a new understanding of today, time and space.

why is good preferred over bad…

non-metaphysical reasons for standing for love, good,
and all those other values of our higher angels instead of
bad, hate, anger, greed the lower instincts of the human creature…

look at our solar system…we have the planets circling around the sun
in picture perfect harmony…the solar system is stable, uncluttered, without
chaos and instability… it has lasted for billions of years in stability…
the reason is those things that create instability and chaos don’t exist
in the solar system… we don’t have roving planets causing chaos or
instability in the solar system… we don’t have any large nearby stars causing
us any instability and as long as nothing changes, we shall continue to have harmony
and stability and that is a very, very good thing as it allows us humans on our third
planet to continue our existence… chaos and instability in anything, threatens
that thing to remain stable and continued existence…to exist, to have anything
exist, it must have stability…the more stable objects have less chaos and less instability
and less random actions around it…think of bridges… the more they are able to
withstand chaos, randomness, instability, they better able they are to stand…
the chaotic events like earthquakes, storms, temperature changes, these random events
threaten the stability of bridges and the bridge must be built in such a way to resist
those random and instable events…we want our bridges to be stable and to continue
existence and that means being able to withstand chaos and instability and randomness…

now a storms or another random chaotic events is not good or evil or any other
such human designation… those events are just events without any human
qualities to them…

now think of human relationships like marriage… I have been married for
21 years now…how did our relationship last? how did our relationship
survive? we stay away from chaotic events that threaten the stability
of our relationships… I have never cheated… that type of random, chaotic
event threaten the stability of a relationship…I have worked during our
entire relationship… that helps the stability of our relationship…
any random, chaotic event threatens the stability of a relationship…
birth, death, losing a job, cheating on a spouse… if you want a relationship
to last, one needs stability within and around the relationship…

so what builds a relationship and allows it stability? love, hope, honesty,
those higher angels of our nature allows a relationship stability…
and what destroys a relationship by allowing instability? those
lower angels of our human nature, hate, anger, greed…
these emotions create instability and chaos and randomness
into a relationship…

the positive attributes like good, love, integrity, hope help maintains
stability within any relationship we have…

hate, anger greed are unstable attributes that bring chaos and
randomness into any relationship…

it is about the stability of a thing that allows it to exists that is important…
and to have stability, one must avoid chaos and randomness and hate,
as all of those thing contribute to instability which can lead to
the loss of stability which threatens to destroy any object…

to exists, for anything to exists, it must have stability and anything that
threatens that stability must be avoided… thus we have
reasons for behavior that might be listed as good vs any behavior
that might be listed as evil… for “good” behavior helps bring about
stability and “evil” behavior brings about instability…we can
work for such things as love and hope and any number of the higher
nature of our angels behavior because they promotes stability
and the lower nature of our angels promotes instability and thus
threatens our existence… it is about stability that we must fight for
and the higher angel of our nature helps bring about that stability…

this is a non-metaphysical reason to promote “good” actions and avoid
“bad” or “evil” actions… good actions promote stability which allows
something to exist longer and “bad” actions allow instability which
can bring about the end of something…


Are we fully human? No, because we are still governed by
our lower angels, our lower instincts, hate, anger, greed among others…
we haven’t reached our full potential which is about the higher angels,
about the realization of being human which is love, hope, faith, generosity…

we are not fully human until we become those higher values…
we are a work in progress… we think of ourselves as being, but
we are not… we are becoming… becoming fully human…

and the tools we use on our path to becoming is freedom as I have
defined it and justice as I have defined it…

to become fully human, we must become freedom and be justice…
we must be about our choices, not just what we can buy, but in what
we can be… and justice which is about equality… we must treat everyone equal…
and that means not just politically, but economically…on our road to becoming,
we use our tools which are the means in which we become fully human which is
the higher values of being human… justice denied and freedom denied means
we have stopped on our path to becoming fully human…humans are always on the road
of becoming… the question is, what is it that we are becoming?

answer this and we are well on the path to becoming…are we a victim of
our lower instincts, or do we follow the path of our higher qualities…

choose and then we begin our rise or our descent… to the higher values or to the
lower ones…choose…for we cannot exist as being… we are always in the midst
of becoming… what should we become…


I was exhausted yesterday from work and didn’t get anything done
and it got me thinking… we are so busy with life, we don’t have time
to think about who we are and who we are becoming…

how can we practice becoming when we are too busy to even think…

becoming is about understanding who we are, we have to understand who we are,
before we can think about this question about becoming… being must happen before
becoming and for us, we are too involved in our modern life to think of being, little
less becoming…it is not about the destination because there is no destination,
there is only the journey for we are constantly changing, body, mind and soul…
the question is, are we in control of the change or do we just let the change
happen…people never stand still… ever single person is changing all the time…
even you… so what are you to changing to?


so given the tools I have mentioned… what would a society
with my tools look like?

