On Poor White America Versus Liberal Misunderstandings.

We need workers who understand English and understand the job.

I believe that a lot of Americans refuse to work with foreign immigrants where they are currently underpaid. In factory work for instance, twenty years ago unions kept American wages higher, but while unions got greedy so did the shareholders of the factories and the unions were ousted. Then the American worker said fuck working for $10 less an hour with no paid vacations, no insurance (no pensions, no benefits), with illegal immigrants who cannot speak English, Americans refusing to work jobs in which they can no longer start families or support families.

Have you noticed, Faust, that temporary job services are becoming all the rage enabling companies to have small payrolls, payrolls overlooked by many of the government regulations that businesses with larger payrolls face? Now is the refusal to hire full-time employees due to terrible government regulations, corporate greed, or what?

Walmart likes to hire workers on the pretense that they will be working full-time, but shortly after they are hired it becomes a part-time job. Hmmm, I believe a lot of companies are pulling this fast one.

In the future, the liberal offspring will say (no, there will be no liberal offspring anymore), the offspring will say: “once, evil humans lived on this planet, they had white skin, the sign of evil”.

How I can know this? Just listen to what the current “liberals” or “leftists” as the anti-whites are saying. They are the real racists, the real discriminators, the real personal attackers.

Only white Jews are allowed to thrive. :laughing:

If workers need to speak english to hold a job and they don’t speak english, they won’t get the job. That’s not complex.

Americans regularly refuse jobs where they would be underpaid. Underpaid being a flexible term. I don’t know of any evidence that the presence of immigrants is a big factor here, but perhaps it is.

Please give me a verifiable example of factory work that pays less than $10.00/hr with no benefits. That simply does not happen where I live. The usual wages for the needle trades, for instance, is 13.00-18.00/hr here. Pretty much the same in the distribution sector, which utilizes workers with a similar profile. Durable goods manufacturing pays around $20.00/hr here.

This does not reflect factory workers who run the automation aspect of these operations, who can make more.

I know this because I talk to people in the needle trades and in warehousing here. Workers and owners. It’s part of my job.

Really??? I’m probably considered a liberal and I ARE white and I’m not anti-white. However, I am anti-stupidity. Lesee… I am anti- misogyny, I’m anti-immigration restrictions, I’m anti-Jew hating, I’m anti-Nazi flag waving, I’m anti-…

Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m anti-white - at least those whites who need to demonize anyone who disagrees with them.

I can see that you demonize those who disagree with your liberal insensibilities.

“insensibilities” How cute…

Nah, I won’t waste my energy hating anyone. BUT… I can disagree with any/or all of a particular set of ideas. I think that is still allowed. In a thread replete with anti-this and anti-that, I didn’t want to be left out. It must be a terrible burden to be so anti…

You are the one who is anti, are you burdened or emboldened?

Who said they earn less than $10? I stated that factory workers may earn $10 less than they used to.

I’d bet that Mr. Eberhardt has no benefits now either.

The last bit about companies using temps rather than hiring full-time employees is a huge growing problem, but I have already covered that issue with you in an earlier post.

Is it ever of use though? I have never encountered a situation where it was.

It never speaks to values, so neither does it speak to power.
All real human values and powers are far more particular than “caucasian” or “negroid” or “semite” or “mongol”.

Meritocracy by diversity, that is American valuing.

The Faust dances?
Id lik to see that.

Portuguese is a beautiful language, too. They gave the Japanese the concept of thanking someone. (Arigato = Obrigado)

What distinguishes good Mexican food from regular Mexican food?
I am not a lover of their dressings.

Basic value.

Cause they have money and can hit back. Or maybe because they aren’t directly visible, you have to think to realize they exist.

Meritocracy is the archetypical western value-system. Marxism is one of its many dreadful antitheses. Cultural Marxism is Marxism on steroids.

Subsidizing markets is in general not such a great idea if it can be avoided. It means the market isn’t a real market. Meaning it isn’t meritocratic. A natural price-value relation isn’t to be expected.

You need to do something about the 1 trillion in student debts. Half of my generation and below is psychologically crippled by the certainty that they will never get out from under the consequences of their stupid loans that didn’t even bring them anything besides a Marxist brainwashing.

If it speaks beyond possibilities, to narrower probabilities, then it is value itself discovered or undiscovered, recognized or unrecognized just like truth.

Why wouldn’t they just meritocracy themselves right out of debt?

These bugmen agree with the muh economy angle as well but then they have the same donors behind them as do their liberal counterparts.
They even issue the same worded ’personal’ statements.

