White European Preservation Thread.

They’re gearing up for full censorship in the United States like they have in Europe which I have no doubt in my mind. They’ll do this by reducing Donald Trump’s presidency to one term and thereby putting a global democratic puppet in his place, whether it is a neoconservative or democratic politician the outcome will be the same. They’ll do this with corporate privatization of the internet, our groups of resistance will have to innovate and rely on older means of communication that cannot be controlled electronically. This is the future for us going fourth. They’ve always have owned the internet and we must realize this.

We must actively and creatively prepare for this outcome along with bolstering our numbers in defiant resistance. Next time they get one of their globalist puppets into office they will bring the axe down on American nationalists. We must stand ready and embrace tactful patience for the decisive moment of open rebellion.

Prepare yourselves accordingly…

So why did they arrest him? Did he not have a permit for the gun? :confusion-scratchheadyellow:

Need we say more?

I am naive about the Jewish cause… as you know, so why are they stirring unrest? to prolong their own?

Even in their religion expresses the desire for global power.

Love your race and people!

Daily Stormer has once again been removed and are even having trouble surviving on the Dark Net of Tor.

All I wanted was a milkshake and instead I got knifed…

Absurdity intensifies…

Footage from Charlottesville, Virginia on the ground.




Leftists/Liberals/ Marxists- “Free speech is what we allow and say it is.”

You can say what you want about the KKK, confederate idolizers, or national socialists. I don’t affiliate with any of those groups but to say that anybody that supports white European identity must be of one of those groups is sheer ignorance. Of course since nobody bothers investigating what white European identity is we’re left with ridiculous public generalisations.

Now let us review the peaceful demonstrations of ANTIFA here as it is important to document for the record what these people are really like.


Even before Charlottesville Virginia ANTIFA has caused violence all over the world, are we really to call this a movement of peace?

In the city where I grew up, in my childhood, we had French Canadian, Italian, Lebanese and Portuguese neighborhoods. The remnants of Polish and Irish. The catholic parishes were still ethnic. While we still have many people of Portuguese descent, we don’t really have ethnic neighborhoods any more.

So what?

Multiculturalism doesn’t mean that each group has its own neighborhood or its own town. I’m not sure about the rest of the country, but in the Northeast, groups of immigrants arrive and are displaced - mainly because they scatter as subsequent generations feel more “American” than previous generations.

Again, so what?

“Safe in isolation” - really? What is the great virtue of “isolation”? What is an “indigenous Immigrant”?

America is not a place where you get to sublet forever.

Multiculturalism destroys native cultures.

The lack of multiculturalism. Steadfast traditions. Preservation of traditional, one race families and bonds with alike neighbors. Strength in a community where everyone knows everyone and trusts them on deeper levels based on their similarities.

I’ll think of more.

Native immigrant cultures? How are immigrant cultures native?

One-race families? Yikes!

Get yer DNA testing equipment ready!

So, I can’t trust black people or latinos? Says who?

There are plenty of common bonds to be had without this nonsense.

That said, i wish there were more Cuban restaurants in my part of the country. Maybe you need Cuban neighborhoods for that. But we don’t have any Chinese neighborhoods near me. We still have the restaurants. I would take Cubans over Polish, though. Not a big steamed cabbage fan. Of course, some of my best friends are Polish. Except that they are Americans.

There are more common bonds with less differences. So what you propose is nonsense which is falling apart right now with the crazy global communist agenda.

Multicultural young people have a crappy fast food throw away culture, crappy dysfunctional families without traditions or any sense of their past generations, no ties to their people and the soil their people were raised on and what their people stood for.

You advocate for a world of nothingness, all merged into a mess of glop.