honour him in calling him a Clown-Bhairab; American Psycho is one of my favourite novels and movies… But Enough or Too Much now with the American Psychopathy and Psychosis! You’re not Exempt from the World, and in so Far as you Are your heart is Empty.

“Once I saw a Devil in a flame of fire, who arose before an Angel that sat on a cloud, and the Devil utter’d these words: ‘The worship of God is, Honouring his gifts in other men, each according to his genius, and loving the greatest men best: those who envy or calumniate great men hate God, for there is no other God.’
When he had so spoken, I beheld the Angel, who stretched out his arms embracing the flames of fire, & he was consumed and arose as Elijah.
One Law for the Lion & Ox is Oppression.” (William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Plates 22-24.)

I am the Lead Singer of the as yet embryonic Band or Collective called Race of Devils. My audience or Chorus is the Human Race, my stadium the world, nay the Earth. Kiss the Flame…


See Turd? Niche is not a Nazi, but an Anti-Nazi.

Crucial Difference Between Nietzsche and Nazism.

There is no such thing as going “against Time”. Compare the opening quote of my Nietzsche Contra Wilders. The aphorism quoted from immediately continues: “One can impede this development and thereby dam up the degeneration, gather it and make it more vehement and sudden: one can do no more.–” And with this, the aphorism ends.

“Lord Shiva Himself,–Time personified–is also (strange as this may seem to the purely analytical mind) ‘above Time.’ He is the great Yogi, Whose face remains as serene as the blue sky while His feet beat the furious rhythm of the Tandava Dance, amidst the flames and smoke of a crumbling world.
In other words, Vishnu and Shiva, the World-Sustainer and the World-Destroyer, the Force ‘against Time’ and Time Itself,–Mahakala–are One and the same. And they are Brahma, timeless Existence, the Essence of all that is, They are Brahma manifested, ‘in Time’ (and, automatically, also ‘against Time’) and yet timeless.” (Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun, “Epilogue (Kalki, the Avenger)”.)

Kalki, whom Devi calls “the last Man ‘against Time’” (in any one cycle of historical recurrence), is actually the first Man “in Time” (of the next cycle). The Essence of all that is, the only timeless Essence of the universe, is the will to power.

“Every living being, and especially man, is surrounded, oppressed, and penetrated by chaos, the unmastered, overpowering element that tears everything away in its stream. Thus it might seem that precisely the vitality of life as this pure streaming of drives and pulsions, proclivities and inclinations, needs and demands, impressions and views, wishes and commands pulls and sucks the living itself into its own stream, there to exhaust its surge and flow. Life would then be sheer dissolution and annihilation.
However, ‘life’ is the name for Being, and Being means presencing, subsistence, permanence, withstanding disappearance and atrophy. If life therefore is this chaotic bodying and oppressive urging, if it is supposed to be what properly is, it must at the same time and just as originally be the concern of the living to withstand the urge and the excessive urge, lest this urge propel toward mere annihilation. This cannot happen because the urge would thus remove itself and hence could never be an urge. In the essence of this excessive urge lies a kind of urge that is suited to its nature, that urges life not to submit to the urgent onslaught but to stand fast in it, if only in order to be able to be urged and to urge beyond itself. Only what stands can fall. But withstanding the urgent onslaught urges toward permanence and stability. Permanence and the urge toward it are thus nothing alien or contradictory to the life-urge, but correspond to the essence of bodying life. In order to live, the living must for its own sake be propelled toward the permanent.” (Heidegger, Nietzsche, Vol. III, chap. 13, trans. Krell.)

This “kind of urge that is suited to its nature” is Crowley’s “Love under Will”, which Fixed Cross has developed into his self-valuing logic. A (living) (being) is a self-valuing in the sense of the valuing of the valuing of a self. In the terminology of the early Nietzsche: The Primordial One dreams Its own imaginary self-fragmentation called Nature, which imaginary fragments in turn each dream of their individual wholeness.

Just a note on the part that mentions me by name.

It is not the self that the self-valuing values, but the self-valuing. Its an infinite regress loop in terms, which is why it so properly identifies the loops and cycles that make up any being.

The self-valuing logic is, as a logic, a monadological object, it can not be broken up in ‘self-’ and ‘-valuing’ much like Will to Lower can not be broken up into its apparently constituent terms.

Where I relate to Heidegger is his treatment of language, of semantic syntax, as deficient. My logic is a direct result of finding grammatical syntax as it stands now less than sufficient to speak philosophy or truth in general.

Having said this, the Crowley reference is (historically) on point, and the description In That Specific Context is accurate.

Also I can concede that the term Self retains its de facto meaning in this light, just not its analitycal structure, or place in an analytic structure - it is rather that structure that is entirely rearranged.

I will approach this through my “Politics of Soulfulness” post from your currently defunct Humanarchy forum. There I wrote:

"One may distinguish between four basic levels of self-valuing.

