Let Me Go

Abilify or Geodon, Ziprasidone, and Clonazepam work wonders.

There i’ll make my leave if that’s okay… bye bye

I’m not the one who needs help. I’m not the one who attacked you all. I came again to make conversation, to develop thoughts and found you all, again, to lose sight of that and attack me. Obviously you all need help far more than I do and definitely have no place among true philosophers. I find it highly ironic that for as much help as you claim that I need, that I keep my head and wits about me under fire better than any of you do.

Stop being so damn aggressive it’s eating you alive breh i meant that for the maker of this whole entire post!

Youve yet to see me get aggressive, bitch, but keep pushing my buttons, I dare you.

Alright I won’t fuck with you! What do you want me to say, you call me a bitch… :angry-banghead:

Just allow this guy here to stir emotions over the computer and not for the better either =D>

Oh, was I supposed to make the people attacking me feel better?

I had never attacked you breh you seemed pretty upset already that’s why I said to just calm, calm this damn madness down it’s killing us all! Fn#k

If you wanna take it into the rant house, we can… I’d feel a lot safer getting this forum to that board…

I seem other than Calm? Why do you assume that just because I remain intolerant of BS that I’m anything but Calm? I think that you all try to read my body language in text the same as I’ve done to many and due to your own shortsightedness for where you all are psychologically and emotionally that you just can not fathom the level of calmness that I retain even while making what seem to be, in your eyes, threats.

It’s not anything youve ever encountered before. It’s foreign language that you try to read like pros and fail horrendously.

I will split this topic, to get the thread back on track…

Oh, did it get off Track? I thought it was still MM wanting to be let go and many somethings refusing to do so. Clearcut as still being on topic and on track.

Are you sure you’re worthy of moderating this section?

…and meet newly discovered family members for brunch, a new Aunt and her Son who were very warm and engaging. The zigs ‘n’ zags of life have made my family grow exponentially as of late. :smiley: Trippy.

Hammer the gavel already!

There is no gavel to be banged in God’s court and God, at a certain point, does let go. Like a mountain climber who must think of their own survival, sometimes he must cut the rope on those that are being attempted to be saved because as much as they plead, the weight is too hefty to save them and rather than risk dying with them, god decides to carry on. And, it’s made easier to cut that rope at times by how unappreciative and ungrateful people are being. they can not all be saved and most often, even those that are saved do bite the hand that feeds, do betray all the same and encase knife in flesh as they twist the knife to exacerbate the injury. You continue to follow the wrong path and while I may walk it with you a ways, yet, I will not be attempting to save you nor deter you from your doom.

Has God not set rules before, I think you’re mistaken here.

Besides how do you even speak for God?

You and Jesus good friends?

It’s funny, those that wear their heart on their sleeve are the first to oppressively ridicule, humiliate, and threaten others of their beliefs… Weird how that works…

What’s funnier is that’s just a biased truth and thus a lie because while you’re right in it seeming like theyre hypocritical, you’re wrong for comparing it only on a black and white and shades of gray scale in a world abounding with color that, for its vast palettes, has more depth and variety and nuances to it, from subtle to obvious, simple to complex and all manners of seeming paradoxes that aren’t paradox at all when you unravel them to see the differential nuances that call for both seeming extremes to exist and be right in context of the situation that woukd rightly call for it, which woukd be too few and far between in a society where the hate and propaganda and negativity spewing has, up to recently, drowned out the wisdom, insight and light of love from people like me and had effectively halted all outward advances of so many agreeably necessary portions of society such as law and order, psychology and medicine, mass media, culture, news, politics, theology which much to its haters’ dismay does still have a lot of power to it and believers even in this modern age of reason that marks such beliefs to be fiction and theology being more than just religion, but all religions and beyond those to the teachings of monks, taoism, Buddhism, native American witch doctors, shamans and mythology, their communion with nature and the reality around them that not even every tribe or every person within a tribe believed in or did more than take part in the rituals just because it was the only acceptable behavior.

