a new understanding of today, time and space.

we have a multitude of systems like there are galaxies in the sky…
and like galaxies, the systems on earth not only cover height, depth,
width but cover time… just like those pictures of the multitude of
galaxies in pictures we see from the Hubble… how do we tell where we
fit into such a large group of systems…when we can’t even tell where
the milky way system lies in a group of galaxies…little less our own little
solar system…this very size of everything keeps us from knowing where
we are… which leads us to the next problem…

perhaps the greatest understanding of human nature occurred under
Marx with his analysis of alienation…but how does this alienation occur?
we have a multitude of systems, economic, political, social/society and
cultural…and we can become alienated by the systems preventing us
from actions such as our feedback loop and adaptation… a system preventing
us from giving our feedback leads to our alienation from the system…
and we see this today, with millions of people being alienated from various
systems including the economic, political, social, cultural…

now we can be alienated from one or more of these systems leading to
not only alienation but angst and anxiety and despair…

I am clearly alienated from the economic system we have…
and I can either learn to accept it or, or fight the system…
I have chosen to fight…I am to a lessor degree, alienated
from the political and to an even lessor degree from the social/society…
and I don’t give a shit about the cultural, so I am not alienated from that…
and people are in various stages of acceptance or alienation of/from
the various systems…how well do we fit into the various
systems is a factor of alienation… and we cannot fit into every single system
because of the sheer number of systems we have, so on some level,
everybody is alienated from one or two systems to many, many systems…
and responses can be from taking guns and shooting at innocent people,
a rather gutless and shameful action because guns and violence never
solve anything to feeling angst and anxiety and despair about oneself…
much of our current problems stem from our alienation and anxiety
from not being connected to our systems, not being part of the system
and not allowing our input and feedback and adaptation to be accepted
by the system…we are uncomfortable with and shut out of our many systems
in which we belong to, be it economic, political, social/society and cultural…
the anger and frustration many feel comes from being shut out of our systems,
not allowing system functions like feedback to allow the system to adapt to
the feelings of the people…we are shut out of many systems and that causes
angst and anxiety and anger and despair and all the other feelings we have as
we become more and more alienated from those systems…

and the question remains, given all of the above, how do I live my life?


we are members of and engage with many different systems, family,
work, school, church, political to name a few and we engage in different
degrees with each system… now because of the differences between the
system as the biological is different then the mechanical and is different
from the natural, we each exist in different systems that are often
in conflict and compete against each other and demands different things
from us… the family system wants/needs different things then the work system,
which requires different things then the political system… we sometimes
feel conflicted and anxious, suffer from angst because of the conflicting
demands from the different systems…

the work system we have, of capitalism is nihilistic… it has no use
for human values like love and hope and justice and negates these
values because these values don’t create profit whereas the family
system is all about these values of love and justice and hope…
whereas love has no place in the political system but justice does…
this is part of the modern problem whereas different systems demand
different values to be followed and different systems negate certain values…

the family system wouldn’t work with if everyone in any given family tried
to extract profit from everyone else in the family…and the capitalist
system wouldn’t work if all it tried to get was love and cooperation from
everyone… businesses often claim that their company treats its workers
like family…but that just isn’t true as long as money/profit dominates
the company…

different systems, different objectives, different goals…
and individually, we have to sort out which systems objectives and goals
are worth our efforts and which one aren’t…

we are torn by and struggle with, each systems demands for loyalty
and obedience…

the modern world’s is creating the angst and anxiety and despair
in the people because we cannot hold true with every demand from
every system… we just can’t… if we don’t hold true with the economic,
we are fired and if we don’t hold true with the political, we are jailed
and if we don’t hold true with the social, we are ostracize and if we don’t
hold true to the cultural, we are deemed irrelevant…

and we can’t hold true to every system and every demand, so we
are left with inner conflicts between the competing and conflicting
systems and their demands…

how am I to live?

