What is Authority?

The group is growing tired of the group’s insistence on the use of dialectics, which assumes some things are self evident, when the group and any simple philosopher holds that nothing is self evident.

The group notes the input of Parmenides in the first written philosophical text that survives, which states that what is is and what is not is not and what is cannot not be and what is not cannot be and justified this by saying it was given as revelations from the Gods as a fine example of this fact.

So if you will not guide yourself by what matters, what is important, but insted by the course of dialectic ruminations themselves, then you are wasting the group’s time, and the group once again refrains you from commiting to this investigation.

Good stuff KT :slight_smile:

They like to get you in a compromising position
They like to get you there and smile in your face
They think, they’re so cute when they got you in that condition
Well I think, it’s a total disgrace

I fight authority, authority always wins
I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid
I’ve come out grinnin’
I fight authority, authority always wins



Sorry, I couldn’t resist :evilfun:

Self-evidence is the primary spoor of authority.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of (authority). Try not to think of a purple tiger. You can’t help what you believe.

I run into a lot of folks online who are less concerned about my argument and more concerned about sizing me up as if that had anything to do with anything (ad hom).

Here’s a good example:

At 16:00 “you come here you call yourself a lord to try to convince the world to ignore something that threatens our grandkids and you’re not even a lord!” Rep. Jay Inslee


Whether or not he is a lord is irrelevant to his argument, yet this is how most people argue. Only pedigreed mathematicians are allowed to state 1+1=2 because how could anyone lesser be able to know? :laughing:

Like calling oneself guide, you paint the others as the guided. Right off walking through the door, the guide has made it clear who is to listen and agree and who is be listened to.

And the smile can be in the dynamic. The dynamic is the goal.
Hard to avoid that myself. No easy thing to avoid.

But when it presents itself as love and is not loving
when it presents itself as questioning but all it does it tell abstractly
it is not what it is.

And harder when it’s no single person talking
perhaps it is what is never said
or never expressed.
Kids can learn rules from not being told things
the photo that is never talked about
the problem never commented on does not exist, it seems.

Well, I’ve won and lost against authority. That makes it more seductive, for me anyway.
Sometimes I just avoid authority.
Sometimes I play along.
Sometimes it fucks itself up and suddenly it is no longer there.
Sometimes it turns out to be a fad. There’s a new decade and new gods.

Being loving can be amazingly destructive.

“kindly let me help you or you’ll drown”, said the monkey putting the fish safely up a tree lol

No one dares disturb the sounds of silence

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence

genius.com/Simon-and-garfunkel- … nce-lyrics

Me too.

Fwd past the guy talking and checkout the group of people thumbing their nose at the shooter (authority) by standing in the middle of the field while everyone else runs for their lives.


Genetic variability. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. Sometimes it’s better to obey and sometimes it’s better to rebel.

Oh, I’ve been that monkey, ah, horrible. Though it’s a different kind of thing than I meant. I meant where you think your intention is loving when it is not. The monkey may just be stupid or misguided but actually trying to help. Both are unpleasant to remember. When I’ve made things worse by trying to help, and with a lot of ignorance involved, and when I thought I was the good guy, when really my motives and intentions were not what even I thought they were.

Man, I dislike that word ‘obey’. I wish it was ‘go along with’, but yes, sometimes it is inevitable, I mean, at least at airports. You have to pick your spots.

Me too man, me too. I’ve loved a lot of things to death :confused: Not too long ago I had a litter of kittens and a mother that wouldn’t eat, so I knew the kittens wouldn’t all survive and to prevent that fate I decided to start syringe feeding the kittens, but one by one they all died in my lap except the last one. The whole time I couldn’t decide if I was helping or hurting. I didn’t know if straight water was better than water + formula. I didn’t know if I should force them to eat or wait until they’re hungry. I felt like I had to do something, but had no idea what and despite my best efforts, I was still a miserable failure. I’ve killed lots of plants and animals trying to help them. I know I have to meddle in nature sometimes, but sometimes it seems meddling is worse than total disregard.

Why do you dislike obey? Is that not the opposite of rebel?

I think we were selected for obedience because those who didn’t submit to authority were hunted down and exterminated in nasty and bombastic ways. That probably explains why only a few people stood in remonstration against the shooter’s intimidation. Still, the fact that a few people did testifies of the persistence in genetic variability because nature cannot presume to foretell the future. Diversity is key to our survival as a species. I learned a lot from that video. Why did they not run? I have a rebel streak and like to take risks, but I can’t see myself standing in the middle of a warzone for seemingly no reason at all.