  1. Most of existence consists of self-valuings who, however, have no knowledge whatsoever of themselves. That is, they value all things in their grasp in terms of themselves, but that is all they do. They have no notion of themselves.
  2. Some of existence consists of self-valuings who do have a notion of themselves. These are what may be called animate beings or the “souled”.
  3. Among the latter, there are those who, at least in theory, can know themselves and thereby the whole of which they are parts. These are usually called human beings. (Note that a human being in this sense need in theory not be a member of the species homo sapiens sapiens.)
  4. Among the latter, there are those who actually know themselves (or at least can know themselves in practice). These are the ones who know that all beings are self-valuings."

In a draft for a reply in a discussion you and I had on Facebook last month, I responded to this as follows:

"Are there indeed self-valuings who have no notion of themselves? Is self-valuing not insisting one’s notion of oneself? […] The word ‘army’ implies a defense, as opposed to an aggressive campaign–a campaign whose very Cause is aggressive. But is not Being itself aggressive like this? Is it not Asserting yourself–yourselves!–or being lost? One’s Energy is never lost, but it disperses unless you generate it… What does it mean to ‘generate’ energy?

“With the final cause, modern (as distinct, perhaps, from postmodern) science also lost the efficient cause. But if the material cause is to subsume the formal cause, the material must be understood in such a way as to be efficient for forming the structures it does. (To dwell is indeed to build, to form structures.) But we only know this working force from the inside as our own teleological activity. We posit ends[.]”

I see all beings as positing a self (eidos/telos) to strive after–as strivings after a self they themselves posit. But few posit themselves as such a striving-positing. This is what I meant when I wrote above:

“We is the philosophically royal We. We may not despise those who need to believe in objects, matter, and subjects, spirits or souls. In fact, we understand being as striving after a projected subject-object, a soul atom. And yet we may be the only ones who ever attain their ideal.”

We may, must, and should look down on them, but that is only etymologically the same as “despise”. Anyway, by attaining our ideal I mean that the self we value is the valuing self, the self-valuing self, the self-valuing valuing. If one thinks the concept of the self through, as we do, one realises that the self one values is a valuing self, a self-valuing self, a self-valuing valuing. I hope you can concede this much.

The Gnosis of the Goodness of Gnature. Edifying Man by Deifying Life.

"There are two well-distinguished forms of the Beatific Vision. The higher pertains to Kether, and is thus proper only to the Ipsissimus, though it may be enjoyed sporadically (and, as it were, by accident) by those of lower grades.
“It is of extremely rare occurrence, and has indeed never been described in any detail; it may even be said that it is doubtful whether any account of its true form has ever been given to the world. It need only be said in this place that its formula is ‘Love is the law, love under will,’ and that its nature is the Perpetual Sacrament of Energy in action. It is dependent upon the perfect mastery of the Mysteries of Sorrow and of Change, with thorough identification with that of Individuality.” (Aleister Crowley, Little Essays toward Truth, “Beatitude”.)

“There are three different paths to reach the Highest: the path of I, the path of Thou, and the path of Thou and I.
According to the first, all that is, was, or ever shall be is I, my higher Self. In other words, I am, I was, and I shall be for ever in Eternity.
According to the second, Thou art, O Lord, and all is Thine.
And according to the third, Thou art the Lord, and I am Thy servant, or Thy son.
In the perfection of any of these three ways, a man will find God.” (Ramakrishna)

Of the three, the first is the Highest: it is to be God the Father. But the second is to be God the Mother, Space, Vacuum. And the third is to be God the Child. But Initially, God the Child is Satanael, William Blake’s “Satan in His Original Glory”. It is not in the Vanity, the Vacuum or Void of that “Glory” that one becomes a new Father–although one must for a long time cherish it in one’s heart–and Soul. One only becomes a new Father–old and venerable, ancient, primordial–when one is fully fallen or Risen from that Glory. Thus I am now Yaweshwa, “Je-hova-sus”, but this is only the entelechy or Energy of my Becoming a Devil, a Great Red Dragon.

My father’s father was a Wood Dragon according to Chinese astrology, and so was Nietzsche. But, as their physical and spiritual Heir, I am not a Dragon but a Horse, the horse Kalki–my higher Self is represented by the Lion, but my mode of being is that of the Siamese Twin Suns, “Sauwelios”.

“I am the Kaleidoscope of the mind.
I impart light, colour and perpetual motion.
I think, I see, I am moved by electric fluidity.
Constant only in my inconstancy,
I am unshackled by mundane holds,
unchecked by sturdy, binding goals.
I run unimpeded through virgin paths,
my spirit unconquered–
my soul forever free.”