given the conflicting and competing demands of the various systems,
that seems to be impossible… the only solution I see is
we align all the systems… we have each system hold the same values
as much as they can… so the economic is just as concerned with justice
as the political and we have all the various systems be concerned with love
and value life… by having all the systems holding the same values
that we help remove the anxiety and angst of the modern world…
we are no longer torn and conflicted by different, competing systems
and their different and competing values…

justice becomes a value throughout all systems, from the economic to
the political to the social to the cultural…love becomes a value
through all the systems, not just the family and religious systems…

which leads us to our next point, holism…


some last thoughts before I move onto holism and that
is that the battle between competing and conflicting values,
or competing goods as defined by Barrett in his book, “The Irrational Man”
as espoused by the different systems can be confusing…

but that is what we use philosophy for, to sort the competing claims
and find out if the truths they proclaim are valid claims… thus
the economic system claim that money/profits are the highest values
to be pursued and the legal system that justice is the highest value to
be pursued… this is the very role of philosophy, the understanding
of values and science, the role of science is the understanding of facts…

they pursue different things, science and philosophy…

and we return to our topic at hand, holism…

holism emphasizes the priority of the whole of it parts…
and every system does emphasize the priority of the whole over its parts…

look at the human body, that system…every single cell in the human body
is replaced every 7 years, the parts are replaced and yet, we still hold
to our body as existing whole since our birth…we lose blood and replace blood
and yet we still hold that we are whole…
the parts come and go and yet, we still believe ourselves to be a whole system…

the human race has existed for a million plus years and yet, parts of the human race,
the individual parts of the human race have come and gone, many thousands of
generations have come and gone since the beginning… I too shall, at some point,
die and leave the scene of the human beings existence and yet, the human race
shall go on, the system shall go on, regardless of whether or not I am here…
the whole, the human race, shall go on, even as part, individual parts like me,
shall come and go… so the whole does have more priority over the parts and yet,
and yet, the parts do have a role and a value within the whole…

we individual human beings, do have a role within the whole, the human race…
the parts are just as important as the whole because without the parts, there is
no whole… the whole needs the parts and the parts need the whole…
the individual cells of the human body need the whole, the human body
needs the individual cells just as much… the whole needs the part and the parts needs
the whole…

as we need both, we need to begin to emphasize both, the whole as well as the parts…

the economic system of capitalism is a whole system which depends on its parts, the
worker and the consumer to survive, the parts the worker and the consumer need
the whole, the economic system to survive, also and this is important,
the economic system doesn’t have to be capitalism…
the human race has had 8 economic systems since the beginning of existence
and we can replace economic systems before we can replace the parts,
the individual parts that make up the system…

so think about what economic system best fits the values of the human being…
or the best political system that best fits the values of human beings…
instead of making human beings try to fit their values into the system,
try to make the systems fit the values of the human beings…
make the systems fit the values of human beings instead of the other
way around…


The whole and it s parts. Two interpretations: the whole determines the parts like the Führer in the third Reich. Or it opens us, as the organic philosophy of Whitehead. Perhaps that is the difference between monads in Leibniz and Husserl. Leibniz: monads preestablished harmony without communication. Husserl: Communication is possible.

in doing my research, I notice that Newton considered space and time,
to be absolute and in his “Mathematica” used math to make a detailed
understanding of the natural world… his math allowed us to make predictions
and understand how motion of the earth and the solar system worked…
and he based all this on his idea of absolute space and time…

Now Einstein found space and time to be relative and used math to
make a detailed understanding of the world… His, Einstein, math
allowed us to make predictions and understand how the motion of the earth
and the solar system worked and he based all this on his idea of relative
space and time…

Einstein and Newton began in different places, one believed in absolute
space and time and the other did not and yet, both were able to
use math to make accurate predictions in the motion of the universe…

it says something interesting that beginning in different places, absolute
space and time and relative space and time, that they arrived at the same place…
and in doing so, were able to make accurate predictions about our universe…

perhaps our universe is far more flexible then we think…


K: the interesting thing to note is the whole and the parts are all
made of the same thing… we are made of star matter and star
matter is us… everything in the universe is made up of matter, atoms,
that has been recycled over and over and over again over 14 billion years…

the whole and the parts are made of the same thing…
thus we have a connection of being the same thing…
and this we must understand…all matter was created from
the same stuff right at the beginning of time, the big bang…
like brothers and sisters having a connection or other family members
having a connection, we have the same connection with everything
in the universe…


as I engage in my research in the 17 and 18 century philosophy,
one question dominates that era, basically from Descartes to Hume,
and that question is the question of human knowledge, its scope and limits…
Locke from example could have named his “Essay concerning Human understanding”…
as "Human Knowledge: its scope and limits… and that was a major question of
the time and yet, today we pay little attention to this idea of the scope
and limit of human knowledge, why? because it is not our question…
it is not the question of our time… and every age, every era, every time
period has its own questions…so, if the scope and limit of human knowledge is
not our question, then what is? what question drives our age, our time?


