The Grand Scheme

Oh, you know, the way that things get verified when shitheads like you aren’t there to ask such a stupid question. Generally based on the people being involved not being liars, not having a chance or will to lie about it and it being an undeniable occurrence.

Just crawl back into your aids infested corpse, little ghost.

It is wonderful (and horribly ugly) how symmetrical natures laws make the world. I post something paradgim-shatteringly beautiful, a logic too elegant almost to bear, a source of tremendous happiness - only to be made to understand next how deeply sad the weak and ugly of this world feel about strength and beauty.

Let him suffer. It is the price for my enjoyment.

The Grand Scheme, the problematizing of value, will come to mean that the “pale of death”, a transhuman phenomenon that incorporates dead humanoids like the pale leech above, will be removed from the countenance of the world like cold sickly sweat, as the world rises in struggle to reassert its being under a conscious apprehension of the primordial self-vauing logic.

We will derive cosmic joy from destroying the likes of the “eternal” leech.
This world is will to power and nothing besides.

That is, of course, the problem of value.

You fucking snails.

what if aids were just the adult form of cooties?

Yes, it is because of this natural symmetry that you have 100 million slavish idiotic mouthbreathers for every one sane intelligent person. As quality increases, quantity decreases. This is balance. It is like a massive pyramid at the existential level… shit does not roll downhill, it is already downhill, it is the downhill.

To say it is the downhill you’re a [ad hominem deleted]

Yes and the hard part is to disentangle, morally, subconsciously, from the base of the pyramid and allow it to be slavish and allow it to work for you. Me. I mean, us.
That is tremendously difficult for a human with a compassionate heart. In the end however it is precisely this compassion which forces us to recognize true conditions and true qualities.

I don’t know that it is wise to go into the consequences of this in public too much, but certainly it means that we can’t actually hope to help most people, they are destined to produce long lineages of slaves. All we can do is make sure that we’re not part of their world, not just to keep ourselves for our own destiny, but also to not make them aware too much of their slavery.

Damn. It’s not easy being wise.

Slaves who want slavery.

leftism is the attempt to turn all people into cattle.

That is all.

I can see an opening in the argument where I could lay an argument ending device, but… then I thought about it, and I decided not to. You guys are fine where you are. They’re grand places of logic to be in. Looks like something you worked hard to enslave yourselves to.

Spoken like someone who has nothing at all to say.

I see what you’re doing there. Turning what I’ve said to others back around on me. Nevermind the truth of it when I spoke it to others compared to the lack of truth in this situation. It’s just one slap in the face too many, though, and I really don’t deserve it. What are you going to do, next? Misperceive the emotion that I spoke these words and those?

You don’t get to say “I could blow your argument away but I won’t” and “you’re enslaved to your ideas” without actually …saying anything demonstrating as much. And then you certainly don’t get to whine when someone points it out.

Maybe having a soul isn’t your strong suit.

Unfortunately, that takes away everything the poor bastard has. Without him prancing around like a monkey with a piece of his own crap on a plastic plate, he simply can’t be said to exist.

Or maybe I’m saying what I’ve got to say the entire way and you’re either not seeing it or pretending not to see it. The evidence is that I’m speaking fluidly and thus must have something to say to back up with meat what I did claim. Evidence is further there that you become more fluid, but only in opposition of me, which causes more thought to go to the latter of you just pretending not to see. Your fluidity moves more into constant insult and lacking substance in all other things and even substance in that one thing when called out on. And, if you can only master one form of debate and only to the degree, you are still far more infinite loser than me, and as I know infinite losers quite inherently, I think what I’ve said that you’ve mocked and become derisive of has far more than enough evidence of substance to back it up both in short form and extended exchange. Action-reaction and cause and effect.

Gotta be honest I didn’t read any of that and don’t plan to.

Well, what the fuck are you doing here, then.


im back


hm mm

Best wishes.

its hot

oxen on the bbq

latin feast

church bells an mosquitos
thighs and biceps
canals full of stank

this is not anyones city
but the bugs

we are all…

Apocalypse Chow