Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

I was just stating the fact, the abilities that gain them entrance, what they do with it once in is up to that male.

I only think and feel in one direction…the right direction. :evilfun:

:occasion-snowman: My wish for snow these days. Ah well, have to wait.

Here’s me after a month health kick… Lost about 20 pounds, probably going to lose 40 more…

Had to quit drinking because of liver damage…

body healed quite well after getting shot, bullets must of bounced off. I’m back in full energy now, put on some percentage of fat due to being laid up, muscle maintained itself quite good. Will try to get to 10 - 12 percent body fat in the next few weeks. Im back in the game

Whoever shot you, wasn’t me or my goons.

I still hate you, but I wish you well and a full recovery.

what? why am i hated?

Let’s not share our personal business with the Internet. You know why you’re hated…

4giv me? <3

I don’t forgive and I don’t forget. If you’re looking for sympathy, your asking a person who never got any real salvation from anyone. Trixie is listed as a my little pony villian, not some kind of hero.

well that wasn’t a very nice response.

This isn’t a very nice world, and I’m both the result of my genetic and memetic conditioning (But mostly memetic, since I’m mostly just brain.)

Alright then.

If the world refuses to give happiness to me why should I give happiness to anyone else?

Because it’s not the world that is refusing to give happiness to you. Happiness is relative to a state of being and is usually a byproduct of accomplishment, and other things. Your projection of self onto the world shows lack of understanding, which is rooted in a lack of responsibility. It could also be a lack of acceptance of nature in relation to developing a self-consciousness in an objective context, if you don’t come to terms with self in relationship with world, then subjective emoting will only take place. One may even find it comforting and nurture an identity with it as a coping method, but the problem is that it stunts growth and prevents maturity, then overtime can backfire.

Once you have come to terms with what i just said then obtaining a particular state of being becomes a lot more easily accessible as now your thinking has a greater capacity of clarity. Then it just comes down to technique and strategy, and management. If one falls into ideals or is constantly rejecting what’s there and expecting something else, then this will only threaten the state you desire to exist in.

Reality must come first. Working with what is there through understanding and acceptance, then you can tailor to your relative capacity.

Everybody has their weaknesses and strengths. It could be a lot worse for you, you could be a child with terminal cancer, you could be an obese cow, or a spider in my mother’s house that she recently stepped on because the culprit runs a muck in her kitchen…

P.s I gave you happiness when i intentionally lost to you when playing quake.

The world is not responsible for your emotional well being. You are. Your mind belongs to you and only you. Not to the world
You want to be happy then go out and seek it for yourself. You have an ulterior motive whereas the world could not care less


Advice from a celibate monk who cares nothing about love. Not advice I can use. So thanks but no thanks.

Do you know how alike all you humans sound? Like tape-recordings of each other. It’s hilarious if it wasn’t so irritating.

You didn’t intentionally lose. You suck at fps games, it’s because of your rather meek personality. May I ask you this, have you ever broken walls in pure frustration and rage? If you want to win fights, try actually punching something instead of going to the gym.

Second, you losing didn’t make me happy. I’m a royal knight who wants a challenge.

I’d be happier as a dead spider. Because you know, I’d be dead. And not conscious.

I don’t think obese cows have much consciousness. Even though I am a vegetarian I thought about getting a job at a slaughterhouse. Because where else can I vent my frustration? There’s no laws against killing cows, for all I know these cows are the reincarnated souls of a bunch of assholes I hate. Terminal cancer would be the best thing that could happen to me. No rules, I could do whatever I wanted, got nothin’ to lose.

So I ask you again, don’t you know you sound like a Typical Human. You don’t understand, probly’ never will. Just keep talking out where the sun don’t shine so you can get praise from the 105 IQ below you. No offense. Please don’t ban me. If this is too offensive, I will edit out this message.

You advice is very patronizing and you really don’t know what you are talking about, so please accept my apology if I am offended by the both of you.

As if I don’t recognize my “self in relation to world”. What are you even going on about? “Reality must come first”. Really? Are you like sitting in a room with your legs crossed listening to trance music or something?

Yes, when i was 18, then something happened to me, ya know, growing up. have you tried it?

Definitely ban it!, cut it off and let’s all ignore “her” and watch her slow miserable destruction…lols just kidding,

Listen here, yeah ok you have a crappy narrative, we all get it…but all i ask from your struggling existence is that you learn how to paint or write poetry, so we all may enjoy your inevitable demise… that’s the least you can do.


Still above ground.