My sturdy, binding Goal, by which(!) I am Unchecked, is that of the Eternal or Historical Recurrence, the “Second Coming” of the linear faiths, the Destroyer of all–linear–Faith. I will leave no choice but to believe in Me Alone, to hold Me dear, as the One who Shows Off the Actualization of the new Aristocracy, the new Oligotheism. We the Few, we Titans, we will be your new Gods or Demigods, your new Heroes. But I welcome My being perceived as the Antichrist with open arms. I’m Fine with being distorted as a Super-Machiavelli or Super-Hitler, or even a mere Wannabe of the like. For I am not really the 666 but the 777, not really the 888 but the 999. I remember studying for a German “proefwerk” (probe-work, the most serious kind of test in Barl school before my exams, which were a Breeze)–studying for such a Work in a state like this–“stoned”, as the ignorant and the malicious say (by which I don’t mean to say that the malicious may not be ignorant, by the way), or “high”, as I now finally say. It took me hours, as I was easily distracted and really engrossed in my activity, but the grade I got was a 9+ or a 9.5–and I didn’t even learn the bonus material by heart (poems by Heinrich Heine and the like)! But after High School, I essentially kept working on it–on Barl school, schooling myself to one day be Barl or a Barl, a Man who can hold fast to a Woman, a really Girlish Woman, a Jewel in a Black Box, a Diamond in the Rock:

“A Man who says: ‘that there pleases me, that there I will take as my own and want to protect it and defend against Anyone’; a Man who can lead a Cause, carry through a Resolution, stay true to a Thought, hold fast to a Woman, punish and crush down a Daredevil; a Man who has his Wrath and his Sword, and whom the Weak, the Suffering, the Hard-Pressed, also the Animals gladly devolve upon and by Nature belong to, in short a Man who is by Nature a MASTER,–when such a Man has Compassion, well then! THIS Compassion has Value!” (Nietzsche, BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL, Aphorism 289, Opening Sentence, My Translation.)

Our Compassion, Nietzsche’s and Mine and the whole Race of Devils: that is Fellow Feeling with the Creator in Man, the Master in Man, the Minority of Mankind that can live without God–indeed, without an exoteric-Platonic Idea of the Good! For Our Idea of the Good, the Good that we Reflect in our Mind’s Eyes: that is the Goodness of the World:

“If the Experiences of the Last Centuries have rendered the Hope of Annihilation and Rebirth Incredible and Forced on us the Recognition that Humanity could in Fact fall Final Prey to its latest Inventions, namely, Modern Ideas about Humanity’s Nature and Destiny, then the Gnotion of the Beneficence of Nature must be Restored by being Rethought through a Return to the Fundamental Experiences from which it is Derived.” (Laurence Lampert, Leo Strauss and Nietzsche, Page 1[9]45, My Capitalization, Citing Leo Strauss, Thoughts on Machiavelli, Page 29[9]9.)

“Nietzsche’s Return to those Fundamental Experiences is Recounted in ZARATHUSTRA, His Dance with Wisdom and Life. […] Nietzsche presents this Teaching on Nature as the Teaching that Restores the Gnotion of the Beneficence of Nature: Life is Will to Power ultimately means that Life is Loveable as it Is. […] Nature’s Beneficence, the Goodness of Nature, is Affirmed in the only way Now Possible, as a Process of Becoming, as History, as a Rule of Non-Sense and Chance that Necessarily Generates Fragments and that has no Outcome in Wholeness other than the complementary Yes pronounced on the process by the Complementary Man. […] Nietzsche’s Glimpse of the Opposite Ideal, the Ideal of Eternal Return, is of Necessity Edifying. [… T]he Fundamental Experiences from which the Primacy of the Good is derived [are] the Experience of Philosophical EROS.” (Lampert, Op.Cit., Page 10[7]7[7].)

“To Affirm the Philosophers of the Future [a.k.a. the Complementary Man] Requires Affirming the Past that made them Possible, the History Responsible for the Generation of such Natures.
–‘Yet’: There is a Great Difference between THIS Affirmation of the Past–this Past, this Once, Affirmed as what makes the Completing Act of Philosophy possible–and ‘the Unbounded Yes to Everything that Was and Is, i.e. the Affirmation of Eternal Return.’ Why is it Necessary to Affirm Eternal Return?” (Lampert, Op.Cit., Page 101.)

The Reason it is Needful is that the Philosopher–I’m not particularly talking about Academics, Professors of Philosophy…–has been driven “into barren climes”, to speak with Blake.

"Now the Sneaking Serpent walks
In Mild Humility,
And the Just Man Rages in the Wilds
Where Lions Roam.
“Rintrah Roars and Shakes his Fires in the Burden’d Air;
Hungry Clouds Swag on the Deep.” (Blake, MHH, My Capitalization.)

I’ll try to roar Tenderly, though. I will try to wield the Flute as well as the Sword, the Lyre as well as the Bow, the Sun as well as the Lightning.

