Dan~ videos

People live to learn to better their natures by experiencing a lifetime of emotions, 1st person and 3rd person experiences and how you treat others (with kindness or cruelty) over the course of your lifetime tells of how you love or hate yourself. Your physical body will perish and you will have to judge your lifelong behaviors, into where and how you exerted yourself (growth away from easy evil and towards the more difficult generosity of love) in connecting with other souls while alive and ultimately with your Creator.

Today, Kris taught me to hold back a bit on my reactions, a good lesson. I’m still learning my finesse between too passive or too aggressive. Aggressive male stupidity makes it “Hammer Time” for me.

For now we are discussing simple philosophy and foundational philosophy,
in simple speech, in short presentations. It is hoped that some people will be able to relate.
Later we will talk about some of the deeper or more complex things.

You are using foul language over something that isn’t foul at all.
You don’t seem like a fair person.
I’m sorry that you posted here.


This is an album that Ethan helped put together.
It’s from my old stuff, music stuff.


Here is Joe’s shot at defining advanced philosophy.

Mannikin warned.

dumbass, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for you to remove post as well, you lazy fuck…do it now.

Warned again. Posts are left to show what the warnings are for.

ahh so that’s how you all get down is it, letting the inner fowl depth of a human on full display to delve deeper into a human understanding so we can assess it intellectually and come to profound conclusions with our findings here on this earthly planet?


Here is Jared describing mormonism in his own words.

I will be uploading 3 more videos soon, after being silent for a while.


here I interpret Joe’s message as the idea that bigotry and hate-stupidities are the main problems humanity has.

this above is my attempt at a continuation about the issue.

more of me

Was that really you? Nice to finally see you Dan.

Yup that’s little old me.


Daniel Time!


Here i am talking about a few religious ideas.
As you can tell i am having a little bit of a hard time making the video good enough.
But I tried anyways. Surely you will understand.


I wonder if maybe I’ve touched nirvana.
I tried to talk about it here^

Btw, using that method along with some specific practices, you can greatly enhance you general intelligence, even to the point of, to a limited degree, “reading the minds of others”. No magic involved. Programmers are desperately attempting to get computers to do the same thing. Everything has a cause and a method.

This seemed like mostly a form of peace, not a form of intelligence.
What is your methods?