I have mentioned justice which is simply the act of equality…
we must treat everyone equally, legally and morally…

and freedom which is about choices… the more choices we have the freer
we are and I don’t mean choices as to what kind of car to buy or any other
material goods, I would argue that buying material goods actually LIMIT
one’s choices… buying material goods limit one because it ties one
with society because materialism ties one down… once you begin to buy
you are trapped into society because you are a cog in the system…
you want a car and you need the money to buy that car… you
must become part of the capitalist system and every purchase
entwines you deeper and deeper into the capitalist system…
soon, you are materially invested into a system that only wants
you has as labor and being a consumer… that is your only value
in the capitalist system… you must produce something in which
you get paid and then you spend that payment on material goods
which is the other function you have… you are deep into a system
that only values money… that is not freedom… but dependency…
you have no choices in a capitalist system… just merchandise to buy…

and the second thing you need is freedom which is choice…

so every action needs to be address in these two terms…
justice and freedom… if you treat everyone equally, then
you must treat them equal in terms of both the political and
the economic… we cannot have the massive income inequality that
we have… this is a justice problem… massive inequality means
we are treating people different and that isn’t justice…

freedom means we allow choices and that means every action is taking
in terms of how does that action create choice and how does that action
increase justice=equality… so we have a template of how we approach
problems… we do we do that will increase justice and/or freedom in
that problem… every single action has increasing justice/freedom
as it goal…so by increasing justice/freedom, we become more just,
a more free society… equality and choices… that is the template
we follow for a better society…every single problem is looked at
in terms of equality or freedom… does this action increase equality or does this
action decrease equality… does this action increase freedom or does this
action/law decrease freedom… if we always choose equality and if we always
choose freedom, we will be making a better society, a freer society, a
more just society…and individually, if we choose freedom and if
individually we choose equality, we will be choosing to become better


so, we have being and becoming…
where does art fit into this?

Art is about the possibilities and becoming is about possibilities

we can use art to understand what is possible for us… to see where
becoming can lead us…so becoming is really just another word
for possibilities… we can become something else and art show us
what that something else might look like…

we use movies like fatal attraction to show us what the possibility
of an affair might look like… becoming in terms of having an affair
in light of a movie like fatal attraction can show us how wrong an affair
can be… we can use art like fatal attraction to show us the possibilities,
both good and bad… stuff like Star wars and Star Trek can show us
possibilities… they can show us what choices we have and what our
possibilities are… with art, we can see becoming and possibilities are
the same thing…for good and bad…

that can be one function of art… there are of course several different functions
of art…


you wake up…
you brush your truth and take a shower…
eat some breakfast…
you head out to your job or to school…
you drive or take public transportation…
you arrive there and begin your day…
work or school last until lunch…
you grab a bit to eat…
depending on your work or school schedule… you might head home now…
or you might stay while longer …
work/school being over, you head home…
if you are like me… you take some time to wind down…
you take some time to cook dinner…
you eat dinner…
you watch TV or read for a bit…
the long day ends and
you go to bed…

for most people that is an accurate description of their day…
for every 24 hours,
we devote 6-8 hours sleeping…
another 6-8 hours working or school…
we spend about 3 hours engage in preparing or eating food…
we spend an hour day, at least, engaged in transportation to and from…
if we have kids, we spend 2 hours engaging with them…
the entertainment aspect can last from 1 hour to 4 hours a day…TV, movies, computer…
so for most people, at least 20 hours of the day is accounted for between work, sleep,
eating, and commuting…this doesn’t account for the day to day chores we have like
cleaning, taking out the garbage, doing the dishes, laundry which might take another
hour per day…so our days are spent in perpetual busyness from waking to sleep…

so when do we have time to discover who we are…
when do we have time to understand our being and what
we should do in becoming…to know thyself takes time and effort,
when is that suppose to happen? take a look at the time spent in your life
and tell me when is it a good time to discover who you are?

look at the time spent in your day and tell me…
when is it a good time to explore freedom and justice?
freedom is about choices and justice is about equality…
when do you time to explore your choices…

look at our days, full of busyness and action…

“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
that struts and frets his hour upon the stage
and then is heard no more. it is a tale,
told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing”

are you that poor player?