Obviously, many would agree that the world would be better without hate and negativity. Some would even be willing to agree that pain is largely undesirable. The fact is that they exist anyway and the hate and negativity, pessimism and bias is able to be understood and combatted withiut judgment of the people who have those things bring them low.

The fact of the matter is that obviously those things cause problems and they are obviously natural reactions to strong emotion and they still cause people to fight from anger outbursts to petty and vindictive to even friendly competition with no hard feelings. The friendly competition is the largely desirable one, but in times of hardship, the other sort becomes necessary to give things the edge they need to get themselves and others through the storm. No amount of friendliness or knowledge of peace alone is enough to prepare for it and it us hell breaking a peaceful person who has done no wrong and suffers too easily already to get them to points where they’ll be able to handle what life actually is.

The fact is that bullying in itself was never a faulty mechanism until it was used irresponsibly. That, at the point of soneone knowing better and not being able to explain for shortness of time that woupd prevent the necessary arguments from having out and it taking far too much time for that.

Simply put, at the point if others throwing their weight around and forcing others down faulty paths just fir company, they still prove needing friendship and further prove the necessity for good things to start throwing their weight around, knowingly. A little if the time we do it unknowingly and that it is just and right discipline and punishment for what we seek to name society into, which too nany have tried to force to happen and most often too directly.

Hypocrisy is generally soneone doing something the wrong way while calling someobe who does it correctly a hypocrite and tge word hypocrite itself, like so many other words has had itself improperly used in too many situations when both parties are hypocritical and in the wrong.

I am purposefully trying to stop you and others from spreading hate, in all honesty. Not even trying to hide my design. If I coukd prevent you from doing it, I would. If I could have done so by having things like me have a larger impact in your lives and others in such ways that you and many others coukd gave and woukd gave respected them enough to have the reality of the society we’ve come to know that has disillusioned so many be already that way and us not having this conversation.

If there was, at all, a better way of doing things other than by rolling up my sleeves, so to speak, and doing things the hard way, I’d be on board. But, it all names too much sense as you all unintentionally at times brutally try to murder my essence and my being with political style slander, misconstruing, lies, deceits and delight of hand tricks that none of you truly knew you were capable of before being caught up in the moment and called out by me in such a way to draw your attention to it.

And, dont you think at that point that to do so accurately at all, I would have had to recognize the same fault in myself, found wags to put it to better purpose and would not be a hypocrite for those two reasons, that I practice what I preach, for one, that I am still a work in progress, too, for two, that I’m not calling these things out in you or others to condemn you or judge you for them, but because they are tge things we’re supposed to be working on productively for our selves, for each other and for the rest of society. And, also that im not just lashing out or seeking revenge, satisfied that what I do being the perfect revenge already for having so many all too willing to face more hate, judgment, pain and suffering than put in the hard work to actually get right. And finally, if you’re going to put others through something wether you’ve been through it yourself or not and gave it ve goid enough either way to subject others to it, would I and others not be fully in our right to do the same with what we’ve been through in terms of how we moved past it instead of repeating the same actions we were actually taught by, the same actions as the rest of you.

And then, also, I am caught up in the moment right now dealing with a crisis that too many try to convince me isn’t a crisis, which is far too many to actually convince me. I haven’t had the time to do anything other than working on what I’m working on and if the people and things that are coming at me don’t stop and change tracks and want to get right with me or my work, when he current job us done and my time is freed up for extracurricular activities, I have no problem entertaining darker thoughts if revenge and I am saying that even the darkest of thoughts of revenge in such context is still very righteous and very much God and Devil double-stamped with approval, something they can actually agree on to be necessary, practical, righteous and good and wholesome.

