RaptorWizard - Secret Garden of Rare Quotes

Love invites heavy voice covered fusion soul layer cross fix special effects Star Wars movie inferno intensity primed cold hearted tug of war milky way fishing festival party drama holding illuminati stat core folklore road heading silhouette!

Philosophy entangles Aerial Chosen One Lugia as the Hero of Time cherishing fluffy clouds and embracing the zenith of prophetic revelations. The soul ferries our bard’s chlorophyll with synthesized harmony blazing zipper unleashed theatrical timeline mastery. Oceans of infinity and eternity wishfully grant us access to the highest wisdom, a whirlpool of Polarity and Extremity, bursting everlasting storm music purifying Our Hearts of the shadow. Serene grace flashes lovely incantations.

Crackling dynamite controls Force mechanism hyperdimensional coils flirting gypsy bang glove hand horizon case pottery gaze zues ascent brain target ghost alien nude dizzy Professor Krane memos specified Me as Lugia in Project XD, because I used to be Lugia as a Kidd, but I lost my triangulation, and got corrupted by society. So that return to innocence, to Bliss, compassion and radiance is a tough battle, securing upgrades and stratification commands grazing zig zag game moogle Bunny squiggles heals My Heart, and sheds My tears for full flowering offense deadly catastrophe wreaking devastation of all parallels, encircling, pin missile firing My super soaker for tasting the power of the Sun!!

Grids stack adding pest stream museum maul combat dugout ribbon tsunami encases battery prismatic shuffle codex gate keeper same picture perfect sucker owl hooting bedazzled suction cup upside down membrane walking Meganium streaks exciting signature move impression dosage grip pride Yahweh flamboyant corona sulk road makes voyaging cartwheels incinerate undesired poetry.

Waves systematize crushes on the open Blue
Scattered fragments fulfill pleasant night gowns
Wing flutter heart fire soothes plasma forks
Blessed stars cast coastline WarLocks

Sister Healer giggles crystalline mornings
Happy fences dash a float of gold
Pyres dominate devilish cyclone neutrons
Blasts from the past project XD

Soap bubbles birth exalted mirth
Power upgrades dig Frenzied zoos
Exits to ghosts revamp roller coasters
Starmie gambles gadget Eagun of Will

Danger stickers collide word balloons power pumping Scizor curtain toss hijacking wind rain pack mule weight fissure crunch torn motor Game Freak Porygon guns zen Slowbro horn dungeon mapping promised land ascended master stench of feeling harps gathering pole shifting crystal carbonite Typhlosion. A city of steel guise situates stadium standing Champion of all ingenius schematics.

Lighthouse mystery strange corner frame mixed diary hazard coal mine fire arouses suspension bridge dot training milk coat tropical ornament feature lesson infiltrated penetration.

Fussy council line meeting trim plush cuddly dressed up barbie rancher camera noodle fog jig saw balance wavers formulas outlasting swirling aura monitors speeding instinctive quick lost hissing hilt bugs drain messiah hope blossomed bug maniac Caterpie!!

Hugging lovable birth right tree face scream molten comb Bunny nomadic expertise trace cafeteria highlights siphoning!

I walked the surface of Malachor V, and it burned ectoplasm into My branches, source code channeled divine energy pulsating and soaking into My body, ingraining multitudes of growth hourglasses sentencing crazy zap step mirror remedy cornucopia possible Einstein regenerative.

Flow wizard dial polka dot scan ice core rumination saddle Dixie damage count meter stick magic pouch science chapter book hot pensive scent pristine link couple possessive seer Casimir effect double plate zinc Zapdos orchestrated together soul mates reuniting Polarities.

Hokey religions and ancient weapons burst sunrise statue moving mortar and pestal sanctuary enclave vast expansive empire armada courage zero Spectra!!

Planetarium aquatic machinations tail spin grinding dragon skeletons key sketch schematic blueprints orchestrate orbs balloon popping soda smash crazy zenith holy order chaos dungeon rerouting.


Pokemon Yellow NES Music: Victory Road / Cerulean Cave





Published on Aug 25, 2014
Music made by Lugia2009.

Block crusade Yeshua borderline nose plaza tension zone negates generation 2 Pokemon party poke ornamental hurray running mouse Einstein quest blizzard navigation tunnel discord treasury rendering edition.

Listener assassin providence glittering swoon murder dressed up refinery gaze zig zags custom order Professor Oak diversity alley way wonderland walks correct tin tower hole in the ground to china requium for a dream spoon cast tank top puddle express bandwagon red chariot birth ribbon naughty Es Cade spiraling up the the clouds and summoning undermined Malak dropping from the sky canderous ordo buzz Bunny hair trigger cannon eclipse.

Lugia gallop poster seal present timeless elapse sword drenched cottage glass stone firmament divines excellent learning maverick channeling gone tame saffron clock tower beam ascent swirl luck crest ear ice rink dimensions Michio Kaku dash spin fun electrocution.

Weird dosage glade drain antimatter clash force crush weight of the world web entirety fame motel cone drink cute teepee flying above sweet card scuba diving cranium mulch chugga chugga choo choo friend laser smearing grumpy bottom posting goal locks scifi thrill eater mankind choosing infinitude dead drop vampire ashes time checks Lugia’s earthly takeover shadowing drizzle alphabet soup as totem God chalice icons flap wings and ready aftermath berserk lion freemasonry clone nutcase thunderbolt singularity style carries hardy blonde desk clueless murder investigation army muck chum bucket.