in thinking about knowledge, one is struck by an idea…

Knowledge is about relations, relationships…
for example, take a tree…
look at that tree… can you make any sense of,
or get knowledge of that tree by just looking at it…
No, you have to understand the relationships that the tree
has… for example, what is the relationship between the tree
branches and the trunk of the tree? or the relationship between
the ground the tree sits upon and the tree leaves? Knowing the
relationship between the various aspects of the tree and other aspects,
we can have knowledge about the tree…the tree is a living thing that connects
with the air, earth, water and the relationship that the tree has with air is…
and the relationship the tree has with the earth is… and the relationship
the tree has with water is…and we gain knowledge of the tree by its
relationships with other matter…you cannot understand the human being
without understanding our relationships with other matter…

set 5 people in a room… not what is the relationship between them?
the understanding of the relationship between those 5 people tells us
information/knowledge about those 5 people… they could be 5 random
people in which we need to better understand the relationship
between the 5 to have knowledge about them… but if the 5 people
are related, say a family, then we have knowledge about those 5 people…

Knowledge/information is about the relationship between things…
take gravity for example, we don’t understand its relationships to
the other forces, thus we lack knowledge/information about gravity…
this information/knowledge is related to our senses…
we use our senses to make connections between objects
and their relationships… as we lack the senses to
understanding the various relationships of gravity, we
can’t make any connection between gravity and the other forces…
once we have the senses to fully grasp the relationship between
gravity and the other forces, we will have knowledge/information about
gravity…tools such as the telescope are a means of extending our
senses to include those details that we cannot see with
our basic senses, vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste…
tools extend our senses to help us understand the relationships
of things like gravity and the human being and space and the earth and…

mathematics is simply a tool designed to help us understand
the relationship between numbers…and the relationship between
objects and us…and objects and other objects…

Knowledge/information is simply about finding out about the
the relationships between objects
as we extend our tools/senses, we shall be able to increase
our knowledge/information about the universe…
as long as we continue to make connections about relationships
between objects and us…


the question of equality is a difficult one…

it is argued that those who benefit economically are ones,
who are superior to those who don’t… in other words, bill gates
has his billions because he is in some fashion, superior to me or to most people…

yet this information is slanted a certain way to justify wealth…
for example, it assumes that wealth is the creation of some sort
of superiority of some people over other people…
yet, bill gates for example, might be a terrible teacher,
and thus others have superiority over him in this field…
and we applaud those who can teach, but we don’t pay them, what
we give to gates… this superiority is limited to certain aspects…
everyone has superiority of some sort over everyone else…
that in reality means, because some have superiority in some area’s
but not in all area’s, that we are equal, because in some areas we
have someone who is superior to us and in other area’s, they are not equal…

so, someone might be able to run a 4.30 mile whereas my best was 4.53,
so they are superior to me in running the mile, where as in cross-country, I might be better,
where my best at crystal springs cross country course was 16.24 and their
best was 16.30… or I am able to do math better or play chess better…
this idea that we are in some areas better then others and worse then
others in different area’s is what creates equality…not the superiority in
one area, but in the mixing and maxing of being better in one area
and in some area’s of being worse… we are equal because in which area do
we decide is most important? is my being better in one area make me
superior? or is your superiority in another area make you better?

Herein lies equality because we cannot decide or be able to choose
what area’s of superiority really makes us superior or be worse off…

we are equal because we are different in our area’s of competence
and different in our area’s of not so competent…and that makes
us equal… I am equal to bill gates because I can do things he can’t
and he can do things I can’t and how do we choose which things are the
most important things to do?

this means we have not only political equality but economic equality…
for the things I can do are different then you and the things you can do
are different then me… the question becomes, how do you judge such things?
How do you decide which superiority is worth 1 million dollars a year
and which superiority is worth 30 thousand a year? One might say, the
creation of profit is the judge of which amount one might get…
this however leaves a major problem… which is, profit is nihilism
because it isn’t about values, but about a thing, money is not a value,
but a thing… creating profit doesn’t involve values like love or justice
or hope, in fact, profit denies values because they don’t increase profit…
being a just person or a person who loves won’t improve your profit margin…
in fact, it will lower your profit margin and thus business can only promote
profit and not values… thus negating those values and that is nihilism…
so, is bill gates a good person, a kind person, a person who loves?
it doesn’t matter because his wealth isn’t predicated on those values…
in fact, he will make greater profit if he isn’t kind or a good person
because those values will harm his profit margin… so allowing
the profit margin to determine the worth a person is to negate
any values they have like love or justice or honor because there is no
profit in those values…it is by understanding that profit or money,
doesn’t determine a person worth, tells us that we are in fact, equal…


The idea that the part is the whole, and the whole is the part is given by monads.