And, at the point of both God and the Devil agreeing on something for the exact same reasons, it does become a mile marker for what is expected of humanity and how hard it is to work through expectation and find similar ground to complain about too similar of an issue and having to work together as small fry against a multitude of others that really knew that they weren’t ready for and could not handle the truth and similarly knew they had no choice in the matter. And, I’m not even saying that such has ever truly been a conscious thought in many, just that it’s there in their subconscious, in their souls and written even upon their own flesh and all over reality that they only see and experience what they see and experience because of things following their own ocd rules of seeing how long it would take before something cracked that would make people aware, for there not really being a right time to start telling the truth about so many things that have been vastly forbidden and even when forbiddence didn’t stop them from it, the amounts of lies and deceptions that too many have fell for, let alone the actual psychological effects that coincide too much with a lot of other things happening simultaneously in such perfect seeming synchronous behavior that you just wouldn’t notice or know at all what had become so commonplace until someone came to that depth of knowledge that had every right to throw a wrench in the gears of.

It comes down to me having the right and having that right secured and fortified by the might that it reasoned to be right beyond all peer pressuring, manipulative efforts, bullying, threats, attempts, etc. I stayed the course, did not budge an inch unless I absolutely had to and knew that they would never respect me unless I stuck true to what I wanted to stick true and often times only stuck true to and wanted to stick true to because I didn’t want to be something I wasn’t just to be popular and because I was so often the loner and outcast for being different, anyway. If that hadn’t been the case, I wouldn’t have found it so easy to stick to it for as long as I have to make it so easy to stick to and return to now that greater pressure is on for me to buckle and fall, now that the training wheels have been taken off of me. So, I’m giving you my version of the things I’ve been through, which is the legit way, the right way and not that all others are faulty or wrong, but the truth has been hard to discern as the truth, to fit the pieces back together through all the lies and expectations to show that there is a correct methodology to use that everyone would reasonably choose to have if they thought that it was realistically able to be had, and the right methodology is what is prescribed by religion and other doctrines and is what we know to be accepted openly by society while we let each other get away with far more. But, that is only the right way to do things tgat everything has agreed on, not tge right way of going about obtaining it, which changes to some degree what we have to account to keep existing within us anyway enough to accept that religions have largely spread a methodology that was only right as a placeholder so we could more adequately solve the issue later on. My methodology shows a lot of common traits to yours and others that you and others like to point out as hypocritical and oppressive.

Your hate sought to oppress and repress all of what I’m now bringing to the table just to exert my own freedom. While freely and openly claiming to want to stop you from hating and working to do so, I’ve already respected enough your free will to come at it in this fashion and not try to control you or manipulate you but to actually convince you through conversation, through the worst of arguments and fights should it get to those points, that what I bring is found to be the fittest methodology in an existence of survival of the fittest. You and others have already proven your freedoms to others, most refuse to stand up to you and others for not having it in them to go rounds or have the knowledge handy to give them the confidence and, beyond confidence, the determination and momentum and merited network of help to do so and for many literally seeing it as not worth their time, not worth any bodies time for how easy it’s been for them, you, myself and so many others to see the worst in things and villainize so many things and for lack of clear grounds needed to actually piece together better knowledge, each of us have in our fashion fallen for the falsities of so many things that aren’t necessarily falsities, but are taken too often to be the be all end all exactly as portrayed for limited knowledge and understanding and our inability to accurately, acutely and concisely label and explain things without them being too ambiguous or too lengthy.

I’m still at work unlearning a lot of societally enscribed bad habits, seeing that they’re not completely bad and each still serving purposes and when used correctly, are what nature largely prefers. And, the worst part of it is that there is no one individual to blame, but every individual, some more than others and some less, that even at the point of knowing the right way or right thing that those things were only right in the situations we saw them be right in, no more and no less. There might be situations we go through that call for us to use those right things, but we’d still have to do it our way to be comfortable with it enough to make it right and still would only be right for that situation.

The fact at that point before you and others get too carried off on that tangent, is that it’s not necessary to figure out ahead of time the exact placements of right actions, but to simply rest content on that matter to know that you’ve already seen enough to know right moments and to know reality already differs too greatly at times for you to notice a situation that would call for a similarity of those right things to be pared down and rebuilt for it, and to be content that you know enough to let go of the need for complete control over your lives to be able to relax enough and be Comfortable enough to sense what a situation might need and, at times, we receive this knowledge in advance and have to unscramble it, decode it a d most often would not realize that it was that and at the point of realizing it, things are often in work, in motion, to change it up again, which calls then to learn the basics of patterns and cycles.

