Daemonic ☯

It’s not playing dumb, it’s just being dumb in the moment, just like how Men get dumb when they are flirting up a women too. Both parties get infected with the dumb.

I would say the average American ability to logic and reason is second grade level, but as for IQ I’m not sure. You can’t have a “2nd grade level” IQ because “2nd grade IQ” is not quantifiable. Do they have the IQ’s of 180 IQ second graders, or 60 IQ second graders? By 2nd grade level ability to logic and reason I mean temporally, their ability to actually think has not increased much since 2nd grade. I guess that is what he means by this, that their inherent IQ quality has not really increased much since 2nd grade. There’s a lot of high IQ’s out there who suck at logic and reason, Liberals for instance. They have no fighting spirits, they are inherently cowardly, therefore their thinking patterns are hiding from themselves.

Is that addressed to me?

I was talking about the decrease of intelligence in general:

That’s interesting you mention this, because I was just thinking about how you show obvious signs of Asperger’s (ass-burgers?) syndrome.

Ha, he did narrow it down to reading comprehension, and that could fairly easily be ascribed to the intrusion of TV visuals into image-nation, without the need to bring in a general IQ. It is the capacity to form images beneath the level of a flat screen, which is the culprit. Our images are manufactured, and not of the product of summoning basic capacities of abstraction.

Most people who subscribe to Christianity aren’t, really, Christians.
Most of them pay lip service to a religion they barely understand.
And even the one’s who do have a full understanding of the religion,
their lives barely resemble the life of Jesus.
Jesus did not have a bank account, a house, a Porsche, nor a 9-5;
he was a full time homeless humanitarian, wandering from place to place
helping the weak. Modern “Christianity” is so infused with capitalism, it’s
not even funny. What did Christ do in the temple when the people
mixed the faith with money? He flipped over the tables! Yet how
so many modern evangelicals dip their religion in red hot capitalistic sauce.

I remember the first time I got raped. Man smiled at me with a YinYang tattoo. I’ll never forget that tattoo.


Yes, a lot of men especially the younger ones are dumbed down also. In short, the next generation is fucked or fucking worthless.

You’re right, Erik. That is so true.

But there are Christians, who live in communes, just like the ancient ones did.
They share everything they own, live minimally, and even dress in way that resembles tribal and primitive Christianity.

Don’t let the bad apples ruin the good ones in the basket.

There have always been some Christians living like primitive Christians.

The person of Jesus, often times, gets a bad reputation, due to his fanatical ‘followers’.
The bible is not infallible, nor is it entirely good, not entirely the word of God;
many contradictions, many things that are immoral, many things that cause people to
become neurotic. The scriptures have an anti-flesh motif. This is very bad; it’s anti-nature,
causes people to turn their own natural impulses against themselves. Self-denial, self-contradiction, self-annihilationn…

There is nothing holy or Godly about denying your passions.

Jesus, the real Jesus, was not about self-abnegation; he was about LOVE: being a good samaritan, helping those in need, communion with the divine, creating an atmosphere of benevolence.

Christians, most of them, vehemently deny the Dionysian aspect of existence: intoxication, festivity, party, pleasure.
For some reason, carnal pleasures are evil, the flesh itself is seen as evil, even though God created it in the garden, before sin even entered existence. Some Christians used to think the physical body was a prison for the soul. But it’s not a prison; it’s a vessel.

Chist did not deny himself. He celebrated, drank wine, and partied. He was a mystic, not some self-contradicting, neurotic zealot.

Post in my Beethoven topic

Double post

Christ does seem to be a hot blooded Jupiterian will posited against a cold blooded Saturnian one.

My favorite lore is that he should be the last farao, that the Jews harbored outcast royal line of Egypt, where “Carpenter” is an awkward translation of “architect” and the faraos were cosmic architects. It’s the most plausible history for a magician to have come about, and it fits with the idea that he went further East and explored India in the lost years that are missing out of the cryptically rich but nonetheless rather crappy texts, being taught by Babaji, the same who later taught Lahiri Mahasaya, who taught Sri Yukteshwar, who taught Paramahansa Yogandanda, who founded a ashram in California where I ended up after my friend suicided and I had a psychosis - and instead of going into a mental; hospital or also killing myself, I went to the US and had me a few roadtrips. I can recommend.

In the middle of that adventure, I was somewhat trashed in Savannah and went on to listen to a sermon of a black baptist pastor, whose thunderous subtly compassionate spirit showed me that men of Christ can be noble. I told him I couldnt commit to his Lord, as I have my own, and he said he’d pray for me anyway, and from there on my travel was a straight road to philosophy.

You cant hate on Jesus. Islam even re wrote his crucifixion, they say it is Judas whom god gave the face of Jesus while the prophet himself was sneaked off to heaven. It sorta defeats the purpose, but they still can’t hate.

Christ was God’s first conscious creation, the original, the first most beloved angel in Heaven, who was sent to Earth as a public relations emissary on God’s behalf, reborn in man’s image to teach mankind a better understanding of God.

Since I believe man created God, I see Christ as mans first Idea of God, wherein he becomes an idea of himself, deepens further away from the animal, into the ‘soul’; memory of self, ‘flaw’, sin.


You did not create your consciousness, no matter what, why, or how you may think.

I don’t think you know what thinking is, dear. Rest assured though, I only know of 5 thinkers.

Everything is rooted in itself. So everything is self-create; especially consciousness.

Obviously there is no God who created everything, like there is no Santa Clause, and no Singularity. It’s all a little bit more complex. But Ive figured out that to know it means to accept that most minds will never want to disbelieve in Santa-Causer-Birther-Bullshit they call “God”.

the Trinity is your entry point.

The Trinity is man referring to Man by virtue of God. This referring is the Holy Spirit, and it is the prayer itself, the recurring arrival at the Self of the ego, and the following crucifixion on the Cross of Matter, and repeat.

Time has always been time.

There was a Saint Nicholas who put candies and nuts in children’s shoes, so not utter fiction, just as God is not utter fiction.
