Do NOT Bash Muslims

This is getting pretty silly: “Muslims are born evil”???

Muslims are most largely Arab. So the question immediately becomes one of whether it is the Arabic gene set that creates the evil you speak of, or is it the religion cast over that gene set. Is the religion preventing an even greater evil from springing forth? Or is the religion magically causing evil genes? How would you know?

This is now another “Nature vs Nurture” issue.

Are Arabs an evil race?
Are Jews an evil race?
Are Germans an evil race?

Or are judgmental people just too stupid to see themselves?

It looks like you’ve taken a reduce-to-normal/average function in probability and applied it to a an abstract, as if to state that the Islamic normal is instead x,y,z, e.g. paedophilia & or psychopathy. They aren’t a ‘normal’ but an exception to the normal, and you are in fact suggesting that it is ‘their’ normal which is a fundamental abstraction from the premise. you can’t measure probabilistic things by calling them whole in people, its all varying amounts of x,y,z, and varying amounts per group and so on.

No that’s far to literal a simplification, you have to first conclude that such a 1% or a given% is wholly ‘evil’ or psychopathic, when you can’t do that. You don’t get ‘evil people’ you get people who suffer with psychosis in varying amounts, and no condition = the whole. Equally the genetics will be working by the probabilistic function as it is supposed to be used i.e. in percentages, patterns and tangents.

The world isn’t made of Lego.

By the way: Globalists are 1% of all humans.

Nobody is "born with an active evil tendency“! So you are the one who offends (insults) at least 20% of all Muslims and furthermore at least 20% of all humans of all times.

You have offended (insulted) 20% of all humans of all times. Nobody is „born with an active evil tendency“!

Terrible evils and violence are committed by Muslims, yes, but you are also saying that 20% of all Muslims are born evil, and that is not only nonsense but also an offense (insult).

You are the only poster of this thread who is offending (insulting) at least 20% of all Muslims and furthermore at least 20% of all humans of all times.

You have offended at least 20% of all humans of all times. Nobody is „born with an active evil tendency“!

Obviously, judgmental people are just too stupid to see themselves.

Note sure if you are referring to what I had posted.

I posted;

Note the qualified 20% are born with an active evil tendency. I did not state “Muslims are born evil.”

Thus your
“This is getting pretty silly: “Muslims are born evil”???”

which is way off from what I mentioned, must be referring to another person’s statement.

You are not getting my point.

The “Normal” in this case do not mean it is absolute normal. It is also called the Bell Curve because the shape of the curve looks likes a bell.
The normal distribution is a model abstracted from empirical evidence.
One approach to obtain knowledge is to rely on established model to initiate a hypothesis and then test and justify the hypothesis is true.

Btw, I did say pedophila is ‘normal’ within the Islamic community.
Read my point again to understand how I justified how pedophila is most likely within the Islamic community due to the examples of the exemplar, i.e. Prophet Muhammad.

That 1% of human are psychopathic is not my own guess but stated as an estimation by many psychologists and psychiatrists within their community which is based on their experiences and collected data.

Here is an example;

If you are not convinced, google and note the above estimation [btw not a theory] by the experts.

Note I specifically mentioned ‘potentially evil’ and did not say all the 1% of psychopaths will go on to commit evil acts.

Somehow you are stuck with some sort of dogmatic thinking. Your argument is very ungrounded.

  1. I started my arguments based on empirical evidences of acts by humans defined as ‘evil’.
  2. These evil [as defined] acts are committed by humans with active evil tendencies which I estimated to be from a pool of 20% of humans who are evil prone.
  3. Besides internal impulses, there are external elements that trigger the evil prone to commit evils and violence.
  4. One of these external triggers are the evil laden elements in the Quran which is the core representation of Islam.

My grounded arguments based on evidence demonstrate that Islam-in-part is to be blamed for the terrible evils and violence committed by SOME evil prone Muslims.

NOT all evil prone Muslims [as evidenced*] who has promoted and/or committed evil suffer from psychosis as defined in this link.
Not all jailed jihadists were diagnosed medically as psychotic, Anjem Choudary and his likes for example.