The main underlying point is that it is far too easy for us to make mistakes, which is just as easy a thing to do as believing we aren’t making mistakes, which comes just as easily as thinking we don’t need to learn any more or thinking we need to learn far too much and the size of the problem itself puts an apathetic fear in place.

I get caught up, still, talking too much shit, arguing in ways tgat I used to, recognizing that while I was right to call others out, was largely right for the why and the what and even further right for it being an actual and natural emotional response and instinctive impulse, that I still had to refine it and go over it a lot at times to look for the mistakes I was making to do it better in the future, because once awareness changes, to do things exactly the same as you did before becomes faulty because of awareness and must then have actual legit reasons for any behavior, whether tge legit reasons favor you or not, simply because of the amount of work already put into being so flexible and adaptable to any knew information and knowledge that has enough evidence to support it that can still be discarded down the road if there isn’t any further evidence of it. And there are things meeting unrivaled success in seeing codes of honor and morality completely mapped out and understandable that are becoming far too powerful in their own right and not even trying to abuse that power.

And, at the point of it not even being about humility that I show you my own steps in learning and growing, that ego gets largely taken out of the equation because of how necessary these truths are to have made known and for people to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God exists, that it and he are a credible source and able to be believed in for being things so easily able to understand, fathom, and for showing how the lies were so easily interjected and how the truth of it could be shown even through those lies as to be a very conceivable and provable path through it all, of growth and learning at the same time as remembering what got you far enough through to learn and grow beyond certain points and remembering to take it with you and continue converting it to better use over time for different upcoming situations while having the groundwork in place already to switch back fluidly to any previous level of growth, not to regress, but because those are still right ways of handling certain situations and do come into play again at times and there are still others starting their own paths and getting their own experiences to be able to make use of what is now breaking free of enough constraints to freely traverse the group minds of so many things within, encompassing and beyond the human species.

And, at the same time as you and others have inadvertently and nonpurposefully, and very purposefully at times I do know and am not naive enough to think otherwise, caused massive damage to so many things, each of you in turn has added something to my project whether the words you see or the greater project you may have vastly misunderstood or underestimated, under imagined to underwhelming fashions… each of you has added something to reality, at least one something, in whatever Visage of depravity anything might assume or not assume, that still carried vital messages of love, hope, ingenuity, learning, etc. Countless good things that you would have been vastly unaware of just the same as the massive damage. And, things connected to you, that while not you, still acted in your name and face, toward your credit.

But, that does not make much of an overall difference since the concept of people being ‘saved’ has been so vastly misconstrued, that even their eternal judgment has been vastly misconstrued. I’m not here to hold your hand, but to actually help so many things find their own strength. I give a helping hand to many, but not for them to become so dependent on my presence and goid will that they fail to develop their own.

The fact is that no matter how you slice it, me calling other people on their shit and expecting them to actually try to do right again, to try hard to the point of walking the path that I and others walked and see how hard it is and learn these concepts for yourselves to verify the accuracy of what I’m saying, is still largely preferable and far more respected in the long term than any amount of lies that only serve the spoiled and the faulty. And, far more conducive to keeping society going. Had we already had it in motion on a species wide scale, it wouldnt be that big of a deal. Kids would be born into it, wouldn’t need to have so many things explained and would be able to learn what they wanted and needed to learn more openly and taught individual by individual with quality personal touches. Trying to instill that in a world that has largely fallen from suchurch grace is hard, expecting others to have to teach or want to teach at this point isn’t feasible or practical. Now, at a point where its forbidden, taboo, against the rules, to teach these things at all, whether for good or evil, right or wrong, is to be marked heavily by criminal activity. At the very core of it, ive had to cut ties to some extent to state that people’s personal business is there own, that I can not save people from their self made and brought on problems and if I could do so and have it actually fix the problem, I would, but this is largely about earning the respect for myself, which only paves the way for others to earn respect in similar fashion. This still me handling my eternal court case while still alive and proving not that I’m innocent, but that people’s perceptions of gods’ courts ability to discern right from wrong has been largely misguided for thinking themselves to be faultless or blameless. I am largely fighting only for my own freedom, because even if others were to follow me into such actual freedom, they would still be enslaved to some degree where and who they were and would still be trapped to many of the same things that prevented them from ever realizing how free they were for how repressed and kept down they thought they were. I simply pave the way for others to learn what I know and fight to earn their own freedoms by accepting the things they will never truly be free of, such as consequences, cause and effect, action and reaction, emotion and logic, reason and abstract.

