Can there be shared community values?

We would return to a natural state of cooperation like existence was before the agricultural revolution. I just don’t see it happening without some sort of destructive global collapse.

I like your word usage of magically eliminated, doesn’t inspire a lot of faith or confidence on your part.

Technological innovation in the creation of class stratification and occupational specialization. Once you let the genie out of the bottle there is no going back without a global massive destructive event. There will always be selfish individuals, some more than others.

Well, the feeling is mutual yet here we are.

I had stated humans like other animals evolved initially with instincts to be ‘selfish’ to facilitate basic survival.

If you study the brain and psychology, you will note such basis instinct of selfishness is embedded in the lower brain which is present in all animals.

The point is there is evolution and humans has evolved to be higher animals as represented by the "higher’ cortical parts of the brain which house the neural circuits that promote co-operation and other more sophisticated faculties.

Humans cannot get rid of its selfish instincts, but humans will continue to evolve in the future and the trend is the greater realization of the inherent morality potential which will modulate and override the primal ‘selfish’ tendencies.

Humans are NOT “evolving”, but rather are being designed, modified, and bred.

Interesting and likely true. But what would you respond if someone said to you that humans had “evolving” ancestors?


Yes, human beings are evolving alright from spears to guns, guns to atomic bombs, and finally biological weapons with weaponized diseases. Then of course there is the future introduction of automation with artificial intelligence. Empathy, or morality? Not so much.

You envision a future where everybody is holding hands in brotherly solidarity, I can’t say I hold the same enthusiasm.

I would have to ask which one is evolving. And can I go meet and perhaps video this guy?

lol, you mean fake right wingers. Their policies are not much different than that of democrats if you look at the legislation that they produce with a few exceptions, abortion being the best I can think of right now.

No, there cannot be shared community values because that is a form of collectivism. Collectivism is based on altruistic philosophy (utilitarianism) and altruism is irrational and utilitarianism is self defeating because if you run a cost/benefit analysis on utilitarianism itself, you will find that it is more destructive than it is beneficial due to its altruistic nature. Altruism does not exist and cannot exist. Everything that the individual does, the individual does so because he believes that it will make him/her better of by doing so be it directly or indirectly. Let’s take your case for example. You believe that if you instill these values socially, it will make your life better by making the nation a better place to live. If you didn’t gain any personal benefit out of the nation being a better place and/or you didn’t believe that if everyone shared your values it would make the nation a better place, what reason would you have for acting?

Furthermore, it goes without saying that not everybody is going to share your values. What you are attempting to do here is impose your values on other people against their will using government force since school is mandatory. That is a violation of those people’s individual rights. Nobody is qualified to say what is in the individual’s best interest than the individual. Also, we all own our own bodies. Would you agree with this statement?

Agreed there. I say this all the time.

One thing I am quite certain is the Earth will one day be inhospitable to humans. This is evident with what is happening with other planets within the known Universe.

Stephen Hawking says humans must colonize another planet in 100 years or face extinction … lanet.html

There is also the earlier threat of Earth being destroyed by a rogue meteorite.

To counter the above humans has strive to evolve [progress] to enable it the chance to counter the above threats to preserve the human species. This is why humanity is progressing with advancing knowledge at an exponential rate.

Knowledge [e.g. Science, etc.] is always a double-edge blade which will cut both ways.
To modulate the above, there is the advent of neural circuits to promote morality [empathy, etc.] at an incremental rate.
As evident the progress of morality neural wise is [seemingly] not keeping up with the advancement of knowledge and technology but there is no critical consequence to this shortfall so far.

Thus it is critical, given the knowledge morality [re shared values] is neural-based, humanity must strive to expedite the average Moral Intelligence of humanity with the available and expanding knowledge to enable greater co-operation between humans to come up with knowledge and technologies to deal with the impending galactical threats.

Are you making this assertion based on a single study? If so, then you are ignorant of how science workd. One study does not make a scientific consensus and there are likely studies that come to the opposite conclusion. Furthermore, the sample size was likely not nearly large enough for you to make the claim “ALL humans.” For instance, what about babies who are born sociopaths? Do you think that they also have a morality drive? Did the study which you conveniently didn’t even cite look at babies with sociopathy as well?

There are a lot of studies showing the existence of mirror neurons in humans and also in the primates.
Note I mentioned ‘potential’ in ALL humans.

