Tax and Healthcare Plan

You don’t care what you eat, drink, and breathe? Quit prattling on about cancer if you don’t care. Whether I’m employed or not has nothing to do with whether I care or not and why wouldn’t I care for most people (you excluded)? Perhaps science’s meddling won’t trigger your genetic response to all the poisons in your body, but 39% of people get cancer before they die and explain to parent’s that it’s strictly their fault that their young child has leukemia rather than all the foods they’ve ingested and the vaccines that destroyed their immune systems as babies. Should babies and pregnant mothers be immunized? That question has nothing to do with me or my unemployment?




Canada is riddled with dangerous GMO products too.

Everyone is ultimately responsible for their own physical health and lifestyle choices. If I end up getting cancer as a result of the choices I have made I will simply
accept it and then try and die as quickly as possible. I will not be blaming society for what has happened to me. I currently do not drink. I no longer smoke. I take
regular exercise. I eat lots of junk food. I think on balance I am in good health. And I look after my mental health by keeping my mind occupied. I am fortunate to
live in a country where health is available to every one free at the point of use. But I still accept responsibility for my own health because it is what one should do

Absurd. You sound like a nut who can’t wait to die and no matter how that comes about, it’s your fault. If you get both gunned and run down in a crosswalk when you have the right of way, it is your fault, I understand. You only care about yourself and your personal responsibility and you made the decision to live and die in that crosswalk. :laughing: Silly human reasoning.

You act like your eighty when you are barely fifty. You are just entering an age when your health may be put to task, actually more happens to those in their 60’s+ than younger years, but you seem impatient to die…why?

Wendy, calm down. No one is saying that everyone is always responsible for everything that ever happens to them.

What we are saying is that you are responsible for what you eat. That is pretty basic. Not sure why you would disagree.

How do you know it’s safe for consumption? I’m referring to accumulative effects at any rate.

If you do not use heirloom seeds and grow it organically yourself, then you take your chances with your health, true. It’s manufacturing gross profit science versus your biological genetic makeup…who will win? The odds are that it will not be you…all the way from cradle to grave at your expense at every turn. You pay for them to poison your food and re-poison you later with their cures.

I have no desire to die right now but if i had a terminal illness such as cancer I would want to go as quickly as possible
I actually want to live to eighty because I think that would be the right age to go as it is neither too young nor too old
And so this means Wendy that I have twenty seven more years to go before I hopefully will die for I am now fifty three
I am not obsessed with death. I am just not afraid of it. For why be afraid of something I am never going to experience

Read the label. Look up from where your food comes. See if your food has a few basic ingredients, and non-GMO organic without preservatives, versus if it has two dozen ingredients most of which you cannot even pronounce.

Sure there is always risk of traces of pesticides and other shit. You will be fine so long as you balance that out. Health is a cumulative thing, the healthier you are the more you can afford to eat some shit once in a while.

Health is also about physical exercise and being fit, also mentally and emotionally, and not just about the foods you eat. I could eat a macdonald sandwich and it wouldn’t even affect me, because I am healthy already. But I don’t do that because it tastes like shit. If traces of chemicals are in the foods I select as healthy for myself, that is fine, but really I go out of my way to find good things to eat.

Buy local organic produce and meats, and make your own foods at home. You will feel a lot better, trust me. And then your body will be so badass you can go consume some shit at a restaurant every now and then and it won’t bother you.

But even if you get some chemicals in your foods, who the fuck cares? You think you’re going to live forever or something? Why are you so hung up on this? The entire point is to do the best you can, and value your existence from all angles according to the highest standards you can find. That’s all there is. No “perfection” or “eternal life” is going to be found in any case.

First off, not all cancer is terminal and even if it were purported to be, why wouldn’t you try to reverse the effects on the evidence that doctors are not always right in not only their diagnoses but their prognosis’s too. You seem to be going through the starkest motions of living which I don’t understand, so I’ll leave those weird death blessing declarative statements you frequently make alone.

It matters because it directly affects the quality of your life. What you breathe, drink, and eat affects every minute of your life or is this angle from which I speak one that you just don’t get?

Man, you sure got me riled up. Damn you! :evilfun:

Most healthcare issues are due to poisoned air, water, and food and this poisoning has been going on forever and everybody schleps around with their organic produce like that counters all the other issues that contribute to their own health crisis. Who’s connecting the dots? Who’s tallying the costs? Healthcare is the least of the costs to society.

Assuming it was terminal regardless of what doctors did or did not say then I would definitely want to
go as soon as possible and there is nothing weird about not being afraid of death Wendy nothing at all

How would you know for certain though? That’s my point. Be best if you just die without knowing why you feel like shit and why you have pain. Don’t go and find out if you plan on doing nothing, you’ll go faster without knowing.

We all have cancer in our bodies all the time. That’s why we have an immune system.

The major disease of cancer that kills you is just a immune weakness, your body can’t clear out the cancer cells anymore. So eat some blueberries and exercise and you’ll be fine.

I’ve seen chemo kill people. Healthy person is diagnosed with some cancer, start chemo and quickly decline into unhealth and then death. Don’t do that.

Stop eating shit, and stop being shit. Boost your immune system. Cmon this isn’t hard.

In any case and I hate to spoil the ending but we all die. Sorry. I know that is bothersome to you.

Excellent, thats well said. So glad someone else is taking the scientific approach. Cancer has literally become god to people, they don’t dare to question it.

Of course it is preferable to have a clean environment. But the first environment is ones habits.

Interesting fact: cancer kills far more extraverts than introverts.
People who look at themselves tend to be less prone to parasitical economies inside of them.


Extroverts need the best introverts in order to survive, in order to not get eaten alive.

To guard the honor. Noble souls. Allow space to value. World. Yours.

Cats get it. Some dogs too, the smart ones anyway.

Peace. War. Love. Wordz.


Macron is introducing a corporate/capital gains flat tax of 30 percent.

Salut Emmanuel. Ça va?

If you plan on actually taking hold of 20 percent of corporate profits, then you’d either have to raise the rate, or get rid of the loopholes. Right now they can avoid taxes on half by just moving it overseas. So when they raise hell and say they’re paying 36 percent, you gotta know that in a worst case scenario they’re paying half that effectively. Almost none of the companies or the wealthy actually come out and pay the percentage of their income that’s listed initially as their tax rate. They chip away with deductions, hire accountants, and pull every trick in the book to make sure that they pay nothing even close to that by the time it’s said and done. If you give them what they want, they’ll pay even less. Don’t think for a second that the board members of wal-mart, or the high frequency trading crowd gives a shit about educating children, seeing to it that antibiotics aren’t artificially scarce, or making the lives of the people beneath them better in any way that costs them a dime.

Just, yes.
All this.
This is the plan though - to force them through international diplomacy to effectively pay 20 percent, so that no private person has to ever … be used as a fucking resource by the stinking government, which then wont stink as much.

So far, all the real world experiments in trickle down economics have resulted in the redistribution of wealth to the richest people.

Here’s the trick…

Convince everyone that when you’re filthy rich as a result of not supporting the society that enables your wealth, that you’ll then, in turn hand all your money out to people less fortunate than you. Then, once you get your tax cut pit into law…just don’t hand the money out.

Works every time.