You all have been going through the motions of expecting me to have been brought down like so many others, and are still expecting me to keep breaking to snap back and revert at so e point, but no, I did break through to redemption, to freedom, to what is the closest thing to heaven and nirvana that I’ve been able to know and those things being proven to still be littered by the same bs as everywhere else and still better despite those things rather than ‘in spite of.’

And if it were a pack if lies I was being sold, Id know it and take it out of the hands of those serving it yo me as lies to deliver it to others in truth. At the point of it being a pack of lies I’m serving to others, it’s at the very least a vastly different pack and far more believable than the other packs and woukd make you really question the extreme gullibility of things that would need lies to be do convincing just be fooled by them, if even the most cynical people you know are vastly more gullible for what they fall for in comparison.

Either I am the most twisted motherfucker in existence, or the most insane genius and good motherfucker in existence. And, at the point of it being possible for me to be so twisted as to claim that I do this for good purpose in lies and deceit, would the work not be sound enough for someone who was able to pierce such deception and put it to right Use?

I mean, we can go back to arguing stupidly like people used to do, getting caught up in circular go-nowhere arguments that only serve to keep people fighting rather than finding answers, but you’ll always find me to be an unwilling participant of those and at the point of me ever willingly participating in those, would find me doing much tge same as I’ve done here or simply brutally slaughtering them and or cutting them down either metaphorically, figuratively or literally ot sone combination of any two or all three just to be ironic, just to stack coinciding reasons, just to once again be the objective example of just how good things get at doing such things, at weaving it all together, and at the point of even showing Intelligence like that, what reason do I have by any indicative marker of merit to ever doubt that what I do, in any way shape or form, is wrong if people can not argue on my terms and refuse to break through my stubbornness to prove me wrong until they get angry enough or butt hurt enough to try and get nowhere with it.

But, that’s enough ‘rambling’ for me at the moment. Would hate to further offend and piss off the people that I already don’t care all too much about offending and pissing off and I would further hate for them to learn anything at all except for what they think they can use as advantage against me only to find out that I never gained peace through avoiding the fact that things were going to keep coming at me. I mean, I would really hate those things, all sarcasm intended.

“insight and light of love from people like me and had effectively halted all outward advances of so many agreeably necessary portions of society such as law and order, psychology, medicine, mass media, (lol) culture, news, politics, theology ect.”

Those people have still made those advances in all those “portions of society” so NO, nobody has drowned out any damn wisdom and nothing is halted.

I agree, even with the “No amount of friendliness or knowledge of peace alone is enough to prepare for it” cause yeah haven’t you done this to me without friendly competition. Yet from anger outbursts. Or was it petty or vindictive?

Come on bullying (BULLYING) was never a faulty mechanism until used irresponsibly huh? Hell no I’ll take time out of my day to explain to someone the cause and effect of said actions.

Uhm. No, they call them correct. They’re named the operational calculators of method. See, they use a LOGICAL, consistent, systematic method of investigation, information (data) collection, data analysis (hypothesis), testing (experiment), and refinement to arrive at a well-tested, well-documented explanation of said theory. Not a hypocrite, but yet they’ll be awarded for their contribution. Not their emotion!

