White women's days are numbered..

Yeah, there’s whole legions of them around here.

Hey, what happens when you foe somebody? Do you not see their posts? Can they not PM you?

I wonder what Turd’s foe list looks like. Probably a mile long with me on the top. :laughing: I wonder what his friend list looks like: proly just Ucci.

Are you one of those people who always feels provoked?


See how the responses to Pandora, from the males spirals down into abuse.


Because she suggested she might be FAT, but we don’t know what element of truth there is in this.

"Nope, I wouldn’t touch a fat girl, with a 40 foot barge pole.

WTF will the guys think of me.

I bet some of them have had GF’s who were on the “porky” side and enjoyed them in the comfort of their own homes. LOL

In fact, a well rounded maternal type would be perfect for The Turd.

No, she really wouldn’t, my hobbies are physical, and I maintain a area of next to no space, as if I lived in a submarine. Whenever I figure out a way to shrink things to make it more efficient, I do.

Yeah, it’s true, but we don’t use words like 'porky", we use big boned plus size…sensitivity of feelings over responsibility…always…

Mmmmm, how could I miss this pic? with Santa Clauses like that it’s Christmas time forever. That’s a Santa I’d invite to sit in my lap for sure, and if she behaved I’d give her a present too :wink:

Actually, in a natural environment or in times of famine such a woman would easily find an alpha male who would provide for her and protect her.

The fatties, on the other hand, are more likely to be treated as large prey, like mammoths or whales, and they would be hunted with spears and killed for their meat… or, well, their fat.

In a natural environment, it is not even possible for fat women, or men, to build up and sustain enormous weights in the first place. Morbid obesity is a product of systemic sheltering.

Jesus, really?

Yeah man, ever watched fight club? You can make soap out of their fat, and you can use their fat to fry meat, like you can use pig fat.

Basically, fatties would be killed so that hot women can clean themselves with soap and eat delicious meat fried on the fat of fatties :smiley: . Can’t let all that stored energy (fat) go to waste.

Are we talking male and female fatties.

Manni wrote:

I don’t get it.

That picture of yours shows quite clearly man has progressed into a pig.

I think it’s a statement about society, not obese men or women.

So, we are all agreed now Pandora is wrong about everything?


Why would you even say this?

No, that would mean we’re all friends (excluding Pandora). I cannot allow that to happen.

This is why the League of Nations ultimately failed.

Why, 'cause they couldn’t agree that Pandora was wrong?

That’s a poetic way of putting it, yet is remarkable spot on.

Well, I think the Venus figurines will testify otherwise. Fat women were synonymous with fertility and abundance. Even today, some traditional cultures still practice fatting up brides before marriage. A man who has a fat wife was seen as someone who is able to provide for her.



Even Rubens made that point when he painted full figured wealthy women.