The Grand Scheme

Are these the same jews who view religion with God and the Devil without women at their sides and wondering why they fight eternally?

The Jewish Queen is the Shekinah.
This represents the part they lost when they were cut down and dispersed.

Jews have the Ram in them, but not yet the Bull.

No Jews “wonders” why he fights, ya ignoramus. They fight for the restoration of the Temple.
And this fight is not looking be going to take forever. It’s sort of sped up for them since they took control of their old land.

Inconvenience of inconveniences is that the muslims have built their own temple right on the foundation of the destroyed Jewish temple. I don’t think they ever figured the Jews would make it back.

The fight isn’t eternal, but the lols are infinite. And Palestine crocodile tears can will replenish the Jordan River.

“Consider the notion ‘purpose’. Our starting point should be the ‘sagacity’ of pants.”

  • Nietzsche, The Will To Power, “On Hierarchy”.

I think he meant “why God and the Devil fight”, not “why the jews [sic] fight”.

I recently saw multiple documentaries come by on my YouTube feed that argue that the Temple was not where that mosque is now, but a small yet significant distance from there.

I see. But isn’t Satan gods wife? (“adversary”)

Well, it could certainly be reasonable to let the Mosque intact, occupying a small but significant space on the Temple Mount, of which the Western Wall is one side. The rest of the mounts floor could host a Jewish temple and a Christian church, like an Abrahamic “Akropolis” of sorts.

For regimes to let this happen without getting all upset about it would make a powerful point on behalf of Islam, that it is indeed a religion of peace. Also of learning: many muslim at this stage seem to be unaware that Jerusalem was a Jewish city long before Islam even existed.

In our age there is nothing higher than the friendship of a philosopher. This is akin to what in more primitive days of the west was the vision of God face to face.

So I mean the friendship between philosophers.

The “vision of god face to face” represents the awakening to the Principe of self-valuing. As I call it. It represents the illumination that tears away all cowardice before truth. (Yes, one can compare this cowardice to cowardice before woman, but not equate it)

A friendship between philosophers requires two such brave perspectives. What can come about from such a friendship, I mean come about in terms of power, is limitless. But of course it can be quite modest as well. In any case it can not be banal or mundane - whatever comes from it is “godly”, i.e. pure and sovereign.


Fuck them college girls like Stafford loans
Here comes trouble, shut the front door
You need to not give a shit a little more
Tomorrow’s not here and yesterday’s gone
It’s half past fuck it with the caps lock on

We’re gonna bring the party to you <— VO

I want to follow up on this.

Its been over 20 years since I first learned the principle of quantumcomputing, which was at that point still completely hypothetical.
But in the meantime, giants have been working hard and are finally making claims to having built actual quantum processors.

This is what IBM unveiled.

It warms my hear to see the old git pull off something this fresh.

A quantum-processor works with uncertainties rather than integers/absolutes. Its units, qubits, are not simply a one or a zero, but a situation from which different outcomes may follow, depending on what is required when the next task is known. This is not a new thing, it is how a brain works.

By problematizing value.

Simultaneously, I outwardly proved the existence of time travel; on an informational, mental and spiritual level at the very least if not physical; the supernatural, long-lived entities, universal nightmares, mastery of psychology and psychological healing and how reality was created as we thought about it, tried to imagine it and created the energy in a pool of condensed weight-like gravity to create the first molecules and particles of matter at the start of what is known as our linear timeline; in a homeless camp as I was rambling. Almost babbling, actually. And, I did it without math. While high on pot and crank. And, at the same time securing through a three-step process, a significant upper-hand over a vast majority of the annoying legion and their constant abuse of the tools of the universal mind to run amok. This then lead to my recent declaration of punishment and sentencing and the enforcement of crimes against reality and all living things after having already put it in motion 4 years back while waiting for things to come together from what I would learn between then and now; a showing of the complex and simple fair system of actual laws based on emotional logic and true psychology in all forms of warfare to actually helping each other out, something I put together similarly within the past 4 years to earn the right to award myself through the completion and creation of my own degrees, permits, etc., covering law on a long-range format not just to serve and protect, but to serve and protect my own interests through whatever means possible; my own interests verging at a remarkable rate on an extensive balance between selfishness and the awareness of needed selfishness of a massive scale of equality which also serves as reinforcement to my punishment and sentencing which becomes a matter of what we all do to raise our children and each other generation after generation with the advanced knowledge of making it premeditated and then purposeful and actual righteous vengeance in terms of my own personal revenge which becomes wrapped up in actual justice. A revenge that is mostly taken out in psychological warfare and afterlife possibilities.

I have masterminded all of this purposefully and accidentally. I really think it’s cute that it warms your heart about them making toys, though.

My brain does shit their machine wishes it could.

How do you verify all that? Science is expensive.

(otherwise, it sounds like a hasty stab at VO, but Im sure it is a genuine parallel species of theory developed 3 years after VO)

Oh, you know, the way that things get verified when shitheads like you aren’t there to ask such a stupid question. Generally based on the people being involved not being liars, not having a chance or will to lie about it and it being an undeniable occurrence.

Just crawl back into your aids infested corpse, little ghost.

It is wonderful (and horribly ugly) how symmetrical natures laws make the world. I post something paradgim-shatteringly beautiful, a logic too elegant almost to bear, a source of tremendous happiness - only to be made to understand next how deeply sad the weak and ugly of this world feel about strength and beauty.

Let him suffer. It is the price for my enjoyment.

The Grand Scheme, the problematizing of value, will come to mean that the “pale of death”, a transhuman phenomenon that incorporates dead humanoids like the pale leech above, will be removed from the countenance of the world like cold sickly sweat, as the world rises in struggle to reassert its being under a conscious apprehension of the primordial self-vauing logic.

We will derive cosmic joy from destroying the likes of the “eternal” leech.
This world is will to power and nothing besides.

That is, of course, the problem of value.

You fucking snails.

what if aids were just the adult form of cooties?

Yes, it is because of this natural symmetry that you have 100 million slavish idiotic mouthbreathers for every one sane intelligent person. As quality increases, quantity decreases. This is balance. It is like a massive pyramid at the existential level… shit does not roll downhill, it is already downhill, it is the downhill.