White European preservation policies

What are the Aryan dead?

I wrote that I did not agree to a fence. That was my position from the first time that you mentioned it. #-o

Oh. I thought you were kinda lukewarm about that. Anyway, since early on you have thought that i have been somehow singling you out for criticism. I am arguing against positions, not people. And mostly I am arguing against bad arguments and not positions at all, which has been my habit since I started at ILP. And long before.

By Aryan dead do you mean a graveyard for some sort of nazi club? No. I wouldn’t make that accommodation for a nazi club. It wouldn’t be fair to help people remember them forever as idiots.

You mean because I simply mocked the idea as ridiculous instead of saying “No fence, ever, under no circumstances”.

Didn’t you tie me into the Dearborn video, when in fact I never said anything about Dearborn.
Were you just confused???
What were those posts about???

Really? A lot of your posts seem to address positions more than arguments.

Maybe I have to reread your stuff. :-k

But you think that a Muslim fence is okay? Right?

Or did I misunderstand you completely?

Because you said it was wrong in principle. There are a lot of things i think are wrong but not important enough to act on. In politics, action counts. I must have been projecting. Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention. I don’t know. My brain has weakened of late.

You seem to think this entire discussion is about you. it’s not.

No. I thought we covered that. I was responding to you and to others in the thread. I was unclear and apologized to you personally for that. Was I still unclear? I don’t know how to be more clear. But I may never have apologized to anyone else, ever, on ILP so I’m not going to apologize to you twice.

That’s because I am just getting started. I have seen inconsistencies in some poster’s posts. So I am trying to ferret out some coherence. I honestly don’t know if i am doing that with you. I’m not paying that much attention. It’s a message board, not a courtroom.

And yes, a group of law-abiding citizens with religious beliefs ask for something from the city they live in. Or a group of thugs ask. Og course, the first group is real and the second is not, so I get to assign attributes to them. Because they are not real. You just made them up. But what is a law-abiding, good-neighbor aryan group? Are there any? Holding bake sales for charity and helping kids stay safe at halloween? I mean, show me the group.

I agree.

Uhhh… you do understand that positions are the basis of argumentation? Should you espouse a certain position and I disagree with that position there is now a basis for argument? I think Faust was trying to splain that there are good arguments and bad. The former is based on solid logic and/or well informed credible evidence. The latter is mostly just opinion based on who knows what?

No I don’t think it’s all about me. I do think that some things are being projected on to me. For example:

I started this thread to get some answers. I didn’t say that whites were ‘victims’. I didn’t propose any sort of genetic purity. I proposed superior politics and culture but that was several pages into the thread when it appeared that nobody would commit himself to anything. It seems that just asking particular questions gets you dumped into the racist “white supremacist” box. IOW, other people are making it personal, not me.

If people would just discuss the ideas, then I would be much happier. :smiley:

Okay, we’re done with that. Moving on.

Four posts just to make your point about the cemetery? I must seem like a complete retard.

You’re on autopilot? Thanks, that makes me feel really important.

That’s the kind of inconsistency that one sees in politics these days. One group is in favor and another group is out. Women are in, men are out. Minority is in, white is out. Trannies are in, hetero is out.

The in-group gets a disproportionate amount of attention and accommodation. The out-group gets pissed on.

There is a pretense that this is all about fairness but the unfairness is palpable.

I would not allow the Muslims, Aryans, Jews, or Catholics have fenced off cemetery sections. I think that’s the fairest solution. Everybody in the same boat. I don’t judge the Muslim reasons for segregation as any more legitimate than the neo-nazi reasons.

Phyllo, my comments weren’t directed at you. But consider: We normally don’t preserve things that don’t need preserving. To suggest that preserving European whites is a issue is to suggest that they are endangered in some way. This logically makes them some sort of victim. If you look at a pretty good number of the posts you would have to conclude that European white are the victims of, and endangered by, pick your poison.