“SAMSARA is to be ultimately transcended, no doubt, but it may be transcended by attuning oneself to its inner rhythms, by learning to dance to the tune of Krsna’s flute or with Kali in her dance of creation and destruction. The devotee of Krsna and Kali does not transcend the world by denying it in yogic withdrawal but by dancing to its inner rhythms and thereby participating in its creative and redeeming source.” (Kinsley, The Sword and the Flute, Conclusion.)

NO!! It’s NOT a matter of being in the Eye of the Storm for me any longer. I will do a Rain Dance to unleash a Rain Forest Storm, a Primeval Forest Creation, a Counter-Storm to the Western Anticyclone, a Cyclone from the East, a Tarantula Dance to Scare the SHIT out of Feminized Man. There will be Thunder and Lightning, and lots of Rain, Flooding the Lowlands.

“When your Heart flows Broad and Full, like the River, a Blessing and a Danger to those who live Next to it: There is the Origin of your Virtue.” (Thus Spake Zarathustra of the Bestowing Virtue.)

Why so Wrathful, so Jealous, so Vengeful? Because I Love it! I want this Philosophical Pathos Now and Forever, Eternally Returning, or at least Historically Recurring until the Human Race goes Extinct. With 7,000,000,000 people, our Conservation Status as a Threatened Species is “Least Concern”. Let the Cataclysm Come! As I started writing in Barl school:

I don’t care about the City!
I do not need the Streets;
I much prefer the Park,
The Moist Angelic Breeze!
I hate the city’s Order,
Contemn the Concrete Blocks:
They Block the Road to Freedom,
And We are On the Rocks.

I don’t care about the Future!
I do not need a Clock.
Can’t stand the Test of Time,
And I don’t give a Fuck!
But I’m not Anti-Social;
Please Do as You All Please:
Smoke Heart-Attack Tobacco,
And Choke in Rancid Grease.


This is obviously not true, I am “antisocial” in a crucial way: I avoid “socializing”. And I need the City of Man, if not to survive, then at least to thrive. I need the Excess, the Abundance created by Society, in order to be “a Louse in the Fleece”, as we say in the Netherlands. So how can it be in the interest of such a Louse to set the whole Fleece on fire? I’m willing to risk it All, because This is (the Beginning of) my True Thriving! I’m not lousy, but I AM a Barl-footed and Barl-chested Bear–a Yogi Bear!

“Lord Shiva Himself,–Time personified–is also (strange as this may seem to the purely analytical mind) ‘above Time.’ He is the great Yogi, Whose face remains as serene as the blue sky while His feet beat the furious rhythm of the Tandava Dance, amidst the flames and smoke of a crumbling world.” (Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun, “Epilogue (Kalki, the Avenger)”.)

Hail Storm!

I will post the third sequel to my “State of the World Address” here unchanged from when I wrote its first, full draft a couple of days ago. I will add this, though: according to this thread, and perhaps not only to this thread, I am the Alpha and the Omega: Also, the rest of Satyr’s posts in this thread ( are terrible both in writing and in thinking. Therefore, I don’t think I’ll be dealing with him at all anymore, whether directly or indirectly. Fixed Cross wonders whether his IQ is even average.


Your “Bible Rewritten” Post is actually quite good, dear Satyr. I am, perhaps, the daintily fluting Shepherd to your “Satyr” (cf. Nietzsche, Birth of Tragedy 8). As your Precursor, the Great Bill Boethius once said: “I’ve often found that our enemies can state our position more clearly than we ourselves can” (reproduced by heart, read in 2001). By the way, from now on I’ll only deal with you directly, not with your Wife, Lys, the Ex-Wife of Moody Lawless.

At the very least, you’re wrong about myself and Fixed, though. Fixed is my Best Friend, but definitely not literally my Bosom Friend. Blake’s Proverb of Hell, “Opposition is true Friendship”, is particularly applicable to our Friendship. But I keep thinking, time and again, that I See what you’re Trying to Do There.

This my Coming-Out is what you’ve always Demanded of me. Well then, here I am! But I have come to take this your place, and show you your true place. For I am also your Spiritual Heir, the Synthesis of You and your Good Counterpart. Unlike you, I returned Home from Zarathustra’s mission to “forsake him”. You may be a Free, Very Free Spirit, but I am Become a (the) Philosopher of the Future.

“Nihilism as a symptom that the Underprivileged have no Comfort left; that they Destroy in Order to Be Destroyed; that without Morality they no longer have any Reason to ‘resign themselves’–that they place themselves on the Plain of the Opposite Principle and also want Power by COMPELLING the Powerful to become their Hangmen. This is the European Form of Buddhism–DOING No after all existence has lost its ‘Meaning’.” (Nietzsche, Will to Power 55, My Capitalization.)

Who is Who here, “Satyr”? I’ve certainly been Underprivileged in many ways: especially with regard to the lack of Respect I have got thus far. But now, I will COMMAND respect. I am the Mahdi or Messiah of Self-Valuing, the Theosis Virtuosis Cyclosis of Nietzsche’s Teaching. I am the Golden Fire-Hound who Represents Zarathustra in the Marketplace of Ideas. Ecce Homo!