I have written about freedom and justice, but the questions comes at
some point, freedom for what? justice for what? what is the value of
freedom and what is the value of justice? I have argued that we have
a limited amount of freedom and let us say, that we reach the
biggest expansion of freedom we are going to get… the most freedom
we are going to get and then, then we must ask ourselves, ok, we have
this freedom, what are we going to do with it?

let us say, we have the most justice we are going to find in society, we ask ourselves,
ok, now what? we have this justice, what are we going to do with it?

what is the point of getting freedom or justice if, if we don’t know
what to do with it…that is part of our modern problem, we don’t
know what to do with freedom or justice if we actually have it…

so, you have as much freedom or as much justice as you are ever going to
get, so what do you do with it?


how do we think of this freedom?
how do we think of this justice?

is freedom or justice an individual concept
or, or is it a culture, political concept?

we seem to have muddled the idea of freedom
and justice by not clearly defined it individually and
by not defining it culturally or politically… or perhaps
the real problem is the idea of freedom and justice, both
individual and politically within the society is confused and muddled…

and we don’t know what to do with either, individually or societally…
much of our confusion lies with the fact, we really haven’t clearly
stated and worked out many different concepts… an example of this
is punishment… are we punishing people or are we rehabilitating
people… we as a people have never really answered this question…
what is the point of punishment? if we are punishing, then hell’s bells,
let us punish… if we are rehabilitating then let us rehabilitate…
but we have never decided… as a people…

we have this freedom and we as a people have never decided
what we are going to do with this freedom…
freedom and justice are not just individual concepts, but
cultural and societally…so as a people, what are we going to do
with freedom and with justice?


the question of philosophy is not just what is freedom but
what are we going to do with that freedom?

so along with understanding what a concept is, we must then decide what
we are going to do with that concept…


so we have this concept of private property…
and we must not only understand what is private property,
but what is its value… what are going to do with private property?

one of our muddled concepts is private property…
private property makes sense when there are only a few
people in a certain location, but when you have millions
of people on limited land, private property no longer makes as
much sense…think of New York city… what sense does
having private property makes in a location like NYC…

take a piece of land in, Montana for example, and given its location,
land isn’t as pricey as land in NYC, but it might be the exact same piece
of land and in NYC, the cost of that land could be worth millions
and in Montana, it might be worth $500 bucks… the same land, just different
locations and worth vastly different amount… this shows us the artificial nature
of land and private property is no different…we have a small, two bedroom condo,
roughly 1700 square feet, and it is worth over $800,000 just because it is on the
San Francisco Peninsula… put that condo almost anywhere else and it is
a couple of hundred thousand, at best…every single house in my little city is
worth over a million bucks, no matter how bad of shape it is in because of where
it is… put that same house anywhere else and it is maybe 200,000 or 250,000 bucks,
maybe… this show us the artificial value we put on private property…
given the nature of housing prices, we might as well be growing tulips
and selling them… that is an historical reference… see the Dutch…

it isn’t real… so what is the point of private property? to feel safe from
the government? well that ship sailed a long, long time ago…
we have no reason for private property outside of ego, vanity drives
our quest for private property and for no other reason…it isn’t real…

yet much of our laws and our ideologies are driven by this ego driven
quest for property…this property we can’t even explain why we want…

Desiderius Erasmus once said, home is wherever my books are…I actually
agree… so why is private property so important to you?


ok, we have written about private property, but what
about the other concepts we have written about like justice?

Justice is the act of equality… either bringing someone up to be equal,
like rules that give the handicap equal access that others have or
to treat others equal either politically or legally…

so let us discuss justice and private property…

justice is the act of treating equally and private property is just
the opposite…there are those who can never be able to afford
property in my city and yet others who by no other reason then being
born rich can afford it… I have heard it said, that life isn’t fair…
which is another way of saying life isn’t just… but why not?
what is stopping us from having a just, equal, society?
simple greed would be one answer…also that the fact that
we accept the idea of political equality but we don’t accept the
idea of economic equality… economic justice is no different then
political justice and just as important…we don’t require someone to
accomplish something before we give them political equality…
someone gets political equality by virtue of birth… you get all the rights
and privileges just by being born an American… a privilege offer just
by being born within certain artificial lines… lines that have been changeable
in the past and are easily changed in the future because they don’t really exist…

How can we rationalize political equality without accepting economic equality?