I firmly doubt this. I tried to only resolve that dispute with just a “clam down”. But yet, YOU CALL ME A BITCH! So I doubt you try at all!

Again you try too hard speaking for others, how about you take responsibility. Grow up and accuse the correct sources. I believe you’ll find that talisman someday.

Of course, I hadn’t budged you nearly enough to knock you off an axis, (I Thought) I had still held your shirt so you’d not fall off the map. I gave you enough slack so you’d at least continue, with leeway, with us on this insane voyage.

What are God and the Devil in the senate? Stamped with approval? Goodness, the darkest thoughts of revenge be righteous? No Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,”. If you really stand for such a thing YOU should know all too well that’s not the route to go.

Again, no disagreement. I see too many times when there’s opposing forces combating one another in a rule for facts. Although the facts are evidently apparent and all too obscured by psychological effects. They reach no ends. People cling too tightly to faith as gravity to Earth.

I’m not fully sure if I agree or disagree. But yet I’m not sure. So religious method has been a placeholder for ethics and social rules, I would agree partly because I felt that way when I was about 9. But, I said to myself why not spread logic through reason, i.e. philosophy. After that turn of events I continued my own pursuit for this logical and ethical reasoning. Which lead me to think why can’t we become placeholders of our own underlining love,care,compassion, ect. Than I think maybe cause I’m not those that preach that stuff to others on a daily. Yet I hold firm belief systems and methods of logic and than think that they hadn’t mentioned everything which I myself have gone through. Who than are they to speak for me!?
Have I not a mouth of my own to spread the proper logic in clarity to compare? Possibly if I may, it may just be that the truth has been hard to discern as the truth, which the greater reality of logic will have always triumphed. Better to have learned now than never. Logic=evidence=proof=fact. Eventually it’ll all have made us feel one way or the other. Death. Life. It’s all understood eventually.

Well think, others are cowards in others eyes, just because they refuse to take part in ruthless, senseless fights. Yet it’s not merely enough to agree with those “others”. Reckless and chaotic as it may be. I’ve seen it too many times. We’re the cowards cause we refuse to EACH find resolution in such circumstances. Possibly convincing them temporarily will have even triggered them more now and so they become more hostile and kill us. This still had no resolution for there’s now no problem or situation to occur nor to have to confront. Now they have no coward to deal with, only they now have an acclimated change in what is their fate, as they witnessed what it felt like to die, the same implies that which they evidently ended. There is no color to be seen at this point, but those which have made an impression in mans’ mind. only now we see it was totally an advantageous disposal of an intermediate embodiment of LIFE. Cast, to die, in the lake of no return, it’s obvious where we go. We go far, far away from here. But why’s that for? Are we gonna start asking where it is we go? Or, what we ended there in the first place? As the other person respoble for the death sits back cracks a smile and eats chips. you know the colored ones, with the salsa. This is ultimately all of our fates and we must accept reality for what it really is and stop the meaningless roundabout. Call it as it always was and will be. That our life was initially just that. An apparent existence ended immediately without cause or with it. Drowded within the deepest darkest sea you’ll have only yourself to think of anyway. It’s an eternal abysmal mirror set for the player. You did or didn’t deserve to die, WHO AM I TO SAY, but yet they faced that eventful circumstance with nothing more than that, having died, trying to find that resolution and means to the ends.

Right, related to/in my hypotheses we know, that for there to have been another outcome. Both, not just one, yet both had to take high roads to dissolve the issue in a matter of leaving it and subsiding from it entirely and if need to vanish from the sunlight of the other. Look back on it RF I never try and bring people down it’s too fucking much of a damn hassle. If need be I may just be the one to get shot down in it myself. But yet most of the time I’m a calm, CALM as calm a character as they come. Composer is key and to have called me names if not why I’m mad but yet now, I’m assuring you! That your displacement and entanglement in compassion+revenge won’t HELP.