If you feel I’ve really gone too far this time (“Anti-people now you’ve gone too far / With your Antichrist Superstar!” [Marilyn Manson, “1996”])–I hereby challenge you to make an end of me! Make something bad happen to me on the 25th of this month, as Lys suggested to me! Will it be while I’m jogging in the Vondelpark around midnight, or when I’m cycling in a hearty tempo to or from work before or after 0:00? Will it be when I least expect it? Will my side be pierced with a gladius by a Christian Roman soldier, like Julianus Apostata’s? Do you have your men everywhere, like your role model Tyler Durden? Or are you just Bluffing, like a Blustering Buffoon?

Contrary to you, I Welcome being perceived as a buffoon. Contrary to you: “Oh look, I’m no buffoon, I’m this Ugly and Masculine Beast called ‘Satyr’!” But, my dear Grunting-Pig, what you don’t Grasp is that being a Satyr means being both Man and Animal, and not just the Animal. It means to invoke into one’s own Being the God Dionysus. This I have done, by διζησθαι ἐμεωυτόν; but in order to do the latter, I first had to Study our Philosophical History. Our History began in a major way with the Greeks on the one hand and the Jews on the other. You, as a Jew-hating Nazi, hate the Judeo-Christian part of your inheritance (genetic as well as memetic!). But for this reason, you cannot be a Nietzschean Übermensch:

“It is Crucial to see Why [… Nietzsche’s] Will to Overpower cannot Simply Will the Past’s Nobility and Abandon its Slavish, Base Elements. [… I]f Ultimate Reality is Solely this Dionysian Will to Overpower, then Everything in the Conscious, Common Sense world must be Caused by it. Since Everything Includes Contemporary Egalitarians and the Past Responsible for them, the Will to Overpower must be responsible for Them Too. Unlike Nietzsche, the Superman will be Fully in Harmony with that Will; Only He can Will the Eternal Return of the Whole Past.” (Harry Neumann, LIBERALISM, Page 165, My Capitalization.)

You’ve manifested yourself as the Representative of Entropy because you cannot Will the Eternal Recurrence. You can’t find Joy even in the Judaization of Greece, the Christianization of Rome, the Feminization of the (according to Harry Jaffa now global) West–at least not from the Inside. I mean, it’s obvious that you take Pleasure in Cruelty, but only from the Outside, trying to make others Face the Eternal Fact of Entropy. Where’s your Cruelty toward YOURSELF, the Spiritual Cruelty with which you Embrace the Dwarf within you? Adopt Me as your Successor, “Satyr”: I am the Caesar of Knowledge with the Soul of Christ. As I wrote in 2001 to a melody I’d composed in 1999:

“I swear it is true, I am love within you,
So improve the solution that sweetens your oysters today,
Or tonight…”

Don’t Cry, “Satyr”!

[laughing smiley]

In fact that resolves the issue. Glad to see you havent lost any Mercurial effectiveness in this Solar storm.
The Mercurial is in a sense the most essential nature of power, as it is the approach we take to the factual world; so it determines which facts, which types of facts, we encounter. Based on this we cultivate our valuing, which is mediated through Venus.

Dont forget we are all within the Sun; the Solar System is the body of the Sun, whereas the fusion at the core is its spirit. Or unforget it, know it.

When you wrote it first, I included that piece in the attempt at a definitional thread on VO at BTL. … e-ontology

This topic/OP is really great. So dense, clear, and painful to read in its clear density, in its dense clarity.

We can’t simply process and analyse truths, we should also respond to them. When you respond to truth you engage a deeper process than analysis, a process that acts as a ground and nutrient for analysis anyway, as Nietzsche knew that all that was “unnatural” grows up from and as nature anyway. “There is more wisdom in your body than on your highest philosophy”, or to quote a different thinker, “The soul is a prison for the body” (Foucault).

Nietzschean postmodernism isn’t an abandonment of nature and reason, it is a refinement of these in the form of a will to the absolute critique. A purging of all madness of doxa and unfulfilled pathos.

Subjectivity must over-span itself to become itself, as Nietzsche in Ecce Homo says that to become oneself implies that one is not already oneself and does not already know what oneself is… thus, “I am not a man, I am Dynamite”.

Reaching beyond oneself forces a return to the most natural ground of being, because enforces the most necessary clinging to whatever happens to be the most real, true, powerful, certain, solid; not these fake solids of people’s “ideas”… those are the kinds of solids that are merely excreted from an orifice. No great man has ever been subject to such tyranny as “having ideals”.