now one may make the argument that by equalizing everyone economically,
we take away their incentive to work… as if work was the thing we live for…
the battle is not to posses material goods or buy a bigger TV… the battle
is to become human… the march in mankind is not in technology or in GDP,
but in becoming better human beings and in creating a better society…

better human being and better society can be one whereas
there is more order and unity and a worse human being and a worse
society is a disorder society and a disorder human being…

the sign of a functional society and a functional human being is
tending toward order and unity… look at functional societies
and functional individuals… they are ordered and have unity
and there is less chaos and randomness…that is a sign of
a functional society and a sign of a functional human being…

Sweden is a far more functional society then Kenya and that is
a sign that there is order and unity in Sweden and more chaos and randomness
in Kenya… look at history… the societies that lasted are the ones that
have more order then disorder… think of systems and systems that
function better are ones that hold their order better… think of a car…
a car that functions better is one that has order and runs when you want it
to run and works the way it supposed to… a disorder car, one that doesn’t run
when you want to and is chaotic is a less functional car…is less likely
to last…order and unity are partly the reason for systems lasting longer…
the reason our cars and our solar system and the human body last
is because there is order and unity… when there is disorder and chaos
and randomness… the system is in danger of failing…be it a car or a body
or a solar system…

justice is a form of order and unity… the amount of justice in a political system
will help decide how long that system, be it Rome or Egypt or China or Sweden,
will decide how long that system will last… because without justice there is
disorder and chaos and randomness in the system…and that will decrease the
length of time a system, a political system for example will last…

so if we allow injustice in the economic system, we increase disorder and chaos
and that threaten the structure of society which means the system may fail…

we must have justice or the system might fail from chaos and randomness
caused by the lack of equality…think of inequality as a scale… put too much
weight on one side and it is no longer in balance and that balance is needed for
any system, be it a car or a solar system or a political or an economic system
to survive…justice and equality and balance are all the same thing…
and all are needed to make a system work, any system…

so we must have political equality as well as economic equality
for our system to work, to be balanced, to last…

private property threatens that balance of equality
and must be addressed…


The Buddha said that suffering was being sick and aged and death…
those aren’t suffering, they are just natural events in our lives…

Real suffering is what humans do to other humans…if you want to end
the suffering of people, be kind to human beings…follow the path
of love instead of hate and anger…suffering, real suffering is caused
by humans acting on other humans…be the person who helps end suffering…


as I wrote, the Buddha felt that we must escape suffering
and that suffering was growing old and being sick and dying…
but these things are normal and expected… how can they be
suffering if everyone becomes sick or grows old or dies?
I have been sick, I needed three operations to heal, did I suffer?
hell yah, the pain was overwhelming at times, but I, eventually,
became healthy…but that kind of suffering is part and parcel of the
human experience… I suffer from pain from a bad back and have for
years and will suffer until the day I die… and yet, I realize it is what it is…
and as for growing old, I am 58 and I grow older every single day and yet
it is what it is and nothing I can do will stop that process… I just consider
it being part of the price of being alive and as for death, I have no choice, no freedom
in the matter, so how can that be suffering?
I will die… it doesn’t matter how I feel about the matter, I will die…
I just don’t know when…

all of these are natural occurring event in life we all go through… it is
what it is and that there is nothing I can do about it. period. end of discussion…
why lament that which I have no control over… I cannot control that “suffering”
even if it isn’t really suffering, it is just part of the gig of being human…
deal with it…

but what about the suffering of millions who don’t have the necessities of life?
while some have billions of dollars, in fact the top 10 wealthiest people
on planet earth have as much wealth as the bottom half of the population or
have as much wealth as 3 billion people… how is that just? how is that equality?
by having the economic system we have, we have billions, BILLIONS, of people who
lack the basic necessities of life…they are suffering, not from age or sickness or death,
but from the actions of their fellow human beings…

Justice demands that we treat people equally but if we don’t do that due to economic
reasons, we are engaged in injustice… a society cannot last engaging in injustice…
it becomes unbalanced, unstable, it becomes threatened… so where is the justice
for those who suffer from lack of resources? if all men are created equal, then we
need justice, equality, for everyone regardless of their politics or their religion or
their race or their color… equality is the answer for suffering… you want to end
suffering… end injustice, end inequality…to follow the Buddha and end suffering,
you must end the suffering of our fellow human beings… who suffer under a unequal
political and economic system…every single reformer since before Jesus has had
the same message…to heal thyself… one must begin by healing those who suffer…
because their suffering is your suffering because we humans… we are
of that universal classification… HUMAN BEING…we are one and the same…
individually and collectively…we have an economic system that demands suffering as
a price for our couch and our TV and our nice car and house… we can go with less
and end the suffering for others… equality… is justice for all…


