Charlottesville Virginia Clash.

More importantly than all of this - who gives a shit?

Why is it bad if commie-fascist brainwashed morons go kill and get killed?

Why would we want there to not be war?

Because why would we want to live in peace with people as hypocritical as Peter Kropotkin?
You can’t live in peace with fascist collaborators and not also be a fascist collaborator.

So lets just acknowledge that it is war - that the Democrats have declared war on the US and on humanity-
and we, humans, will be glad to answer their call.

Bring it on.

I asked for your answers in good faith and took your answers in good faith but did not think your questions about finding out my “truth” were asked in good faith, so I didn’t believe you really wanted my answers which you have shown in your obnoxious manner of asking, your hateful tone, and facetiousness repeatedly, but since your hostility insists, they are as follows: all of YouTube’s live coverage/footage of news events by various commentary channels and individuals, CNN, CBSN, NBC,,, several TV streaming documentary channels, our local newspaper occasionally on the weekends (usually Sundays), also links that I find on ILP and other random sites, not much talk radio anymore though. :evilfun:

Now back to your negative whining and accusations, what were your questions that I have refused to answer?

What’s above right? Oh goodie, but this is going to take awhile for I owe Carleas my blood first, so you’ll have to get in line, but believe me, I can’t wait to go into depth about your questions, all the perfect examples you afford me on ILP for you are the perfect example.

Personally, I would like nothing more than to see the sjw’s and neonazis engage of an epic clash of destiny so that we would have never hear from either parties ever again.

American neo-nazis could learn a thing or two from European modern day national socialists who abandoned swastika usage decades ago. American neo-nazis and the Klu Klux Klan look like morons parading around that it is deeply embarrassing. They look like a bunch of inbred juvenile larping historical actors. Look at modern day Swedish national socialists, they look far more presentable in appearance publicly.

Of course a lot of American neo-nazis and klan members are full of F.B.I. informants and hired actors from the Southern Poverty Law Center also, there’s that to consider as well.

It will happen eventually one way or another. Like most western nations white European people have been fleeing the cities for rural areas about several decades now. The only white people that stay in cities nowadays are either people that are forced to because of work or the liberal delusionals. At some point white European people are going to run out of places to retreat to and once this happens conflict is inevitable as we become ethnic minorities.

No culture or ethnicity can survive balkanization and close proximity with others for very long.

The corporate neo-liberals have full control of media platforms like Instagram, Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. In the future anti-establishment people are going to have to become more creative in the age of growing massive internet censorship. Thankfully Carleas hasn’t tried to censor us here which I’m very thankful. Hopefully he doesn’t change his mind on that.

So far unlike Europe, Russia, Canada, and Australia the United States doesn’t have thought crimes laws against Europeans that embrace white identity. So far it it doesn’t…that can change quickly overnight however.

In order to overcome adversity like I said, we need to be creative.

The United States is a military police state international finance oligarchy and plutocracy, it needs to be destroyed along with being rebuilt afterwards as it is currently a blight upon this world.

Peter Kropotkin is a waste of time as he relies very much everyday on his social propaganda matrix.

Exactly James, what we’re witnessing here is some Ukrainian style agitpropping with the latest events coming out of Charlottesville.

Typical leftist drivel that worships authority and state institutions absolutely that denies there are any ongoing conspiracies throughout human history. The naivety and smug gullibility coming from people like you is astounding. The typical liberal will say that human history is without any conspiracies at all.

It is such naive interpretations of human nature that has got us where we are presently.

Well, let us hope that what happened to Nixon doesn’t happen to Trump. If it does it won’t go down as peacefully as it did in the 1970’s. Certainly the circumstances are much different.

Unfortunately Europe (European Union) is a vassal state of the United States with our military bases spread all over there along with our funding of N.A.T.O. I dream that one day Europeans will be independent again to pursue their own lives in independence without being under American yoke and influence. I dream that one day Europeans will shake off the yoke of the European Central Bank and that the Unites States will become free of the Federal Reserve.

(Both institutions work together in conjunction also.)

Americans and Europeans must work together to keep the dream of independence alive in solidarity as we are fighting the same enemies. The American and European struggle are one in the same.

Also, isn’t it interesting how European media takes its directives from American media? Just mind boggling.

Iambiguous why don’t you create a separate thread here instead of KTF and then we can converse together. I grow bored and weary of Know Thyself Forum anyways which is why I haven’t been back there recently. I thought that if I came over there under an olive branch setting aside the past under a clean slate things might be different but as usual my hope for the contrary ends up being fruitless.

Also, while I may be a nihilist I am not completely ignorant of practical matters concerning pragmatism. Solipsism, individual preference, and subjectivism will only get you so far in this world which is never enough. Of course I admit publicly these were things which I struggled with in the past but I’m trying to elevate myself onto new horizons trying to transcend all of that.

I definitely don’t describe myself as an objectivist either but like I said we can discuss that in another thread.

erm… Russia conspiracy.
Koch brothers…

People tend to want to make sense of the world but there is also a need for emotional stability and security.

An example from the right wing would be the negative emotional conditioning towards National Socialism.
For what I am saying it doesn’t matter if this negative conditioning is good or bad but it’s very much present.
Either way, because of this there is an impulse to denounce everything which looks too much like what we picture as National Socialism but at the same time White people increasingly realise the misery of White Privilege self-censorship, the reality of racial differences and the pushing of anti-White hatred through the media, academia and so forth pushes them to become more ‘fashy’.
So because they can’t embrace elements which are associated with National Socialism in their mind, without their emotional conditioning guilt tripping them, they have to find explanations for it. “Like Democrats are the real fascists/racists and so on.” or “Somebody planted those Nazi types to smear true conservatism.”

The left (as the contemporary right) has no negative conditioning towards communism. It’s no biggie.
But they have other stability concerns, like their dependence on the coalition of third world populations and the shitlibs and their sensibilities.
To keep this mess going they have to come up with all kinds of absurd explanations.
Like their third world populations and their black constituency are what they are because they have been held back and are still being held back by those Republican White Males. Violence? - If there is any then it’s because of racist White people, I swear.
You have to explain this shit to yourself somehow and the idea of racism explains all the shortcomings away as injustice and it’s even perpetrated by the evil racists from the opposition. Two birds with one stone.
What is the evil for them? Unreformed White people. White people who don’t cheer for their displacement, White people who don’t accept that they are evil.

Why did the White people (mostly conservatives today in the USA) wake up and deal with their emotional conditioning? Because life is getting tougher for them and that pain is becoming stronger than their emotional safety zone, which is partly conditioned because of the emotional needs of a different tribe.


^^^ True, the left does have its own conspiracy theories, patriarchy, white males, Koch Brothers, and ect. That’s an excellent way of looking at things.

Democratic Missouri senator calls for Donald Trump to be assassinated.

That’s Democratic Peace and Love speech for you. Nadal don’t speak hate, just murder. Hey Democrats, you elected a real good example of why the right despises your hypocritical bullshit! I doubt this slime bucket will resign or get expelled for her unprincipled speech.

She’s a black senator, nothing will happen to her.

It’s always great seeing America media defending communists. Both liberals and neoconservatives need to stop messing around by coming out in the open that they want a more communist system of governance. The democrats should rename themselves the social communist political party.

Nothing happens to any of the wicked and corrupt House of Representatives or Senators unless they piss off their own governmental gangs.