the questions I have asked have been meant to give you, the reader,
questions to ask yourself…to allow you to think about or understand
what your questions are about…

when a person, for the sake of understanding and research,
pulls a rose out of the ground and then they study the rose…
by the very fact of pulling the rose out of the ground,
you kill the rose, that you are studying, and your understanding
is something that is now dead…

we do the same thing, when we pull random and isolated thoughts
out of context and study them…the very attempt to isolate a thought
is to kill that thought…for our thoughts exist in context with other thoughts
and with other idea’s… thoughts don’t exist individually, by themselves,
they exist within a larger context of other thoughts and other idea’s…

so I brought up property yesterday… this idea does not exist
in isolation and by itself… it exists within context of other ideas and other
thoughts and we have to approach it within the context of other idea’s and thoughts…

what is the value of having possessions? land and houses and TV sets and soft
comfy couches…what value to we gain from them?

is it more to show/prove that we are wealthy enough to afford them?
or do we another purpose to these material goods?

the relationship of values to possessions is just another example
of our failure to have the courage of an attack on our convictions,
and not believe to we have the courage of our convictions…

property is just another assumed conviction we don’t challenge or
think about… along with ism’s like capitalism and democracy
and wealth and dozens of other convictions we blindly accept without
any thought to or understanding of…

I cannot speak of convictions you fail to understand and blindly accept,
because they are your convictions, not mine…

it is not enough to have the courage of our convictions,
we must have the courage for an attack on our convictions…


to bring up one minor point, the idea of property
and justice… if some have a lot of property and many have
none, how is the just? justice is a theory of equality and
if many don’t have property, we can be said not to have justice
in our society…

so property violates our idea of justice…
which idea takes precedence?

property or justice?


the real point and function of philosophy is
relationships…what is the relationship between,
say giving money to a homeless person and the overall
concept of charity…or buying a house and the overall
concept of property…what is justice and its relationship to
the idea of being human? our individual actions against
the overall idea’s… how can I be individually just
and the overall society idea/actions of being just…

look at a tree and then understand that tree’s relationship
with us, with the environment, with the surrounding area,
with other tree’s, with the resources of water and land and air,
you can trace one single tree and its relationship with all these
things and have a real understanding of tree’s, the environment,
of systems, of the value of resources… understanding
relationships can give us this and much more…

that is the value of relationships and of philosophy which
is one way to tracing those relationships and what it means, its value…
science does the same thing but science only reports facts and science
doesn’t tell us the value of such a relationship…what does it mean
that the tree has this relationship with the environment, for example,
what does that mean? what is its value for us? that is philosophy…
understanding relationships…


I have defined freedom as a having choices and our choices
are limited, so we have a limited freedom…

Justice is an act of equality…for there to be justice,
the justice system must treat everyone equally…
Justice must be truly blind for there to be real justice…

can there be freedom without justice?
NO, for freedom needs justice to be freedom…

freedom is choices… if by acts of injustice, we are denied our equality, if
we are denied our choices, we are not free…injustice is about taking away
choices…which means we are not free…

so for a system, such as our political system to function,
we must not only have freedom, but freedom is dependent
on having justice and equality…because we have less choices
without justice and without equality…

so the unjust acts of the GOP in voter suppression is damaging
not only justice, but our freedom…because it reduces choices…

to have a free society, we must have a just society, we must
have an equal society…without justice, there is no freedom…


a man might declare, “I want to be free” but without
a just and equal society, personal freedom is not possible…
for acts of injustice by the society take away or limit your already
limited freedom…now one fallacy is by taking away other people rights,
you increase your rights, but freedom and justice and equality doesn’t work like that…
because of the interconnectedness of society, you can’t limit the damage from
taking away rights from one segment of society because it affects the other segments
of society…recall the thinking about systems… anything that affects one
part of the system, pushes on the other parts of the system…take your car…
if the electrical system is damaged, it affects the other parts of the car system…
or if your carb is damaged, it will affect how your car runs or doesn’t run, as the
case may be… damaging part of the political system or the social system, damages
all parts of the systems… that is how systems work…

so if you want personal freedom, you need a system that has justice and a system
that has equality in it…but the more interesting aspect is this…
if you want a better system, one that works, you must begin with the parts,
that is, with you…a system only works as well as its parts and as a part of
a system, the political system and part of the cultural system and as part
of the social system and as part of the economic system and as part of the…
you must work on your aspect of those systems…if you want a more moral society,
then become more moral yourself…if you want a kinder, more gentler system,
then become kinder and more gentler…the system can only be what you put
into it… in other words, garbage in… garbage out…the problem has been,
it is the other guys fault for the system being bad, not my fault… but if you don’t
work on being a better person, then it is your fault because the system is part of us
and we are part of the system…the improvement, the betterment of a system,
of a society, lies with the improvement and betterment of ourselves…

better human beings make a better human society…
and therein lies the problem today… we aren’t better human beings
and it shows in the society today…


i dont make nor do i have any influence on rules and policies of this shit land, dont blame this on me.

blame this on the cuckservatives demofags and libtards who rule us all with their pens and papers.

