Let's Start World War III! Get ready To Rumble!

You were probably more right in your previous assessment: This is an orchestrated game, based on the prisoner’s dilemma, where, the two seemingly opposite takes deal more on unifying principles then not.

Neither candidate is willing to change in a moment’s
notice, almost programmed to use minor facades to

change probabilities by a prophetic fallacy.

But it’s probably a combo, with Newcomb’s Paradox thrown into the mix. The stakes are way to high not to involve two sets of two players to engage, one national with one international, respectively.
It appears as a triad of players, however the symmetric lop sidedness would prevent that, hence a fourth, hidden player is suggested. My guess would be : the Pope.

It will and could not happen, because the calibration STILL indicates a very big margin , with the USA still winning hands down.

If war comes, it will be regional with the Middle East as the only theater. Trump is out, because he already lost the game. As predicted, the Pope is the winner.


The only thing more scarier than Hillary Clinton starting a war with Russia is Obama starting one his last months in office…

Taking a stroll through memory lane I recall an event that happened in June of 2008 where then aspiring senator Obama wanting to become president and Hillary Clinton mysteriously disappeared together in Chantilly, Virginia where a Bilderberg meeting was conveyed…

The press core following the then senator Obama were all gathered on a plane hoodwinked into thinking he was aboard leaving a very worried frantic Robert Gibbs in the background trying to explain why he wasn’t there.

Well, I think the eight years since then explains quite a bit about the relationship of Obama and Clinton, don’t you?

Oh, silly me, conspiracy talk, right? I’m sure it is nothing then… :sunglasses: :laughing:

Beware for the world is full of secretive, hidden, and invisible destroyers.

From earlier this year.






There are three possibilities: (1) she does not know what she is talking about, (2) she is one of the most dangerous human beings, (3) both (1 and 2).

In fact: That said “no-fly zone” means a war with Syria and Russia!



dailystar.co.uk/news/latest- … utin-obama



