Free Government

You three, Wendy, Serendipper, Void, are all pro-government. You cannot conceive of life, without your Slave-Master, The State, the centralized authority, watching over you. You’re all clinging to the “Big Daddy” concept, the “Sky Father”.

You’re clinging to your invisible God. That’s Enslavement.

Hey, I’m being a realist. Another anarchist can end your freedom with a bullet in your head so quickly that you did nothing more than take a few free breaths. It’s only free in being a free for all and it’s objectionable when you value your continued existence. All out chaos cannot be overcome and there are no winners who triumph against it…for long.

Anarchy is aggressive for a reason…to conquer or be conquered. And it’s only a temporary fix to dissolve a current government but will fail very quickly with people forming gangs with rules/laws the beginnings of unofficial governments with rulers and the process you loathe of slavedom begins all over again.

Good thing I have shoulders of giants to stand on :wink:

I think you’re jumping to conclusions and sliding down a slippery slope. :banana-skier:

I suppose we would have to define freedom before we can decide what we’re free from. So if you define freedom as being free of any sort of structure or restraint in action, then I guess having no laws would be freedom to you. But you would not be free in the sense of pursuing life and happiness because someone will oppress you without a law saying they cannot. It depends how you define freedom and inconsistent definitions are causing this miscommunication.

Freedom from law
Freedom from oppression

The enlightening aspect of this conversation is that I realize now that freedom cannot exist without clarification, “freedom from what?” It’s like saying “I’m quitting.” Quitting what? Or, “I’m leaving.” Leaving where? “I’m done.” Done with what?

So if you’re saying “freedom from laws is freedom from laws”, then you’re right. But if you’re saying “freedom from laws is freedom from oppression”, then you’re wrong. In the latter, the laws guarantee the freedom from oppression.

Lawl @ this convo.

Freedom is not for everybody. Serendip, Wendy, Void, stay safe inside the walls (prison) of civilization.

Free Thinking is not for you, maybe try religion or science?

According to your video the richest 20% of the US have more than 80% of all the US wealth, the richest 1% of the US have 40% all the US wealth, the poorest 80% of the US have more merely 7% of all the US wealth.

Maybe I will have to change my thoughts about the wealth inequality in the USA.

Yes this is related to the Pareto principle, that about 1/5 of the productive process creates about 4/5 of the value produced. You could argue that this doesn’t say anything about possession and ownership of that value, but it really does.

Stop demanding what you are unwilling to create and value for yourself. Capitalism has allowed you access to immeasurably more wealth than you could possibly have produced on your own, this is only because you are part of the passive ground of consumption on which the Pareto principle climbs to new heights. More equality of wealth distribution (value distribution) leads quite naturally to less equality of it. And less, to more. But when less equality begins to produce a failure of abundance then the crops start to die. Rather, materials are instead recycled back into the earth, so the soils stay rich in nutrients.

Fighting for wealth equality is equivalent to replacing meritocratic recycling of unused elements with theft, which nature will not long tolerate.

I’m not following. To what/who is this post directed?

Yes and that video is old and before the bulk of the global central bank money printing. Coincidentally, this just posted today … ere-doomed

We have to keep in mind that capitalism is absence of regulation. As soon as even one regulation is imposed for the good of society, it is socialism.

Once you concede one regulation, then it’s a matter of how many are appropriate.

So to really get a picture of what capitalism is, we have to go back before regulations were in place.

As you can see, the wild west was not that dissimilar than today and the true prosperity existed due to FDR and the regulations he imposed. The downfall began with Reagan and continues to this day.

The benefits you mentioned have been in spite of capitalism and not because of it.