Recently there were reported cases of lone Muslims who were supposedly ‘mad’ [a in their medical records] going on the rampage shouting Allahu Akbar before killing innocent people.

In such cases, one has to wonder why only mad Muslims but not mad Buddhists other religion shouting Buddha-u-Akbar and killing innocent non-believers. Why there are so many cases that is related to Islam. These evidences throw out an obvious inference that it must have been something within Islam itself that is triggering these mad people to commit terrible evils and violence.

These mad Muslims are rare cases. The majority of terrible evils and violence committed by evil prone Muslims were not diagnosed medically as psychotic in any degree.

Thus psychosis is one root cause but it is not the critical root cause in the case of evils and violence committed by SOME evil prone Muslims.

What ‘insults’ and ‘offends’ are you talking and accusing me of?
Note my OP - ‘DO NOT Bash Muslims’.
If you have twisted my point, that is due to your ignorance.

Note my starting point;

  1. DNA wise, all humans are born with a POTENTIAL to be beastly and evil.
  2. Based on empirical evidence, conservatively, 20% of humans are born with an active evil tendencies.

Actually, you are insulting your intelligence when you gave no argument to support your claim {Nobody is "born with an active evil tendency“!}.

Re 1, DNA wise all humans has evolved with qualities of the reptillian and mammalian brain which has ready impulses to kill, main, injure, for anger, rage, fight, etc. for various survival purposes. This can be proven from evidence from the brain and the related research.

What proofs do you have for your claims?

That is a fact so why should they feel insulted. Whoever feel insulted by facts, actually insults his/her own intelligence by being ignorance of those facts.

My hypothesis can be proven by real empirical evidences of SOME humans committing terrible evils and violence from police reports, convicted cases, war crimes, etc.
There are evil prone Islamists quoting verses from the Quran to justify their evil acts [they sincerely what they did was to please Allah].

The above are solid evidence and fact that enable a deduction of my hypothesis, i.e. there are humans who are born with an active evil tendencies [potential as proven above] committing those real evils and violence above.

To be precise, 20% of all Muslim are born with an active evil tendency. Note my point above. Note my point above. Whoever feel insulted by facts, actually insults his/her own intelligence by being ignorance of those facts.

Note my points above.
You have not provided any proofs to counter the facts I have presented.

Here is my argument again using one example of evil,

  1. Lying is an evil act [as defined] [albeit of low degree].
  2. It is public knowledge of high confidence, at least 50% of humans will lie at least once in their lifetime.
  3. This evil act of lying is due to the person’s inherent active evil [as defined] tendency activated from the inherent evil potential he human was born with.
  4. Therefore to say 20% of human are born with an inherent active evil tendency is very conservative, i.e. well short of the 50% argued in 2 above.

Note the 20% is not critical.
What is critical is there exists real evil [as defined] and violence acts.
What is most critical is to find the ultimate root cause that will enable humanity to study them to seek solutions.

Btw ignoring the ultimate root causes [Islam-in-part in this case] you are in fact indirectly complicit to the terrible evils and violence committed by the evil prone Muslims who are influenced and inspired by the evil laden verses in the Quran.

So what you are saying is that “based on normal distribution”, 20% of Jews are “born with an active evil tendency”.

And that is due to their exposure to the Torah?

Oh, oh.

It is my hope for him that he has a very good lawyer.

What I am saying is with reference to the Normal Distribution as a guide, we can predict that conservatively, 20% of ALL humans or any group of large human population are born with an active evil tendencies, that would include Jews, etc.
Btw, in such an exercise the sampling group must be reasonable large.

Nope, that 20% [conservative estimates] of Jews are born with an active evil tendency is estimated from the Principles of the Normal Distribution or Bell Curves. This estimation has nothing to do with the Torah.

One question which can be raised is; if 20% of Jews are born with an evil tendency and that there are more evil laden elements in the Torah than the Quran, why are there [as a matter of fact based on evidence] lesser acts of evils and violence committed by the Jews at present. There are various other contributive factors which contra the general rule in this case but it is off topic.