Words matter and when people hear those words, they’re are infused with these ideas, when you talk always, always know people are listening. How can’t they see words have the power to both heal and destroy.?

We’re ALL only human after all…

:obscene-smokingjoint: but you gotta agree, you were flared up back there.

Like I said, we’re all human, I can’t speak for those whom haven’t a story mainstream. Occasionally I believe people to have thought, known, and become what it was they actually thought, knew, and were that. What they experienced and saw. In some cases, involving drugs, they never are the same again and change irrepressibly by the inhibitor. I undoubtedly believed far TOO MANY things from people and from what I’ve seen and have had experienced. I truly TRULY believe what they encountered to be what was the truth. Why else talk about it? Not if through my eyes I saw evidence of it myself, yet for it to have existed in a manner of a representational entity similar to myself, and along with experiences of/on my own accord, yeah, I would definitely agree and believe them.

We’ll all have been lead down that same path we call life,the after-world (Let’s go crazy!) but seriously, my favorite line is “Go where we’ve been before” This is my deepest and most wuvable quote I enjoyed making.

But how about learn? Come on there’s always room for knowledge, knowledge is infinite and it’s something one person must only pursue personally.

If it’s any help, trump is overly criticized and deterred constantly by opposing forces, ridiculed and tossed aside in his own view. And the attacks come from all angles non-stop. Animals act like animals, it takes a human to act like an actual human and become revolutionaries of an unbiased un-corrupt systematic hell-hole that are only out for their own! Shit pisses me off breh all i want is for each person to have had appeared significant in this too large a scale of insignificant participants of of un-examined world unknown in life just as death. Dreams of the temporarily have never even spoken a word, unborn infants had not the shot at life we did. They hadn’t not a fucking start to even a desperate world so… :icon-rolleyes: :crying-yellow:

Nah bro! You’re a damn good individual! Don’t ever let these jerk offs fuck with what you have to offer this world, you’re on the right track to learning to love this un-lovable planet. Which i’ve been in a constant 10 decade yr war with all in paper and all in material unsuited for humanity. Maybe cause it’s too young in comparison to this, a cold infinite space and immeasurable time.

They’ll always remain the percent that never bothered or were somewhere else too busy to bother. but i’ll read it all… Lol I get where you were coming from yet for a moment there I thought you to be sensitively unable, frustrated and annoyed at this feed to a point you couldn’t express sympathy but yet empathy. It’s obvious RF we got a little in common. I sometimes would love to lash out and to take my wrath out on the world too for having such a careless standpoint of humanity.

Yet, like we’ve both said, there’s nothing there to work with if it’s all lost, abandoned, or only just fucking put-down, put into no personal perspective and overly criticized nonetheless, and put up with having known damn well your end of the chapter won’t be read. It sucks when all is abandoned and total separation is the answer. No help. “for showing how the lies were so easily interjected and how the truth of it could be shown even through those lies as to be a very conceivable and provable path through it all, of growth and learning at the same time as remembering what got you far enough through to learn and grow beyond certain points and remembering to take it with you and continue converting it to better use over time for different upcoming situations while having the groundwork in place already to switch back fluidly to any previous level of growth, not to regress, but because those are still right ways of handling certain situations”. All i can say is there’s no way in changing already complicated streams of informational systems beliefs held by others. I mean sticking to your guns would have to had showed some type of message of one standing up to the masses for an opportunity to make come true. But what was it that actually it depended on? Was it the courage to wither the storm? Was it cause you stayed true and never gave them the benefit of the doubt? You wanted to amount? The message was all too imperative? Carrying the tension for so long, knowing this will all have blown away, now be the time? … If any or none at all, know well the anxiety travels high, all too high in this fellow traveler so please, continue with me on this voyage into mystery, why else would I choose not to talk about catastrophe in ones mind yet all the prosperity… Sirs/Ma’Dames The anxiety must be put up with, dealt with, and used to its’ advantage, better for the progression better spoken about to others for they can learn and better than to have never learned from those mistakes and challenges of life.