Philosophy is Friendship

Is the (chemical) drug scene a necessary endemic of the EDM scene? as your silence on the matter would indicate so.

Are great philosophical epiphanies gained through drugs grounded in reality when they are created elsewhere?

That is your view on the situation, but you do not know why the other reacted the way they did… there could be one or a combination of reasons in why the compliment was not well-received, and it would also depend on what the compliment itself was.


I don’t understand what you mean by the phrase “when they are created elsewhere” within this context but I don’t think it’s the drugs which bring on those epiphanies.

Who knows if they (the drugs) may be the final push (I’m totally opposed to all drugs except for healing and for terrible pain, like medical marijuana) but I don’t see epiphanies in that way. I don’t intuit that they are some kind of magical things just waiting in the wings. I think that they come about after months or years of observing, listening, studying, et cetera. They may be waiting in the wings of our unconscious minds ALSO which gather intel but which we don’t see on the conscious level.

What is philosophy - love of wisdom and truth. They both take time. I’m not so sure that the great philosophers would like to think that their efforts/struggles/pains and hard work to accomplish what they have would be so watered down by the effects of drugs.

I must have the haughtiest fans in the world.

Even though it has been locked…

[tab]…with regard to your Does Anyone Still Want the Zombie Turd Here thread, why would you initiate such a thread? I’m not looking for an answer to that question but perhaps you can answer it to yourself. Do you know what a projection is, Jakob? :-" I think that you can you see yourself as better than that or are you looking to be the leader of the Herd?[/tab]
I actually think that he is a good guy.

I have acquired the power, and joyfully exercise that power, of separating scum from myself.
All I need to do is write down deeply wholesome insight. The rotten hearts of the world will speak out in horror and draw lines of truth between us.

This is what Politics means in the coming age; separation and regrouping by means of explicating values directly.

Turd is part of a species of ape that has failed to attain full humanity, so is Trixie - they have no ‘heart’ - only a mind that is essentially parasitic.

We all have our own view of truth, don’t we? How do you know that yours is a valid one, are valid ones, and that those of the rotten hearts of the world you speak of aren’t?
How can negatively gathering the sheep to the herder come from a deeply wholesome insight?
It could come from something deeply felt but not really understood or noticed.

But Pezar is certainly not your equal. So does that make him your slave? It seems like you’re indulging him (joining him in pointless juvenile pursuits) rather than trying to raise him to be your equal (as a lover of wisdom). You’re also unintentionally embarrassing him with threads like “What Pezar Said”

Yes. I appeal to peoples instinct for superiority.
Lowly people hate it, and express it through trying to lower what they see, high people enjoy it or feel fine with it.
By lowering the noble notion of Value so violently, the lowly reveal themselves as, objectively, scum.

None of this is meant to convince anyone of anything; it is meant to clarify the master-slave dynamic.
At one point I will cease sacrificing energy to this clarification, but I enjoy seeing scum outlined as precisely what it is. I enjoy its writhing in its self-knowledge.

You evidently have no friends.

…and look where that got us…Hitler and the extinction of millions of Jewish people.

If you were in fact speaking above as trying to grow, to become more than we are, I can agree with that. But I’m not sure that’s what you’re doing here.
You do realize, Jakob, I’m pretty sure, that there are those so-called superior people who have that attitude because contrary to what they think, they feel the exact opposite. It’s called a defense mechanism. It’s also called narcissism which often is based on a sense of inferiority.

This is only my thinking here, but it seems to me that with a statement like that, any person lowers the notion of Value.
It discredits one.
Are we not all entitled to our perspective, Jakob? Is the one you’re speaking about so scum-like to you?

Why does someone so have to lower another in order to place their own self on a pedestal?

lol Oh, you certainly have done done, Jakob. I’m just not sure who is the master and who is really the slave in your dynamic viewpoint.

What is happening to you?

I did not say the drugs alone caused the epiphanies, but they certainly fuel them.

Final push? try driving force!

Oh well!


The way I look at it, the real driving force is…

The drugs would be the final push and maybe not even that.

Did I ever call you scum, Arc?

No, because you aren’t scum.

What is happening to you??

How does that follow( is evident)? So you do consider Pezar to be your equal?

Fixed Cross,

I never thought that you were calling me scum, Jakob.

I just don’t understand how if we see value, someone becomes scum? Isn’t that a strong word to use?
That being said, not wanting to be hypocritical, I imagine there are some who I can look on as scum.
But why would you associate someone with scum who just comes from a different perspective from you or maybe didn’t have the same breaks as you did/do and who is just struggling, let’s say as a result of his/her war experience?

I suppose that I’m just growing horns and a tail or maybe I always had them.
The Satan in me is thriving that’s all.

PB - Yes, of course. I cant endure unequals around me. Havent you noticed that about me?

He’s the most powerful resisant Ive encountered since Sauwelios. Who is a long time close friend.
Pezer has taught me as much about myself as I have taught him about himself; rather, our extremely pressure-laden project has caused both of us immense stress and erupted often in violent arguments, the most violent ones Ive had with anyone except Sauwelios (friends argue far more violently than adversaries, as the stakes are higher); this has taught disciplined.

If you take from the videos that Pezer is less than I am in rank, if thats what you take from the thread where we write down phrases and make memes out of them, you are in an alternate universe, you see nothing of us that is real.

Pezer does not take shit. He is so immensely proud that he can actually see what I am.

If youve seen the lengths Turd has gone through to try to make me feel pain and shame, youd see “scum” is mild. He has lost a part of his humanity and takes that out on me. It’s fucking horrifying to imagine his inner world. But Ive tried all along to be polite to him and to engage him in sensible things.

He’s just convinced me that he is fundamentally incapable of decency.

I call scum those who inflict deliberate harm on people evidently out to bring light and love.
Every sane person here knows I am arrogant but a very generous and bright guy only out to make peoples lives better.

Everyone sees Turs is out to ruin peoples days.

How is he not scum? Why do we have the word scum if not to designate Turd?

:mrgreen: You go girl.

Fixed Cross wrote:

As for the first part, I don’t think that’s necessarily true. They may not be equal in certain things, like looks, intelligence, et cetera but as long as they see their selves as equals where it counts, friendship can go there.

As for the second part,

Well, that is certainly not a view which came from nowhere. lol That’s a sado-masochistic dynamic but certainly not a friendship.
That’s more a symbiotic relationship - or a co-dependency…not the ideal friendship. The so-called master needs the slave just as much as the slave needs the master. I daresay that in some cases the master needs the slave even more to feel superior. The slave may eventually rebel against this wonderful master just as those slaves which are our emotions can eventually rebel against us.

Aside from that, you may be having unconscious fantasies of an S&M relationship, Jakob. Be very very careful there. :evilfun:

Equals keep each other in check. Sauwelios is certainly your equal. He is able to refine your position, and you, in turn,are able to build back off of that.

Point me to one video or thread(where Pezar is speaking) where he shows that he understands your position and is able to elaborate on it in an equally elegant manner. From everything I’ve seen and read, he could at best be called a disciple (and not a very disciplined one at that).

Being proud and offering resistance is good, but doesn’t necessarily make one an equal. And you can talk Pezar up all you want, but that just proves you’re loyal, not that he’s your equal.