So why do you keep bashing the Muslims on that point? Why did you bring it up in this thread at all?

Now you are up to my original point:
You seem to be assuming that because they don’t tell you of their own atrocities, there are none (such as Israel’s attempt to murder the entire crew of the USS Liberty and Israel’s participation in countless other false flag events, shifting the blame onto their competition, the nations surrounding Israel). The Judaists (not “the Jews”) deal in secretive endeavors. They do not boast on their insidious accomplishments but rather shift the blame so that you believe the evil is far more on the other guy.

Where did I specifically bash Muslims?

As I had stated [conservatively] 20% of ALL humans are born with an active evil tendency.
The above is a highly probable fact for humanity.
If it is a fact of humanity, where is the elements of bashing Muslims.

I have stated many times, because these 20% of evil prone Muslims are naturally born with an active evil tendency [just like 20% of all humans] we cannot specifically blame them. The most you can blame is to blame Mother Nature which then will make you dumb if you do so.

Therefore my OP is raised to prevent people for being ignorant in blaming Muslims [all or the extremists] for the direct cause of all the terrible evils committed by SOME evil prone Muslims. The danger is if they keep blaming Muslims, i.e. the extremists they will be ignorant of the ultimate effective and critical root cause, i.e. the evil laden elements in the Quran.

This OP is raised to highlight Islam-in-part [Quran-in-part] is the critical ultimate root cause of all Islamic-inspired evils and violence.

This is off topic, but any way;
If it is related to the Israel government then it has nothing to do with Judaism because the Israel Government is not a theocracy grounded on the Torah but a secular-based government.

I agree the Zionists who argued and act on their own to grab additional Palestinian land illegally arise from evil prone Jews influenced by the evil laden elements in the Torah.
It is the same for the Jews who killed homosexuals in Israel.
I agree these are evil acts and all other evil acts by Jews must be addressed by humanity.

However as concerned citizens of humanity we must optimize our resources and put more emphasis on the bigger threats to humanity, which is obvious, i.e. arising from this source;

The above and its related evils and violence posed a very serious threats to humanity but as the OP suggest do not bash Muslims but rather focus on the ultimate effective and critical root cause, i.e. the evil laden elements in the Quran and Islam-in-part [not wholly].

There are two greater forms of evil in operation:

  1. People believing that their media reflects reality.
  2. People being so blinded as to not see how obvious their attempts to be sly actually are.

You believing that, is an example of (1). And you believing that your audience can’t tell that your intent is to bash Muslims despite the title is an example of (2).

Which is the greater evil:
A) He who murders and boasts on it so as to promote fear (aka “terrorism”), or
B) He who incites war, hides, and blame-shifts (aka “False Flag”) so as to to promote profiteering?

Might seem like a tough call for you. The greater issue is that with (B), you don’t really know that (A) ever even took place and even if it did, you certainly don’t know why or who. 100’s of thousands more people die from (B) than from (A). Once blinded, who are you to judge and incite war on evil?

@ Prismatic 567.

What you are saying about the Gaußian (Gaussian) distribution, thus the Gauß’ bell curve, is true, but this does not automatically mean that it can be applied to everything you want. Nobody is “born with an active evil tendency”. Unborns and children have nothing to do with such categories and concepts of the adult "world“. We had a similar discussion in another threads where a confused one claimed the nonsense that “unborns and newborns” were "atheists“. That is not true. And your statement that "20% are born with an active evil tendency“ is also not true.

It is not accidental (but very thankful) that it is not allowed to take legal proceedings against children.

Thanks to our Occidental culture.

Your thinking is very obtuse.

What you are saying is every statement of fact relating to any evil acts is bashing the people involved in those acts. This is very immature thinking relative to the our modern era.

Matured thinking in our modern era is being objective and not getting personal, i.e. in this case, focus on tracing the root causes and find preventive and corrective solutions to the problem.

I did not state the Bell Curve is true in all conditions.

The Bell Curve is NOT a universal, it is merely abstracted model of patterns from observed and empirical evidences which is applicable in many instances involving variables of human nature. As such if can be a useful tool to aid one in gathering knowledge in problem solving.