This is most always the result of the us-them arguments. Somebody is always going to get pissed on…

Yes and opinions are all some people offer…you’re just supposed to take their word for it. I ask for evidence when people have flimsy positions and liberals don’t show me the money…just further opinions. The highlights are their opinions about evidence that they never present, they just poo poo your evidence. Grrrr! :evilfun:

There is such a thing as us them called objective differences.

Something is endangered:

Democracy : There is routine contempt for parliamentary process and contempt for the will of the electorate. Political lies unchecked.

Freedom from state control : A gradual increase in surveillance, police powers to search and detain. To protect us from terrorism of course.

Freedom of speech : It seems to be okay for the liberal left to talk but not the conservative right. Look at universities where invited right speakers are shouted down. This is viewed as okay because those guys are bad neo-nazis.

Education : People think that they know everything after reading a couple of wikipedia articles. Purchased university degrees. Plagiarism. Learning isn’t important only the mark that you get.

Science : Self-publishing of trash. Scientific journals interested in money and advertising . People becoming instant science experts from watching Youtube.

But maybe the above is just rant. It’s really about white “victims”? Okay:

Men are endangered : They are supposed to be more like women. They have caused all the problems in the world. Men are the oppressors.

White : Yeah, I think that it is now considered bad in itself. What’s really, really bad is “white men”.

Overreaction on my part?

I don’t think so. I see this regularly in the media. And Canada has become crazy PC, especially since our latest prime minister got elected.

Yeah, I would like to some things preserved… a lot of stuff created by white Europeans. ( A lot of them less than perfect white guys.) A system of universities. Modern medicine. Democracy. Capitalism. Etc.

Can you see that all the things you see as wrong isn’t just a white issue? Those things affect everyone. And many of the things you’d like to see preserved have been created by non-whites? There are many things “wrong” in any and every society. But why should there be so much scapegoating? Is it really as simplistic as , “those others are causing all the problems for white people”.

Perhaps we should focus on fixing problems instead of playing the blame game? Maybe when it is all of us instead of us-them good things begin to happen. There are plenty of ways to divide people. Why should any of us allow ourselves to be manipulated by those divisive forces?

Okay, what do you propose?

Mostly I hear that “there’s no problem” or “we can’t do anything”.

How do you get past the attitude that “white men are the problem and not part of the solution”?

Cause that’s out there.

I don’t propose anything. I don’t live in Canada. Find a problem that is really biting you in the ass, then find those who agree with you. Research your issue until you are sure you know everything there is to know about it. With your group, devise a plausible strategy for solving that problem and go for it. Don’t stop till you accomplish your goal. Be ready to work with anyone (except the Russians) that will help you - including those who say we can’t do anything. Prove them wrong.

Is this easy? Hell no. It’s a ton of work. But you’re part of the solution and that’s your reward.

Oh right, you think it’s not a general problem in the west … it’s just in Canada. :open_mouth:

So we’re back to “there is no problem”.

Dammit phyllo, please stop assuming you know without ASKING. Start small, start local. Kill the dragons in your own backyard first just as I do here in the U.S. Perhaps we’ll get around to the international issues at some point, but baby steps first.

I hate to be the one to tell you this but… You and I or anyone in this forum isn’t going to solve the worlds problems. We’ll be lucky to sweep the dirt off our own doorsteps. It’s OK to be an over-achiever, but it is foolishness to be an over-reacher.

White Supremacy is White people living with their White culture in their White homelands and dominating those homelands.

Those who want to dispossess Whites will say that the White homelands are not rightfully their homelands, doesn’t matter whether it’s about America or Europe.

They will say that White culture does not really exist.

They will say that Whites dominating is evil. They will say that White men should not dominate their women. They will say that Whites should not dominate economically, they will say that Whites should not dominate morally. They will call White dominance immoral.

They don’t want Whites to live in their homelands hence why it is good that they become a minority and soon they will be bold enough to say that it’s good that Whites disappear. I mean, they are already saying that in parts of academia, what I mean is that it will become popular opinion.

I know for a fact that there will be some Whites who will be fine with it and that’s a genetic reality.

Still waiting to hear that answer.

Can I get someone to tell me some problem we have that white guys have been scapegoated for and how that scapegoating is in turn a problem?