In another video a guy is seen giving the shooter the middle finger, but when he starts shooting again, the guy ducks lol. Yeah, that’s more my speed: protest, but be sensible.

To me obey smacks of following orders, where there is a power differential, where you must - not because it is good, or the person knows more in the situation, or because you have trusted them to make good choices in situation X or because it seems they know something right now and there is no time to explain it, and so on. If I look at the definitions I am not sure it is limited to it. I can only go by how the word has been built up in me over time and use. Very few people have told me to obey them, and they were assholes. So yeah, I would prefer ‘go along with’ ‘decide to follow the advice/suggestion/shouted plea of’ ‘trust the decision of’ and so on. I will not argue that this is what everyone should think or I have that word ‘obey’ down, but it just feels military to me.

I think we are socialized for obedience, but also socialized to not obey, at least in the States. We get a mixed message. My parents gave me a mixed message. All in all not a bad thing. If you just obey, the chances for real success, I think, are much smaller, than if you mix. And openly rebeling is not the only option other than obeying.

A lot of the people whose genes stand the best chance of being spread gave the fingers to the rules. And since many of them are rich, this was easy for them to do, compared to the rest of us, that is.

Of course you can not obey and not be a parasitical sociopath.

The military is all about blind obedience. I suspect most military people would appeal to authority in debate and our schools mimic the military to reinforce innate tendency so probably that’s why many people are more interested in sizing me up than tackling my arguments.

In what ways are we socialized to rebel?

Good point! But they make better cads than dads lol

That’s interesting. How do you connect sociopathy with obedience?

There is all the individualist mythmaking in the USA. A look at films will often see a hero going against authority and doing it ‘my way’ - music too. Generally not at the level of taking up arms against the government type rebelling (with or without a cause) but against this or that doctor court leader with power expert whatever. All the ‘they said it couldn’t be done, wouldn’t work, would lead to failure’ stuff which is in different media by also floating around like memes in the culture.

I said not obey AND not be a sociopath. In words there are many rich and powerful people who, for example, will lobby us to a war for their own profit. That is not obeying the rules, undermining democracy, etc. and it is sociopathic. But one need not be a sociopath while being a rebel.

But to answer your question, even if I hadn’t made that point, obey an evil authority is often sociopathic. You turn people in to the Stasi or the Nazis, since that is the rule. You buy into pictures presented by authority of internal or external enemies and judge and clack your tongue and treat people as less than human just because the authority you kiss ass has told you to. The mass of people controlled by media have sociopathic elements. It is easy, one does nto have to feel and think your way into what you are being told.

And this can start young. Even high school kids and younger can act out in sociopathic ways, based on what is cool what clothes you have, the shape of your ass, the music you like based on what companies are trying to sell and media images.

Oh I see… feminism! lol! How much more rebellious can one be than to be a feminist?

Sociopathic is essentially lack of empathy right? So I think what I was getting at are the connections of empathy with obedience. How is it that an empathetic person would be more or less likely to obey?

I think empathy is a dual-edged sword since one can feel sorry for a kid or cute kitten because they feel their pains, but feel anger towards a monster because they feel its evil inclinations. So empathy is discernment and another form of intelligence, but I usually associate obedience (especially blind obedience, faith) with less intelligence. For instance the people running for their lives were not using much cognitive power, but merely running on instinct like a herd animal while the idiots standing in rebellion were not displaying instinct, but calculated thought. Chalk another one up for the intelligent choice not always being the smart choice lol

I can see lack of empathy (sociopathy) having overlap with obedience.

Well, now that’s a third issue. I don’t know. It depends on the orders.

Can you give an example of what you mean by dialectics? This member of the group regards the of an assumption of “self evidence” unevident. What is self evidence, what does the group mean by this in terms of an example in the present discussion? On the face of it, this is a mistake so far as it pertains to this member of the group. If a member of the group only says “self evident”, they thereby do not know anything about the thinking of “self evidence”, or, put another way, the being.

The group suggests, as signpost, replacing the phrase “self evident” with primary or genuine vagueness, the work with the name Heidegger says: “The vague, everyday understanding of being is still a fact.” The point is to avoid trivial ambiguity, e.g., someone doesn’t know the meaning of a foreign word, and ambiguity with respect to giftedness or sensitivity to the material, such as the ability to think visually of the born artist.