The only way to get the money from the top back to the bottom is to redistribute because trickle-down is not enough to offset the deluge up. Money creation can help if it creates inflation, but people will only demand so much toilet paper regardless how much money is printed (and demand drives prices outside of supply changes). Now we have tshirts for 33 cents as automation continues the deflationary spiral to the disgust and consternation of central bankers. All the bankers are accomplishing is exacerbating the problem by giving printed money to the top rather than the bottom. The only hope is tax reformation, but as long as republicans are in charge, the curve is going to get flatter and further exacerbate the problem. All forces are pointing to the same end: revolt. … irts-33c-0

No, capitalism is not the absence of regulation, that is nonsense. Capitalism is targeted regulation for the purposes of allowing the principles of capital-ism to flourish according to their own nature. Capitalism is meritocracy in a field of enforced equality of opportunities such that the use of force to destabilize and overpower higher-order merits is banned (some dude cannot simply stab you and take your money when you made a contract or economic transaction with him, for example). Without law and order, economy is impossible, so are human rights impossible. Capitalism requires basic legal regulations against theft and fraud, and requires a courts and police system to enforce that law.

Anarchy (absence of all regulation, of any laws) is not capitalism but the absence of capitalism, indeed the absence of civilization as such. Socialism (extreme regulation that destroys capitalism and culture) is far closer to anarchy than capitalism is close to either socialism or anarchy.

Whoever thought up the relation between anarchy and capitalism was a useless worm. A pathetic will to nothingness whose nihilism and personal weakness and cowardice ruled his desires to strip everything away from everyone, so that “equality” could reign as gross inequality. “We are all equally savages in the wild”, that is the dream of the absurd anarcho-capitalist.

Laws that protect rational human rights and that limit government to its proper functions are good laws. Laws that go beyond that are not good laws, and are indeed a slippery slope into socialism. Socialism is when the state usurps and owns the individual. The trick is not to have no state but to have a wisely limited state; you cannot get around the necessity of law. It is simply those whose ressentiment in having no power in law has taken over that you find this anarchist urge.


Then why do they call it “free market capitalism”? And how is socialism distinct? We can’t have overlapping definitions.

On the far left is communism where the state owns all means of production, then fascism is totally regulated private ownership, then socialism is private ownership with less than total regulation, and finally capitalism is private ownership and complete lack of regulation. Each definition must be distinct.

Capitalism is regulation for the purpose of allowing capitalism? Self-causation?

Capitalism is no regulations because capitalism is for the individual (characterized by private ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined by competition in a free market )

The free market is essential for capitalism just like lack of regulation or intervention is essential for natural selection in evolution. It is the total lack of artificial laws. Now, just as you can’t claim natural selection is indeed natural if you’re meddling with it, similarly you cannot conclude a free market is free if there are regulations. Therefore, capitalism is the total lack of regulation and even one regulation makes it socialism, not capitalism.

That is incorrect. That is like saying your garden is a free market system even though you cut down all the trees and pull the weeds, giving your plants an unfair advantage. Capitalism does not seek to determine what is fair, but allows whatever is natural to take its course.

Well, anarchy is a broader term including laws that are not economic in nature, but capitalism is economic anarchy and, yes, I agree that it’s determinantal to civilization.

No, that’s a connotation people have about socialism. Extreme socialism is extreme, but socialism can also be very mild. Fascism and communism are extremes of socialism that are often destructive, while the socialism that existed in the US during the 50s and 60s worked quite well.

Throwing mud already?

Right, they are for the social good; hence, socialism.

Agreed. Too many laws are too many.

Well, now I know I’m right! LOL!

“Free” meaning “free from government control”. But government still maintains the general protection of society so as to allow for free trade.


Correct. We could say it is a form of socialism that is not related to economics.


Any interference at all is not free.

The purpose of freedom is to allow competition and if gov takes any action to protect free trade (or anything else), then it’s not the fittest who are surviving but the chosen of government or those working under the constraints of an artificial system of regulation.

The purpose of competition is to not presume we know what is best. That begs the question of whether we actually DO know what is best. I think, concerning some things, we do; other things, we don’t.

The reason we aren’t still monkeys in trees is that we fell out and began taming our environment. Clearly, farming is better at sustaining a population than hunting/gathering and it argues strongly for a managed system rather than leaving things to natural selection. Then again, we mustn’t get carried away and overmanage. The best system is a balancing act or a muddling along as conditions and considerations change.

So you believe that football, for example, should have no rules at all.

Humans regulate or intervene. That shows clearly that the natural selection can be circumvented, and that the free market has never existed in human history (but only a relatively free market).