Three AM

moving on. No. Not moving on. July 4. Ecmandu announces that he hates everyone. July 5th, you (Magsj again) invite him (Ecmandu - hater of all mankind)

Baffling. But isn’t the entire show baffling. You may have an iq of four hundred and twenty two. It’s as well to remember, we all live and learn. One day, I will be able to say, I share the same reality as someone with an iq of two hundred and twenty four.

Moving On.

Between 1965 and 1970 I attended school assembly, daily.

I remember one. Mr Mitchell played this. Perhaps for Ecmandu.

If what we could get by what we see, and through the only premise imaginable in today’s USA, cause don’t look to your immediate families for sources of inspiration, where we could look to was not divisiniveness of two types, the complacent happy I belong to the land of red white and blue, happily ever after in some black and white measure of Levittown after great struggle idyll well earned of prototypical Americana happy happy Peggy sue bibbysox ponytails .

Lets us hold unto this shadowed beauty of a great holy well founded original July 4 to where ugly American has not yet been driven to despair way. Of choosing a good against foreign infiltrated foreign influence they do not belong ever, not now, not even at 3 am.
They can trumpet their America last resort as golden state hotel California , with beautiful and minsful people had San Francisco visit like to leave their hearts.
What about those who are still,
Driving in private space ,
Can you dog red bricks peeling off ,
20’ s still , powers ofnthe past ,
Underneath say a rooms 5 dollarsn7.50 with bath
And another in vivid color stereophonic and with all the great dutie spread out like Carol King tapestry, now onto the wild wild west,
No return, to Midwest
and the neighborhood all gone they,
The dust discovered has covered the trail some years back, and the folks behind not remembered there, where rock and roll will never die.

Happy happy 4 th of July.

I’m guessing that ^^^ didn’t help with your comprehension of Meno_'s writings any? and Ecmandu kindly did (albeit not satisfactorily enough for you) respond.

…and the cat did done did it again… his ‘come see what I caught’ meowing calling me to action, but I simply let him in and went back to bed, but have since praised his catch upon awakening, to make amends for not having done so earlier… he is my little buddy after-all, and I his bigger human one, so such formalities have to be done in this chosen coexistence of us.

…and have you?

Does not the ensuing exchanges and posts above affirm s75’s questioning? Isn’t this the stuff that books are made of?

No, I am afraid not. Ecmandu contributed, however, he assumed that his views are widely known. Books are made of words, and I prefer words that I am able to understand! I am a tad old-fashioned; I find simple English tends to do the trick for me.
Meno is perfectly capable of speaking plain English. I recently “searched” obe. Came upon the following:


Was there an update, Meno?

Here: English is my second language and under stress, I revert or disassociate into earlier integration integration of symbolic gesture.
In addition , it is a partial integration. , because some of which is only partially unintentional: the other part is wrapped up in psychologism based on the so called ‘cut up’ method of free flow consciousness.

The general borderline quality has to do with a reposition of levels of metaphors.

Anyone can see involuntary stress related projective efforts to identify stylistic methods with conflated issues, nevertheless.

I guess this should suffice for an update.?!

Incidentally, here is the substantive exploitative within You seek a contradiction, which may have become obvious to those who have read me within context:

Irrealus : “The conditions of the experiment included self-imposed isolation and extreme concentration of focus on one thing. This happened in days when I could have been considered clinically mad, hence I refer to the experiment with some hesitation. I will note that the experiment evoked a powerful hatred toward me from the person whose spirit (for lack of a better name) I had evoked. And I was in the “slough of despond.”
I thought of experiment because someone in the religious forum had asked about the physical characteristics of the entity involved in an OBE experience. The so-called entity appears to have the nature of a projected image that is faithful to the physical characteristics of the body it came from. It’s like a t.v. show appearing a few feet beyond the t.v. screen. It is probably more like a hologram. But it is an image that is aware of the body that produced it.”

I do defend my integrity with not unusual vehemence, because that is near the apex of the sum-total of personal values. So the “he that protest too much” critique is quite inapplicable here.

You may dig for more if so inclined

But finally, what if, I was like in 6 characters.
In search of an author?

I meant our discussion and dissection of them, not them themselves, that would make for a good book.