Authority? Truth.

I’m going to take the whole cosmos because I don’t care about dominating anyone, and it will be mine.

I’m going to make every existent a hallucination of eternal forms. The cosmos goes to me, and there’s nothing you or anyone wants to do to stop it.

The group would say that “thinking” something provides the only possibility of not accepting it. In other words, one doesn’t believe in the purple tiger only because they picture it, or reflect about it. If someone is young, it is more likely that they will not be able to set aside something they have reflected over, the free thinker, then, is the one who has a mature power to confront what is put forward without succumbing to it, while, so to speak, sleeping.

It’s the trick of a sophist to hide behind “arguments”. Paid proponents in public debate. One always wants to know who, in the Delphic sense of “know thyself”, one speaks to. From a liar we can never learn about the self in the Dealphic sense. One can see this in most Platonic dialogues.Consider the case of the juryman: one wants the one who says guilty to say what they truly believe.

On the disinterested level, in Plato’s Sophist, one sees this play out beyond politics, in the sense of the impossibility to speak of the nothing, without the nothing being, i.e., in staying with the statement, there, where nothing external is at stake, the Sophist, indeed, teaches us something.

In this this member of the group only touches on the difficulties involved. The citation “a. there are those unable to think, largely taking their ideas from those they trust.” doesn’t fit the case you adduce in the video. But this: “b. those who can reason, but don’t for the sake of interested motive” (does fit.) In other words, it is wholly sensible to suspect a case where interested motive leads to sophistry. An obvious case of that being the tobacco companies interested in producing “arguments” denying the cancer causing nature of their product. (Note: the Climate Change case is not adequately parallel to the Tobacco case, since it is a one time event never played out, based on scientific expertise, rather than scientific results, but it shines light on the issues involved in the misuse of “logic” and assumed rules of reasoning [the latter are never acceptable to a serious thinker, since they must think anew every time they take up a subject matter [even this one, remembering they must also challenge the conception of formal contradiction and inconsistency at each moment])

The group hesitates to direct its attention to the object of the group’s distaste. It appologizes beforehand for any confusion this might cause the group.

Pride is the point of feminism (the empowerment) and pride results in rebellion.

If you give an order to a robot, it has no pride and dutifully obeys.

If you give an order to a person, they might say “Hey! You can’t boss me around!”

Kids believe in santa claus because the parents (authority) put that idea into their heads. Eventually the consensus of opinion among friends (authority) turns against the idea that santa is real, so kids stop believing. No one can dictate by power of will what they believe as if by sheer determination one can once again decide to believe in santa. Faith comes by hearing and what’s heard comes from authority (consensus of opinion).

You think by thinking you can decide what to believe, but what determines the fundamentals of thought? Well, that’s just more acceptances of axioms on faith and of which you have no control.

All statements must be backed by empirical evidence. So what’s the evidence for that axiom? You either buy it or you don’t.

A sophist is a sophia-ist or one who practices wisdom. Perverting the word in condescension to mean the opposite is akin to today’s republicans deriding intellectuals as being stupid for lacking “common sense”. The “professor” is the modern day “sophist”. The very purpose of perverting the term is to implement the ad hominem.

“You’re just a sophist and since I’ve labeled you such, anything you say can be disregarded!”
“You’re just an indoctrinated liberal professor and since I’ve labeled you such, anything you say can be disregarded!”

How does one reason that they shouldn’t reason because they have a motive to not reason?

Sophistry is quite different from lying.

Either they are lying or they are honestly presenting their side of it. You could be a sophist for alleging that they are sophists by implying their arguments are not.

There’s truth in that. But then one can join feminism to conform to the subculture you are in. One can do it to find an outlet for rage that really is about other things. Men can be feminists though they might say that men cannot be feminists to get Close to women, with or without realizing it, or out of guilt, or to feel good about themselves. Same with women. I don’t Think most idealogies mean that one is a rebel and I Think one can rebel, in the right context or with the right attitude, with any idealogy or set of ideas. A communist in earlier versions of Russia would have to be more creative to be a rebel as a communist. But in the US it would require Little more than daring to say it in many contexts.

Sure and feminism has called into question implicit and explict orders and the right to give them for certain reasons, in certain situations, etc.