K: if you are part of a system, any system, and the system is not correctly working,
not functional, then you are part of the problem…and therein lies part of the problem…
the need to escape responsibility for a dysfunctional system…oh, its not my fault,
its the other guy fault we have a dysfunctional system… it is never MY fault…
is the modern cry of denying responsibility…leading all the way to a president
for whom it is never his fault for anything going wrong… taking credit for success,
even when it wasn’t his actions that lead to success, to refusing responsibility for
anything gone wrong…refusing responsibility is the modern blame game and
part of the reason for our system’s problems…

I am in part, as much as anyone, for our systems continued failure as you
are part of that failure…until we learn to take responsibility for our actions,
or inactions as the case may be, we are going to continue to fail…

it is childlike to refuse to accept responsibility… that is what children do…
its not my fault says the child who just broke the vase on the table…
accepting responsibility for our actions is being an adult and we need more of that…
being adult…I too have played the, its not my fault game and that doesn’t
lead to a more successful person or a situation, system…

you see the dysfunctional situation in Washington DC and part of that lies
in the fact that no one takes responsibility for it… who is going to be an adult
there? as far as I can tell, no one…and therein lies the problem…


You are wrong, sooo wrong.

I am not of this world, they are not me and I am not of them.

It is a conspiracy against me,

Back when I was politically correct, i would try to advocate peace and get on the news to create better world, But whenever i got on the news they censored me and cut the livestream. It is a conspiracy against me You are not allowed to talk unless you are a slave automaton of the “agenda”.
all news is controlled like george orwell 1984. this is a freedomless era of sheep, cucks, and the delusional.

we have no say what happens in washington dc, i did not vote for trump or hillary, I tried my best to stop the masses of mindless idiots from voting for them, but it was no use. it is as impossible to stop a moving train by standing in front of it as it is stop a mass of idiots.

Peter Kropotkin: better human beings make a better human society…
and therein lies the problem today… we aren’t better human beings
and it shows in the society today…

K: and here we ask ourselves what makes a “better” human being?

in terms of systems, it is simply this, that which makes the system
be more ordered and that which makes the system less ordered is
bad, not good… it is in terms of creating order in a system that
we must understand good versus evil…but does that mean
we “always” look to create order in any system? No, we must allow
dissent and disorder in any system…the question becomes,
how much disorder can we allow in the system?

for example, the resist movement today against 45…
this is clearly a movement creating disorder and yet, yet
it is quite necessary and needed…sometimes the path to an
ordered society lies in disorder…the route of 45 has lead to
an even greater disorder in society…he has created a very disorder
society and a very unjust and unequal society… by doing so, he has
limited freedom for all us…so we must protest even if it means
a disordered society because in the end, we are fighting for a just
and equal society whereas he is not…and that makes all the difference
in the world…disorder to create a more just society, a more equal society
is the path to a society that is more ordered… for a society that is ordered
must be just and equal and free and 45 opposes a just and equal and free society…
so we must, must dissent and protest even at the cost of creating more disorder
in society…because in the end, 45 disorder is far greater and more damaging
then our disorder and dissent…we are the lessor of two evils and hope to return
to an ordered society whereas 45 doesn’t care about an ordered society…
this is the difference between the resist movement and 45…
we want a return to an ordered society and he doesn’t…


let us look at one aspect of system…

does a system require metaphysical aspects to it?

In other words, do we need god to make a system work?

No, not at all…having order in a system has nothing to do with god…
we can look at a system and think about it, imagine it, work with it,
without any recourse to a metaphysical notion…

we can begin and continue any explanation of a system, be it a natural, mechanical and
biological and never have recourse to any metaphysical need for an explanation of
or about a system…

this is important because it means we don’t need to need to include
god or any other metaphysical explanation in our understanding of any
system…we just need to understand the relationship of a system
within itself and a system relations with other systems…a understanding
of relationships have no need to include god or any metaphysical explanation
of the universe, man or government, economics, etc…all of which are systems…