In general there is the muh feels side and the muh economy side to the kosher sandwich.
Immigration is already a given, what remains is whether or not you are swayed by the muh feels narrative or the muh economy narrative.

To not want immigration is propagated and attacked as being racist, so it is for liberals a moral issue, Faust.
It’s even a moral issue for ‘conservatives’ or cuckservatives, because really, liberals, we are not against immigration, we are not racist, we are only against illegal immigration….

Likewise anit-White is already a given, whether or not you justify it with the muh feelz (muh oppressive Whitey) or via economy (it’s a free market, goy) narrative doesn’t matter.

jake - if we have an interest in breeding an animal, recognizing the difference between race and species is useful. Races may look different (depending on what you’re looking at) but not be materially different in economic value. Sex is the same way.

In humans, race has been useful in separating slave stock from freemen, for instance. And sometimes in diagnosing illnesses or genetic predispositions to certain medical conditions.

On a different note - it’s not as if this is difficult to understand. Who is more likely to rob you (you person)? A rich man or a poor man? Someone in your ingroup or in an outgroup? What do we fear more than otherness?

Manufacturing labor is paid (more or less) based on its productivity, after accounting for supply and demand. Educated people are more in demand than they were in the 1960’s. American manufacturing had much less competition in the years after WWII than from about 1965 onward. Only productivity gains have staved off a further decline in manufacturing wages since then.

What has happened is that workers who are in demand have made unprecedented gains in purchasing power since WWII in the U.S. In truth, all workers have. factory workers can now only afford what was once a perfectly acceptable middle class house in the 50’s but no longer is. Postwar subdivisions that were regarded as a magical land of palaces are now slums. But if you track wages and standard of living for manufacturing workers since, say 1865 until now, things look awesome for factory workers here. They don;t when compared to a postwar world that could hardly be duplicated now. You know, unless millions of people died in a war.

What has also happened is that we are not yet over the romance of the ability of someone who can barely read to buy a three bedroom house in the suburbs. Even though it still does happen.

I have been involved in an effort (my role has been small) to bring manufacturing jobs back to the community in which i grew up. Garment manufacturing. I am grateful for the opportunity. I think it’s cool. But nothing we do is going to bring back 1952.

It’s the price we pay for overall prosperity and for the huge increase in purchasing power all americans enjoy. No one really talks about it because no trade union benefits by talking about it. There’s nothing in it for any lobbying group. And besides, it’s good news, which is boring.

When i was young, a mentally disabled person was not poor - they were incarcerated in a state institution.

So you are helping to increase the lower class? Congratulations. Your mentality will keep those who can read, write, and do basic maths in up and coming ghettos which of course we need more of as everybody knows.

Yes, the price that 80% of Americans pay so that 20% have their huge increase in purchasing power. It truly is a shame that the 80% are doing an honest days work but not receiving an honest days pay while the 20% are scammers and morons who support scammers.

This is a lie.

You people just don’t have a counter-argument, which I can’t blame you for - your position is wrong and impossible to argue for rationally. All you have is these shaming words based on previous Pavlovian training, aka modern indoctrination, and if others don’t share your Pavlovian responses to these words, you’re helpless.

You’re too scared to show your face here and get into arguments cause you’d know you’d be destroyed.

EDIT: A song for you cucks:


I am helping to get people jobs. No one is going to quit their day job as neurosurgeon to sew buttons. I am also working on reducing ghettos, liberal that i am.

You got that last part wrong. Everyone gets the same increase in purchasing power. I think supercars and Bel Air mansions have gone up a lot, so maybe not everyone.

If you have no money, how do you have purchasing power?

Homeless drug addicts have money. Everyone has money in america, or can get it. You gotta leave your house once in a while, wendy.

How much does a job you cannot survive on help you? You are placing people into lower class jobs as if your ass is doing them some favor, very liberal I know.

I’ve only seen those sorts of subpar jobs cause more distress. The at work stress coupled with the at home stress of piling up unpayable bills, no savings, and no credit cards to subsidize their incomes. The people never get a break and never get ahead.

You need to live as a poor person for 6 months as a social experiment to wake you up cuz you are a terrible snob who is too good to sew buttons.

Yes, sleazy scumbags always get money, but I’d rather not have a country full of them.

Nope. Stat was dead on. Of course, he was assuming that we share the same reality. We don’t. Too many here have bought into an alternate reality while smugly assuming that they and they only have the TRUTH… So blather away as you choose.

Oh by the way, we can’t be destroyed because arguing with a fence post produces nothing useful. Posting here simply puts the spotlight on the fence posts for all to see.