At present we are faced with real evidence of terrible evils and violence [e.g. below is one set of example] committed by SOME people who claimed to be Muslims.

Now if you are a concerned citizen of humanity, what are you going to do in view of the above figures.

Any concerned citizen of the world will make an attempt to apply effective problem solving techniques to trace the root causes of the problem above and find solutions to eliminate or prevent the recurrence of the problem of evil as above.

In the course of applying problem solving techniques one effective tool to narrow the problem is the use of the principles of the Bell Curve.
Note I did not jump to the conclusion, Bell Curve = 20% of Muslims are born with an active evil tendencies.
There is quite a lot of work to do to arrive at the above hypothesis.
I have presented them in my earlier posting and I don’t think you understood them.

Btw, my first premise is;
DNA wise ALL humans are born with a POTENTIAL to be beastly and evil.
Note the term ‘POTENTIAL’ which mean all human has the ready made neural circuits in their brain to become evil but it is not active in all humans.
Do you agree with this first premise?

If you agree, then the next point is to demonstrate why 20% of all humans are born with an activated potential to be beastly and evil tendency.
Again I have explained this in my earlier posts, but they did not catch your attention.
This involve understanding your own physical brain and neuroscience.

So do you agree with this premise?
DNA wise ALL humans are born with a POTENTIAL to be beastly and evil.

Note this thread;
DNA wise ALL humans are born with a POTENTIAL to be beastly and evil.

Then provide the proof that it is relevant to this thesis.

Until I see proof, I will consider it, like all statistics spread to the populous, to be merely one more war-mongering lie.

All statistics are lies until proven otherwise.

Note: The sign “=” (equal sign) does not mean a “conclusion”. The sign for a conclusion is (for example and because it is on your keyboard): “=>”.

Your conclusion is false, because nobody is “born with an active evil tendencies”.

No, and if you had read my posts carefully, then you would know it.

Your wording is false. Morality has to be learned. It is a matter of education. The DNA says nothing about morality but merely about the potential to learn. If a human learns morality in a wrong or an evil way, then it is because of a false learning. Not morality but learning morality is in the DNA.

Your premise is false. Unfortunately, it can be used rhetorically.

Maybe that it is the same statement for you whether one says it is learning morality or just morality itself, but it is not the same statement. What is said about morality is “merely” said by adults (at least not by children who have to learn morality). So morality is an adult matter. Children have to learn morality. So if they do not learn it, then they have a tendency to become evil - but not because of their DNA, at least not in the first place, because the genetic code contains the possibility of learning morality but not morality itself. That is also the reason for the need of ethical education and why belief system (religions) occured. Again: Genetically, learning morality is DNA based, but the morality itself is not.

That is also false. Those posts catched my attention.

Again: Humans are not “born with a POTENTIAL to be beastly and evil”. They are born with a potential to learn what morality means.

Note: It is the adult ethic system that interprets this or that as being good or evil. In other words. Morality changes. Thus ethic systems change as well. So: Why are you not also saying that “all animals are evil”? And if you are saying that, then I ask you: Why are you saying that? Why are you interpreting it in that way?

Btw, one of my forte is Philosophy of Morality and Ethics with emphasis on Kant’s.

As I wrote in the other thread, there is a ‘Nature’ and ‘Nurture’ aspect to Morality.
DNA wise, all humans are born with the POTENTIAL with basic morality.

There has been lots of studies relating to inherent morality within humans via the study of babies which are less than one year old, i.e. to discount the ‘Nurture’ element.
Here is one article from Scientific American to lend greater credibility of my point; … of-babies/


However you can research this topic all over the internet to educate yourself on this point.

If you are highly perceptive you would have noted this fact from observations within humanity.

The Nurture factors [learning, improving, etc.] merely enhanced the Morality that is innate [Nature] within humans.

Animals follow their instincts to kill, fight, injure and they do not has any strong potential for morality like humans and high level of self-consciousness to contrast what is good against what is evil from the moral perspective.