Example, the generic human being [ALL] has DNA with a potential for sexuality.
But this potential may not be realized in ALL humans, some are asexual and some are sexual deviants.
Normally I will state ALL normal human beings to exclude those with damaged DNA blueprint due to various reasons, chemical, etc.

A baby [as a human being] will have the potential for morality due the generic presence of mirror neurons as a default.
But this potential may not be activated for various reason and for some the connectivity may have deviated and thus we have those who are born and destined to be sociopath, psychopaths and other psychological deviants who has a damaged moral circuit.

Where I rely on Science, especially neuroscience in relation to morality, I will make provision for the possibility of errors.

Nevertheless I am supporting my points with evidence of moral progress within humanity, e.g. banning of slavery and many aspects of humanity displaying shared values in practice.

Yes, but that does not mean that shared values ought to be dictated or centrally organized. You have yet to make a case for that.

You have yet to prove that either. Your only example was slavery and slavery is still practiced in certain regions. In fact there is a big scandal going on now about it in Liberia. You also do not examine all the reasons WHY slavery was abolished. You assume that it was solely because it is immoral. That is definitely part of the reason, but the other reason is economic in nature. Slavery is very bad for the economy. We have also created machines to toil and do the labor for us so slavery is obsolete in developed countries.

I don’t think we can say that there are shared values in the community. First of all, there is no community. The community is simply a group of individuals. Unless every single person unanimously agrees with your “shared values” then your assertion is simply argumentum ad populum or indulges collectivism which is irrational.

Okay, can you post links to some of those studies so that we can check the methodology, corrections made, validity of the conclusion, etc.?

Also, you seem to be making the claim that sociopaths have “damaged DNA.” Is there any evidence for this claim? Sociopathy actually carries a lot of survival benefits for the individual. That sounds like evolution, not damage.

Do you mean that the first five or that all six “guys” in that picture represent the ancestors?

Note the Principles of Synergy, i.e. where the total effects of a group [working together] is greater than the sum of all its parts [individuals working alone].

One of the basic motivation that is common within ALL normal [not the suicidals] humans is basic survival till the inevitable.
By the Principles of synergy and experiences of its effect, the majority humans will group together with shared-values that will benefit their chances of survival within a group rather than as individuals. This is evident from anthropological and historical studies of mankind and even animals [colonies, pack, pride, etc.]

Thus as I had stated above;
Therefore there is an inherent drive and trend towards shared-values as observed within evolution and this is present in human beings.

As for slavery, I stated the introduction of the laws and banning of slavery by ALL Nations in the World is a great achievement in the progressive trend of morality.
But being humans, there will still be people who cannot let go of their past and will practice slavery but they are doing it illegally.

Re the recent case in Liberia, it is because we have an international shared value on slavery as illegal that automatic brand such practices as immoral and actions need to be taken within the slavery laws of Liberia.
Just imaging IF there are no such shared values of slavery in Liberia, the authorities [who may be personally practicing slavery] will give all sorts of excuses and the international community will have no strong leverage to force them to take action.

Note in this case I am discussing shared-values in terms of Laws on slavery. It is at least something as a starter, but Laws [legislature and judiciary] is not morality proper.
Morality-proper is the state [which need to be cultivated] where the individuals and thereby groups do not practice slavery on the own will as good moral and not being forced upon.


I should have stated more clearly,

But this potential may not be activated for various reason and

  1. for some the connectivity may have deviated and thus we have those who are born and destined to be sociopath, psychopaths and
  2. other psychological deviants who has a damaged moral circuit.

My point is sociopaths and psychopaths in general arose from certain neural connectivity due to various reasons while in the womb and not because of damaged DNA [before conception]. I agree those with benign psychopathy with net-positive traits [many good leaders, CEOs and top people] are an ‘asset’ to humanity.

In general, those who has damaged DNA [before conception] may turned out to be psychological deviants.

people don’t like torment. people are very proud of their individuality, or rather, they want sincere reactions of being proud when they can’t find it for themselves.

I’d point the direction of the arrow ^^^^that^^^^ way as we move through our lives.

On a weekly basis how often do you utilize the services of those paid a minimum wage or consume products by slave labor from overseas? Don’t tell me what I do and don’t know hypocrite.

Unless you live in a mud wooden hut in the middle of nowhere you’re a part of the very system that you’re allegedly fighting against.