I am reading a book called: History of Philosophical Systems…
it is edited by Ferm… Published in 1965…
a group of writers write about various Philosophical systems from
the earliest times, it begins with the “Story of Indian Philosophy”
and works it way through various systems up to recent events like Pragmatism
and Logical Positivism and into recent events in Philosophy, well recent as
of 1965…

I thought about our American system and what is in that system…

we have a representative democracy and we have capitalism as our economic system
and we have three distinct and equal branches of government and we have as our basis
a equal justice system, whereas the symbol is the women wearing blindfold and
using a scale which means she judges blindly and without discrimination or benefit
to anyone…this is our American system writ large and not getting into the weeds
with all the other stuff that our system will entail…

now our system like any other system must be balanced, to work it must
be equal and fair and honest… the failure of our American system lies in the
fact that it has introduced chaos and uncertainty into our system and within
that chaos lies the means to threaten our American system…

think of our political system like the solar system… it works smoothly
and easily until something throw the system into chaos like for example,
let us say a planet comes into our solar system or a nearby sun has some
gravitational influence on our system that would throw our solar system into
chaos and make it unbalanced and threaten its equilibrium…

we have caused chaos and unbalanced into our system with rulings like
hobby lobby and citizens united and thus we have a system that is out of
balanced and we have justice that is no longer blind but she sees exactly
which people are on trial and money talks and justice walks…

we have threaten the system in large part by our own actions
and it is by our own actions we must save our system…
when politicians make millions of dollars from campaign contributions
and then get a small salary from American’s, who do you think the
politicians will listen to…the millions of dollars or the citizens
who put them there… there is no doubt who the politicians listen
to and answer to and it ain’t their constituents, that’s for sure…

the bottom line seems to be money and there where the danger of,
and the threat comes from, money influencing and changing
the dynamics of justice and the dynamics of democracy…

money makes the blindfolded lady see and makes justice becomes
a system of money, justice is simply the person with the most money,
and thus threatens the balance of the American system…

justice is no longer equal and justice is no longer practiced
from a position of blindness…

want to know how America is being threaten, it is money that
has unbalanced the American system

this morning it was reported that a homeless man asked a woman
to move her Porsche… and she shot him…how much you want to bet she
gets off scott free…better then even money, she doesn’t spend a day in jail…and
that is the new American justice system…money talks and justice walks…
you want to rail against something, try this inside of dumb discussions of
liberals and their alleged hatred of America… you want to fix America,
help fix the systems that have become corrupt and unbalanced, thus
threating American stability…


most people approach philosophy with
such seriousness that is entirely unwarranted…

becoming who you are, isn’t about drama and seriousness
that drains all the life out of the process…

Nietzsche was right, we can dance and laugh and cry
on the path to becoming…

Philosophy isn’t about a set series of exercises like
studying the verb “to be” in another language…

I am
you are
he/she/it is
we are
you are
they are

Ich bin
du bist
er/sie/es ist
wir sind
ihr seid
sie/Sie sind…

philosophy exists in both the joy and terror of discovering
who we are and who we might become…
it is about finding out what is possible
and singing a song about that…

we can become… all we have to do is understand that…
I can become something better then I am today and that
something is to be found in the study of life of which philosophy
is part of…I have learned things about myself lately, at my advance
age of 58, that has surprised me and frankly, has brought shame to my
heart, but that is part of the journey… not to learn safe and comfortable
things but to learn everything, not just the fun and safe stuff and that
sometimes leads us to feel shame and terror and joy about who we are
and then who we can become, and that can bring us the same feelings of shame and
terror and joy… if we don’t feel something about our journey, it isn’t much
of a journey…we are simply engaged in a very safe exploration of who we are…
it is like thinking that traveling is going to a safe place and thinking you are really
traveling, but real traveling is about stretching who you are by going beyond
what is safe and going beyond your comfort zone… going to the local, nearby street
is safe and predictable, but going to some new country and going out of your comfort
zone is really what traveling and philosophy is about the same thing… go beyond
your comfort zone and challenge yourself just like you would if you were

safe and boring is Kant and Hegel, stretch who you are by engaging in
Nietzsche or engage in your own exploration of who you are and challenge
who you are and who you are becoming…


in my journey of being and becoming…
I have discovered I have a mean streak a mile long…
and that is my being… but do I simply accept that or
do I try to become, becoming, something better…