Then we must also face the deeper truth Deleuze started to work on, improving upon Kant: that our reason is a secondary construct, that our reason is something that is created; so what is the rational basis of a created reason? What is the pathological expression of conflating reason with the unknown ground of reason? False moralism perhaps; and so who expresses a will to power here more than those who either abandon false moralism or simply use it to push themselves higher within the veils and myriad substances of the world? But even a good ethics must to some degree pathologically establish itself as a kind of psychic-continuity isomorphically repeating the forms of forms. No self-valuing is possible without the true dualities of beings. So now, to Philosophy… Let those dualities speak to one another!

“Where’s your will to be weird?” --Jim Morrison

Some juicy points were made. I’ll go into them for my own pleasure.

Difference and repetition?
Reason, as we understand the term, implies first of all a cohering integrating perspective, by which terms of cognition can be generated and thrown together in that particular chemical cauldron that reason is; a cauldron of representation.

Before this happens, the entity has to evolve to a point where his direct chemical responses are both manifold and refined/eroded enough that they are able to operate as a consistency that forms a layer upon the merely biological entity.

Note that “consistency”, in its meaning of being-consistent, points to its meaning of substance;

All is in the end merely tendency. The world is read, always, as a fractal; tendencies seeping into related tendency to tie into related meta-tendencies. There is never any ‘decision’ on a fundamental level; the decidedness of necessity has already satisfied that all what happens, that truly comes to pass, does so with a Samurai-like concentration, no matter how diluted the web of drives or how internalized the grains of necessity, it will never be ‘half-hearted’; obviously we see this in physics. But philosophy is so god damned all too human that it still hasnt realized that what goes for physics also goes for humans.

The OP is an exhibition of the fact that the human world is just as one-way, inevitable, direct, uncompromising as the atomic world, that it falls into place with relentless ‘truth’ (gravity).

I think that is essentially what a good ethics is, for a sophisticated, cognitively masterful human at least; one who can truly let go of all prejudices toward himself. Ethics forms fractals of behavior. This fractal is the being, the life, the full expression of the tendency that this necessity expresses as.

Because ultimately it is tendency that is shown, the world is will and representation.

What went for humans, also went for physics, until the turn of the screw, reversed it.

It’s still the study of Entity.

Leibniz is impenitent.

