Tax and Healthcare Plan

Marx effectively created a religion but one without god, and only a Devil.
The Worker takes the place of god, without, unfortunately, having any such powers. So he just becomes extremely indignant. I should I should I should own the world.
The Worker is supposed to have divine prerogative, and the Owners is composed entirely of satanic sin.
You can see how things went quite wrong on that account.

Indeed. There is perhaps exploitation but as long she worker is free to remain in bed and not get paid, there is no question of theft.

Rather than Marxism, which is the deification of the discontent of the worker, what is sane, is the Union. A principle dating from well before Marx was born, but which was legalized during the proliferation of Communism. The Union is, exactly unlike Marxism, a Capitalistic system - it is in a sense cartel-forming on the side of workers. It allows them to sell their labor at a higher price, at a price that is more accurately reflective of the worth that they bring to the finalized product.

A means to make people more dependent on all levels - the cancer industry (“health-care-system”) physically and financially completely own the former human beings that have bought into it.

Hard fucking work, and never, ever believing a single lab coats or journalists word.
It is wise to always consider the exact opposite of what a lab coat or journalists tells you.

The sad truth is that “simple folk” are the idiots that most glad-handedly pay the cancer industry their childrens tuition, and have made it as big as it is.

There is nothing specifically good about “simple folks”. They tend to be the ones that believe in god and government, and lynch people that tell them they are responsible for themselves.

I wish it woud help to be compassionate - but to offer non-institutional ideas to people with sick relatives always results in getting scorned. Its a very scary sort of scam our society has caught itself up in. I realized this after my cousin became very angry at a story I told about Wilhelm Reich, just the notion of there being an alternative to a race to the faster decay between body and disease, and then I tied this to how Reich came to his end. Brr.

The medical industry is one of the greatest hose-jobs known to mankind.

It doesn’t help that humanity is a bunch of mountain dew, hamburger helper, jersey-shore watching cows that refuse to accept reason or higher taste.

I wish anyone with cancer the best, best judgment, best exercise, best choices, best family - I wish them a speedy recovery.
Thats the last Ill say on this

Haha, well said.

What fucking hard work? You are not addressing the issue that lies in science poisoning the population…why? No, simple folks are not scientists, nor the wealthy, so they have no way of checking on anything they consume to make sure it is safe and they are being lied to.

Wendy are you saying it is not possible to eat, breath, drink and live healthily? Because it is possible, but it certainly takes some… hard work.

Lab coats experiment on the cow-citizens, the ones who do not put in any hard work to discriminate healthy from unhealthy, good from bad when it comes to food/etc. Just don’t be one of those people and you’re fine.

Yeah, thought is the hardest work of all.
Simple folks tend to despise it.
There is no doubt a lot of gleeful malice in the medical industry about the sad sacks that hand over their childrens tuitions for the privilege to be experimented on with poisons the professionals know are going to kill them, but they need some proof of that.

Gleeful malice vs the obediently selfsacrificial is not to be underestimated as a drive. The sense that people deserve to be killed for being as stupid as to allow others to use them as test tubes.


“Science” is not an agent. And people arent dragged off to hospitals against their will. They are free to decide to think about what the tv is telling them, but they seem not to like that freedom very much.

There are problems with microbiological contaminants, pesticides, GMO products untested effects, sewage in water and soil, chemtrail inhalants, factory pollutants, factory food preservatives, food waxing agents, hormone additives and loads of other harmful science and you two keep typing about what happens to people under medical care after the fact that they have inhaled and ingested harmful products that are found in the typical grocery store dairy, produce, and meat departments. Yes, do think…please.

Quality assurance could be a huge business to go into…making it affordable to test/check the air, food, and water we consume. Why isn’t anybody doing it for the typical people?

Arent you currently unemployed?
Why are you asking why no one else is doing what you need done?

This is precisely what I mean.

You don’t care what you eat, drink, and breathe? Quit prattling on about cancer if you don’t care. Whether I’m employed or not has nothing to do with whether I care or not and why wouldn’t I care for most people (you excluded)? Perhaps science’s meddling won’t trigger your genetic response to all the poisons in your body, but 39% of people get cancer before they die and explain to parent’s that it’s strictly their fault that their young child has leukemia rather than all the foods they’ve ingested and the vaccines that destroyed their immune systems as babies. Should babies and pregnant mothers be immunized? That question has nothing to do with me or my unemployment?




Canada is riddled with dangerous GMO products too.

Everyone is ultimately responsible for their own physical health and lifestyle choices. If I end up getting cancer as a result of the choices I have made I will simply
accept it and then try and die as quickly as possible. I will not be blaming society for what has happened to me. I currently do not drink. I no longer smoke. I take
regular exercise. I eat lots of junk food. I think on balance I am in good health. And I look after my mental health by keeping my mind occupied. I am fortunate to
live in a country where health is available to every one free at the point of use. But I still accept responsibility for my own health because it is what one should do

Absurd. You sound like a nut who can’t wait to die and no matter how that comes about, it’s your fault. If you get both gunned and run down in a crosswalk when you have the right of way, it is your fault, I understand. You only care about yourself and your personal responsibility and you made the decision to live and die in that crosswalk. :laughing: Silly human reasoning.

You act like your eighty when you are barely fifty. You are just entering an age when your health may be put to task, actually more happens to those in their 60’s+ than younger years, but you seem impatient to die…why?

Wendy, calm down. No one is saying that everyone is always responsible for everything that ever happens to them.

What we are saying is that you are responsible for what you eat. That is pretty basic. Not sure why you would disagree.

How do you know it’s safe for consumption? I’m referring to accumulative effects at any rate.

If you do not use heirloom seeds and grow it organically yourself, then you take your chances with your health, true. It’s manufacturing gross profit science versus your biological genetic makeup…who will win? The odds are that it will not be you…all the way from cradle to grave at your expense at every turn. You pay for them to poison your food and re-poison you later with their cures.

I have no desire to die right now but if i had a terminal illness such as cancer I would want to go as quickly as possible
I actually want to live to eighty because I think that would be the right age to go as it is neither too young nor too old
And so this means Wendy that I have twenty seven more years to go before I hopefully will die for I am now fifty three
I am not obsessed with death. I am just not afraid of it. For why be afraid of something I am never going to experience