I’m with S75 on this one, in that inscrutability is so much more fun than consensus :slight_smile:

Misunderstanding, Meno. I was expressing an interest in the mirror experiment.

As for digging… I will pass, thank you! :slight_smile:

I understand where S75 is coming from. But…


noun form of inscrutable


impossible to understand or interpret.
“Guy looked blankly inscrutable”

enigmatic · unreadable · impenetrable · mysterious · impossible to interpret · [More]

Good luck with the book, Magsj! Interesting characters (all 7 of them!). However, I’m not sure you’ll have a bestseller on your hands. :slight_smile:

I didn’t think so, Darely, thanks

Menu, if we dig deep enough we’ll likely end up discussing that which is ineffable! :smiley:

“Mysterium tremendum et fascinans” (fearful and fascinating mystery):

“Mysterium”: Wholly Other, experienced with blank wonder, stupor

“tremendum”: awefulness, terror, demonic dread, awe, absolute unapproachability, “wrath” of God
overpoweringness, majesty, might, sense of one’s own nothingness in contrast to its power
creature-feeling, sense of objective presence, dependence
energy, urgency, will, vitality

“fascinans”: potent charm, attractiveness in spite of fear, terror, etc.

I have no intention of writing that book… I was simply expressing a thought realised.

I was right, in that the intention of my post can be misconstrued… as in, the expression of a thought does not need to lead to an action, but is merely borne of a whim from fun.

:slight_smile: Thanks, Magsj. I think I realised you had no intention of writing the book… I was whimming as well. That said, you are one of the very few people who can interpret M & E. :slight_smile:


limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate.
“the infinite mercy of God”

boundless · unbounded · unlimited · limitless · without limit · without end ·


The last couple of nights here have been quite humid and I do not feel remotely energetic at all during the day
Next week we are supposed to have some thunderstorms so it might cool down a bit by then I certainly hope so
When it is this muggy my entire body just feels like mush but nothing I can do about that but wait for it to pass

what doesn’t fry you will make you stronger. you gotta acclimatize to it and push yourself to the limits. i worked outside nine hours yesterday doing heavy labor in 97 degree temps (with a ‘feels like’ factor of 105) on a 10/12 roof. shingles so hot your shoes would melt if you didn’t stay moving. am i a masochist or just an idiot? neither. i’m a badass who thrives in the most extreme conditions… where others would pass out and fall right the fuck off the roof.

i say bring it, global warming. get even hotter. let’s see what you got. that’s the proper attitude to have, 75. master your environment, don’t let it master you.

Dude… I had my electric blanket on, albeit on low, so as to maintain a decent body temperature… don’t ask.

This is a recent (and I’m hoping a very temporary) development in my current health recuperation journey… hypothermia (in Summer? What!) ain’t no laughing matter, and I ain’t been laughing much. :neutral_face: promethean75, on the other hand, is at the other extreme, as I would simply pass out in that heat, and not be able to get up until dusk… maybe I’m becoming vampeera. :open_mouth:

To the original question I would say, no,

Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887:
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”

Watching Mister T milking the adulation whilst a mob chanted “send her home”.

And then.

After the event.

We, the entire world, having watched Mister T bask.

Are compelled to listen to him

Watch him

Convince himself.

He spoke quickly.

Four times he sought to convince himself he spoke quickly.

He didn’t like it.

The adulation.

It’s us that’s “nuts”

As in us

The Donald is a human being and should be treated accordingly.

A Lord and a Bishop discussing the nature of corruptive power! :smiley: :laughing:

Darely wrote, “As for digging… I will pass, thank you! :slight_smile:

Dareley, You dug up something already, You may pass, but You have stared back into the depth, and the depth is unforgiving, not in terms of any affective memory, but for a showcase of how the inscription of the fear of depth comprises.
One need but imagine, how faint the glow of childish hope for those that have to meet the gaze!

Besides, Pandora never takes back that which has been taken.

If we dig deep enough, do you think we’ll reach the Caw?
Perhaps Pandora’s Box and crows are merely metaphor? :slight_smile:

If we dig deep enough, do you think we’ll reach the Caw?
Perhaps Pandora’s Box and crows are merely metaphor? :slight_smile:[/quote