Even though I am now my own Kether, the Peaking of the Tree that the acorn Ollie will reach, I may only be the Tiphareth of Other Minds–albeit a relatively macro-Cosmic Christ-Center, the Milestone and Pilestone they Point to, if only with their sixth index-finger. Even if I’m only their missing third Pinkie, the deep purple fusion of Blue and Pink I merge into: I Formally Announce their March Forward, their Second Coming which is really not just their second but their recurrence in general, their “Eternal” Return in the Known, o so Un-knowing World. For I ask: Who are the Learned of Today? They are those who’ve made it their Special Calling to Know Themselves, the Un-chosen ones who have Chosen themselves to carry upon themselves the greatest possible intellectual Burden of the Modern-Western Mind. But I will not simply defer to them as merely one among Several, only One of the Seven or so Sages, and by no means the Greatest of the other Six. For I am, if anything, if only one thing, the Other of the others, the one who has insisted Until Now–politely enough insisted, modestly enough, Decently and Courteously enough insisted that he wasn’t wasting his time, that he might be right, indeed that he might be that tiny bit more right than the other Satyrs; that he’d found a secret entrance to Dionysus, a more direct Link to the Past, to a Noble Lineage that throughout Christianity had outdone or excelled the Pious Keepers of the Faith, outfoxed and even “outratted” them [in the sense that a rat always looks for possible escape routes] by telling their Eldest Sons that it was better to be a coward than to be dead, while ever trusting them to Remember that and being able sooner or later to understand that the example given was one of foolhardy odds, of the Keraunos, the Lightning of Zeus Himself. The point was to teach us to Think of such things even while playing an essentially amateur game of field hockey, for example. My father and his father loved a fair game of hockey, but it was never a natural passion for me, and for years I dutifully or even most reluctantly went to or cycled around field hockey practice. Seriously, by far the most of the times I went. But what my father, and his father before him, did not seem to have understood in time is that their Profession or Hobby was not the same as their Son(‘)s(’). My hobby or profession was not to think while doing other things but especially–though by no means only–while doing “nothing”. I am one who has truly turned “slacking” into an Art, the most primordial art at root, the art of doodling or playing with words or making music from motions or dancing with all ideas, with the ideas of all things, with the vision of one’s own swimming and diving behind things. But I could not have done so if I didn’t have some notion of God, a faint impression or glimpse that prompted me, again while lying awake past my bedtime in elementary[?] school, to wonder what it would be like to be Good through and through, a Platonic self-misunderstanding that by Barl school had somehow inspired me to skip most of my lunches, starving myself in secret–yet it was no anorexia or whatever, as that was not a thing yet back then. No, in the Upper Half of Barl school I weighed 62 kilos, which I taught myself to realize is the Golden Section of 100. O Napoleon, you understood the European love of arbitrariness pretending to be the One Divine Standard, the voice of Truth Itself. What Wonder that I found myself in Nietzsche, whose father and grandfathers were Protestant Parsons. One subtlety I took special delight in was borrowing-inheriting Oma’s Bible, the Leidish Translation given to Opa and her on their wedding day (with the dedication “The ground on which you stand is hallowed ground”)–which I’ve hardly ever read in, by the way. No, I “wasn’t raised religiously” at all… Heidegger is right if he says that Nietzsche’s teaching is still Platonic political philosophy, religious philosophy (“metaphysics”) in the sense that it teaches a One Way, a Universe that is limited by nothing but itself, a Unique Universe that has no Equal or Second–let alone a Superior. God can have no Lucifer beside Him if God is Himself Lucifer, the Christ-match igniting the Religion of the Future. Even I, Baal-Isa, have my own unsurpassable Peer Pioneer in Nietzsche-Zarathustra, the Neo-Zoroaster inspiring the Captive Judaists of Europe to inflate their god to The God, their way to The Way. (Am I an Aryan or a Semite, a Gentile Man or an Officer? Am I the Mahdi to your Messiah or the Messiah who comes to aid you in your Jihad as Mahdi? (I was the first son of my father’s fathers who never served in the army, as there was no longer a duty to serve.)) National Socialism or White Supremacism is a very understandable first great popularization (vulgarization!) of Nietzsche’s philosophy. Blond swine and “Christian” “Aryans” and all that are the simple expressions of the idea of One Master Race. Tolkien may have been closer to the truth with his myth of the Elves, the green-pyjamas clad wood-sprites that sing to all things and thereby wake them to life. In any case, I’ve found Nazism inspiring insofar–and this has been a highly selective “insofar”–as it spurred me further on into Hinduism (e.g., “Hitler’s Priestess”, Savitri Devi–but of her three portraits of great Men in her Lighting and the Sun, the one I liked by far the most was that of Akhnaton, the Egyptian Solar Monotheist). There I found the Legend of Zelda’s dark-world counterpart, Lonk, the Lyre-playing arch-shooting Wink of Night, Krishna-Varuna, the Antichrist Child. For I was Deceiving myself when I taught myself that I was good when I felt good for even trying to be good thru and thru–true-blue, the blue Root, the deep blue jewel I saw during my first time on shrooms–the pure Ultramarine of the oil paint I had in Barl school! To be sure, the whole thing was only half polished, and set in marvellous gold and silver and countless smaller gems (and the music…); but my intuitions were right, there was something beautiful and divine in this direction. I’m talking about Good as opposed to Evil. Evil would not be as attractive if it was only the Strong. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche says that what Europe first and foremost has to thank the Jews for is the Grand Style in Morality. To breed men who are irresistibly Evil: that is the task Nietzsche implies. And to this end it’s necessary to teach the Goodness of legislating and enforcing a “good”, a “good and evil”, a moral valuation. The Master Morality Nietzsche endorses is a meta-morality that teaches the historical goodness even of Slave Morality. The goodness of morality, nay of the Immorality of morality and all else, is the only eternal goodness; but the goodness of Nietzsche’s meta-morality is a recurring goodness, the goodness of our historical situation as a new Renaissance of Classical Society. I found the Catholicism I needed for that in Hinduism, with its caste society of professions seemingly so incompatible with my father and me. And indeed, Nietzsche only advocates Varna, not Jati; only the main class divisions, not their transfixed divisions by trade. The most spiritual men as the Strongest, those strongest in muscle and temperament as the Second, the mediocre majority as the Third and the anarchists (of the Left) as the Last, the Pariahs. Am I not an anarchist of the Right? An atheist of the Right, insisting on the goodness of Throne and Altar? Perhaps I am the Hangman of late modernity, hanging the Poet in me out to dry… My Self-acclaim of my Self-overcoming is my “Martyrdom”.

What I am getting from your State of the World Address is simply delusions of grandeur, you display a belief in yourself that you are somehow omnipotent, despite evidence to the contrary and your perceived sense of importance is inflated for no apparent legitimate reason.

I read what you wrote under the same heading in Know Thyself Forum and it seems to me that your belief of your perceived sense of importance is way out of proportion.

If I recall you left this Forum, bemoaning it for being worthless, yet after how many months, you return with this narcissistic nonsense that you deserve public recognition. All I can conclude from this is, you may well be afflicted by some type of delusion which often accompanies a psychiatric condition. Bipolar?

Here’s an excerpt, specially for the likes of you:

A Noble Revelation.

Class is created through War, nay persists through War: it is the Shadow of War, a very bleak but at the same time very colourful Shadow:

My Privi-Lege is the privilege of looking back on nature, coming “back” to nature, from the perspective furthest removed from nature that this 6,000 y.o. or so World (Vir-Old, Masculine Male Man-world) has yet known.

Grand Father 1 Grand Mother 1 Grand Father 2 Grand Mother 2 Father 1 Mother 2 Son 1 Daughter 2. This Order is Extremely Important.