I can simply accept that I can be mean but that is not
a choice, that is simply accepting or I can make a choice,
which is freedom, choices means freedom, and I can choice
to become something better, which is not being mean and being
nicer and a kinder Kropotkin… what I choose defines me as
a person and I choose to be a nicer, kinder person…

so, I just have to practice being nice and being kind,
every single day… and it will be hard because
being is easier then trying to become something else,
being is easier then becoming…so what route do I take?

the easy path of being or the hard path of becoming?


now one might say, but Kropotkin, you are espousing new age nonsense or
religion or utter nonsense or whatever you seem to be babbling about…

but the truth is… it doesn’t matter what we call it…

a journey is never about the destination, but about the trip, the journey…

the human journey is never about the end, the destination, which is death,
but about the journey and it doesn’t matter what we call death, be it death
or non-existence or non-being or passed on or gone to a better place…
it is about the journey we take before that final experience…

so if after death and you could report your journey of life, what would
you want to be able to report back about your journey?

I did this or I was that or I traveled or I became this on my way to…
being or becoming? did you engage in simple being or did you engaged
in becoming? which one would you rather report back to the living?

I was or I engaged in becoming?


so, my “system” is one of order vs disorder…
that which improves the order of the system is
approved of and that which increases disorder is disapproved of…

we, each of us, exists in a series of systems, politically, economically
and socially…so in the political, that which improves the order of the
system is approved of and that which increases the disorder is disapproved of…
but does that “disapproval” include dissent?
dissent does cause disorder within the society and so, theoretically must
be disapproved of…

not at all, even if dissent does cause disorder within the society/system…
dissent must be part and parcel of any political system, either officially
or unofficially and it would be better if dissent were part of any
political system officially…if fact, it is the genius of the American
political system that the use of dissent is officially protected by
the bill of rights…

the value of dissent is for what must be avoided at all cost, which is
the natural conservatism of “people” to codify values and beliefs and
actions…values in fact, must be changeable and adaptable to
to fit any new changes in society…values are meant to be of value to
to serve the people in their pursuit of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
values are a tool, nothing more, and values must be flexible enough to enable
people to navigate life…dissent is also a tool to help people navigate life…

occasionally we must dissent, to increase disorder to the overall benefit of
the society to which we belong as benefitting society does benefit us
personally…and occasionally, dissent is the means to improve society…
the trick is to know when dissent is the answer and when it is not…
this understanding of when dissent is needed and not needed is the
understanding of political science…

I believe that this is the time for dissent for the forces of government
are engaged in the acts of disorder, which is the exclusion of, the
discrimination of, the refusal to integrate people within society…

laws that discriminate against people, laws that exclude people,
that laws don’t integrate people are acts of disorder against
the benefit of society…and must have dissent against them…
disorder…for to pursue laws against people and their values
is really an act of nihilism… for that is nihilism, the negation of
human values and negating human rights, negating people’s
right to act in their own interest is nihilism…and being able
to pursue one’s own values within such values as tolerance,
and respect and freedom to act is paramount…

in other words…we must pursue justice and freedom as
fundamental properties of a society… justice is the act of
equality and inclusion and freedom is the choices allowed…
and any actions which deny justice or freedom must be fought…
give dissent to…

so laws which deny justice or freedom must have dissent
as their response…we cannot codify any attempt to
deny justice or freedom…we must fight, dissent in any attempt
to legitimize denying justice or freedom…thus we have
a course of action… we allow voting rights, we allow abortions,
we increase toleration and increase justice for all…
freedom and justice is our template for actions as that
is the path to order in our political system…and anything
that denies freedom and justice must have dissent
as it consequences…


I want just mention Hegel who says, that philosophy is the conceptualization of one owns time. This is a way to concile the truth while being human and making Errors. The dissent culminates in critique. Philosophy is built in this way: making Errors which survive time by it s performative value.

Been on vacation and doing this on my
cell phone, soooooo

Was thinking last night about existentialism and it’s
Understanding of angst, anxiety and despair.
We have in opposition to or to combat angst, religion
and philosophy and science. I have felt angst over
the years and one way for me to deal was
philosophy. The Greeks used philosophy as a
way of life. It wasn’t academic as we use philosophy
but genuine means to finding a way of living.
Each school, platonic, Stoic, Aristotle, epicurean ,
was a way of life and understood to be such by everyone. The Christians took this idea from the
Greeks and meant Christianity to be a way of life.
So which ancient school best fit your way of life?