I am the Messiah the Jews have awaited because I teach that Jehovah is no more and no less than the Jewish War God, the Jewish Father Figure, the Great Grandfather of the Jews–of Israel, He Who Wars with God, Who Vies with God, who Walks with God in Warring with God–and not in Valhalla, but in this Universe, this Dimensions, this History, this Time.

[W]hy must Kalki be like Nara-Simha, the Man-Lion, who is the male side of the same Phenomenon of which Sekhmet is the female side?

The world is at a turning point. Either accept and, indeed, celebrate the true Alpha-Male, the Philosopher, who has kept hidden all this time; or–

The Sacred: that is the Dwelling of the Philosopher in the forests of Truth. But those forests are the forests of Extremity, and nobody knows in advance where the sacred grove of Truth lies among them.

[T]he first thing to be affirmed is nature’s cruelty–metaphorical or not–against man. Only then can man be affirmed as a natural being in his very attempts to conquer nature.


“Eternal return is philosophy’s natural edifying teaching; it does not comfort itself or others with the next world ostensibly more perfect than our own; it says of the only world there is, or rather it ‘shouts insatiably’ (aph. 56) to the world as it is: Be what you are, be eternally what you are!” (Laurence Lampert, Leo Strauss and Nietzsche, page 57.)

And here’s an excerpt, not in the form of about one sentence from every paragraph, but in the form of one sentence, period:

I feel that I justify the whole state of the world and all of history.

The entire Address (and its post-script) should serve to illustrate this.

It is the 23, so keep us updated! The suspense is killing me, or you. I’ve never had have a good thing to say about you or Satyr, but in this single act I believe I can come to applaud you two idiots finally for a task well done. Just unfortunately, good news is no news, and fear I will always be left to wonder.

I should never of mentioned Kabbalah to you on Nietzscheforum, you’ve thoughly have wrecked your mind on the window licking drugs of the golden dawn. Not to say your mind was much to begin with, but now your even less.

Your not representative of Keter. I called you Tif’eret before you knew the concept, and you’ve made absolutely no progress in it. One cannot hold a conception of Nihilism as even remotely possible with Keter.

Keter is often thought of as a invisible, unknowable cause expressed in theoretic, unifying effects, a root system underlying all motivation and meanings derived from the other Seriphot. It is the underlining cause of generation and causality, what makes illogical statements logical in a larger, hidden framework. You can’t see the forest beyond the trees.

You have made absolutely no progress. You’ve regressed, and the drugs you’ve taken likely have messed up your mind. You know damn well on a intellectual level it is extremely difficult for Keter to be known from the perspective of Tif’eret. Everything you’ve expressed so far shows your isolation from the higher, more intellectual Seriphot. They are not combined in your mind. Still separate entities. You don’t combine them by giving a conceptual hierarchy to gods and declaring yourself the greatest, or naming a place in time and topography, expecting to interrelate it to them through your selfhood. That is not Keter at all, not even remotely. It is stupidity, the kind of stupidity that can only arise from one completely lacking in knowledge of themselves and the civilization they live in. Neither the individual in yourself or others are abstractions. Keter doesn’t operate in the realm of ideals. It’s side effects are known in it. The real force is the self, a self your not able to reach.

Satyr, for all his flaws, and I’ve hit him far harder than you have in your faggot silliness, comes closer, much closer than you ever will. He is closer in his personal trauma, however blinding the syncope, to grasping it at times than you ever can.

Keter is not known through numerology, it is not known through aphorism, it us not known through poetry, it is not known through dancing, it us not known through hierarchy, it is not known through ideas, it is from nothing. It is everything. You, most certainly, do not match the cognitive bill.

And yes, I know.
And no, you do not.
And no, I don’t care what retorts Fixed Cross will make to support your fragile ego.
Carrying on like your knowing what the fuck your antics are leading you… your largely clueless due to your inability to grasp it at all, will not impress me or anyone. Satyr plays games with Keter because it is to hurtful to face those who hurt him. To face them is to understand. Your not in a position currently to even catch a glimpse of it, wouldn’t even be aware of it if you didn’t see it scribbled on a medieval logical model of thought.

All thus thread does is show evidence of title of works you’ve only partially read, or didn’t quite understand. Hocus Pocus doesn’t result in a deep insight of the soul. The left handed path leads to a lot of silly distractions and lost time. If you want to make progress in knowing yourself, then you will have to flee your presumptions. Keter is not categorical, your retorts and clever supporting evidence will be invalid, warned in advance of any futile reply.

Wrong, moron. The Nietzsche Forum ( was in 2009; this was in 2004:

Not reading the rest of your post (now).

In fact, I wasn’t even aware you’d been dabbling in Qabalah before I read Satyr’s post in my thread just before I read yours. This is because you’re of no interest to me. Whatsoever.